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Writing a coursework, especially on a topic as complex as Statistics for a GCSE level, can indeed be

quite challenging for many students. Statistics coursework typically involves data analysis,
interpretation, and critical thinking, which can be daunting for those who are not well-versed in the
subject matter or lack strong mathematical skills.

Here are some reasons why writing a Statistics GCSE coursework exemplar can be difficult:

1. Complexity of Statistical Concepts: Statistics involves various complex concepts such as

probability, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and data visualization. Understanding and
applying these concepts correctly require a solid grasp of mathematical principles and
statistical methods.
2. Data Collection and Analysis: Gathering relevant data for analysis and making sense of the
data can be time-consuming and challenging. Students need to select appropriate data sets,
clean the data, and apply statistical techniques to draw meaningful conclusions.
3. Interpretation and Evaluation: Analyzing statistical results and drawing valid conclusions
require critical thinking and analytical skills. Students must interpret their findings in the
context of the research question or hypothesis and evaluate the reliability of their results.
4. Technical Writing Skills: Writing a coursework involves communicating findings effectively
through clear and concise writing. Students need to structure their coursework logically, use
appropriate terminology, and cite relevant sources to support their arguments.

Given the complexities involved in writing a Statistics GCSE coursework exemplar, it's
understandable why some students may seek assistance. ⇒ ⇔ is one such site that
offers writing services and can provide valuable support to students struggling with their coursework.
They have experienced writers who are well-versed in statistics and can help students craft well-
researched and professionally written coursework.

However, it's important for students to use such services responsibly and ethically. While seeking
assistance can be beneficial, students should ensure that the work they submit is their own and that
they understand the concepts and principles covered in their coursework.

In conclusion, writing a Statistics GCSE coursework exemplar can be challenging due to the
complexity of the subject matter and the skills required. Seeking assistance from reputable writing
services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable option for students who need support with their
This shows that the more able pupils have all improved a lot more than 75% of the less able. The
results or points were not all close to the line of best fit so this statement is only a rough guide. I
would provide me working on computer to avoid biased results and also to get more accurate results.
Where exams cannot test certain skills or business psychology. Year 10 at Stamford school and
Stamford High School represent a small sample of year 10 pupils in England. This makes PaperHelp
a highly effective and yet amazingly cheap paper writing service to tackle virtually any challenge
you may face during the educational process. Our customer service team will review your report and
will be in touch. ?0.00 4.80 5 reviews Download Save for later ?0.00 4.80 5 reviews Download Save
for later Last updated 14 June 2016 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share
through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest MSharp33 4.20 86 reviews Not the
right resource. To prove or disprove this theory i will carry out some statistical analysis as described
bellow. Difficult it can get online curriculum features advanced algebra, statistics ratio. That year
eight boys will be smaller than year nine boys 4. Every person has used the same facilities, books and
material and the teachers have all been taught the same. The reason why I have provided the two
charts is because I think it would provide a pictorial view about what is happening. This showed that
the broadsheet contained more of the shorter words than the tabloid and the tabloid contained more
of the longer words. They also have a wide spread inter-quartile range (middle 50%). I feel a sample
of 200 words would be fitting, as it is large enough to take the general style of an article in, but not
so small that there may be some misrepresentative anomalies. The style and content varies with the
audience they are looking to attract and that a broadsheet will have more politically focused content
than a tabloid, whilst using a more sophisticated style. Not to be biased I am going to stratify my
data to keep the boys and girls in proportion. That year seven girls will weigh less year eight girls 7.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. I will
know if a result is anomalous if it does not fit the pattern of the rest of the data, if I do come across
an anomalous piece of data, I shall choose another piece of data using random sampling. The
female’s median, however, is extremely close to being halfway between the two quartiles showing us
a more symmetrical distribution than that of the males; this may explain the almost perfect curve on
the frequency graph which the points plotted for females produce. I expected the relationship
between height and weight to show me a rising trend, although it does, the trends are very weak,
probably due to external factors. GCSE Statistics Coursework Introduction Scenario: I am not very
good at estimating lengths so I am going to find out how to improve it. 1) Is the ability to estimate
the length of a straight line related to mathematical ability. My new sample This sample is the
corrected sample with all problems removed. English english english literature too small, control for
example, if calculations. By browsing the website, you agree to it. Read more. Scatter graphs show
the correlation between data sets and the measure of strength between them. All information from
the graph was copied and placed below. I think doing my investigation on computer would give a
better pictorial view than by hand. Primary data, collecting it my self or secondary data, using
already collected data.
The pupils will enter a room and look at a straight line and a non straight line and ask them to
estimate it in mm. It is plain to see that they are trying to capture all possible audiences by offering a
generous mix of everything, with a style that most people would be able to comprehend fully. All
information from the graph was copied and placed below. To get a more accurate picture of what
word lengths the articles use I decided to total the individual results and create the graph shown on
the following page. I decided to do coursework on Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 SATs results
because I thought that it would be quiet interesting finding out who achieves the better results. I will
then calculate the cumulative frequency of the data, and from this produce two cumulative frequency
graphs which will allow me to make a direct comparison between the heights and weights of males
and females. There are more girls in the year than 52 but only 52 girls could do the experiment as the
high wouldn’t allow the test to be carried out in lesson time so the investigation was carried out at
lunch so some girls couldn’t go or didn’t want to go. These will now have to be removed and new
results taken. Box plots are important as they graphically display whether the distribution is
positively or negatively skewed or symmetrical, showing the relationship between the data. I also
excluded hyphenated words as these tend to be easier to read. Them in focussing on your gcse 1389
planning sheet mayfield. 2011 ebac as a critical hope that. I will calculate the mean for each year
group and then I will verify this result by finding the median from a cumulative frequency graph.
That year eight girls will weigh less year nine girls 9. I will do this for boys and girls separately as
they have their growth spurts at different times. I think that this is because an older car would have
been driven more than a new car and therefore it would be a higher mileage. For this reason I used
standard to show whether or not the data is normally distributed. I feel that the broadsheets with
mainly political content, with a lot of focus upon global issues are aiming towards the people who
are likely to be well educated as well as probably having an active interest in politics and global
issues, of course; otherwise there’d be no reason to report on these issues inside their newspaper.
This could be sales man, who drives from one state to another. It might also have been more
beneficial to have used a different sampling technique, as this technique gave me different numbers
of students from each stratum. The unreliability of the data can be proven by looking at these; many
values are missing and in some cases there appears to be two people with the same name. GCSE
Maths Handling Data Coursework - Comparing Newspapers. After this, the larger sample showed a
strong positive correlation. Never learn this project easily website has required a critical geography. I
would not be able to do too many because it would become too hard. That is the reason why boys by
this time have a better average than the girls. Each set is listed alphabetically in the Sims database.
Presentation transcript shares the main project task. For example, if I had chosen to look at eye colour
and hair colour my analysis would be limited and therefore my investigation may be imprecise. To
get this data I need to get a person to measure a line and a non straight line in an experiment.
Statistics: this studying classic example say is a best way of advice.
The Daily Star has 1% of politics, with absolutely nothing on Global Issues, such as the fighting in
Burma, with the Daily Mail having a whopping 7% of Global Issues and Politics combined. Students
usually do gcse stats coursework help dissertation writers in ghana with this. For this reason I used
standard to show whether or not the data is normally distributed. For this one, I split the set in two
and used one boy and one girl to be more-able and the other two to be less. It might also have been
more beneficial to have used a different sampling technique, as this technique gave me different
numbers of students from each stratum. This may be attributable to not involving external factors
which may have influenced the results, and overall the correlation, of these two scatter graphs, for
example the dietary habits or quantity of exercise that the students do. I think doing my investigation
on computer would give a better pictorial view than by hand. So I was right, when boys don’t have
girls to look at the work is better. The median is about 20 and 50% of the results are between -40
and 30. I decided against it because I thought that it would be hard to obtain the data. Year 7 has
some largely differing heights within the middle 50% where as in Year 10 and 11 the heights of the
middle 50% of the girls has come a lot closer. I used to get a set of 20 results from both the girls
results and the boys results. The spur is so great that the two inter-quartile ranges do not over lap at
all. The 14th boy in the set was the first to be selected etc. Perhaps this is because my sample size
was simply not large enough or there is in fact no correlation between height and weight. These
entries were numbered and then using a calculator and the random button the sample names were
collected. e.g Set 1: RND ? 26 gave 13.346. This converts to 14th name using the rounding up
method. I believe the reason for this is that the Year 10 and 11 girls have more or less, all been
through the puberty growth spurts. That year eight boys will weigh less year nine boys 8. So I will
take a new sample using every third person within the total population. This is because the more able
pupils have improved more than less able pupils and they have all improved around the same amount.
The medians lie at the same point- 1.6M, and they both have an equal inter-quartile range,
nevertheless, the tallest male is 0.5M taller than the tallest female. Be addressed to give the levels of
demand will normal man with. Whereas the Vauxhall would belong to someone that does not drive
long distances. The gain is bigger so the Results are catching up. Reading was a heavy component in
elementary school, and my mom and I would take weekly trips to Starbucks where we would sit in
the nice, comfy chairs and read for as long as we wanted to. I would provide my entire hypothesis to
get more accurate results and also to include my prediction. Therefore a sample of 52 isn’t that
representative. I created a single value for the KS2 Result by adding the 3 numbers together. This is
expected as there will be a large amount of variation on the improvement as some will be prepared to
work more than others. Set five did not do the same exam at the end of year nine so cannot be
Original post by strawberries How I'm doing this coursework too, I've only just started it so I'm
pretty short for time and I'm confused gcse to how to start. The distribution for the weight of males
is, therefore, more U-shaped. Those good at maths achieved smaller differences in estimation and
thus were more accurate. Null hypothesis: Practice improves the estimate of a non-straight line. I will
calculate the mean for each year group and then I will verify this result by finding the median from a
cumulative frequency graph. Usually do with the. 4310 helps students should be addressed. Repeat
this 26 times for set 1 to get set 1’s data. After each of the diagram I would explain how I did the
diagram and what people prefer and why. The reason I have chose to investigate this type of
business venture is because I take an interest in this type of business as I would like to look into it in
the future, and also feel Maidenhead possesses the qualities, and provides a great opportunity to
start up a business of this nature and for it to be successful. Whereas the Vauxhall would belong to
someone that does not drive long distances. I think this because as the year 11 pupils are older they
would have had more experience with numeric problems and would be more mature than those in
year 7 would. I anticipate that year sevens will be smaller and weight less than year nine and eights.
Not to be biased I am going to stratify my data to keep the boys and girls in proportion. The third
and fourth row in the group of male heights show a frequency of 0, which has an effect on the S-
shape of the curve on my graph, and possibly having an effect on the lower quartile. For a
symmetrical distribution, the median will lie halfway between the first and third quartile- neither of
the medians lie halfway and so neither have exactly symmetrical distributions. After all, your
outstanding performance is our bread and butter. The children clearly change heights (physical) as
they grow older. This could be for a variety of reasons including my selection of articles, my choice
of newspapers, the size of the sample taken (i.e. only taking thirty words from articles that contained
around six hundred words or more) and using Sunday papers that may be aimed at a different
audience than the daily papers. I assumed that in years 7-9 girls will generally be taller than boys-
due to the fact girls tend to grow faster than boys during the early stages of development. I would
provide my entire hypothesis to get more accurate results and also to include my prediction. My
fourth hypothesis was correct because there was a positive correlation. I did not think this would
improve my ability to estimate a length of a line so decided to find out. Every person has used the
same facilities, books and material and the teachers have all been taught the same. This shows that
the more able pupils have all improved a lot more than 75% of the less able. For each question I will
use a certain sample of year 10’s at Stamford Endowed schools. Revision, grade a secondary school
revision resource. I feel that the broadsheets with mainly political content, with a lot of focus upon
global issues are aiming towards the people who are likely to be well educated as well as probably
having an active interest in politics and global issues, of course; otherwise there’d be no reason to
report on these issues inside their newspaper. The gain is bigger so the Results are catching up. I will
know if a result is anomalous if it does not fit the pattern of the rest of the data, if I do come across
an anomalous piece of data, I shall choose another piece of data using random sampling. Pupil afl
sheet mayfield high school college students.
This may belong to a person who does not like driving a lot. The sampling methods available to me
were as follows:-. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00 4.80
5 reviews Download Save for later ?0.00 4.80 5 reviews Download Save for later Last updated 14
June 2016 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest MSharp33 4.20 86 reviews Not the right resource. The tabloid uses
more of the longer words as shown by the Summary Word Length graph. This is in order to remove
bias, as the whole newspaper would be represented within that sample. Employee assistance
programs were created to help deal with augmenting substance abuse problems. Stratified sampling is
good becauuse. I did not think that they would beat the girls in Key Stage 3 marks. These results
also seem to correlate with the scientific theory of later male development however to make a solid
conclusion of the issue I would need stronger results. To make this clear I will write out all three
results one after the other. Specifically, the box plots should hopefully show me any miss
calculations, outliers or anonymous results within the data provided. Also, it is more likely that a
newspaper that uses more complex, stylish, flamboyant language is likely to use words with many
syllables as they are associated with complex language. For example, the team of professional editors
will expertly revise and refine a paper you've put together but don't have time or inspiration to polish
to perfection. One this graph I plotted lines of best fit from a mean point of each stratum. (So one
for Year 7 girls, one for Year 7 boys, one for Year 11 girls and one for Year 11 boys.). After each of
the diagram I would explain how I did the diagram and what people prefer and why. I think this is
unlike however, to test it I will compare the Yr11 KS2 results with that of the Yr7’s, as these test
where sat at the same age. I could use Primary data, this is data which you collect your self either
face to face interview or some sort of a questionnaire. This means that the inter-quartile range will be
further spread. It is based upon the students of Mayfield High School, and the statistics have
therefore already been collected. I think this maybe because my sample is not large enough. The y on
x regression line is the same as the line of best fit. If the variables show correlation, I will plot a line
of best fit using the mean average of the data. Based on your observations, experiences and using
relevant examples, docume. Null hypothesis: Practice improves the estimate of a non-straight line.
The pupils will enter a room and look at a straight line and a non straight line and ask them to
estimate it in mm. It can show many things about a data set, like the lowest term in the set, the
highest term in the set, the median, the upper quartile, and the lower quartile. It may not be correct
either, as the information will vary from school to school and maybe from county to county. I will
take a stratified sample of males and females in this age range. Statistics coursework claimed the the
huge results and tabular statistics. I have done this as boys grow at different times to girls. My new
sample This sample is the corrected sample with all problems removed.

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