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Workbook a a a a 0 Personal Best Series Editor Jim Scrivener Author Genevieve White You and me Work and play People in my life Home and away What are you wearing? Homes and cities Food and drink In the past Education, education! People On the move Enjoy yourself WRITING PRACTICE Richmond A2 Elementary TN i You and me NS GRAMMAR: The verb be 1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1 1am fis /are nineteen years old. 2 She am {is (are a teacher. 3 Am Lis /Are you from this country? 4 They am not / isn't / aren'tat home. 5 We am / is/are all in the same class. 6 Am [15 / Are she English? 7 Imnot Fisn't / aren't hungry. 8 Itam/is | are nice to meet you. ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb be. 1 "Where's Malu?" I don't know. Sne here" 2 "Neyou twenty?” "No, | twenty-two" 3. My parents week 4 “Ig Pablo your brother?" "No. He my friend” 5 "Where are the children?" “They ‘at home. They've at school." In New York this 5 6 "___we all here?" ’No, Jamesis. in the classroom: 7 You a teacher. Youre a student. a ‘she Russian?” "No, she’s Polish” VOCABULARY: Numbers 1-1000, countries, and nationalities 6 3) Write the words or numbers. 95 ‘twenty-one 47 two thousand 2B six hundred and thirty 802 eighty-five B fifteen Match flags a-f with nationalities 1~6. 1 Swedish 2 Chinese 3 Australian 4 Argentinian 5 Vietnamese 6 Twkish Complete the sentences with countries or nationalities My mom's from Jagan. She's ‘Our teachers from 1m from Ireland. im His best friends from ‘Marta is from Portugal. She's My dacs from the US. He's They ar Theyre from Brazil, ‘We are from Spain, We're Michat's He's from France. Wahid s from Egypt. He's She's Canadian She's Italian. 0 PRONUNCIATION: Contractions of be ©t1_ Underline the contractions. Say the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat. 1. "Are you eighteen years old?" “No, Im twenty. 2 “Where is Miguel? "He's ina meeting” 3 This isthe café. We're eating breakiast here 4 Anna is my sister, She's an English teacher. 5. They're my friends. We are in the same class. 6 I know you. You're Sasha's brother. 7 “is your car German?’ “No, it's Italian” READING: Approaching a text My trip with the orchestra Him Pavia, and I'm from Portugel|*_a student, but {Im also in a guitar orchestra for young people. Right now, Im ona trip wth the orchestra. We're ready to play concerts in London, Paris, and Rome! Here's my blog about my month of music “These are some of my friends from the orchestra. They? __a lot of fun! Merina >__ nineteen, end Migue' is eighteen. Theyre ry best fiends. We usually go to the park together ~ we all ke nature. \Wo're in London right now, and there are lots of beautiful parks here, (Our guitar teacher's name is Catlos, and he's very fiendly. He is a great teacher ~ and he also cocks dinner for us every night, We all ke his food very much. We 4___ in Paris now, at a hotel downtown, There are a lot Of English students in this hotel, so I practice my English every cay. ‘The orchestra plays music every morning until noon, and then we walk around the city. I's a really interesting place, and we see and do lots of things. ‘We're in Rome now. It§_ an exciting ely! Our concerts e inthe evening, and we go shopping every day. My month ‘of music is nearly finished. 'm happy because | want to see mi family, bul {im sad because this trip is great. 1 Look at the title, headings, and pictures. Choose the 2 Complete the text with the correct forms of the best description for the text. verb be. 2 Someone who goes to music school every day IgSexraon eis foeanenninereicraueereE et 3 Are the sentences true (7), false (F), or doesnt say (D5)? weeks, 1 Paula is Portuguese. — © Someone who visits Rome on vacation. 2. Her fiend Marina is Spacish — 3 There are nice parks in Loncon = 4 Carls is 8034 cook — '5 There are no French students in the hotel in Pars. 6 Miguel doesn't tke Pars. _ 7. Paula tkes Rome. — @ Marina anc Miguel Uke shopping in Rome. GRAMMAR: Possessive adjectives and ‘s VOCABULARY: Personal objects for possession 3 Match definitions 1-6 with objects a-f. 1 Choose the correct options to complete the 1. You can sve your face in this — sentences 2 Youopena door with this. _ 1 My classmates and tal like ___ English teacher. 3 You-can talk to your fiends witht aour b hi their =“ = e 4 You wear these on your hands when its cold, __ 2 “Whats your ___ name?" "Her name's Giulia” varmeditautes asisters —b sisters’ & sister’s © Younsed this when eras — 2 citie_tepr-e ee 6 You put your money init amy your her 2 umbrella 4 Do you like ___ shoes? Theyre new! b change purse adame’s b James —¢ James © phone 5 “Where does Enrico ve?" "___ house's over there.” gloves alts b His © Your e key 6 “Is Emmaat home?" "No. Her car's not hare” eines patents bi parent’s © parents! 7 have a white cat name is Snowy, 4 Complete the words. aMy bTher ec its, + tht ine wits 6 isis ap ______of me with my mom an« 8 Ths store doesn'thave _bags eee. we goon eaatonl a.wornens b women's © womens! 2 Youcan buya s_______for your postcard at 2 Complete the text with possessive adjectives. sna portomee 3. What timeisit? I don't have aw —____ 4 When I walk at night. | take a f_—_____tohelp me see, 5 Myname and address are on my oe 6 leatalotofe __. Mymom says it's bad for my teeth, 7 I can't read this without my g during cess. Pm Jum, and this is a photo of 2 ‘You can see my best friend 2 PRONUNCIATION: Sentence stress Marta and $___teache . ne op ererenne 5B @2) seen and epeat the sentences Underine the stressed vords in each sentence. Listen again. names are Last and! Carlos, check, and repeat. 4. Whats in his wallet? 2. Here are your books. 3 Mytablet is on the chair. 4 What's her name? 5. Their house is new Where are my tissues? This sa photo of my house. Mom and | live here. lesa small house, bar © garden is pretty big ~ we both like gardening We have a cat, too — 7 ___ name is Sooty because it is black anal white. What about you? What are ® fiends and house like? SPEAKING: Asking for and giving personal information 1 ©r Listen to the conversation. Which sentence is 4 ©)13. Does the receptionist ask for clarification for correct? ‘Miguel's information? Listen again and write A, B, or A Miguel at home. for 1-6. There may be more than one answer. B Miguelis on the phone. A Yes, she asks, “How do you spell that please)” © Miguel is at the gym B Yes, she asks Miguel to repeat information. © No, she doesn't ask for clarification, 2 ©'13 Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1 ats your____ mre? £ Natt — stname _ 2 And what's your 7 pene 3 Doyouhavean adress, Miguel? Semalediess — 4 And what's your____ number, please? - " 5 adoress _ 5 Whatsyoura 5 Hoes © OK Whats your2_____? epcode: — 5 ©A) Look attr information on the form below Usten and check tits cotrect. Ask for clarfcation and make sure you use polite intonation. 3 ©19 tisten again and complete the form below. SUPERFIT GYM Sie. . - - - - First name: Last name: MARIA Last name: PALMA. E-mail: | Prone number: palma%0@newmailcom Phone number: 215-555-0074 Address: 521 Queen Road Zip coce: 14147 REVIEW and PRACTICE BLOG PODCASTS ABOUT LISTENING OD usentorne podcasraboutan Iareting deoe. tel Om seroncs. A true (T) or false (F)? + Roosevelt Avenue isn the US 4 we veaaseieneciunaites very international street. ‘act's sore ses ap Hs moter fom etand Ic Deng is Vetnarese eescok ancora tead Marais Portuguese. Annes om ni 2 @is usten again. Complete the sentences vith the numbers in the box. There are four ‘umbers you don't need. 23 4 53 6 73 18 122 180 1 Jacob's store sells __ different kinds of candy. 2 People trom dliferent countries lve in the neighborhood. 3 Mr, Deng has restaurants, 4 Maria hes children, 5 Anna has sisters, Besos a READING 1 2 Read the blog on page 7 about an international hore. Write the people's nationalities + Suki 2 Luep 3 Ryan 4 Simona 5 Marco. (GireiWehe countries in the blog and underline the personal objects. Are the sentences true (7), false (F, or doesn’t say (OSI? ‘Sukiis from France Five people ve in Suk’s apartment. Lucia speaks English well. ‘Sukiis eighteen years old Ryans student Ryan works in a store in Paris ‘Simone doesn’t like the weather in Brazil ‘Simone's family ves in Brazil Marco has a job in Pari, 40. Marco is Suk's boyftiend. ae i de Net eet ee heme ean te Seems aay eee a ea eee et ee ea nee a ace eae AN INTERNATIONAL HOME er) Neue Curren aoe |1ve in an apartment in Pavis with four other people. We're all from diferent Ccountrigs, but we can all speak English roally well. Our apartmant is ) very ‘riendly, and, of course, it has a great international atmosphere! Lucja is from Poland, and she’s cighteon yeare (ld, She is a student, ike me. She wants to be a Centist, but she really loves candy! Lucja's a very happy person like hera lot. Here's 2 photo of her looking happy. Ryan is twenty-five years old, ard he is from Ireland. He works in a café near our apartment He likes shopping, and he loves shopping for ) M clothes, Here's a photo of him wearing his favorta sunglasses. He tanks they are very cool ‘Simona is from Brazil, She's twenty-one years ld, and she's a nurse. She doesn't ike the weather here ~ she is always col! I think she is unhappy because che can’t gee her family Dack home very often, and she misses her son. Here's Simona with her favorite umbrella ~ she takes it everwhere she goes! Marco is from italy. He's a student, too, but ne wants to be a model. He's very handsome, isn’t he? He's 28 years old, and he likes cars, soccer, and looking in the mirror! Who do you live with? Tell us about them and where you liv Re CEU Re acco! UNIT Pe Work and play GRAMMAR: Simple present: VOCABULARY: Jobs and job verbs affirmative and negative 3 Order the letters to make words for jobs. 1 choose the correct options to complete the + my moma TRODCO. She wks na nosptal servenees, 1 Hea tax’ every evening. 2 Imastudent but on Friday nights I'm a GISREN with my band. 2aie aie ssentiny 3 Aska CAIMNECH to look 2 My sister, English - she teaches math, me Siok atyour cat ples leone ——— pea 4 You rust be good at math to works an TONCANACUT 2 ake myjob, but t__very wel doesntoay b pays 5 ove ravetng, wart to bea THIGLE NETTANOTA. ‘pay 4 On the weekend, fm a tour guide. |__ tourists around my city adoesnttohe —b takes 8 I need to go to the STINTED. My teeth hurt tae 1 My iter wors as 3 TOESCIRENPIT in a hotel. 5 speak French, but! German oe a don't speak b speaks 8 This light is broken. I have to call an CAINCLEETRI. ¢ speak 8 My mom __inarestaurant She serves food 4. complete the sentences wth job ves wor » works " esc ae 1 sulolsa water He food na vesturant 2 My haeressr my har evry month 2 complete the e-malwith the corectsmmple 3. Heauntsaslesclerk She — computer pwesert for ofthe verbs in parentheses inabig store 4 Ho oways____asuitto work because ha’ lyr. eee 5 Sonia is a tour quide. She _______ tourists with their vin auestons. 8 Hstrotherisafemous chet He foodn the best How ave you am vr busy oft nw re ai [3 (work) @ lot of hours every day. We?_____ (have) a new teacher PRONUNCIATION: -s and -es endings ‘et school ~ Mrs. Black. She > 5 seo Me Sh chosen anny BAA Listen ad ice te sound that you hear at the end of Sapo’ arhecwerpee the underlined verb. Listen again, check, and repeat toves movies, and we ® (waren) 1. Suki works in a restaurant. Isl lel hah lot of intoresting videos in her cass. She 6 (pr se, oUgh he 2. Anna waiches TV every dey. IS tel fh crives fom Boston avery day! 5 Sally helps her brother wth nis homework, | /S/ | az Mom anc dad say "nao"! Thay are ousy, too. 4. Sean Paul dives an Italian car Ist | fel | ral ‘The restaurant's very popular, and they ae 7. (serve) food and crink al day, 5. Ester really kes chocolate sl | tel | ial qenrdayt 6 Roberto lives in Argentina Ist | fal | ak write soon, 7 7 Max teaches science. Is) fel hai Tamara 8 Turgey sells shoes. Ist | tal | fuel LISTENING: Listening for names, places, days, 1 QB Listento the conversation between two friends. Which names and places do you hear? 1a Janine b Jenny © Joan 2a Donna b Donald © Danny 3 a Mateo’s b Matia’s © Marco's 4a Boston b Houston ¢ Stockton 5a Vicky —-b Vinny —& ‘Ricky 2 ©2z® complete the sentences with in.on,orat Then listen again and check. 1 Venesseplys tenis seven cock 2 She exs pizza the talon restaurant 3 Thurscay righ, she tule 4. She is avays Boston on Fldy evenings 5 Peulwetches TV Saturday evening 6 Pauls tevorte Tsrowstarts eight otiock 3 Match the words to make actwities. 1 play 2 fiends 2 read b tomusic 3 meet © the guitar 4 spendtime English 5 gocut - © amovie 6 see — with my family 7 study © fordinner 8 listen — h thenewspaper and times 4. Complete the sentences with six of the activities from, exercise 3, Use the correct form of the verbs. Use affirmative and negative forms. 1. She's the singer in the band, and she also 21 ‘at home, | don't have a favorite grous, 3 They every day. They know a lot about the worl 4 She ___at the new language school downtown, 5 We ‘every week, We really tke Italian restaurants & Now that lam in college, |___ except on. (© 22 Read the sentences. Underline the words that only have the sound /a/, Then listen and check 1 Doyou tke music? 2 Mysister’so teacher. 3 want to play tennis! 4 What do you do in your tree time? 5 He goes to schoo! on Saturday morning 6 Whee is the movie theater? GRAMMAR: Simple present: questions 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box, what do who does (x2) how wen where don't (x2) you play soccer? “Does she work here? "Yes, she do you go atter work? “Do they tke dogs?" No. they : does he lve with? does class start? your father speak Italian? “Do you know Lisa?" "No, we do they do.on the weekend? 10 __ do you say this word? 2 Order the words to make questions. 1 does / study / where / he (Turkish 2 Vietnam / you / come fom do 3 she/a cat / does / have 4 with / trey who / do / go.out 5 at/ do/ start wotk eight / we & you / do why / to schoo! erve 7 does / fix / where /she cars B suit / wear / he /a/ does PRONUNCIATION: Auxiliary do/does in questions 3 Look at the pictures. Use the prompts to write questions about 1 where/ive? 2 how/work? 3 when/nome? dojstudy/evening? 5 what/weekends? 8 wholmavies? 4 QA say the questions. How do we soydo an does? Listen, heck and repeat 1 Doyeute piza? Does he ve with his poents? \Wrat do you don the weekend? Do they speak Spanisn? Wise doable When do you wateh V7 oes youre coo yo ‘ihesde soutpaia ome mmr near? WRITING: Opening and closing an informal e-mail eco Hey Lucy, How are things with you? Do you like your new home in Now York? Hore in Madrid, everything is fine. | have a new roommate. She is reslly nice and frioncly, but |often think of yau and wish you were here! Her name is Keira, and she's from New Zealand, She's a good cook, but she doesn't make great chocolate coke like you! | have a new parttime job. im a tour guide ~| take people around Madrid and show them the sights. | work every aflemcon, from 2 p.m. til 6 of 7 p.m. | really ike my job, but | don't have allot of free time right now! You can see me working in ths photo, Inthe evenings, | am pretty trad, but | sometimes play tennis with Keira. On weekends, | usually go o the movies of go shopping Take caro, Maia 1 Read Maris’s e-mail then took a the phrases below. 4 Complete the e-mail with and, but, oror. a ring (0) or closing (C) phrases? eugene 19 (O} oF closing (C) phrases? aes) 1 _ 2 #4 Semana, s = ‘Im on vacation in Granada in Spain, Our 4 — ‘vacation is really fun *___ exciting, 5 — ?___ wish you were here. | thin 6 Love, Freddie 0% she port lace for you. Yeu can choose to goto the beach 5___ the mountains. Find and underline the connectors in the e-mail. The food #___ drinks are delicious, 5___people have lunch too late! They Choose the correet connectors. dont oat uni 3 cock! 1 | really like coffee, and / but | don’t like tea at all. | wil call you soon & write another 2 Is that your mother, and / or is it your sister? ave 3.190 to school, and / so also have extra English Bye, asses, cae 4 I'm from Spain, but {and | now live in Mexico. 5 6 | nave two sisters: Vanessa and {or Sally. ‘Ara you teacher or / buta student? 5 Write an e-mailto a friend in another country. Use and, but, and or to connect your ideas. Include: + an informal opening phrase * information about your home, friends, and free time: + an informal closing phrase PravaVene na eur PODCASTS ABOUT Byos a Deu euros eater ey LISTENING 41 ©25 Listen to the podcast avout someone with an interesting job, Choose the corract answers, 1 Which sentence about Avabelia sre? 2 She dorsi ike gong tothe movies, b Her hobby also ner ob. © She reads a tof newspapers 2 Whatis arabes ob? She sels tckets ta movie ester b Sho the manager of a magazine € Shevrtes about menos 3 What does Arabella say bout Luke? a He realy kes movies b He she fea ¢ He doesn tak aot 2 G25 usten again. Complete the sentences with cone or two words. 1 Arabella realty loves her 2 She writes about movies for___ and magazines 3 She goes to the movies __ times 2 week 4 She realy likes horror 5 Attor she sees a movie, she likes to ___ it. 6 She also writes about __ 3 ©25 order the words to make questions. Listen again and check your answers. 1 go! do / you / every night / to the movies ? 2 whatkind Ue (you /do / of movies? 3 you/ take / with you /a friend / do? 4 have / you / 60 / another job ? READING 1 ead tne blog on page 15 about work and free tne. ‘Answer the questions. +1 What i Tom Fletcher’ job? 2 Does Tom think we have a good work-life balance? 3. What does Tom think we need to spend more time ding? Does Tom say the things below? Choose Yes or No, 1. Many people start wok at seven o'clock, | Yes | No 2 People work more hoursin winter. Yes | No ‘3 Tomas his lunch at home. “Yes | No” 4 Many people aways fee ved “Yes No 5 Paying the gutarcanrmake youteel ge yp good {6 Meeting frendé ic # good idea ves No 7 Wehaetoatwaktorteenmints 6) ig © Hoe trectine ato goodirser |e 3 GreBine ree-time actives inthe blog, BLOG hee ccna teas 0,9 TOR or i Torey, lots of people work or study for more than 50 hours a week. We don't have much free ea etc oe eee ee ef UR away from work and studying. What can we do to make sure we don’t work too much? Here ‘are some icieas from life coach, Tom Fletcher. People work really hard these days. Think about it - most of us read cur work e-mails bbotors breaklest! Then we work ntl seven o'cleck. In the winter, wa probably don’t ‘ee the sun! Sixty parcent of us take work home, tao—and check cur wark e-mails late et right is what a lot of people tell me about their day: “I get up at six o'clock, feat iunch at my desk, and go home at ton o'clock at night. | don’t have time to goto a restaurant or to meet friends. | don't spend time with my family cither — I'm alwaye too busy. l went to rolex, but there's not enough time uring the cay. I'm always tired, and | don’t realy enjoy my life right now. 7 This isn't good for our minds or bodies. You need to make time for life, because it's important to do things that you enjcy. Listen to music, play the uitar, read a book or go to the movies — these are things that make you fee! (900d. And when you feel good, you can also work better. Free-time activities con't need a lot of time - t's easy to make smal changes 10 your day. Do you eat your lunch at your desk? Why not go out toa cae — it's much more fun! Try to meet friends every day. Go for a ftesr-minute walk together. It makes you feel great and gives you more energy! UNIT Rie People in my life GRAMMAR: Frequency adverbs and VOCABULARY: Family expressions 3 > Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 Order the words to make sentences. 1 My aunt 1 always /is / your sister late for school 2 My mother-in-law — 3 Mynephew 2 together / cats dinner / our family / once a 4 My grandparents = week 5 Myniece — 6 My sister-in-law 3. grandparents / sees /his /he / twice a Is my husband's sister. month b is my brother's son. © is my mothers sister 4 Is mywite’s mother © are my parents’ mother and father, £ is my sister's daughter 4 because / play tennis /|/ never /| don't like it 5 reais / they eat / sometimes /abig A Comptcte the femity words 6 nthe chen / a day /nelps my mother / my brother / thee times 2 Complete the conversation with adverbs anc frequency expressions ‘Anas. What do you *u curing the summer vacation? Sara [travel to the US. 0 a year. This isa photo of my family, This is me, Ihave one ‘Anas You're so lucky! 4, ___ Her names Sal, and this isher Sara Well, my family ives there, and I ah Ali He's also may caetayauas — ore ey * aE sean tecue have two # ¢__— oth boys, named Casper and they live near me. What about John = who are my $n Myf took you? the photo. His brother, Fred, is my favorite 7 w ! Anas stay home Se year. Sara Really? Isn't that boring? Anas Novara! [workin a café three PRONUNCIATION: Sentence stress rl tae andisce 5 ©s1_ Read the sentences. Stress the adverbs and frequency expressions, Listen, check, and repeat, He sometimes visits his cousin We're never late. | study Enalish every day. | see my nephew once 2 week We often eat Chinese food. | usually go to the park with my niece. VACATIONS inne Dasa ea al IT'S VACATION TIME! READ ABOUT OUR ACTIVE VACATIONS WHICH ONE DO YOU LIKE BEST? ‘A PONY HI ING (Our pony hiking vacations ‘re very popular. On these vacations. you say ina quiet hotel in a beautiful place. Then you get up early and go pony bhleing unt3 pm. with one of ‘ur friendly guides. You also learn allabout pony care. oyu love music? Then this, vacation is for you. On this special vacation, you singin {gr0up every morning fortwo hhours. Then, in the afternoon, you give group concert in the town center. Inthe evening, you © clan and sometimes go dancing, too. I's lot of fun! 1 Scan the text. On which vacation do you 1 eat delicious food? 2 dance in the evenings? 4 stayina hotel? 4 Lear cifferent crafts? 2 Are the sentences true (T], false (F),or doesnt say (DS)? 4 On the pony hiking vacation, you go riding with a guide. 2. You can go swimming in the evening on the pony hiking vacation, 3 You meet people from different counities on the singing vacation, 4 On the singing vacation, you can relaxin the evenings, '5. You buy and cook your cwn food on the yoga vacation 3 aa ‘Are you busy at work? Are you “42a ire Rae arc pend tine bead wih ther people who love yoga Youstay na beautiful smal house rea the se. In the morning, you practice yoga, ane gosimming inthe sea. nthe fteroon and evening you eat cut healthy food {itsas0 éelcious). eas ‘Our artsand cats vacation s for paoole who lore tomace things. vey morn you learn aaiferontcatt andinthe afternoon, you goon tris to visit ‘Serent artists inthe evening, ‘youshow the other students your Pa ont 03a fu vacation, and its x intresting too! 7 a 6 Onthe yoga vacation, you stay near the sea. 7 On the arts and crafts vacation, other people Can look at your work, 8 Youmake different things in the aftemoon on the arts and crafts vacation. ‘Complete the sentences with also or too, 1. Trete vacations cound good! | ike the yoga vacation and the singing vacation, 2 | want to go.on the pony hiking vacations and | ‘want to go on the yoga vacation. 2 like ponies, and | like quiet hotels. 4 On the arts and crafts vacation, you make art, and you look at other people's work, 5 Singing is fun, and it's relaxing, —_ Yoos is interesting, and it's ery good for you. GRAMMAR: love, like, hate, enjoy, don’t mind’+ noun/-ing form VOCABULARY: Ac ies (2) 3 Order the letters to make words for activities. 1 Complete tne tx with te -ng form of he verbs in 1 og psosne parentheses. Tove 1__ (live) with my family! We're all very happy. My dad enjoys 2 (drive) his taxi for work ‘every day, My moms very busy, I don’t mind 3 (make) breakfast for my litle sister and 4 (take) her to the park sometimes. My brother, Pat, loves $____ (run) in the park, and he really like (swim) in the outside pool there ~ but he hates” (wo) to school! On the weekend, we all enjoy ® (be) together. Somerimes 1 like to be alone though. I love © (sit) with a book or #°_____ (plan) my. fuarare! 2 Complete the sentences with love / don't like / doesnt like / nate / enjoy / dont mind + -ing form of the verbs in the box study help meet work spend play go relax watch eat 1 Doyou___ time with your family on the weekend? ® 2 |___vegetables but | ike French fries morel® 3 Mysister math and never does her homework. 6S 4 Do you ___in the evening after work? © 5 We ‘our friends for coffee in the new café in tovin, @@ 6 Jaime to the dentist, so he doesn't go very often. 68 7 His uncle makes cars. He ina factory @ 8 They_____ their mom with the shopping and cooking & 9 |___ movies atnome, but | go to the movie theater every week. © 10 Does your brother online games? 6 © 206 OT A LLAGYRE 2 LYAP HET LINVIO 406 GLIBWON 5 0D GOYA 6 HEAV A CINCIP 7 APLY LOVELYBLLA 8 ISITV STERILAVE Complete the sentences with the correct verbs, 1 What great weather! Co you want to a barbecue? 2 When itrains on vacation, | ike to. tomuseums. 3 Inever____golf - | think it's @ boring game. 4. My irifriend loves to rate the water! swimming, but | 5. I don't have time to cook, 50 often a takeout for dinner. 6 I want to ___dancing tonight, There's a ‘feat DJ playing! 7 Doyouwantto. bike riding on the weekend? 8 His niece wants to learn to orate next year. PRONUNCIATION: -ing forms 5B ©)32 say the sentences. How do we say the -ing forms? Listen, check, and repeat. 1 I don't mind playing tennis. We love visiting our grandmother. I don't ike being late. Hove reading stories, ke running, | hate watching TV. | don't mind going to schoot | enjoy playing sports. SPEAKING: Accepting or declining an invitation 1 Look at the clocks and write the times. 3 ©22 Complete the tines trom the conversation vith the words in the box. Then listen again and check. how let's can't time say about plans want 1 Doyouhave— after work tody? 2 Doyou togo to the movies with me? 3 Tonight? On, Im sorry, | 4 What____ tomorrow? 5 ‘about having lunch with me? 6 Great __go together. 7 What _____is good for you? 8 Let's one o'clock 1 its 4 Match 1-5 with a-e to make conversations. ais 1. Doyouwant to come to my birthday party 3 is ‘on Saturday? 4 its 2 Would you tke to come to the game with 5 ‘me? Ive got two tickets. os 6 3. How about going to the new burger 7 restaurant togather? e 4 Do youwant to have coffee together later? _ 5 Areyou free for lunch today? 2 ©38 Listen to the conversation between two friends. Are the sentences true or false? 0 Talore bus contr saxinestsony}: 6 Cool! love soccer. 1 Pablosuggests going fora walk, | True | False © Sure! Yes, Fd love to! 2 Sara accepts Pablo's invitation for ae ‘ont || ae = Sate? msn Lcn 3. Sara has to visit her grandfather [Tue [False 5 (©)B Listen anc check. Then say the people Pablo suggests tommorrow morning, | True | False ‘accept (A) or decline (D) the invitations in each ee conversation, 5 Theyapreetomeetatone clock | Tre | False ‘ _ 3 4 5 6 (©24 Listen again and repeat the conversations in exercise 4, Copy the inconation to sound enthusiastic or sory REVIEW and PRACTICE ME BLOG PODCASTS ABO Soe eur ey CU es LISTENING 1. ©28 usten tone podcast bout a amiy Ceasress called “Suish Number @- hin te ofr you hear them (1-8). a rat _ cies = srandeother _ anata oor _ sitet ea — ans 3 h 2 3s Listen again and choose the cowect answers 1 Why do people enjoy going to Swish? a The haircuts are very cheap. bb The hairdressers are friendly. ¢ Theresa nice atmosphere, 2 How many family members work at the haircresser? aten b eleven « thirteen 3. How many aunts does Mila have? atwo b three four 4 What does Mila do at Swish? 1 She cuts rai b She makes cottee, «She does lots of cifferent things. 5 Does the family enjoy working together? 1a sometimes b usually always 5 Why are there problems sometimes? a because of money b because of customers © because they are busy READING 1. Read the blog on page 19 about spending time with ‘your family. Write R (Roberto), M (Mariella), or B (ooth). Who: + doesn'tlike playing gol? _ 2 isbusy at work? 3 likes going out with friends? = 4 doesn't enjoy going dancing? — 5 6 doesn't like shopping? {9086 cycling three times a month? = 2 Wee the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Roberto doesnt like music. Mariela and Roberto hardly ever talk together. Mariels plays golf with her friends. = Roberto likes playing golf with his deughter Roberto has lot of free time, — Mariella and Roberto sometimes ride their bikes to the beach. = 7. Mariella talks to her father about schoo, __ 8 Roberto enjoys going bike riding with Mariela, —_ 3 Gieidne adverts and expressions of frequency in the biog ae i de Crete cL entry eee ner en hacen cas PR today's busy world, it's not always easy for families to spend time together. So why not try doing your mother's, father's, son's, or daughter's hobby with them? Read about how Mariella and her dad, Roberto, enjoy some free time together. & My ded plays got three times a week. He's <7 always at the golf course. I don't know why! I don't think it’s @ great sport - you don’t run, there's no ‘music, and | dor’ like the clothes people wear! | don't see my dad very often, and sometimes | don’t know what to talk to him about. That's why 1 like coming nere together, because there's always somathing to talk about - where the golf balls going, for example! When we're at home, I'm usually on my phone talking to fiends, But | never look at my phone when we play golt! I play golf with Dad about once a weak | don't realy Ika very much, but Ike being with him, and | know he enjoys it, too. ZZ” have tree time, But Mariella doesn't talk to me often, ‘She nas a lot of friends, and she enjoys going out vnith them. And she never stops talking on her phone! ‘She loves going to clubs, too ~ but its not my favorite thing! It probly a bit boring to go out with your father. So's great that Marialla plays golf with me, Ite very special. Mariella loves bike riding, so we also go bike ricing together three times a month, Mariaila always decides inhere to go. Sometimes ve take our bikes to the beach, and sometimes to the hills. We offen talk ~ usually about things like school or work. Sometimes wwe talk about our favorite music. 'm happy to co Mariella's hobby with her. But hope she never asks ‘me to go shopping with her. hate going shopping! TN ml fal GRAMMAR: Prepositions of time 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box in 02) on (<3) to at from Where vrere you __ rmidnight last night? “The outdoor swimming pool is open from May October. 1 Friday nichts, | usually get takeout 2 Thebankis open 19 am. to4 pm. 3. School is always closed _ August. 4 the winter, | don’t go out very often. 5 We study alot the weekend 6 Imatways tied Monday mornings. 7 8 2 complete the txt with prepositions of ime Atypical day? Well, usually get up4_7.a.m., but? the summer it's lighter, so I get up earlier ~ maybe 6:30 a.m. Thave a job ina café serve food to customers. Iwork?___ 10 a.m. 4__6 p.m. every day during the week - °___ Monday ©__ Friday. After work, 7 6 p.m., Tusually meet my friends.® _ Friday nights, we go to a restaurant ‘orto the movies. °__ July, the café is closed for ‘one month, 50 I don’t work at all. [t's also closed 3©__New Year's. Then, my typical day is very different! Home and away VOCABULARY: Daily routine verbs 3 Put verbs ah in order (1-8) to make a typical day. get home fish work 90 to bed g0 to sleep 9 getup h goto work —_ 4. Order the letters to make daly routine verbs. 1 legt deserds after abig breakfast. 2 Do youwatch TV before you og ot loshoe?. My brother often doesn't veah clunh because he’s busy. Yolanda likes to kwae pu carly and read a magazine, ‘On Sunday. before | teg pu, Ihave 2 cup of coffee. Does heakte a roshew every morning? ‘Ourmom sometimes saket a hatb before bed. When they hsi closho, they play in the park. PRONUNCIATION: Sentence stress 5 ©p4i_ Read the sentences Which words are stressed? Listen, check, and repeat. + getup at eleven o'clock. 2. 1go to school trom nine o'clock to three oclack 3 We have breakfast at 7:30. 4 He rides his bike to work in the summer. 5 | play soccer on Saturday afternoons 6 She wakes up at aight, rave dinner a nave breakfast — LISTENING: Listening for the m: idea 1 ©42 Listen to a conversation about Hong Kong. Check (¥) the different types of weather you hear. 2 ©A2 Lister again Are the sentences tre (71 or false (F)? 1 The weather is always the same in Hong Kong. —__ Fiona doesr't like hot weather. — Fiona isa student _ It never rains in Hong Kong, — Typhoons bring bad weather. — 3 Complete the weather words for a=f in exercise 1, Order the letters to make seasons, Which words from exercise 3 describe the weather in your country in ‘each season? 1 RETWIN 2 GRINPS - 2 LALF 4 REMUMS. = 5 ©42 Read the sentences. Underline the words wien you think wil be stressed, Listen and check 1. Whats the climate Uke vere? 2 There are four seasons 3 The weathers too hot for me 4 Ratays raingherel 5 Is Hong Kong a beautiful city? [4¢ FE] sawounc ] GRAMMAR: Present continuous PRONUNCIATION: Linking consonants and vowels 1 choose the correct options tocomplete the 3 (@)44 Underline the words that are linked. Listen, check, and sentences, repeat 1 |__agreat time in New York. What are you doing tomorrow? a hes b having ¢ ‘moving im going away next weekend. 2. “Where's Peter?" He his mother fight, She's eating her breakiast now.” Its not very warm today. tim getting up late tomorrow. He's asking his teacher a ‘shelping b helps © arehelping 3 “Are we eating lunch here?” "No, we —__" a dont b ‘tenot ¢ ‘snot 4 Where —— you going right now? 4. Write sentences to describe what the people (1-8) in the ais bare ¢ do Picture are coing 5 fm enjoying this movie. a doesnt b not ¢ no 6 Are you to the partyon Friday? 8 come b comes ¢ coming 7 Laie’s tonight, so she's not here. a work = b works © working 8 they having a karate class today? 2 Do bare cls 9 “Ishe listening to the radio?" "No, he ais b doesnt ¢ ‘snot 10 They going to clubs downtown this week. a‘rerot b not © dont 2 Order the words to make statements and questions. 1 in/ we the classroom / sitting / are / now 2 thelr vacation / Brazil/ arent / they / spending / in 3 today / ate / enjoying / the children / school 4 she /right now / listening /'s not 5 visiting / you / this week / are / new places 6 right /is / now / snowing /t walking / today / not / the dog / tm 8 camping / he / is / this year / going WRITING: Describing a photo @00e Hey Rob, How are you’ I'm having a great time in London. 1m going to summer échoo! ~ | fove learning English! The weather's not very hot, and it ins alot, but * 's good weather for leaming and sightseeing, ''m realy busy ~ there's o much to dol Classes start at 9a.m, and ®__ nish at 1 p.m. | usually get up early and go fora walk before breakfast. | study English with the other students all morning, and then =__stop for lunch. After lunch, wv all go downtown to see the sights. In the ‘avening, wo have dinner togathor. Then wo go to the park or play soccer. ''m sending you a few photos. In this photo, 'm playing soccer with my new friend, George. George is from Serbia — 4 ' realy good at sports. This is a photo of my classroom with my English teacher, Joanna, > _____‘s really funny, and | enjoy her classes. Here's a photo of my classmates inthe park -® __'s a beautiful place to relax, Are you in London tight now? Can we meet some afternoon? ‘See you soon, Femando 1 Read Fernando's e-mail. Complete 1-6 with, 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. the corect prenours 1 in_____ photo, we're playing in the parc 2 Number a-e in the order Fernando does the 2 This photo| ny len bor pe things (1-5) 3 is. photo of my teacher, Joanna ‘8 describes his daily routine 4 __this photo, were having lunch, bb asks Rob to meet him 5 Here's ____phato of London. » tole about tro weer 8 Ths photo fof the other students in my describes some photographs — dae Roba HG ener — 4. You are ata sports camp. Write an e-mail to a friend. Use personal pronouns to avaid repeating words and nares. Tatkabout + the weather + your daily routine + Some photos and what you are doing in them, REVIEW and PRACTICE BLOG PODCASTS. ABOUT CONTACT vos a ears econ LISTENING READING 11 @#B ustento tne podcast about sleep.Check _1_-Read the blog on page 25 about the weather in (W)the things Dr. Patel talks about. two different countries, Match headings 1-5 with a dieig acomplia! paragraphs A~E. ouch — + Different weather diferent clothes + doing eon — 2 Madngnea tiendsinarewcouey = a teenagers 2 Spots at rome and away — o thing a bath — 4 Different ves in two counties — 1 ekinga shower — 5. Sumner and winter weather — 9. watching TV ae eck WV) the true sent 5 swears _ Check (W) the true sentences. 1 Pate isa student fom Caneda, _ 2 AB Usten again. Does br, Pete say the things 2 InAssala,youcan aim intheseain Janay. — below? Choose Yes or No. 3 He thinks life in Australia is similar to ; tein Canada _ " wosteengescontaeenoig |yes|ug 4 Heeweningvarctertocay, am |, 5 He hates the winter in Canada. a sleep a night. ae 6 The weather in Canada is very different in ‘te sumer and Whe _ 3 Dr. Patel eats a big lunch. Yes | No ees 7 Patrice doesn't have many fiends in 4 Dr Patethasdinnerlate at night | Yes | No. Australia, = 8 Henever goes surfing in Canada, a 5 He takes a bath every evening, Yes | No 6 He goes to bed after eleven o'clock. | Yes | No 3 Girciéthe weather and seasons vocabulary in the biog. 7 Henly works on his computer unl | ve | yg six otlock, 8 The ight from your phone can stop | va | no ‘you from relaxing ree aa Bree ea Cece ties Tea ia NORTH AND SOUTTI PO ea eae NR aera Tn Cae et ae er ets really hot? Twenty-year-old Patrice Chiffre told me about moving from Canada to Australia. eome from Calgary, a city in Canada, but now I'm going to callage in Australia. The ‘weather in these countries isn’t the same at alll And I think it changes how people lve and work in these places. First, the months and seasons aren't the same. In Dacember in Canada, people wear warm coats and hats, and ‘sometimes have dinner naxt to a big fire. But in Australia, January is summer and July is winter. Today isthe beginning of February, and everyone ie wearing “Tshirts and shorts. 'm eating lunch by the sea with my friends. and we're enjoying the sunny weather! People often ‘spend New Year's at the beach hers, \Winere I'm living in Avstralia right now, there is @ wet season and a dry season. ‘The wet season is really hot, and the dry season isa litle colder. But at home in Canada, the winters are long, dark, and really cold. The short ang sunny summers bring a big change, so people often eat healthier food, get more exercise, anc get up early in the morning, love the ‘summers in Canda - they are full of energy, festivals, and partes! People spend a lt of time outside in ‘Australia, so i's easy to mest people and make new friends, Of course, i's different in Canada, especially in winter. Poople stay inside more and don't s90 ‘thelr friends very often I'm meeting lots ‘of new people here in Australia (One thing | love about Canada is all tho snow and lee we have in winter. love going sking, too. It hardly ever snows here in Australia, but l enjoy going surfing = that's something | can’t do at home! UNIT b) el GRAMMAR: Simple present and present continuous 1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences, 1. Ramona is Spanish, She is coming from / ‘comes from Spain. 2. My aunt doesn't work | isn't working near her nome, 3. eat [im eating a big breakfast every moming. 4 “Where is Kets?" There she is. ‘She's wearing / She wears a blue jacket 5 Hello! Are you looking / Do you look for me? 6 We dont visit / arent visting our grandparents very often. 7 she watching / Does he waich TV right 8 They aren’ selling / don't sell magazines in this store, 2. Complete the conversation with the simple present or present continucus form of the verbs in parentheses Andy Hi! I’m Andy, * have) a good time? Yes, 5 a great pary! My name's Mara Hi Mara! Where ?. Geu/eome from)? {'m from Brazil, but 13 (scudy) in ere in Chicago this sommer. What about you? I'm from Boston, but 4 (not live) there right now. 15 work) here with my parents fora few months Mara ‘Thav’simerestng! What *, (they/do)? Andy They? (fio) cars, We - (not make) a Jot of money, but my mom 2 (enjoy) working with she Familyt Mara ‘Thats fantastic! My mom 30 (not have) a job right now, bur she wants ro be a singer! (you/ Mara Andy Mara Andy vo 3 4 PR 5 What are you wearing? )CABULARY: Clothes and ordinal numbers Match definitions 1-8 with clothes a-h. ‘You might wear these on your legs atthe beach. 1 2 This makes your neck warm on a cold day. 3 You can put these on your hands when it's cold. — 4 Men often wear this at work 5 You need these on your fest in the snow. — 6 You can wear this on your head in summer or winter. 7 Youwear this around the top of your pants 8 When it’s hot and sunny, people wear these on their feet, __ a sandals b belt © hat 4 gloves e scarf f shorts 9 tie h boots Write the words next to the ordinal numbers ith 310 22th 29th 40th 36th 2ath 19th Bist s4th YONUNCIATION: Dates ©S4 Undertine the stressed words. Listen, check, and repeat 1 kes May fiteentn ies December sxt% Ie the thitieth of Novernber les Api eleventh I's Cetober twelfth, les the twenty-third of June. Ie the Siteenth of Febcuary tes Juy ewentyenitn les the fourteenth of January. Ie August thirty-first. READING: Identifying facts and opinions ALL ABOUT CLOTHES ... 1'm Merta, and I'm 2 fashion blogger from Chile. ove making my own clcthes and posting Pictures of them on this blog! write my blog at home. | need to wear warm clothes because my house is col. inthis picture, Im wearing my favorite work clothes ~| call this my uniform! I think this ‘ross is “anfeitsat i's recly long, and it keeps me warm, too. My best friend mekes jewelry inthis picture, I'm ‘wearing one of her necklaces. Hove walking, and there are lots of mountains in Chile. | ‘often go hiking on the weekend. Here | am in my favorite hat and hiking pants. | think they're “teargt Fm not just a fashion blogger! | also have @ parttime job. work as a waitress in a café near my home. | can weer ‘what | lke because there's no uniform. | usually wear this black skirt and attractive white top because | think it looks really “noi. Do you lke my shoos? ‘This Is my Seauttlub litle brother! He’s only fve years ‘ld. | really like making clothes for him. He's wearing ‘green pants and a T-shirt because these are his favorite clothes. The clothes | make aren't aivays good. This dress is horibie ~ its °sranibregams| its too big for me, and its also too short. I's °fulwa, | know, but everyone makes mistakes! 1 Read Martas blog Match paragraphs AcE with pictures ink 5 3 Read the sentences from some of Marta's other blog F posts, Ave they opinion (0) or fact (F!? 2. Order the letters in words 1-6 in the blog to make adjectives. 1. Shoppina for clothes is boring, — 2 There are 25 clothing stores in my town, 3 | think that my big brother’ clotnes are teribie! _ 4 My birthday is on June 23rd. | want to get some naw snoes! — | don't have very nice clothes. — My mother fsa nurse GRAMMAR: Can and can't VOCABULARY: Hobbies 1 Complete the sentences with can or can't, 3 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 |____ see it because 'm not wearing my asses, 2 “______you help me, please?” “Yes, of course!” 3 “Whereis the nearest café?" ‘Tim sorry, we're not from here, We ____ tell you.” 4 Arita isa great photographer. She ___take really good photos, 5 “Can Miguel cook Chinese food?" “No, he 6 ~___they speak French?" "Yes, alittle” 7 Are you hungry? You have some of my pizza if you want 3 You buy this book, but you can download it 9 “Can you see the sea from your house?" “Yes, we 10 She can go to the club tonight, but she stay too late, Complete the sentencas with can or can't and the verbs in the box un read teach come play goout hear understand ask borrow te 1 you question?” "Yes. what is it?" 2 Sarah soccer, but she likes watching it 3m going to Italy next week —__ you ‘me some ltalan words? 4 “Can you this letter?" "No.1 “Tho wrting is really small” 51. very fast because fm ‘wearing sendals! 6 Alina has alot of homework, so she tonight. 7 —__|____ your bok? It looks really interesting 8 They___tomny party on Saturday — theyre on vacation, 9 “Canyou that noise?" "Yes. = what is it?” 1_______ you = you're soeaking too fast. My frend Anita makes — (Our grandmother collects His English teacher pizys = Her sister takes — What does he draw _ Can you bake a pictures of? 1b really good photos of animals © accake for my birthday? 4d. jewelry like bracelets and necklaces. coins. She has over a thousand! the drums ina band. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. 1 Atschool we blogs about what we are learning 2 Daniel pictures of his gitviend in ‘beautiful colors 3 Mysister ‘online games for hours. 4 Can you___chess? Do you want to learn? 5 Costa's aunt wants to him a sweater for the winter. Not many people stamps these days, PRONUNCIATION: Can and can't 5 ©52 Say the sentences. How do we say can and cant? Listen, check, and repeat. 1. I can't sew clothes. Can you? "Can you speak Chinese?" "Yes, | can. John can't sing, but he can play the drums ‘My mom can cook really well, lean dance. but | cart sing [My dad can leave work early this weak “Can your brother play the violin?” "No, he can't” You can't buy a new top today. SPEAKING: Offering help Tt 1 © Listen to Tim talking about shopping for his vacation. Check (v) the clothes you hear. boots gloves shorts 1 socks = i Tshirt = 2 Complete the questions wih the words in the box. ‘Thert match them with answers 2 below. all in colors pay changing much 4 Doyouhaveit___ blue? = 2 Doyou scarves? 3 What___are there? — 4 How __is this green one? — 5 Where are the men's rooms, please? 6 Cant with tis credit cara? Theyre all 45 dollars b show you © Wed, yes Just a minute, Il check. Yes, here you are, e Certainly sir Weave these in black, red, and green, 3 OBB Listen and check coat — scart _ shirt — sweater — sandals — 4 ©54 Listen to 5 conversations. What does the salesclerk do? Choose the correct option. Peon Casio) 5 ©54 Read the conversations. What do you think tthe salesclerk says? Then listen again and check, 1 Salesclerk Customer 2 Salesclerk Customer 3 Customer Salesclerk 4a Customer Salesclerk 5 Customer Salesclerk ‘Ave you OK? Do you any help? Yes ~ do you sell coats? Con |help _? Yes, please. How much are these pajamas? Cen | pay with this credit card? Juste minute, I \where are the men’s changing rooms? i____you where they are. Do you have this suit in medium? me ask someone. 6 ©B54 Listen again. Repeat what the salesclerk says. REVIEW and PRACTICE BLOG PODCASTS. ABOUT CONTACT vos a ‘Tom and Sam talk about Entec LISTENING READING 41 ©53) Usten to the podcast about a music 1 oad the biog on page Skabout what na wear fora ‘competition. Choose the correct answers, {Job interview. Answer the questions. 1 How old is Tony Pia? 1 What is Angela Santo's ob? av 2 What is Norbert Szi's job? bie 3. Which person's clothes does Angela prefer? 20 4 Which person's clothes does Norbert preter? 2 What instrument can Tony play well? sthednans: 2. Are the sentences correct? Choose Yes or No. b ihe plane 11 Angels and Norbert like Jos hat Yes | No « the guitar —— 3. Whenis the final for the music competion? aifoaee Cent eter Nes Ne June 30th 3. Norbert likes Jo's scart and top. Yes | No Naranuacy a0 4. Norbert thinks Dan looks good. Yes | No «June 13th : ' Angeia thinks Dan is wearng great rie 2 OBB usten again, complete the sentences clothes for an interview | vith one or two words. 6 Angela likes all a's clothes. Yes | No 1 The competition i called Young Drummer of 7 Angele thinks skits are better than pants | yu. | yg foran inteniow. 2 Young people trom all over _enter 8 Norbert thinks Iss clothes aregood | yas | yo the competition. fora job in tashicn. 3 Tonyibteelng abit 4 Tony's mom can play the 3 GreiWkhe clothes vocabulary in the blog, 5 Tony lays the drums every —___. 8 Paying the drums makes Tony feel and ful of energy. Tea ia eee eee nd Perens a Aes a Sean et ae eer iad wearing on the big day? It can be easy to make bad choices. Angela Santo is a hotel manager, and Norbert Szil has a fashion business. They tell me how to dress for success. Int tal sure about this on. Whi she wearing aha dont think that hats oso gst ea not torayob nore And don tk the eat ary eat It foot ite normal to WES oor win Anois aout th not dont agree With her abeut the ost the thes, ough. The woman IS wearng wry fostfoncble thes, an thnk the scart and top tok god lovee. She look cok WE i nis carving an ot breton. is not at ‘al tractive! looks cw thnk he's wearing «eu shrtand'o,burare theve sneaker on fet? Tiss novera good toc, but fora job mtrvew its tert HD assis Noort this man does not ook ‘fashionable. Are you sure he's going to a job interview? 5 WEED is woman aa itt Te kita great- rat too Tong or ahort and te dark tue, wich eo grect color forimerows Shes wearing ace jacket to. Suite sre (reat for ores, ad wren can wear Pat ete hit and joke WEED i wcinan cotng or ajc na pac nk she'll do well. There's just one thing ~ I can’t imagine her working in fashion. Her clothes are a bit boring, ‘Some color is always a great thing, and how about some jewelry? Bl NT 8) Ey GRAMMAR: there is/there are, some/any, and prepositions of place 1 Complete the text with the words in the box there are are are there there's is any there some So, this is my bedroom ~ I really like it! 4 window by my bed, sol ccan see outside. Across from the bed is a TV. [love watching TV in bed at night! 2 some closets, too, for my clothes. there 5 any shelves! Yes, ~ look! There are shelves next to the bed. There aren't §_ books con them because I don’t like readin 7__are lots of DVDs, though. And & there a desk? No, Ido iy homework downstairs on che big table! 2 Choose the preposition which is not correct 1 Theboy isin front of / behind | between the door. 2 The table is next to / across from / ina small window. 3 The big chair is on / behind /in front of the closet. 4 Ishis book urcler ( between / next to your shopping bag? 5 My house is between / under / across from the park and the station, 8 Two apples are in / under / on the table. TT Your cat is behind / on / between the sot 8 Is your apartment next to / between / on those two stores? 9 Ourteacheris in / next to in front of the big des 10 Her phone is behind ! in / under the TV. Homes and cities VOCABULARY: Rooms and furniture 3 Order the letters to make words for rooms oF furniture 1 Isthere a TCLSEO in your bedroom? 2 There ate alot of old books and toys in the TENSMEA8 of our house. 3. When ts sunny, I like siting outside on the YLBCAON, 4 We have got a AGGARE where my parents keep their car 5 Julia'sin the THRABOMO. She's taking a shower. 6 Their house hes a OMORDEB upstairs, and one downstairs. Write the words for the definitions. 1 You look at your face in this. 2 You can wash your clothes inthis wm 3. This isa room at the top of a house. 4 4 Youwalk up and down these, 5 You eat food here a—___r. 6 There's grass and sometimes lowers and trees here, b 7. Youcan do your homework here, s__ 8 Youcook food here, _ PRONUNCIATION: there’s/there are 5 ©pei Say the sentences. How do we say there's and there are? Listen again and repeat, “Thore’s a bed in the wing room, ‘There are some chairs next to the table Is there a sofa in your bedroom? ‘Are there any shelves? No, there aren't ‘There are five tables in their house. Is there any food in the cabinet? “There's a stove in the kitchen, ‘There's no hall in his apartment, LISTENING: Identifying key points 1 ©? Ustentoa TV show about houses. heck W) the key pots the speaks a abut 2 the furniture b the colors of the rooms © spending time with the family the backyard @ thesize of the house 2 ©5s2 tisten again. Complete the sentences. ‘The windons are really big and At st, the house had two. Loretta has ____ children ‘The host thinks thei furrture is really Loretta painted the bathroom and The furniture was expensive, Loretta Loves sitting on the ___ in the Loretta’s husband really tkes _ furniture 3 Read the sentences. Write the full form or contracted form of the underlined words. He's very busy at work, ‘There is a picture on the wail, The table is near the window Its a sunny day today. | do nat tke vegetables. Lar nineteen years od, ‘Shes not very friendly 8 Theyre not cheap atall. 4. Putthe agectves nthe box into seven pas of Oppose maar clean light narrow uncomfortable dirty hosp modern quist hoawy expensive traaitional wide noisy comfortable GRAMMAR: Modifiers 1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences, 1 Hove Suzys house! I's beautiful. a prety bh really notvery 2 Idoritlike that dress ~ it's attractive a prety —b notatall every 3 “Do you tke this music?" “Its good, but Ivsnot my favorite.” a notvery b notatall ¢ pretty 4 We don't want any dinner, thanks. We're hungry. a realy b notvery © very 5 Everyone tikes Laura. She's friendly a notvery b really ¢ pretty 6 “Can you clean your bedroom? It's messy.” a rotatall b rotvery © really 7 “Can they speak English well?" “They can speak it well, but they want to get better” 2 very ib notatall ¢ pretty 8 She's ___good at sports, She often wins ‘competitions! a rotatall b rotvery e very 2 Order the words to make sentences. 4 sunny / not /today /it's /very 2 pretty / good student /is / Emile /a 3 really costumes / your / colorful /ate 4 friendly / her uncle / very /is / not 5 goes / early /to bed / Paola / very 6 not / my ! warm / are gloves J very VOCABULARY: Places in a city 3 Order the letters to make words for places in a city. 1 QUESOM 2 TREHEAT 3 METNUNOM 4 HETACLADR 5 GERUAS 8 TRAPATEMN DIGLIBUN 7 RGEBID 8 NORETCC LALH Comatete the words. 4. My mom goes to the m. fruit and vegetables. 2 Welive in an old city, so there aren't manys___s or ‘other tal buildings, 3. My sister loves reading. She's always at the L___y. 4 There's small s mere. There's a basketball, ‘game every weekend, 5 His brother-in-law/s an accountant. He works in an o__eb__4. 6 Inmyvillage, there's ab, {every momning to buy fe over the rer PRONUNCIATION: Sentence stress 5B ©6a Undertine the stressed words in the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat. ‘That chairs not very comfortable, Her grandparents’ house is pretty modern. Ws very famous painting, That restaurant's not at all expensive, Our balcony 's always really sunry. Thisis a pretty heavy table ‘The restaurant is very traditional WRITING: Topic sentences ______Ifs on the River Guacalquivir, but its pretty far from the sea. I's a busy and lively lace with a population of 700,000. __You can visit museums, art centers, theaters, and movie theaters. The Plaza de Espara is a very fomous place. It was builtin 1928 and is realy poouiar with touriss. IFyou like being active, you con play soccer or ‘gall ct ihe parks and sports centers. There are lots of great places to go watking, 100, There ore really fantastic restaurants where you can get delicious tapas and traditional Spanish food. You hove to try the delicious poiato omelet - its fontastict Alot of tourists came fo the ‘April Fait every spring. This celebration takes place next fo the river ~ is a wonderful party. There is horseback riding, music, and ‘women wearing colorful flamenco dresses. —______Nice" times to visit are spring ‘and fall, when its sunny and a little bit cooler, 1 Read the text about Sevile. Match paragraphs A-E with topic sentences 1-5, 1 fyou vt Seven the summer can be very hot 2 Sevilsls0 wel now or is estvals 3. You can alvays tnd sometring geod to eatin heey. - 4. Seite ica famous Spanish ey. _ 5 There are so many things for tourists to see and in Seville. — 2 Complete each sentence about Rome with one word, 1. Rome's the city of ay. 2 More tran 25 million people __ there. 9 Walking is a great__to see the sigh. 4 There are wonderful Of the city rom the top of the Gianicoio hill 5 if ___tke historic sights, ga to the Colosseum, © There are also lots of really good __to eat 3) Write about a city you know well. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence. Include the following information: Paragraph 1: Where isthe city? Pereoreph 2: What can you do there? Peregreph 3: What special events or festivals are there? Paregreph 4: Where cen you go to eat? Paregreph 5: When is the best time to visit? REVIEW and PRACTICE BLOG PODCASTS ABOUT CONTACT vos a ee euro ey Sally and Jose's house. LISTENING READING 1 ©. Listen to the podcast about Saly ana 1 Read the blog on page 57 about Buencs Aires. Jose's house, Wat is unusual about i? Match paragraphs A-E with pictures 15 a There sno turure 1 There are two houses inside it 2 «snot very nest 3 1: 2 ©. Listen again re the sentences tue (1) or : false (F}? a 1 Sally and ose ve in the county — 2 Choose the correct options to complete the 2 They dor’ tke esch other. _ sentences. 3 They cant ve together _ 1 EtAteneo Grand Splendid doesn't sel 4 Sally goes to bed late, = : toes artre, 5 José gets up early. — ‘¢ food and drink. 6 They are both clean and tidy. —_— 2. You can watch sports at 17 They have the same rooms. — ee 8 José doesn't see Sally every day. _ ‘b La Poesia, © La Bombonera B_ O©GA Listen again and check () the pats of the 3 You dontthave to pay for house that Selly and José mention. 1a the soccer games. . b the walking tours. ed — the coffee st La Poesia ‘ ne —_ 4 They sell cheap clothes 2 itenen _ Tee 4 ving room _ B next tote theater 5 bedroom at the market. 6 bathroom _ 5 San Telmo has lots of + basemen 2 imeresting butsings — & good paces for music 8 hall pais. 6 Thestrest art tour a isinone part of the city, b isin difterent parts ofthe city € starts naxt to an ice cream shop, Pa ee Nore erro tee na Rhee den eee a! Cn ene eee ed eer now! We hope you do, too, when you read our blog! A. El Ateneo Grand Splendid EI Ateneo Grand Splendid is the best bookshop in the world! Its in a beautiful building, which is early a hundred years old. Thore are lots of books, balconies, and comfortable chairs, and there's a café that sells excellent coffee and delicious pastties. I's perfect for book lovers! B La Bombonera ‘Above the houses and stores of La Boca, you can find the soccer stadium. This is where the Boca Junior soccer team plays. It's not too expensive to get a ticket for a game, and it’s a really exciting place to spend some time. © Cily walking tours Every day there are free walking tours of Buenos AAiros, and you can choose to see the city during the day or at night. You'll visit modern and traditional buildings, from libraries to cathedrals. ‘There is also a stop at the local market where you can buy clothes and food - clothes are not at all ‘oxpensive hore, The tour begins at the park across, {from the National Theater and finishes at a bar where you can hear some live Argentinian music. Poe fee D San Telmo ‘San Telmo ie the oldest part of the oity. There are narrow streets full of interesting stores, monuments, and some excellent restaurants, too. I's a great place to find an outdoor café, order coffee, and ‘watch the world go by. A vory popular café is La Poosia, I's next to a beautiful old church. E Street art tour Buenos Aires is famous for street art, and there are some really colorful paintings, The street art tour is a good way to learn about the ertists in this ‘amazing place. It takes you all over the city and finishes in a famous ice cream shop. The guides ae really friendly, too! NS Yam Food and drink GRAMMAR: Countable and uncountable A. Write the words for definitions 1-8. Then match 1-8 nouns + some/any wath pictures a-h, 1 Ae the nouns countable (C) or uncountable (U)? * t cheese CU 6 jewelry CU se . 2 salt CU 7 teacher CU Z 3 library = C UB minor «CC 4 bred = C U8 pasta CU Slemonsde CU 10 sofa = CU a L 2 Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 Isthere___cotfee in the cabinet? > 2 Voliee yogurt 3 There snt____tea here - can you buy some? ‘ 4 Canihave ‘onions? I need them to . rmeke lunch i 5 Sho usually has _ fruit after dinnor. i 6 Would you like ___tometo soun? 7 Are there lemonsin the kitchen? 8 Idonit want ___water. 1 along green vegetable c VOCABULARY: Food and drink 2 asmall round red fruit a 3 Complete the conversation with the words in the 3. you eat this in hot weather Ke ox. There are two extra words. 4. along yellow fruit juice ice cream cookies tea potatoes ke peas cereal orange mushroom « atong orange vegotabie Miguel Pever's coming io dinner tonight va Great! Icon make some 6 large round green vegetable soup. I know he likes it. 7 asmati round fruit, sometimes green Miguel We have some fish. Do we have any ean make some 8 around yolow fut U French fries. We can have some 300 ‘Eva Pioetecease good (iar ar eat PRONUNCIATION: some/any Do we need any * 2 ee ae 5 OF) say tre sentences, are'some and any stressed? : Listen, check, and repeat Eva OK. Now we need something for 1 There are some bananas.on the table dessert.§ 7 2 Is there any rik in the trdge? Miguel No, too co Why dont you get a 3. She's buying some strawberries at the market —__? 4 don't want any cookies, thanks. Bra Greve! And afer hat, we con he B "Tree ten sty peepee =Pr estes 6 dike some potato chips with my tunch, READING: Skimming a text BREAKFAST WORLD! ence) eee [have breakfast with my. peta ve ine Nae always makes: breakfast, | often have Tamiy='ne sttcgetar of excelent Sesser! ut, mnybreakfast~ she's aedvegsibles. ke Bee - so it's a popular breakfast. a ‘an excellent cook. | meen too. Itis a. Viguabiate ntti ocoaente often lw aiy alyte sme lr brealfastin wit ees eit | erippS ad coma yoqur so tonas ae ee heathy noes. We to ke an apple an Som Yogurt totes a {ohave come ut ts, Sometimes dort ofen goonlarbreastin beat aes deiceus fave enough inet et Tues. erergy lo sud) hen “that, so take the yogurt inseteol. ‘towork with me. 1 Skim the text. Answer the questions with one word. 5 In Turkey, a lot of people a don't eat breactast 1. Many European people orink coffee for 'b eat the same breakfast as Asil. 2 Brazilans often have bread with. « drink tea for breakfast. 3 ___is popular breakfast in Australia, © Yoko 4 Jenny usually nas a cup of ____ tor breakfast. «a has breakfast in school 5 Asils isa really good cook bar ec Uhsigeas —_— karly 9 « doesn't eat the same breakfast every day. © Peopiein eat miso soup. 2 3 Choose the correct options to complete the Choose the correct options to answer the questions, saniences. 1 Breakfast is important because 1 Paulo eats breakfast with his tamily. He / They / We sit a it gives you energy forthe day anc talk about the day ahead. 'b you eat it with your farily. ¢ ithelps you sieep better. 2 Paulo eats his fst meal of the day 2 Jason doesnt have time to eat breakfast. His / (ts / Their morning is ust too busy! 3 love eggs. Its / My | Ther favorite breakfast is an egg alone, »b with his teri sandwich, with his friends, 4. Fruits really good in Austata, is / It's /f¢@ popular 2. Why doesn’ Jenny eat breakfast? baeaitast fa She thinks its unhealthy. '5 Asis mother makes his breakfast. She / Her / He is an bb She's too busy. excellent cook f She doesn't have enough money. 6 Yoko thinks breakfast is important. They / It / She 4. Jenny eats egg sandwiches gives her energy to study when she's in school 2 forlunch, 7 Most of us eat breaklast, but you / we / teat different bb on Saturdays and Sundays. things in different countries. every day. 8 We usually go out for lunch on 2 Sunday. Your / Its / Our favorite restaurant is Gino's, GRAMMAR: Quantifiers: (how) much, (how) VOCABULARY: Containers and portions many, a lot of, a few, a little 3 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 Choose the correct options to complete the Could we have a can — sentences 1 2 needa bottle of 1 Im drinking carrot juice right nove | want to be 3 Canyou buy abox healthy. 4 He'd like a bag of —_ @ much b alotot © afew 5 Isthereabag of —_ 2 Can! have___ milk in my coffee, please? 6 Laura has a bar a many b afew ¢ alitle 7 often have a bowl — 3. How meals do you usually eat? 2 many b much ¢ few 4 Sara eats __cakes and cookies, I's not very healthy! 2 alittle b afew ¢ alotof 5 “Are there any potatoes?” “There are a afew alittle © much 6 Millie usually has cereal for breakfast, but I dont of chocolate in her desk. water ~ fm really thirsty! © of pasta for my dinner, «potato chips with his lunch, of com, please? onions in the kitchen? 9 of ceteal for breakfast tomorrow? think ts enough. a a alitle b alotof ¢ many Cornplete Me Wetts 7 How meat does he eat every week? 1 Tim going tothe store for a ¢___ot mi much b lite © many 2 “There are no fresh tomatoes: "Why don't you buy some inac__? 2 Complete the text with the correct quantifiers. Write ‘3 It's my birthday today! Have a s__ of cake. cone word in each space. 4 Mymomhas ac of tea every morning 5 Wsreally not Do youwantag of cold I water? 6 There are some olves in hatj___ Woula you tke some? 7 Haves. ofthis cheese with your bread, PRONUNCIATION: Weak form of 5 ©/72 say the sentences. How do we say of? Listen, check, and repeat. 1 don't eat a lot of candy. People often ask me how ro stay healthy. | 2 How many cups of coffee do you drink? havea! ‘good leas. First, T 3. Doyoument a box of cookies? always have a big breakfast, 90 | don't need 4 How many glasses of juice do they want? 2 Funes ny che mudle of he 5 There isa bow/ of fruit on the table. morning. The people I work with eat a lot © Where IR ERNE crib ol? . cakesand cookies at eleven, ‘o'clock —not me! I eat *___little ‘cake sometimes and a § porato chips but not many. How © ‘cola do I drink? None! | drink a7_ coffee, but Idrinka® __of water, too. And how ® ___ glasses of water slo I drink? Probably about seven every day. SPEAKING: Asking politely for something 1 ©73 Listen. what do the customers order at the restaurant? Choose the correct information. 1 2 3 a 1 customers Name: Cellini 3 customers Name: Cellini 1x vegetable soup. ‘Ix steak + French fries 1x lasagna, 2x mineral water 2x fruit salad Lxvegetable soup ‘tx steak + French fries ‘1x lasagna 1.x mineral water 2 customers 2 customers Name: Cellini Nome: Cellini ‘x vegetable soup Ix vegetable soup ix lasagna 1x lasagna Lx steak + French Lx steak + French fries fries 2x mineral water 2x mineral water txice cream 2 ©79 Putthe lines from the conversation in order. ‘Then listen again and check ‘Are you ready to order your main course? Can | take your name? The name's Cellini Of course. Illjust go and get it for you. Would you like anything for dessert? Could we just have the check, please? Hello, do you have a table for eight o'clock this evening, please? ht We have a table reserved in the name of Cetin i Forhow many people? j It's for two peoole. k Hello, Giovanni's Restaurant. How can | help you? 1 Can get you any drinks? 1m Ah yes, this way, please. 1h Would you like a starter? 3 ©ré complete the sentences for asking poitey “Then listen and check 1 ___botn tke tne vegetable soup, 200 ‘the steak and French fries, please, 9 ___Ihave the lasagne, please? 4 Cant a glass of water, please? 4 5 Practice saying the sentences in exercise 3. Make ‘ute you use polite intonation, Reply to the waiter's questions. Use the information in parentheses, 1 Hello, Moonlight Restaurant How can | nelp? (your table/three people?) 2. Good evening, sit.Can |help you? (nave/reserved/ rname/Smith) 3. Would you tke a starter? (ike/chicken soup) 4. Ree you ready to order your main course? (carvhave/ large saiaa?) 5 What would you like to drink? (could/nave/opple Juice?) 6 Can't help you? (welhavelchecl?) REVIEW and PRACTICE PODCASTS — AKo > Se eure Eats LISTENING 1 ©75 Listen to the podcast about an international café. Number af in the order you hear them (1-6). 2 peppers = cheese _ orice = 4 tomatoes = cake _ f chicken 7S Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (FI? 1 Gabriela Romero isthe manager of the international café — 2 People of diferent nationalities cook “American food in the café - 3 The money from the café goes to charity, §— __ 4 Gabriela started the café alone. _ © Listen again. Complete te sentences with the oF two words 1 Gabe tom 2 Gabielavesin now. 3 She made burritos for her tends 4 costs § weatat ine cate 5 Gabriela is making tor anne 8 The Turkish chef is making a big bowl of pudding READING 11 Read the blog on page 43 about eating local food. Check (v) the things Alex eats curing the five days he describes, mushrooms as orange juice — beans — carrots cola —= tomatoes — onions cabbage _ i potatoes — i eggs = Choose the correct answers. 1 Why doesn’the eat a lot of fruit? ‘a They don't grow much frult where he lives. b He doesrit really tke it, «It's very expensive where he lives, 2 Howr does he feel at the star of the week? ‘a Ho's oxcited - it's going to be fun, b He's not very excited ~ It won't be fun ¢ He's worried — he cant cook 3 What does he eat on Day Ore? a nothing b porridge © supermarket cereal 4 Alex gets the ingredients for his omelet from 1a the supermarket. b the local store. his aunt's backyard, 5 What happens when Alex goes to the local store? ‘a. He doesnt buy the things he planned to buy. bb He pays too much money. ¢ He forgets his shopping, 6 What doesn't Alex eat from ris aunt's backyard on Day Five? 28 peppers b potatoes © cabbage

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