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Writing a GCSE Chemistry coursework on rates of reaction, specifically focusing on sodium

thiosulphate, can be a challenging task. This type of coursework typically requires a solid
understanding of chemical principles, experimental design, data analysis, and the ability to articulate
findings coherently. Students are often expected to conduct experiments, collect data, and draw
meaningful conclusions based on their observations.

Here are some challenges students may face:

1. Experimental Precision: Achieving consistent and accurate experimental results can be

difficult. Factors such as temperature, concentration, and the mixing process can significantly
impact the reaction rate, making it challenging to control all variables.
2. Data Analysis: Interpreting the data collected during experiments requires a strong grasp of
scientific concepts. Understanding how different factors affect reaction rates and being able
to draw valid conclusions from the data can be complex.
3. Scientific Writing: Articulating findings in a clear and concise manner is crucial. Properly
structuring the coursework, using scientific language, and linking observations to theoretical
concepts can be challenging for some students.

For those finding the task overwhelming or facing time constraints, seeking external assistance is an
option. However, it's important to approach this cautiously. While online platforms like ⇒ ⇔ may offer support, it's crucial to ensure ethical practices are followed. Directly
submitting someone else's work as your own is not only academically dishonest but can also lead to
serious consequences.

If you're struggling with your coursework, it might be more beneficial to seek help from your
teacher, classmates, or educational resources to enhance your understanding and skills. Remember,
the purpose of coursework is to assess your knowledge and abilities, so it's important to engage with
the material and seek assistance in a manner that promotes your own learning and growth.
It would also be sensible to wear safety goggles whilst competing the experiment, for the very
unlikely yet possible chance the mixture could come out of the conical flask. Similarly the use of a
catalyst complicates things, and if used incorrectly could alter the outcome of the experiment. This
also applies for judging when the cross can no longer be seen, and to ensure this is also the same
each time, the same person will do this throughout. As there are more particles, there are more
collisions; more collisions per second (a second is a unit of time) would mean more particles reacting
at the same time, which would explain a faster reaction. The sodium thiosulphate and the
hydrochloric acid react together resulting in sodium chloride, sulphur dioxide, sulphur and water
being produced. Therefore the units would be moles per litre per second (mol 1-1 s-1). Overall, this
decreases the rate of reaction because it takes longer for the mixture as a whole to react fully,
because of the extra time it takes for the molecules to collide with each other. When calculating the
average time taken for the cross to disappear, I will record my results to 1dp so that it is more
accurate than rounding to a whole number. This was because the time taken was longer with the
10cm. A catalyst also lowers the activation energy for the reaction. To investigate the effect of
changing the concentration on the rate of reac. I have decided to have my temperature range between
15 and 50 however I am also going to take two readings at zero degrees so a can have an accurate
place where my line will cross the y-axis. This means that they will collide more frequently with each
other and the rate of reaction will increase. Join our team of reviewers and help other students learn.
Rate of Reaction - Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid. If there is a larger number of
particles, there is a higher chance of them colliding and more successful collisions taking place.
Volume of both Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Thiosulphate: the more volume of a liquid, the more
particles it has to collide and therefore increase the rate of reaction. I want the cross to disappear
quickly so that I have time to do the experiment 3 times, but not too quickly so that I don’t have time
to see it disappear. Conclusion of results table Looking at my results table, I am able to prove my
prediction was correct. The experiment needed two reactants and this is why as the sodium
thiosulphate became more and more dilute the reaction time was increasing; it was becoming less of a
reactant, where as the hydrochloric acid was kept at a constant rate and therefore always reacted
with the sodium thiosulphate. Experiments could be carried out to see how greatly pressure affects
the rate of reaction; the same two chemicals would be put under different pressures and the time for
the cross to disappear taken. Make sure the volume of hydrochloric acid remains constant (10ml). I
could compare this to my other graph and then analyse the differences or similarities between them.
And so the rate is higher at a higher concentration. In nuclear fission, a lot of heat will be produced.
Another way to improve accuracy would have been to ensure the temperature was kept the same at
all times throughout the experiment, making sure temperature was not a factor affecting the rate of
reaction. This proves that as the concentration decreases, the average time for the solution to go
opaque increases. I predict that by doubling the concentration of sodium thiosulphate, the rate of
reaction will double, because there are twice as many particles in the solution, which means that
there will be more collisions. The fact that there are more collisions taking place in the same amount
time, it means that the rate of reaction. This in turn could affect the results because if the cross is
seen more easily, if it was drawn with a thick marker, our measurement of how long the reaction took
to complete would be longer and so the rate of reaction would seem slower.
However if one set of results is entirely different to the other, a third experiment will be performed to
replace the anomalous set of results. If a boiling tube had a delivery tube connected to it the
chemicals could be poured in and the gas would be bubbled into a burette. The basic idea is that
particles have to collide in order to react, and they have to collide hard enough. We stopped the
stopwatch and recorded what the time was. Rate of reaction- Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric
Acid. Rate of Reaction between Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate. This particular
apparatus was the most accurate and successful, as we could easily measure the required volumes.
Rate of Reaction - Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid. Different radioisotope have
different value of hal. Although it is not exact, we can generalise the trend, to say that as we increase
the concentration of sodium thiosulphate by a certain amount (i.e. 0.025M), the rate of reaction also
increases by a certain amount (i.e. 0.006). It is also noticeable that one of the ways that catalysts
work is by bringing the substrates together too. It is a curve because as the temperature increases the
reaction can only go so fast, and there is a limited amount of sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric
acid. If I exceed these limits than there would be no point to the experiment, especially if I change
the concentration of sodium thiosulphate, because than I would not be using the scale and I will be
getting random anomalies. They both follow a set pattern where as the concentration of the
thiosulphate decreased, the rate of reaction decreased and the time for the reaction increased. Rates
of reaction in a sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid solution. It would also be preferable to
wear a scientific apron, however this is not essential. The time taken for this to happen is the measure
of the rate of reaction. And what I mean by this is how they should be measured accurately in both
tests so that no experimental error could occur because due to these side effects the whole
experiment could be affected. I did though in fact record the solutions as precisely as I could and
under the supervision of my partner whilst carrying out the experiment. I chose to use to measuring
cylinders, one would be to measure the hydrochloric acid and the other one would be to measure the
sodium thiosulphate and water, they would too be marked. But when the water is added and the
hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate solution became dilute and the reaction slowed down. So
obviously that wasn’t the case for my other anomalies. As the HCl will be kept as a constant there
will always be the same amount of molecules but as the sodium thiosulphate is being watered down
this means that there will be less molecules for more successful collisions. If there are fewer reacting
particles and less energy, there will be fewer collisions resulting in a reaction and thus the sulphur
particles would form less often. An investigation into the effect of concentration on the rate of
chemicl r. Investigating the rate of reaction between Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Thi. The higher
the concentration of sodium thiosulphate, results in less time for the solution to go opaque. Figure 1
was a graph plotted to show a relationship between concentration and time. Conclusion: Looking at
my results it is clear that as the temperature increases the rate of reaction also increases. To find a rate
of reaction from the results I will collect, I will divide 1 by the time in seconds.
I do intend to repeat the experiment two more times as this will give sufficient results for my
analysis and data. It is more accurate compared to a beaker or measuring cylinder. To investigate the
effect on the rate of reaction when changing the concent. We completed the same procedure for each
level of concentration three times, then enabling us to find an average for the amount of time each
level of concentration took to react. You must make sure that the cross is on the side of the test tube
which is not facing you. This is due to the amount of successful collisions that occurred while the
higher concentrated solution was being observed and while the lower concentrated experiment was
investigated I could come to the conclusion that less collisions were taking place and less of a
successful reaction was occurring. For example, using more accurate measuring equipment and
ensuring to be completely accurate when choosing to stop the stop watch. At room temperature
(around 20 o C), a minor collision can easily start up a chemical reaction of this sort. Experiments
could be carried out to see how greatly pressure affects the rate of reaction; the same two chemicals
would be put under different pressures and the time for the cross to disappear taken. Also, the
temperature could have increased as we didn’t check it with a thermometer and this would make the
cross disappear faster than it should because of the particles moving faster and colliding more. More
collisions would have more energy than the minimum needed to react and therefore the reaction
would go faster. If the colliding particles have less than this minimum energy, then they just bounce
off each other and no reaction occurs. This is how I am changing the concentration to find out the
rate of reaction. Since the temperature stayed constant during every period in which I took my
results, and I took one trial of results every period, and my anomalies were in different trials, then I
am less enthusiastic in believing that a change temperature is the cause for the anomalies. However it
does not rise proportionality to the temperature. Investigating How the Concentration of Sodium
Thiosulphate Affects the Rate. Finally, I would use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the
solution so that I could make sure it was kept constant so that it wouldn’t affect the time taken for
the cross to disappear, as this could be the reason I got my anomalous result. Rate of Reaction -
Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid. This minimum energy is called the activation energy.
The table below shows the volumes of the different solutions and the concentration of sodium
thiosulphate aswell. It is a rather basic process of where I would place the light sensor underneath
the conical flask instead of the X and set the photo electric cell above the conical flak. It is measured
by dividing 1 by the time taken for the reaction to take place. The experiment went according to my
plan despite some minor problems. For example I only obtained three sets of results and then
calculated an average. Each conical flask was placed above a cross on a piece of paper. A catalyst is
usually a transition metal, a transition metal oxide or an enzyme in living cells. Sometimes it is easier
to measure the change in the amount of a reactant that has been used up, and sometimes it is easier to
measure the change in the amount of a product that has been produced. The amount of Hydrochloric
acid and Sodium ThioSulphate will be 10cm 3 each time. I ncreasing the concentration of sodium
thiosulfate means that the solid sulfur will be produced more quickly and there will be less time
before the cross can. I have used pipettes instead of measuring cylinders to increase the accuracy of
the amount of substances measured out and I have also increased the accuracy of the temperature
reading taken as well. Instead of these extensions other acids could be used nitric and sulphuric acid
could be used in the same experiment and then the graphs obtained would be compared.
This would have brought more evidence to support the idea that the higher concentration of a
substance, the faster it will react. The sulphur dioxide gas, which is formed, smells like rotten eggs.
The graph also becomes steeper as the temperature increases this is because the increase in the rate of
reaction rises. In the higher concentration there are more particles, so there is a higher chance of a
reaction with the necessary amount of energy occurring. The input variable we will be changing is the
concentration of Hydrochloric acid. I could then draw another graph and see if the different variable
would have the same affect on the time taken for the cross to disappear. After performing my
preliminary experiment I have decided that the following method will be the most efficient. So if
they are closer, then they would be a higher chance of collisions occurring and so the rate of the
reaction would be increased. People have different eyesight’s and reaction times that can change the
out comes. The size of this activation energy is different for different reactions. The higher the
concentration of sodium thiosulphate, the faster the reaction will take place’. Or possible the
concentration of the chemicals could be increased this would cause there to be more particles in the
chemicals and therefore more collisions occurring. If there is a higher pressure upon a liquid, than the
liquid would be suppressed and become denser. Also they provide a surface for the molecules to
attach to therefore increasing their chances of bumping into each other. These particles may be
atoms, ions or even molecules. All of my results were in the range of two seconds, apart from three
anomalies, which aren’t that far away. I will be viewing the X form a birds eye view down the
conical flask as the solution starts of clear and then forms a yellow precipitate. The glass wear must
remain the same and will be cleaned after each reading. I believe that the evidence obtained is
sufficient to support the conclusion that as the temperature increases the rate of reactions also
increases. In this experiment, the time taken for the formation of sulphur to cover the mark 'X' until
it disappears from sight can be used to measure rate of reaction. I will not actually be able to keep it
constant but I must try my best in keeping everything the same to ensure that a fair test will be made.
Then draw straight line tangents to this graph at points corresponding to a variety of concentrations.
This could leave some residue and cause to reaction to differ. Equally, if the cross was hard to see,
then it would disappear more quickly and the rate of reaction would seem quicker. The longer it
takes, the lower the rate of reaction, and the quicker the reaction, means that the rate of reaction will
be greater. Because the rate of collision is higher the rate of formation of sulfhur and of the reaction
is increased. We did the test 5 times on each coloured paper and each time we did it we changed the
volume of hydrochloric acid added to the conical flask. As the concentration is higher this means
that there are mare sodium thiosulphate molecules to react with HCl molecules. I will prevent this
from affecting the results by not stirring or shaking the mixture in any way. However after that
particular reading I managed to find the beaker which I had used before but unfortunately I did not
have enough time to retake that the reading but I am confident that if I did retake it, it would fit in
with the line of best fit on the graph.
After performing my preliminary experiment I have decided that the following method will be the
most efficient. Catalyst: a catalyst is a chemical substance that increases the rate of a reaction
without being consumed; after the reaction it can be recovered from the reaction mixture chemically
unchanged. Kinetics Study on the Reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and. What is the rate
equation of the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and h. We placed the conical flask onto the
paper and timed how long it took for the cross to disappear. The average time taken for the cross to
disappear was 60 seconds but from looking at my line of best fit I can see that it should have taken
66 seconds. Doing so is also easier, because if you used something like a Bunsen burner, it would be
very dangerous especially when heating hydrochloric acid. I will measure the volume of hydrochloric
acid 5 ml measuring cylinder and the sodium thiosulphate using a 50 ml measuring cylinder. The
diagram below helps to understand this concept slightly more. Investigating reaction rates of Sodium
Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid. It would also be sensible to wear safety goggles whilst
competing the experiment, for the very unlikely yet possible chance the mixture could come out of
the conical flask. Elements or compounds in this state can fit and form different shapes. Even though
the recordings were accurate, the stopwatch may not provide a piece of suitable time keeping
equipment as it could be slow or the persons reactions who is keeping the time could not be too fast
but once again this would raise any major concerns in the investigation. Now, because we have to
keep the volume the same for it to be a fair test, we added 5 cm 3 of water. (We had to add the
Sodium Thiosulphate and the water at the same time for this to be a fair test also). This shows some
kind of link and shows that the sets of results maybe in proportion to one another because as the rate
of reaction decreases the time increases and this can also be said with the concentration of the
sodium thiosulphate. To investigate the effect of changing the concentration on the rate of reac. I
would also have tissues so that after every reading that I take, I wash the conical flask and then dry
it up. Prediction I think that the higher the concentration we use of Hydrochloric acid, the faster the
reaction will happen and the cross will not be able to be seen. If I were to continue using measuring
cylinders, then I would have to use something more precise to pour the liquids into them. This helps
me conclude that my anomalies most probably occurred due to my inaccuracy in timing. Then draw
straight line tangents to this graph at points corresponding to a variety of concentrations. This would
also allow the chemicals to be constantly heated easily. We then poured 5 cm3 of the 0.2
concentration into the Sodium Thiosulphate and started the stopwatch. I do not think that I went
wrong while measuring the volume of the liquids as I took a lot of care while doing so and when I
messed it up I started over again. Therefore, the cross will disappear more quickly due to the
cloudiness of the solution. Rate of Reaction - Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid
Coursework. We then poured 50 cm3 of Sodium Thiosulphate into a conical flask and placed it over
the piece of paper with a black cross drawn on. The results tell us that, as the concentration of
sodium thiosulphate decreases, the rate of reaction decreases. In this case, the time taken for the
cross to disappear decreases as the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate increases. So I would
turn on the cell and stopwatch together and as soon as the light sensor would be unable to fulfil it’s
deed and alarm me I would turn the stopwatch off.

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