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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

San Pablo City Campus
Province of Laguna

College of Teacher Education

Name: Daquigan, Justine Mariel O.

Section: 2A BTVTED-FSM

Flor Contemplacion was a Filipino domestic worker who was executed in Singapore on March 17, 1995,
after being convicted of murder. Her case garnered international attention and sparked debates about the
treatment of overseas Filipino workers and the fairness of the legal system. Flor Contemplacion was accused
of killing Delia Maga, a fellow Filipino domestic worker, and Maga's four-year-old charge in 1991.
Contemplacion maintained her innocence throughout the trial, claiming that she was coerced into confessing
and that she was innocent of the crime. Her case became a focal point for issues related to the rights and
welfare of overseas Filipino workers.

Contemplacion claimed that she was tortured into confessing to the crime. Human rights advocates and
some Philippine government officials argued that her confession was obtained under duress and should not
have been considered as evidence. There were concerns about the quality of Contemplacion's legal
representation during her trial. Some argued that she did not receive a fair trial and that there were
shortcomings in the legal process.

The case strained diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Singapore. The Philippine government
sought clemency for Contemplacion, and there were protests and appeals for her release. However,
Singapore proceeded with the execution, leading to increased tensions between the two countries.
Contemplacion's case sparked public outcry and protests in the Philippines and other parts of the world.
Many believed that her execution was unjust and that it highlighted the vulnerability and mistreatment of
overseas Filipino workers.

The controversy surrounding Flor Contemplacion's case prompted the Philippine government to review and
improve its policies to protect the rights and welfare of overseas Filipino workers. The incident led to
increased scrutiny of working conditions abroad and efforts to ensure better legal representation for Filipino
workers facing legal issues in foreign countries.

In conclusion, the case of Flor Contemplacion is a tragic and complex story that brings attention to the
challenges faced by overseas Filipino workers, as well as issues related to legal representation, human rights,
and diplomatic relations between countries. The controversy surrounding her execution continues to be a
significant part of the discourse on the treatment of migrant workers and the responsibilities of both sending
and receiving countries.


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