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Australian Curriculum general capabilities

Information for parents and carers


The Australian Curriculum general capabilities are A good example of how literacy is dynamic
designed to develop the knowledge, skills, behaviours and critical across the curriculum is health and
and dispositions that help children and young people physical education, where reception-age students
live and learn successfully now and in the future. The develop their word knowledge and use language
capabilities are developed through the learning areas to communicate effectively and interact positively
from reception to year 10. with others as they work in groups or participate
in team games.
Literacy is a fundamental life skill. It is developed in
multiple ways – through listening to, reading, viewing Another example is year 6 science, where students
and creating language. First at home and then as develop word knowledge and an understanding of
part of their education, children learn to understand text structures to describe their observations during
and use language effectively and confidently. investigations. They need to learn how to effectively
This is essential for learning, communicating and communicate their findings in a variety of ways.
participating in society. What are known as ‘texts’ are
In year 8 English, students learn to talk about and
the various ways language is used – it can be written,
evaluate opinions and arguments about aspects
spoken, visual, or a combination of these, and in print,
of literary texts such as novels, films or magazine
digital or online forms. All of these forms show the
articles. They develop knowledge about text structure
diverse ways language is used to communicate in our
and grammar to state their opinions and points of
view, and continue to expand their word knowledge
The Australian Curriculum literacy general capability to communicate more effectively.
involves 2 important parts:
At home, you can help your child develop literacy
 nderstanding texts through listening, reading capability by:
and viewing, using skills and strategies to
• playing games to develop knowledge and
understand and interpret spoken, written,
enjoyment of learning new words
visual and digital texts
• sharing a wide variety of age-appropriate texts
 reating texts in spoken, written and digital forms
with your child, including books, novels, websites,
for different purposes and audiences
newspaper, films and television programs
Through the course of their primary and high school
• talking about favourite authors, directors and
education, students develop literacy capability as they
producers and why you like their work
understand and interpret a wide range of texts, and
create their own spoken, written, visual and digital • accessing support materials for parents of young
texts. These processes involve students developing children at
knowledge of text structures, grammar, vocabulary • another useful website is
and spelling, and visual information.

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