TI Activity 1 Introduction To Teaching Internship

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Teaching Internship


Activity 1

My Aims/Purposes

At the end of the activity, I should be able to:

a. visualize my expectations about Teaching Internship;

b. construct the meaning of familiar terms;
c. explain the different phases of teaching internship;
d. describe the existing laws and regulations applicable to the teaching
profession; and
e. enumerate the core rules of netiquette.

My Responsibilities

Teaching Internship is an essential experiential learning course that

encapsulates the various training and preparations of education students. It is an
endeavor that allows holistic application of what has been learned in the real world.
Like any other task, you are required to visualize your expectations and develop
awareness on its phases and its existing laws.

a. Write what you know about the given terms. List down the names of
personnel involved in the school where you are assigned.

Teaching Internship-

Practice Teacher / Teaching Interns-

Teaching Internship Supervisor/ Teaching Internship Coordinator-

Supervising Instructor-

PSU Laboratory Integrated School -

PSU LIS officials -

University Head for Teaching Internship-

Cooperating School

Cooperating Officials

Cooperating Teacher

b. After engaging in the various Field Study (FS) activities, pre-service
training, and preparations, what are your expectations on the different
phases of teaching?

b.1. Orientation Phase


b.2. Observation and Lesson Plan Preparation Phase


b.3. Actual Teaching Phase


b.4. Evaluation Phase


c. These are the existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching
profession. Make a research and describe each.


1. Resolution No. 435 (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers)

The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers issued by the Board for
Professional Teachers through Resolution No. 435 series of 1997, provides in the
PREAMBLE that “Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity
and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional
competence. “Therefore, this resolution acts as a guide for teachers, particularly
beginning teachers, to ensure that they behave appropriately in the learning
community at all times. This set of ethical and moral principles, standards, and
values must be followed and practiced.

2. Republic Act 4670 (Magna Carta for Public School Teachers)

As such, Republic Act No. 4670 otherwise known as “The Magna Carta for
Public School Teachers” was passed into law in view of providing professional
right sand safeguards to our public school teachers in consideration of the
exigency and level of difficulty of the exercise of their profession. This bill aims to
make the aforementioned law more responsive by expanding public school
teachers' working rights, enhancing workplace protections and safeguards, and
offering more incentives for extra curricular activity. The Magna Carta for Public
School Teachers helps us to understand fully the rights of the teachers. It protects
the rights of the teachers like the tenure of office, academic freedom and other

3. Republic Act 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013)

Republic Act 10627, or the Anti-Bullying Act (the “Act”), aims to protect
children enrolled in kindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools and
learning centers(collectively, “Schools”) from being bullied. It requires Schools to
adopt policies to address the existence of bullying in their respective institutions.
This law was signed by the late President Benigno Aquino III, mandates all
elementary and secondary schools to adopt policies to prevent and address the
acts of bullying in their institutions.
The need for knowing and studying school bullying, especially in the university,
is then reinforced, since the exposure to bullying may cause problems of different
orders for victims, such as stress, lowering or loss of self-esteem, anxiety,
depression, low school achievement, and even, in more serious cases, suicide.
4. Republic 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995)

The Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (RA 7877) is the controlling law
regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, education, or training. "Work,
education, or training-related sexual harassment is committed by an employer,
employee, manager, supervisor, employer's agent, teacher, instructor, professor,
coach, trainor, or any other person who, having authority, influence, or moral
ascendancy over another in a work, training, or education environment, demands,
requests, or otherwise requires any sexual favor from the other, regardless of
whether the demand, request, or requirement for s is made in a work or training or
education environment," according to RA 7877.The employer or the leader of the
work-related, educational, or training environment or institution shall establish
processes for the resolution, settlement, or prosecution of acts of sexual
harassment, according to RA 7877. The employer must forma decorum committee
and conduct sexual harassment investigations.

5. DepEd Order 40 series 2012 (Child Protection Policy)

DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012 or DepEd Child Protection policy constitutes the
policy and guidelines on protecting children in school from abuse, violence,
exploitation, discrimination, bullying, and other forms of abuse. Among its bases
are the Philippine1987 Constitution (Article XV, Section 3 [2]; Article XIV, Section 3
[2]), the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and the Family Code of
the Philippines. The Department realizes that cases of abuse may develop as a
result of the tough situations faced by teachers and other officials both inside and
outside the school, as stated further in the Order. The Department of Education
(DepEd) has adopted a policy to provide special protection to children who are
gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances that affect their normal
development and over which they have no control, as well as to assist the
appropriate agencies in their rehabilitation. In addition, the Department aims to
provide such special protection from all forms of abuse and exploitation as is
necessary for the child's well-being, while also taking into account the primary
rights and responsibilities of parents, legal guardians, or other individuals who
are legally responsible for and exercise custody over the child. The Department
of Education respects the child's right to participate in the creation and
implementation of policies, as well as in any processes affecting them, whether as
victims or aggressors, either personally or through a representative.

6. Republic Act No. 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012)

Cybercrime, often known as computer crime, is the use of a computer to
achieve illegal goals such as fraud, child pornography trafficking, intellectual
property violations, identity theft, or privacy invasion. The use of a computer in
committing such crimes distinguishes cybercrime from traditional criminal
offenses. Cybercrime is primarily defined as an attack on an individual's,
governments, or corporation's information. The Philippine government passed
Republic Act No. 101175, or the Cyber Prevention Act of 2012, to combat and
prevent cybercrime. Mr. Benigno Aquino, President of the Philippines, signed this
Act on September 12th, 2012. The initial intent of this Act was to punish offenses
such as cybersex, child pornography, and identity theft, among other things. The
Philippine Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 focuses on the prevention,
detection, and prosecution of cybercrimes such as offenses against computer
data and systems' confidentiality, integrity, and availability, computer-related
offenses, and content-related offenses.

7. Joint CHED-DepEd Memorandum Order (RM No. 672, s 2021)

The teacher Education Council (TEC) of the Department of Education (DepEd)

conducted the Orientation of the Joint CHED-DepEd Memorandum Order on the
Policies and Guidelines on the Development of Pre-Service Teachers for Field
Study and Teaching Internship on October 22, 2021, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 NN.
This is a joint policy that includes a framework that defines the desired outcomes,
activities, and assessment of pre-service teachers aligned with the new PPST and
a practicum manual that includes guidelines and tools for TEI supervisors and
teachers, students, and cooperating teachers, particularly during this time of
pandemic. The said orientation was conducted for all the DepEd personnel who
are concerned with the field study and teaching internship of the pre-service
teachers. This activity aims to provide guidelines for DepEd school heads and
cooperating teachers to ensure the smooth deployment of field study students
and practice teachers.

8. Guidelines on the Flexible delivery of Student Affairs and Services (CMO No. 08,

For the Philippine higher education sector, the learning environment has
been severely disrupted, campuses were closed, and face-to-face classes were
suspended to protect the health and safety of the students. But despite these
interruptions, CHED ensured the continuity of learning by joining higher education
institutions (HEIs) to implement flexible learning modalities. The Commission
addressed the current impediments brought by COVID-19 too the higher education
sector through 1) organize massive capacity – building trainings workshops for
faculty members, 2) launching the PHL CHED CONNECT website for free access to
instructional and learning material, and3) provision of grants to HEIs for the
projects that would improve the delivery of flexible learning, among others. During
the pandemic, CHED intends to pursue the implementation of SAS programs
through partner HEIs, with a focus on catering to students' mental health through
various modes/options most relevant to them. As a result, these guidelines aim to
provide ideas for delivering a flexible SAS program in all HEIs.

d. There are existing rules and standards of behavior in the classroom, onsite
and online, which students and teachers must adhere to. List the following
rules of netiquette and etiquette for:



Teaching Intern


My Observation and Insights

Describe your feelings at the start of this academic endeavor.

The appearance of the school buildings, grounds, and classrooms reflects

the type of educators in charge. Parents, students, and the rest of the
community in which the school is located form their first impressions of the
school based on its appearance. They associate the teachers with that
impression. That perception may influence their level of trust and respect for the
school. Teaching is influenced by trust and respect. Learning is influenced by
trust and respect.

How important is this experiential learning course to you as would be teacher?

Learning by doing is a practice known as experiential learning. Students

are better able to relate concepts and information acquired in the classroom to
actual circumstances when they are involved in practical activities and reflection.
There are many other course- and non-course-based options for
experiential learning, such as undergraduate research, study abroad/abroad,
community service, service-learning, internships, student teaching, and capstone
projects, to mention a few.
My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)


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