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A Project Work Diary on Summer Training Report

submitted to the University of Mysore in partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the award of the Degree of


Submitted by
Shreya Satish S (MBH22065)

Directorate of Outreach and Online Programmes

University of Mysore
September 2023

Project Work Diary for Summer Internship Report

Student Name : Shreya Satish S

Program Name : MBA – Human Resource Management

Roll No : MBH22065

Organization Name : Trigent Software – Professional Services

Internship Duration: 4 Weeks

Department (in which you worked): Recruitment

Month – November 2021

Week 1-

Date: 25/11/2021 to 27/11/2021

Task/Assignment during the Week

10 potential candidates had their initial screening interviews conducted.

worked together with client account managers to comprehend the unique needs of the clients.
Depending on client feedback, reviewed and updated job descriptions for vacant opportunities.

attended the weekly team meeting to talk about the strategy and candidate pipeline.
Participated in a client call to outline the duties and objectives of the position.
Shared the shortlisted applicant profiles in close collaboration with other recruiters.
Sttended a course on fresh methods and tools for recruiting.
Engaged in negotiations with candidates over offers.

Theoretical and Practical Knowledge Acquired:

Deeper knowledge of Trigent's corporate culture and values.

engagement with customer account managers, recruiters, and candidates to improve
communication skills.
Gained knowledge of the technical abilities needed by clients for various tasks.
A deeper understanding of market trends and ideal methods for hiring professionals.
learned how to use the application tracking system (ATS) for the company.
developed negotiating abilities for job offer situations.

Week 2-

Date: 29/11/2021 to 03/12/2021

Task/Assignment during the Week

Conducted technical interviews with the five candidates who made the cut.
presented hiring managers and client account managers with candidate profiles and

Aligned applicant profiles with client preferences in collaboration with client account managers.

Conducted a client call to give updates on the candidates who made the short list.

In cooperation with client account managers, negotiated employment offers with chosen

Coordinated the on boarding process with the HR department.

Helped organize a virtual career fair to draw applicants and interact with clients.

Attended a training course on sophisticated interviewing methods.

Practical Knowledge during Week 2

Mastered the art of evaluating candidates' technical aptitudes and client compatibility.
Gained expertise negotiating compensation negotiations while taking client budgets into account.
Improved cooperation and teamwork with client account managers, HR, and other recruiters.
Enhanced event organizing and planning abilities that involve clients.
Gained understanding of the company's on boarding procedure and modified it to suit the demands
of particular clients.
Expanded knowledge of cutting-edge interviewing methods.

Week 3

Date: 06/12/2021 to 10/12/2021

Contacted interviewees for follow-up calls after the interview.

Coordinated with client account managers to check references on candidates who were in the final round
of selection.

Helped with revamping the company's social media accounts and careers page to showcase client

Attended a webinar on diversity and inclusion in hiring to make sure that clients have access to a broad
pool of candidates.

Gave the hiring team suggestions for process enhancements that took client input into account.

Attended a client call for negotiations and offer talks.

Theoretical and Practical Knowledge Acquired

Enhanced candidate relationship management skills, including client-facing interactions.

Gained insights into reference checking procedures with client input.

Contributed to employer branding efforts with a focus on showcasing client collaborations.

Expanded understanding of diversity and inclusion in recruitment, aligning with client diversity goals.

Participated in continuous improvement discussions, considering client preferences.

Week 4
Date: 13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021

Tasks/Assignments during the Week:

Conducted a debriefing with recruiters, client account managers, and hiring managers to assess the hiring

Created and delivered a recruitment report to high management that included metrics on customer

Ensured client compliance by taking part in a training session on the compliance and legal aspects of

Planned onboarding sessions for new hires in coordination with the training staff and based on client

Incorporated client-specific requirements into a review and updating of recruitment templates and

Discussed and bargained final offers with clients and candidates.

Theoretical and Practical Knowledge Acquired:

Acquired expertise in assessing the success of hiring procedures while taking into account client and team

Learning about legal and regulatory standards for hiring and how to fit them with client rules.

Enhanced reporting and presenting abilities with a focus on client results.

Improved communication between teams within the company and with client account managers,
recruiters, and other departments.

Updated and improved recruitment documentation reflecting client-centric methods for future use.

Developed sophisticated negotiation and offer discussion skills to ensure favorable results for clients and


As I wrap up my four weeks as a Technical Recruiter at Trigent Software in December 2021, here's what
I've learned and achieved. First, we've realized how important it is to make candidates feel valued and
respected by keeping communication open and engaging. Working closely with our client account
managers and joining client calls allowed us to better understand and meet client expectations, making us
trusted partners. Our teamwork, through regular team meetings and sharing knowledge, helped us work
better together and stay on the same page. The training sessions, especially those on better interview
techniques and following the rules, gave us useful skills for our recruitment work. Finally, becoming
skilled at negotiating job offers, both with clients and candidates, was key to making successful hires and
keeping everyone happy. This project has been a period of learning, improved teamwork, and skill-
building, which has boosted our team's reputation within the company and with everyone we work with.

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