Class 11 Mathematics Chapter Relation and Function

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Relations and Functions Quick Revision Ordered Pair Ifa pair of elements written in a small brackets and grouped together in a particular order, then such a pair is called ordered pair. The ordered pair of two elements a and bis denoted by (a, 8), where a is first element and # is second element. ‘Two ordered pairs (a, 8) and (c, d) are equal, if their corresponding elements are equal ie. a = ¢ and b= d Cartesian Products of Sets For any two non-empty sets A and B, the set of all ordered pairs (a, 6) of elements a Aand be B is called the cartesian product of sets A and B and is denoted by Ax B. Thus, Ax B= {(a, 8):a¢ Aand be By A= 60r B=6, then Ax B= 6 Note 4x B+ Bx A Number of Elements in Carte: Product of Two Sets (i) If there are p elements in set A and q elements in set B, then there will be pg elements in AXB. ie.if (A) = p and n(B)=4, then n(Ax B)= py. (i) If Aand B are non-empty sets and either A or Bis an infinite set, then A x B will also be an infinite set. n (ii) If 4 or Bis the null set or an empty set, then Ax Bwill also be an empty set. ie Ax B=6 Relations Arelation R from a non-empty set Ato a non-empty set B is a subset of the cartesian product Ax Bie. RE AX B. In(a, 8) ¢ Ax B, the second element is called the image of first element. The set of al first elements in a relation R, is called the domain of the relation Rand the set of all second elements is called the range of R, The set Bis called the codomain of relation R. ‘Thus, if R = {(a, 6):a A, be Bh, then domain (R) = {a : (a,8) €R) and range (R)=(b : (4,6) € R} Note If n(4) = m, n(B) = n, then n{A x B) = mnand the total number of possible relations from set Ato set B= Representation of a Relation Arelation can be represented algebraically by roster form or by set-builder form and visually, it can be represented by an arrow diagram. (i) Roster form In this form, we represent the relation by the set of all ordered pairs belongs wR, (ii) Set-builder form In this form, we represent the relation R from set A to set Bas R= (a,b): a€ A, be Band the rule which relate the elements of A and B} Functions A elation f from a non-empty set A to non-empty set B is said to be function, if every element of set Ahas one and only one image in set B. If f isa function from a set A oa set B, then we write f :A—> Band itis read as f is function from Ato Bor f map Ato Banda, b)« f, then f(a) =, where bis called image of under f and a is called the pre-image of b under f. Domain, Codomain and Range of a Function If :A— B, then the set Ais called the domain of function f and the set B is called the codomain of f. The subset of B containing the images of elements of Ais called the range of the function. Note Every function i not true, Real Functions A function f:—+ Bis called a real valued function, if B is a subset of R (set of all real numbers). If A and B both are subsets of R, then f is called a real function. a relation but converse is Types of Functions (i) Identity function The function f:R—> R defined by f(x) = x for each x € Ris called identity function Domain of f and Range of f (i) Constant function The function f:R > R defined by f(x) =6,V xe R, where cis a constant 2, is called a constant function. Domain of f = and Range of f = (¢) (iii) Polynomial function A real function RR defined by Fle) =a + a,x + aye. a,x", where n isa non-negative integer and dy, @ y @, +54, €R foreach xe 8 stalled a polynontal faction. Ifa, # 0, then nis called the degree of the polynomial. The domain of a polynomial function is R and range depends on the polynomial representing the function. (iv) Rational function A function of the form Lis) fh where f(2) and g(x) are polynomial glx) functions of x defined in a domain and 1g() #0, is called a rational function. (v) Modulus or Absolute value function ‘The real function f :R > R defined by =x, fxd i if x20 is called the modulus function. Domain of f = R, Range of f = RU {0} ie. [0,-=) (i) Signum funetion ‘The real function f :R—> R defined by flx)=| oe) Ht, ite20 0, ifx=0 -l, ifx<0 =10, ifx=0 1 ifx>0 is called the signum function, Domain of f = R; Range of f =(-1,0,1} (vii) Greatest integer or Step function The real function f :R—> R defined by f(x) =[x], is called the greatest integer function, where [+] = integral part of x or greatest integer less than or equal to x. Domain of f = R Range of f = The set of all integers Objective Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is an ordered pair? (al (p.q), p¢Pandgeo (b) [p.g), pePandged (c) {p.g), pePandgeo (d) All of the above 2. The values of a and d, if ordered pair is (2a -5, 4) =(5, b +6) (a) -2,5 (b) 2.5, (c} 5.2 (d) 5-2 3. If A={a,, a)} and B= (by, by, by, b,) then A x Bis equal to (a) (o,.b La (b) {03,6 hl0,,02Moy.0,).(04.0 4) (6) fo. hlay.b2h a,b Ma,bH (d) {0.6 j:(0).b ). (0.6 2h(0},0,)(0,.b Mla. b.) (a,b 3).lay.b 4)} 4, If A ={l, 2, 5,6} and B ={i, 2, 3}, then what is (A x B) 0 (B x A) equal to? (a) AVD2.1(6, 1.03.2 Ub) {0.9.02}. (2.12.20) (c) (2.2 (2) (1.9.102102.5).12,8) 5. If A xB ={(a,1), (8,3), (a, 3), (0, 1), (a, 2), (b, 2)). Then, A and Bis fa) 32}and (b) (ec) b)andB={L2, 3) (d) b, Nand B={0,b,2,3) 6. Let n(4) = m and n(B) =n. Then, the (otal number of non-empty relations that can be defined from A to Bis (a) m” (b) n” (c} ma—1 (a2 7. Let A= {a, b, ¢, d} and B= {x, y, z}. What is the number of elements in Ax B? (a) 6 (0)7 (c} 12 (d) 64 8. IfA=(1, 3, 6} and B= {x, 9), then representation of cartesian products by an arrow diagrams of A x Bis 1 3 6 A 1 1 (| 3 3 | 6 6 8 8 (a) \v 9. If A= (1,2, 3, 4) and B = (5, 6, 7, 8), then which of the following are relations from A to B? 5) 2. 7.38) 208.74, 7 6,2). (3, 71.4, 7 (a)Allare correct 10. The figure shows a relation R between the sets P and Q. ee 12. 13. 14, 15. The relation R in Roster form is (a) (9, 3).(4, 21, (25, 5), (b) M8, ~3) (4, ~29.(25, -5)} (ch (8, -3) 19, 5h (4, ~2).(4, 21.(25, -8). (25, 81. (a) None of the above ‘The figure shows a relation R between the sets P and Q. ‘The relation Rin Set-builder form is (a) (wy):xePye0} (0) fy):x€ PY) (c) (x y):xis the square of y. xeP, yeQ) (d) {ix y):yis the square of x xe P, yeQ} Ifarelation Ris defined on the set Z of integers as follows (a, b)e Reva” +b? = 25, then domain (2) is equal to (a) (5.4.5) (b) 10.34,5) (c) (034445) (d) None of these If A= [1, 2, 6} and Rbe the relation defined on A by R={(a,8):a¢ Abe A and a divides 6}, then range of Ris equal to (a) (1, 2} (b) {2, 6) (ch 6.2.6) (4) None of these Let A = (1, 2,3, 4} and B ={1, 4,9, 16, 25} and R be a relation defined from A to B, as R= ((x,y):x€ A, ye Band y = x*}, then domain of Rand codomain of Ris (a) 1, 2,3, 4Jand {1, 4, 9, 16, 25} (b) (1,4, 9, 16, 25} and fl, 2,3, 4} (c) (1. 2,3, 4] and {1, 2, 3,4, 9. 16, 25) (4) None of the above The inverse of the function f(x) = log, (x + yx? +1) (where, a <0, # I) is 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. (a) Jaro) {) not defined for all (c) defined forx>0 —_{d) None of the above If f(x) = 3x +10 and g(x) =x? —1, then (fog)! is equal to x-7)" +7)" (2 ww (22) (‘x-3)" x3)" oF (3) Is the given relation a function? {(8, 3), (4, 2), (6, 1), (6, 0), (7, 7)} (a) Yes {b) No (c) cannot say (d) Insufficient data ‘There are three relations R,, R, and Ry such that R, = (2,0, (3, 0(4, 2), Ry = ((2 2), (2 4), (3 3), (4, 4} and Ry ={(h, 2), (2 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (6,6), 6,7)). Then, (a) R, and R, are functions (b) Rp and R3 are functions (c) Rand Rye functions {d) Only Ryisa function Domain of a” — x” (a >0)is (a) (aa) {b) [-0,a] (c) (0.0) (d) (-0.0) Range of f(x) wf] (e) =I oft -) f:R-(3} > Rbe defined by 27-9 flv 3 and g: R> Rbe defined by g(x) =x +3. Then, f(x) and g(x) are (a) Equal functions (b) not equal (domains are same) {e) not equal(domains are not same) (d) None of the above 22. The domain and range of the real function f defined by f(x) = given by (a) Domain=R, Range 4} (b) Domain=R-{1},Range=R 23. The domain and range of the function f given by f(x) =2—|x —5]is (a) Oomain=R*, Range (b) Gomain (e} Domain (4) Gomain 24. The domain of the function f, defined by f( i la) R (b) R® (c) R (d) None of these 25. The range of the function f(x)=—~ lex (a) (=<) (o) (1) (a) (V=2, v2] h of an identity function on Ris 27. If G represents the name of the function in above graph, then Gis a/an y a Keo x 6-420) 246 vl (a) identity function (b) constant function (c) modulus function (a) None of the above 28. The graph of the functions, fx) =| - Qlis (ad SK 1 SS (c| (a)None of these 29. For each non-zero real number 2, let f(x) =~. fo=i The range of f is (a)a null set (b)a set consisting of only one element (c)a set consisting of two elements, (d)a set consisting of infinitely many elements 30. Which of the following options identify the above graph? (a) Modulus function (b) Greatest integer function (c} Signum function (d) None of the above 31. If [x]? —5[x] +6 =0, where [-] denote the greatest integer function, then (a) xe[3.4l (0) xe3) (c) xe[2, 3] (d) xe[2.4) , £60 32. If f(x)=}x, 0Sx<1, Loge , then the value of 1(3)is 2 tw fad (as L 1 3. If f(x) =x° -—, then f(x} (2) 33. yovthen fla) +/( (a) 0 (01 (c) 2 (d) not defined 34. Ify ~*, then log y at x =5is (a) 321 (0) 234 (6) 125 (a) 128 lie 2x 35. If f(x) = log | — |, tn f= (r22 ome 25 is equal to (alfa Ab)cAts1® (e240 (a3 0 Assertion-Reasoning MCOQs Directions (@. Nos. 36-50) Each of these questions contains two statements Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Each of the questions has four alternative choices, any one of the which is the correct answer. You have to select one of the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below. {a} Aistrue, Ris true; Ris. correct explanation of A. () Ais true, Ris true: Ris not a correct explanation of A. {c) Ais true: Ris false. (4) Aistalse: Ris true, 36. Assertion (A) If(x +1, y- 2) =(31), then x=2and y=3 Reason (R) Two ordered pairs are equal, if their corresponding elements are equal 37. Assertion (A) The cartesian product of two non-empty sets P and Q is denoted as P x Q and PxQ=((b, 9): peP,geQ). Reason (R) If A = {red, blue} and B=(b,¢, 5), then A x B= (red, b), (red, 0, (red, s), (blue, 8), (blue, ¢), (blue, s)). 38. Assertion (A) If (4x +3, y) = (3% +5, -2), then x =2and y =-2. Reason (R) If A =(-1, 3,4}, then A x A is ((-L-), 3), (Hh 4), (3, -D, (4-2, 13, 39. Assertion (A) If (x, 1), (y, 2) and (z, 1) are in Ax Band n(4) = 3, n{B) = 2, then A=(x, y,)and B= {L,Y} Reason (R) If n(4) = 3 and (B) = then nA xB) =6. 40. Assertion (A) Let 4 = {1, 2} and B =(3, 4}. Then, number of relations from Ato Bis 16. Reason (R) If n(4) = p and n(B) then number of relations is 2”. 41. Let A= (1, 2, 3, 4, 6}. If Ris the relation on A defined by {(a, b) : a, be A, bis exactly divisible by a}. Assertion (A) The relation Rin Roster form is {(6, 3), (6, 2), (4, 2)}. Reason (R) The domain and range of R is {l, 2,3, 4,6} 42. Consider the following statements -2. 0 ta eee | o = 1 y~—— Assertion (A) The figure shows a relationship between the sets A and B. Then, the relation in Set-builder form is {lx y):y=4?, x, ye Nand -2< x 0is R Reason (R) The range of the function fl) =2? + 2is 2, «} Assertion (A) Let 4 = (1, 2, 3, 5}, B=(4,6, 9} and R=((x, 9):[a— lis odd, x € 4, y¢ B}. Then, domain of Ris {1, 2, 3, 5}. Reason (R)|x|is always positive Vx € R Assertion (A) The domain of the real function f defined by f(x) =x —lis R-(I). Reason (R) The range of the function defined by f(x) = x —Tis (0, ) Assertion (A) If f(x) =x +4, then x vist! =) +34(4) x Reason (R) If f(x) =(x - a)*(x—6)*, then f(a + d)is 0. Assertion (A) If {: R-> Rand g: R— Rare defined by f(x) = 2x +3 and g(x) =x” +7, then the values of x such that g{f (x)} =8 are —Land 2. Reason (R) If f: R-> Rbe given by 16-5 fls)+ fl-x)=1 for all x R, then Case Based MCOs 51. Method to Find the Sets When Cartesian Product is Given For finding these two sets, we write first element of each ordered pair in first set say Aand corresponding second element in second set B (say). Number of Elements in Cartesian Product of Two Sets If there are p elements in set A and q elements in set B, then there will be py elements in A x Bie. if'n(A) = p and n(B) = 9, then n(A x B) = py. Based on the above two topic, answer the following questions. (i) fA B = (a, 1), (4, 3), (a, 3), (8,1), (a, 2), (2, 2)}. Then, A and Bare (2){1,3.2.fa0) tb) fob).0.3) (c) {0.6 ).{1.3.2} (d) None of these (ii) Ifthe set A has 3 elements and set B has 4 elements, then the number of elements in A x B is (a3 (0) 4 (7 (a2 (iii) A and B are two sets given in such a way that A x B contains 6 elements. If three elements of A x B are (1, 3), (2, 5) and (3, 3), then A, B are (2) (1,2.31,8,5) (0) (3.5..0,2.3) ()Q,2465,5) (0) 1,2,3, 15) (iv) The remaining elements of Ax B in (ii) is (2)(5, 113, 24(5, 5) (b) (1,5). (2, 34.8.5) (c)(1, 545, 26,3) (4) None of the above (\) The cartesian product P x P has 16 elements among which are found (a,1) and (4,2). Then, the set P is (2) (a) (0) 0.2) (c) {o.b,12} (d) {a.b,12,4) 52. Ordered Pairs The ordered pair of two elements a and 6 is denoted by (a,b): ais first element (or first component) and 6 is second element (or second component) ‘Two ordered pairs are equal if their corresponding elements are equal. ie.(a,6)=(qd) => a=c and b=d Cartesian Product of Two Sets For two non-empty sets A and B, the cartesian product A x Bis the set of all ordered pairs of elements from sets Aand B. In symbolic form, it can be written as AxB=((a,b):a€ 4b eB) Based on the above topics, answer the following questions. (i) If(a—3, 8 +7) = (3, 7), then the value of a and } are (a) 6,0 {b) 3,7 (c) 7,0 {d) 3,-7 (ii) If (x +6, y - 2) =(0, 6), then the value of and y are (2) 6,8 (b) -6,-8 (c) -6.8 (d) 6-8 (iii) If (x +2, 4) = (5, 2x +5), then the value of x and y are (a) -32 (b) 3.2 (c) -3-2 (d) 3-2 (iv) Let A and B be two sets such that A x B consists of 6 elements. If three elements of A x Bare (I, 4), (2, 6) and (3, 6), then (2) (4x8) =(8xA) (0) (Ax8) 418A) (c) AxB =1(.4(,6).2.40 () None of the above (v) Ifn{A x B) = 45, then n(4) cannot be (a) 15 (b) 17 (c)5 (a) 53. Representation of a Relation A relation can be represented algebraically by roster form or by set-builder form and visually it can be represented by an arrow diagram which are given below (i) Roster form In this form, we represent the relation by the set of all ordered pairs belongs to R. (ii) Set-builder form In this form, we represent the relation R from set A to set Bas R={(a,b):ae Abe B and the rule which relate the elements of A and B} (iii) Arrow diagram To represent a relation by an arrow diagram, we draw arrows from first element to second element of all ordered pairs belonging to relation R. Based on the above topics, answer the following questions. (i) Expression of R= ((a,b):2a+b =5 a,beW) as the set of ordered pairs (in roster form) is (a) R= 5.0113, 11.0.2 (b) R=H0,5)(0,3),(1, 20 (c) R=M0, 61.11, 3).(2, 1 (d) None of the above (ii) The relation between sets P and Q given by an arrow diagram in roster form will be (2) R=(8,3,(9,~3,44.2) 4-2) (25,5)125,~5)} (b) R=H8, 3) (4, 2) (25, 5)) (c) R=(8.-3)(4,-2)(25,-5)} (a) None of the above (iii) The relation given in (ii) can be written in set builder form as (2) R=(bx yi:xeP,y€Q and xis the square of y} (0) R=llx yi:xeP.yeQand yis the square of 2} {c) R=(lx.yl:xe Pye Qandx=ty) (d} None of the above (iv) If A= {a 6} and B = {2, 3}, then the number of relations from A to Bis (14 b)8 (lB) 16 (v) Ifn(A) = 3and B = {2, 3, 4,6, 7, 8}, then the number of relations from A to Bis (a)2>—(b)2® fe) 2" (a) 2° 54, Function as a Relation A relation f from a non-empty set A (o a non-empty set B is said to be a function, if every element of set A has one and only one image in set B. In other words, we can say that a function f is a relation from a non-empty set A to a non-empty set B such that the domain of f is A and no ‘vo distinct ordered paits in f have the same first element or component. If f is a function from a set A toa set B, then we write fid> Bord oB and itis read as f is a function from A to Bor f maps Ato B. Based on the above topic, answer the following questions. (i) The given curve is a y (a) Function (b) Relation (c) Cant say anything (a) Data not sufficient (ii) The given curve is a y x is x 7 (2) Function (b) Relation (c) Gantt say anything (4) Data not sufficient (iii) IF f(x) + 2x + 3, then among ‘fll f(2) and f(3), which one gives the maximum value. (a) rt) (o)ft2) (c) 13) (a) = r21=113) (iv) If f(+ x) =x? +1 then f(2-A)is (a) -2h4+2 {b) h? -2n+1 (c) h? -2n-2 (d) W +2h42 (\) IF fle) = 7p then range (f) is equal to (iu wf 5 o) i ANSWERS Multiple Choice Questions L@ 2@ 3 40 50 6 720 &@ %2@ © 20 B@ w@ B@ 16 @) 17 @ 1% 19 0) 21 () 22 23.0) 24) 25.) 26. (@) 27.) 28 (a) 2 © 3h (0) 32 @ 3% @ 34M 35. © Assertion-Reasoning MCOs 36. (@) 37. @) 3%) 39.0) %@) 4. 2@ BO HO 46. (d) 47. (6) 8. 49. (50. Case Based MCOs 51. ()-(0) (i) - A) Mi -(@: (0) - ); ()- 53. (D-(0) GD (a); (i) -(@): (0) - (@; 52. (0 (a) (i) - (0) iD - ; tv) - 0); 0) @) 54. (- 0); (1) -(@); Gt) -(0) tv) -(@); )- (©) 410, 20. 30. 45. o o o o x w SOLUTIONS ‘We know that, an ordered pair of elements taken from any two sets P and Q is a pair of elements written in small brackets and ‘grouped together in a particular order, ie (A gh pe Pandg x(y+t]= ally) Ally) al assumes real values, ify +1#Oie. y#—L ~tl) We have, f(x)=2-|x-5] (2) is defined for all x € R = Domain of f= We know that, |x-5|20-|x-5|s092-|x—5]s2 flx)s2 Range of f = (== 2] We have, (3) where, x =|] (-x) aa veel is not defined for x € R. Hence, f is not defined for any xe R. We have, f(x) = ee fixl=y ea Let, “Tea? = byt ysxsytoety=0 assumes real values, if A> 0 (1)? -4() (9) 20 = 1-4y?20 = ayi-1so = +H%y-1s0 = re[- Range of f =[ ; 4 26. Let R be the set of real numbers. Define the real valued function f :R— Rby y= fl2) =x for each ve R Such a function is called the identity function. Here, the domain and range of f are R. The ‘graph is a straight line as shown in figure given below, It passes through the origin. ve 36-8 . 27. Constant function Define the function FR Roy y= f(s) =o x R where cis @ constant. Here, domain of f is R and its range is (¢ Y 8 6 4 2 Keo er} S6430 2466 2 4 6 3 x eg. The graph of f(x) = is a line passing through (0, 3) and parallel to X-axis, 28. 29. 30. 31. Sls) =|x-2] x42 x82 ach x22 We have, f(x) if ie. fla)=]* if e<0 ‘Thus, range of f = (I, —I}. Greatest integer function The function f:R Redetined by f (x) =[2], x R ‘assumes the value of the greatest integer, less than or equal to x. Such a function is called the greatest integer function. From the definition of[x} we can see that lfor-1sx<0 for 0sx<1 forex <2 [x]=2for 2< x < Sand so on, “The graph of the function is given in the question We have, [x]? ~5[x]+6=0 = bP -ae]-2he] +60 = [sl(lx]-3)- 2lx]~3) =0 = (lsl-3) (s]-2)=0 + ifx>0 33. 38. 37. Given, f(x)=3° 1)- roi+r(4) 2}loge -2 5°—2=125-2 Wehwe, (3)=Hoe, (122) 3) ke log a = dlog a =2f(x) Assertion Two ordered pairs are equal, if and only if the corresponding first elements are equal and the second elements are also equal. Given, (x +1, y-2)=(3 ‘Then, by the definition x+1=3 and y~ Hence, Assertion and Reason both are true and. Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. Assertion P and Q are two non-empty sets. ‘The cartesian product P xQ is the set of all ordered pairs of elements from P and Q, i. PxQ=((p9): peP and geQ) 40. 4. Reason Now, 4= {red, blue}, B= Ax B= Set of all ordered pairs {{red, 5), (red, c), (red, s), (blue, 4), (blue, ¢), (blue, 3)) Hence, Assertion and Reason both are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. Assertion Given, (4+ y) =(9 + 5-2) “Two ordered pairs are equal when their corresponding elements are equal 324+ 5and y= rs) -1,3 4) (1, ~1), (~L 3}, (=, 4), (3 =D (3,3), (8 4), (4, 1), (4, 3), (4 4)) *. Assertion is true and Reason is false. Axe t of first elements = {x, 9, 2) 1) Hence, Assertion and Reason both are true and Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion. Assertion The total number of relation that can be defined from a set 4 to a set Bis the ‘number of possible subset of A xB. If n(A) = p and n(B) =49, then nA x B) = fig and the total number of relation is 2°” Given, A=(1, 2 and B=(3,4) Ax B=[(l, 3), (1, 4), (2 3), (2 4) Since, nA x B) = 4, the number of subsets of Ax Bis 2, Therefore, the number of relation from A to B will be 2 =16. Hence, Assertion and Reason both are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. Assertion In Roster form R= ((1, 1), (1,2) (1,3), (4), (1, 6), (25 4), 2, 6), (2, 2), (4, 4), (6, 6), (3, 3), (3, 6)) Reason Domain of R= Set of first element of ordered paits in R=(1, 2.3 4,6) Range of R= (1, 2,8, 4, 6} Hence, Assertion is false, Reason is true. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Assertion In Se-builder form, Rea((x,y):7=27, my eZ and-2s x59 fr 0eN] Reason The relation shown in figure is represented in Roster form as R=((-2 4), (“1 0, (0, 0), (40. (2 4)) We observe that, second element of each ordered pair is the square of first element. Hence, Assertion is false, Reason is true Assertion The given relation in Roster form R=((0, 5), (1,6), (2,7), (3.8), (4,9), (5,10)) Domain of R=(0,1, 23,4, 5) Reason Range of RK =(5, 6,7, 8,9, 10) Hence, Assertion is true, Reason is false Assertion The given relation in Roster form is, R={(3, 5), (4,6), (5,7), (6,8), (7,9), (8,10), (9,1) Domain of R=(3 4, 56,7, 8,9) So, Ais true. Reason Range of R ={5,6, 7,8, 9, 10,11) So, Ris false. Hence, Assertion is true, Reason is false Assertion In arrow diagram, every element of P has its unique image in Q So, it represent a function. Reason Domain of f = R - (2. Domain of, D,#D, ‘We know that, two funetions are equal when their domain and range are equal and same element in their domain produce same image. fee Hence, Assertion is true and Reason is false. Assertion We have, f(x) =2- 3% rE Rx>0 Let f(x) =,then 20=32-y>0— Q>y 3 yer Hence, range of f =(- = 2) Reason Now, f(x) = x7 +2 Let y = f(x), then yaat +22 x= qyod sx assumes real values, if y~ 220 = y22>7e[2 =) z. Range of f =[2 =] Hence, Assertion is false, Reason is true Assertion Given, R=((x,9):[¥—ylis odd, xe A,y ©) ‘The relation Rin Roster form is R=((l, 4), (1,6), (29), (8 4), (3.6), (5, 4), (5,6)) 47. :. Domain of R= (1, 2,3 5) So, Ais true, Reason It is also true |x] is always positive Hence, Assertion and Reason both are true and Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion Assertion We have, f(x) = f(x) is defined, ifx-120ie. x21 *: Domain of f =| =) Hence, A is incorrect. Reason Let f(x) = ‘Then, yale * eel e-Range of f =[0, =). Hence, Assertion is false, Reason is true 49. Assertion Given, 48. fiers Slsthad +5, Yor -(« + y ee healer) =f(e')4+3 fla) -serear(2) ss] Reason Now, we have, Fflx)= (2-4)? (2-5)? fla +b)=(a+b-a)? (a+ b-a)? Hence, Assertion is true, Reason is false 50. Assertion We have, Sf (s]= 20+ g()ax +7 alf (a) = gl2x+3 = (eta (2x + 3) a +20 alae asa A Fat, i ad 4 =H 44 Ai+20 442-4" -* ,2 Fea Peo 442 +2 Hence, Assertion is false, Reason is tue. 51. (i) Here, first clement of each ordered pair of Ax Bgives the elements of set A and corresponding second element gives the elements of se B A=(a,6) and B=(1, 39} Note We write each element only one time in set, iit occurs more than one time. (i) Given, (4) = 3andn (B) = 4. «The number of elements in AXB is n (AxB) =n(4) xn(B) = 3x4 =12 Fla)+ f(a) =— (ii) Itis given that (1, 3), (2, 5) and (3, 3) are in ‘Ax. It follows that 1,2, 3 are elements of Aand 3, 5 are elements of B. 2.3) and B= (3,9) 29 and B=(3 5) 23x13 9 (3 3),(3, 5) Hence, the remaining elements of (A xB) are (1, 5),(23), (3,5). (v) Given, Px P)=16 = P)nP)=16 = WP)=4 i) Now,as (al) PxP aePandleP Again, (6,2) PxP From Eq, (i) itis clear that P has exactly four elements. 52. (i) We know that, two ordered pairs are equal, if their corresponding elements are equal. (a-3b+7)=(37)a-3=3 and b47=7 [equating corresponding elements} AaQvtyaa=dxBey = ya4-6= iv) Since, (1, 4), (2,6) and (3, 6) are elements of ‘Ax B, it follows that 1, 2, 3 are elements of Aand 4, 6 are elements of B. It is given that ‘Ax Bhas 6 elements. So, A=(1, 2.3) and B= (4, 6) Hence, Ax B= (1,2 3) x(4, 6) =((L 4), 1.6) (2 4),(2.6), (3 4), (3,6) and Bx A=(4,6} (1,23) = (04), (4, 2), (4, 3), (6,1), (6, 2), (6, 3)) {v) We have, = = nA) and n{B) are factors of 45 such that their product is 45, Here, n() cannot be 17 53. (i) Given, R=((a,8):20 + b= 5.4, beW) Here, W represent set of whole numbers. When When When a=2b= Fora > & the value of given by the above relation are not whole numbers. R= (0,5) (13)(20) {@) From arrow diagram, we have 4,25) and Q=(54,821-2-a-5 Here, the relation Ris ‘xis the square of where xe Pand y €Q. can be written as = 3) (4,2) (4-2 (25,5) (25 ~5)) iii) In set-builder form, R can be written as Re{(s y)ixeP, yeQ and x is the square of 9} (iv) We have, A=(a, 8) and B=(2, 3, Tn roster form R=, Now, number of subsets of A xB =16 ‘Thus, the number of relations from A to B is 16. (v) Given, m4) and B = (B) =6 ©. Number of relations from A toB anal eala) =P*ea gt 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) 54, (i) Ifwe draw a vertical line, then it will intersect the curve at two points. It shows that given curve is a relation, (ii) If we draw a vertical line, then it will intersect the curve at only one point. It shows that given curve is a function, lala 42543) (i) We have, fll) =()? + M43 putting x =1 in Eq. (i) #1424326 F(2)= (2) +2) +3 [putting x = 2in Eq. (i)] =44443 F(3) =(3)? + 3)+3 [putting x =3in Eq. i] =946+3=18 (iv) Wehave, fll+s)=a?+1 ti) On substituting x =(1|~ A) in Eq, (), we get fl 1—A) =A} 4 f(2-B) =14 8 2h 12k? hs 2 (¥) Weknow that, =1

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