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benefit of recycling

in our life biggest advantage is clear air and forest without them we cant live
but they can live without us better it is often said that people dont care about
enviroment and they harming tress what is for us biggest risk tress save us from
many disasters and gives us fresh air our main problem in today is polution
society is warned from scinetists if we continue like this diseases will double
and our immunity cant adapt this fast with diseases recycling is most important
creation what helps motherland avoid disaster and many dreadful factors
from my point of view my country is lucky in generally we dont have big problem
like other
economic undeveloped contries for example india, pakistan, nigeria, but this dont
make any sense polution is global problem what makes everyone in trouble we should
connect with economic weak countries and help each other its solution for big
to conclude recycling has many benefits like help us to avoid many diseases.
helps wildlife and many animals to emphasize in many undeveloped countries many sea
creatures dying from unhygienic water

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