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‘Series Editor Jim Scrivener A2 Elementary Teacher's Book Biren ‘Audio & video scripts You and me the verb be = countries and nationalities = numbers 11 1A Meeting and greeting 1 wat country are you from? Name three more countries near your country, 2A Match the countries in the box with maps 1-6. Colombia Germany Turkey the US. Brazil Japan a ALES B Qi) ston ite ne eter of each speaker next tothe conect map 3 Oi ustena the US. - American — 4 A in pairs, took at the pictures. Where do you think the people are frorn? B Read the conversations in exercise 5 and match them with pictures a-c. Write the nationality of each country in exercise 2 1 a 3 Emilia Hello, My name’s Sam Oscar,thisisMeiko. Jo_‘Hi, All How are you? Emilia and this is Sara. a fromJapan. All Good, thanks. And you? Sabine Hi,__Sabine. ‘And Meiko, thisis Oscar. Jo. Tim fine. Where are Jean and Nice to meet you. ce ‘rom Brazil Paola? Emilia You, too, Where sear Nice to meet you, Meiko, AML They'renothere., 2 from? ‘Meiko You, too, Oscar atthe conference center Sabine I'm ftomGermany. Osear How do youspellyour Jo. What about Andress? ‘And you? ‘name? All here, His train's Emilia > fiom Meike §___ M10. late, Colombia, from Bogotd. Sara maotlTmfrom al. TR BARAPRACTICE Workbook aye 2; poiocopiable activity 18 Vocabulary the verb be = countries and nationalities m numbers 14,000 © choose the correct forms of be. Use the conversations in exercise 5to help you ‘Then read the Grammar box. not 's ‘tenot 'm te ‘snot 4 Lam = 4 Lamnot= 2 You/ We / They are ~ 5 You/We/ They are not 3 He/ Shei 6 He/Sheisnot =_ (CIE stoves Affirmative: ‘'m trom aly She's Japanese. We're German, Negative: Fm not to (Questions and short answers Are yu fom Spain? Yes, lam. No.'mnot UsAncteas here? Yes he is. No, fe's mote isnt A 7 A @is Pronunciation: contractions of be Listen and repeat the contractions. Spain. He's not/He isn'there. They're mot/They aren't American, Im youre he's she's its wete theyre B ©) say the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat, 8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. Use contractions if possible. i geeeerer ence gene ce 9 In pars, to0% atthe pictures. What countries are the people fram? What nationality are they? A This is... He'SAmerican. 8 No, he'snot. He's Canadian! Go to Communication practice: Student A page 158, Student B page 167 10. wiite the words or numbers. = 11 inpairs, introduce yourselves to each other. Say your age if you want to Caiman) Coa) Ce) Carjenan) = Person lags] Imagine that you meet a famous person. Wit the conversation Introduce yourself and ask him | 22 EXTRAPRACTICE Workbook page 2; photocopiable activity 1A Grammar LANGUAGE & 1B My summer blog 1 Do you lke sports? What's your national sport? What sports do people usually do in the summer? Before you read a text, predict as much information as you can. += Read the tle ofthe text. Can you guess whatit means? + Are there any pictures? What peopl, places, and thing can you see? + Are there ay headings for the diferent sections? What are the sections about? 2 Read the Skill box. In pairs, look at the title, headings, and pictures in the text. Answer the questions. 1. What type of text sit? 3. Wheres she right now? 2 Who isthe text about? 44 What Is she doing there? 3 Read the text. Choose a tile for each post. 1 Week 1 Timeto.go home 2 Week 2 Learing English 3 Week 3 © Myhost family ‘ 4 Week 4 Enjoying the tournament i j j 7 i | i 4: ead the text again and answer the questions. 1 What is Mara’snationaliy? 5. Where is Maras English teacher from? j 2. Where are Helen and Alex from? 6 Where are the teams in the tournament from? i 2 What are Maria Favorke places in London? 7 When are the games? 1 44 Whois Hitoshi? i i j i i i i i j 1 i 1 i i i 5 Find words in the text to match to the pictures. cere rey Sinaia ts with Simple statements with be have tis patter: ee + Vib + complement: This 8 ry blog. TREES rom Spin Brack, Portugal Poland, Rusia England, Mev, and Japan 6 ead the Text builder and took atthe Week 1 postin the tox again. Draw a[bozaround the subjects, Gene forms of be, and undetine the complements 7 in pairs, think of a sport you love. Tell your partner about it Hove... ts really. 24 EXTRAPRACTICE Workbook page 3; photocopiable activity 18 Skills Hello! m Maria Gomez. I'm 21 years old, and I'm from Cadiz in ‘Spain, ma student, and I love soccer! Right now, I'm in the U.K. Pm at a language school to learn English, but I'm also here for ‘an international soccer tournament for students! This is my blog ‘about my month in London. a Tris is my host fomiy. They're vory nico. Helon's English ‘and Alexis Scotts, and ther chien are named \Jenry and Jacob. Jennys fourteen and Jacob's twelve ‘Sometimas | play soccer nthe park with Jenny and ‘Jace, and sometimes vie all go for a walkin the center cof London k's @ realy interesting city, My fevorte places ze Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and Tower Bridge This is my language school. There are ois of students from citfrent countries, and we all spesk English together. My classmates are realy tend, | always st with Hitoshi, He's \Jepanese, Our English egsors are fun! Our teacher's name is 1d shes rom Austral socoer tournament now. The teams are fom razl, Portugal, Poland, Russia, England, Scotland ‘and Japan. We train every morning. | think we're a good team iecauso wo'e vary fast. The games are in the evening, They're really exciting ‘We're the champions! © t'm hare, ‘also sed because its the end of my month here. Goodbye, London! Unti next time! 26 EXTRA PRAGTICE Workbook pave 3 possessive adjectives = 's for possession = personal objects 1€ Is that a “man bag”? 3 1 inpairs, took at the pictures in the text below. Can you name the objects? 2 A Read the text, Do you tink the obecsin te ist are rom a handbag. "man bag’ or both? B @)4B) steno a raco program. Check Whe objects that you hear Where do you putyour things when you go out fyourea woman, yourthings are probably in your handbag, but what about ‘men? Today, 0% of men also havea bag ‘~a°man baa! Isa“tman bag" the sameas handbag? And what do men and women «any intheirbags? HANDBAG MAN BAG says ‘chewing gum hairorusn loves candy tablet umbrella phone wallet ‘change purse OOOO0O000000 OOOOO000000 SE 3 Oil sen to tne stro the rato program again ae choose the correct options Host Zoe's here with she / her handbag, and Harry's here with he /his “man bag.” What's in tieir/ they bags? Zoe, you first. What'sin* you / your handbag? Zoe _ tet'stake a look. Here are °/ my keys and § my / me hairbrush. 4 A Lookaterercise 3 agin. Then read the Grammar box. Which possessive adjectives for things tat belong ter 1 aman? 2 awomer? 2 mere than one person? B Are possessive adjectives the same or different with singular and plural nouns? SESE pone snes ' my my bag/bags you your your umbrela/umbrelas he his —_hispen/pens she her—_—herglove/gloves it its ts photo/photos we our ourkeyiheys they their their ‘ablevablets i) Go to Grammar practice: possessive adjectives, page 113 28 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 4; photocopiable activities 10 Grammar, 1C Vocabulary it) — i 5 A iid) Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen and repeat the sentences. Undertine the & sttesed words in each sentence. 4 1 Whatin yourhandoog? 3 His sunglasses are on the table. 2 Hore ae my keys 4 Whats their phone number? 4 B @tt# Practice saving the sentences. Listen, check. and repeat. 1 Your tablets new. 3 Here are our photos, s 2 Where's my umbrella? 4 Her gloves are ue é 6 compete tne sentences with a subject pronoun ora possestive adjective. ; 1 My fiends ae Brazllan, ‘re from 4 ___ name's Ahmed, He's 32 yeas ol 4 Wo delat 5 Theyreirom aly meee AG te a ares ee B On yur head 6 Theis George sro San Dego, peace ees pGeee ieee eee < identity car eam ee Teel ce te neem ee eee 4 1 scars boo, ‘Aer a guar rama (og. Man, we add / palette Aaa rea eral ai « ae Ate aula pl noo fa Doel Wea [ESEEEEIN tor possession s Gets alee een re epee ¢ Te ee i ae cx sa Te case ceere ¢ oto Grammar practice 5 or possesion, page 133 a B ©iiS Look at ne picture and lston to John and May Role re peceaseee wt eee ra Joho Mary John's ends Maryssister Cart 9 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1 Its Lucy's bag / Lucy be, 2 Theyre Hany’s/ Harrys’ glasses. 3 Fman English teacher. Here are all my student's / students’ books. 4 Ws my friends / friend's phone. Look, thsi his photo, 5 Here are the mens’ / men's umorelas. Go to Communication practice: Student A page 158, Student B page 1 7 10 A in groups of three to five, follow the instructions, studentA: Close your eyes ‘Other students: Put one of your possessions an the able StudentA: Openyour eyes. Guess whose things are onthe table (sit Meruets watch? Are they Maria's asses? ; B Repeat the activity. Take tuins being Student A “Tink of person that you know wel nagine what este asin hisher‘man bag ot anda. Say the objects. B 1D Where's my wallet? i Answer the questions below. 1 Look at the picture ofa lost property ofice (Lost and Found) in London. What can yousee? 2 What other things can you find in Lost and Found? 3 What things do you often ose? : 4 What buildings usually have | 2 Lostand Found? cL) 2 A@IB warch or stento tre mst part ofa webshow called Learning Curve. What object is missing? B ©)tHE Watch o- listen again. Check (v) the things that are in Kate's backpack. keys Q sunglasses cookies wallet Oo micror tissues stamps tablet ‘chewing gum 7) | 3 QIU waichor stent the second partof the show. Ne the i | seteces te fora i 1 Teasstartin te Lonard Foundisarved ary, i i ase mi rsa sce | i 3 fates Jone for tm ; 4 katesphoneioh tessa box = 5 Smo prve ent fom as ' 4. A Inpairs, complete the questions in the conversation with the words in the box. SEL boy \ ‘to fill it out. I'm ready. What's your - please? | ean Kate It’s 02079 46007. hy ‘Kate It’s Kate, Simon Isn't that your home phone number? t Assistant. KATE, Whats your simame? Kate Yes,hecancall meat home! h Kate Ons hasta Gry aap i? esas thal? Kae Yu 204007 Kate Assistant And what's your °______, please? Assistant Thanks, And whetsyour®____? Kate 222 Baker Street, Marylebone, London. i Kate es missing. Assistant OK. What's your °__? : paaees eee ee INET: Tare Mal peel Pa tet a ee ee B ©)iiP>viath or ister agsinto check Workbook page 5 fl ‘esking for and giving personal information = asking for clarification SPEAKING {SESE tian ivi sotto Asking for information: Saying your phone number: ‘Saying your email address Wwnatsyour fst namefastrame 02079-46007— ah two ah seven Kmerea_OOagmalicom -k dot (burrameliacess/elt:phone nine four six oh of seven ‘merea underscore oh oh seven at rnumber/home phone number! {9 mail ct com postal cove? Do you have an e-mail adress? How do you spell that please? 5. Read the Conversation builder, Answer the questions in pairs. 1. How do you say "0" and “44” in a phone number? 2 Hew do you say@,""_" and com’ in an e-mail address? 8 GBB eat tne srtonces Tren watch or Itan again Choose he correct otons to complete te sentences. 1 The assistant ass Kate to soa he fat name est nae ares. 2 Heke her to say hercel-phone ruber -mal adres / Pome phone numba again PA) asking for clarification When you don't understand something, ask the speaker fr help: + Askhimhert sy the sentence agin ort spel the word + Use Sorry, could you.. and please tobe pole: Soy, could you say tat again please? How do you spel hat please? a > + Use polite intonation: Sorry, could you say that again. pléase? T ©tie read the Sl box. Listen and repeat the questions wien you hear the beeps. Copy the tortion. BORED sen to tee cornermtions ina school Lost ond Found at et aster sear lcefecere el eecarteaien Conversation 1 address | postal code / e-mail address ‘Conversation 2. home phone number / cell-phone number ! postal code Comersation3 frst name J last name / fist name and lastname Go to Communication practice: Sturent A page 158, Student B page 167 QA You lose an important personal object Look atthe Conversation builder again Think about your answers to the questions B (EERIE You are atthe Lost and Found, pis, take urs asking and answering questions and complete the form for your partner. sk for carfeation to check the information is correct. E-mail adéress Cell-phone number ‘address | Home phone number — [postal code c Exchange with your partner. Read ris/her work and correc any mistakes, How could you improve 1? Wirite the e 34 EXTRA PRACTICE Workinook page 5 ai adarestes and phone numbers of ive people you know. Practice saying them in English ES 2A What I do T Look at the pictures. What jobs can you see? 2 A Read the text. Check your answers to exercise 1 B Label the pictures wth the names ofthe people, What other jobs are mentioned in the text? Lots of people around the world have two jobs. Sometimes it's because they need the money, and sometimes they want to learn something new. Let's meet some people who each have two jobs. 4m Luisa. rm from Brazil, but liven Lisbon with my parents and my sister. work as a receptionist for ‘an T company at an office downtown, but | also help my parents at cur family restaurant inthe evening land on the weekend. I's a traditional Brazilian restaurant. My sistorholps, too. My parents cook the food, and we serve it | ke my two jobs, but | don't have alt of free time. Michal ves in Prague. He's a mechanic, and he works at a garage. He Tikes his job bocause he loves ‘cars, but he doesn't work there on the weekend. On Saturdays, he has @ second job ~he's a tour guide {or tourists, He knows alot about his ct. 208 26 years old and lives in Toronto in Canada. She's a receptionist for a TV company. She works {rom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the week. Zoo has another job three evenings a week - she teaches: Zumba at a gym. She doesn't work on the weekend, Isaac's from Jamaica, but he Ives In New York. Hele a taxi driver, and he works every day. Isaac likes his Jb, and he loves New York. He often goes beck to Jamaica for his other job. He doesn't crive a taxi in Jamaica —he's a singer, and he sings at festivals! Read the text again, Write the names of the people. 1. They work with cars a 2 He/She works with food. 3 They have office jobs. 4 They come from one country and work in another country 15 They work on the weekend, Complete the sentences with verbs from the text 11 Inston. at alot of fee time 2 Mysister too. 5 She. Zumbs ata gym. 3. My parents the food 6 He ataxlin Jarnaic. Go to Vocabulary practice: jobs and job verbs, page 138 Workbook page 8; photocopiable activity 2A Vocabulary simple present: affirmative and negative = jobs and job verbs ‘5 Complete the rules forthe simple present. Use the text to help you. Then read the Grammar box 1 Forthe helshelit form, we add__or__to the base form of the verb, 2 For the negative form, we use. (1) Grammar Afematve: | work foran company. He loves New York She teaches Zumba. My parents eoak the food. Negative: ‘Jdon'thave a ictotteetime He doesn't drive tov Go to Grammar practice: simple present: affirmative and negative, page 114 ie complete the text withthe correct form ofthe verbs in parentheses inthe simple present, Sap ‘My parents * (have) a hotel in a small rown in Spain.12_ (go) to college every day, but" _ (help) my parents in the evening. My dad 4 (Cook) the food, buthe® (not serve) it thar’s my job. [have two sisters, ut they °__ (not work) in the restaurant. One sister? (ive) in Germany, and my other sister ®__(work) in a hospital. 7 A ©24 Pronunciation: -s and -es endings Liston and repeat the sounds and verbs inthe chart. goes finishes B ©25 Ads te vers to the chan ston and check teaches Wes helps works drives watches makes. sells 8 ©28 inpas say tne sentences. Listen check and repent 1 He teaches Engish 5 He drives a taxi 2 Helives in New York 6 She watches TV after work, 3. She helps her parents, 7. She makes clothes in a factory 4 He works from 2 pm. to 10pm. everyday. 8 She sels books ina store. 9 A Think of three people you know. Write about theirjobs, but don't say what the jobs are My tiend Ana works in the city. She doesnt work on the weekend, She tkes her job becouse she works with people. She cuts people's hair. B In pairs elleac other about your people. Gest the jobs AlsAnaa hatdresser? 8 Yes sheis Your tun, Go to Communication practice: Student A page 159, Student 8 page 168 10 A Write about your job. Use the prompts to help you Trearaanien (RT| clawed” (Tmaaoatia ry west te Job because B Workin groups of five or sic Exchange your descristions with another student, Take turns talking about the person whose description you have. The other students Quess who itis. [This person'sa teacher. She works in a language school She teaches Spanish. She likes ther job. She works in the evening, but she doesn't work on the weekend. BI think Carla's a teacher, Cara, Is ityou? Write sentences about a dream ob &) EXTRAPRACTICE Workbook page 8; photocopiable activity 28 Grammar USTENIG eg ornare, pos, as, ins atte ( 2B Weekdays, weekends or] 1 Match the activites in the box with pictures ath Play tennis read abook go to the movies watch TV gofora walk listen to music study meetfriends 2 mpaits, talk about the activities in exercise 1. What activities do you do? listen to music in the car. I dont go to the movies. as 3 ©28 watch oristen tothe frst part of Leaning Curve. What do they tak about? Check (7) the two correct answers a free-time activiies people who enjoy their jobs © people who don’ have any free time Names, places, days and times are important pieces of information when you listen, + Important words like names, places, days, and ines are usually sessed. Listen for tesced words ; + We often use prepositions with paces, days, and times: in Fance, an Manca at 6:30, et. Listen i forthe pepostions in, on, andat. + Rememiber to use capital letters for names, places, and days when you write them own. 4 & @)2s Read te si box Watch or tsten again. Compete the chart wth words i from the box lawyer Argentinian dance teacher Puerto Rican Marcus English Maggie Pablo tennis coach Scenes My an] B In pairs talk about people you know. Do they love thet jobs? Why?/Why not? ‘My triend Justyna's Polish. She's a receptionist. She likes her job, but she doesn’ love it 40 EXTRAPRACTICE Workbook page 9; photocopiable activity 28 Vocabulary ‘ 5 29 Water or inten tote secon part ofthe show. Complete the sentences seth te names and cts nthe box i Toronto Chip NewYork Gillan Khan London ea wy 1 Thisis anise ee 3 Thisis__ 4 She's trom He lives in Hes trom 6 ©25 Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (FI? 1 Gillan meets friends on Saturday. = j 2. She goes running on Monday mornings, 3 khan watches football on Saturday evenings. 4 He studies lalan and Spanish. a 5. Chip starts work at 9 am. every day. is 6 He finishes work at 4 pin. 7 Inpairs, talk about the people in the video. Answer the questions. 41 Where do they work? 2 What actvtias da they do in thelr free time? 3. What do you think oftheir jobs? 44 Do you do the same activities in your free time? ERUOT I UNICL Lan introduction to the sound /o/ “The unstressed vowel sound /a/ is also called “schwa” Its very common in English. We use tin almost every sentence. tis underined in these phrases: arcu ita famaus tennis playec What deyou do inyourfree ime? Wewant tonow! B ])210 Read he Listening bulder, Read the sentences and unde the ees that Jo think nave the sound. Then Isten ard check 1 My sitrs doctor. 4 ohn’ poles office, 2 When doyeu lay tennis? 5 want toge out for anne 2: Igo tothe moves onthe Westar 9 A Think of three people that you know. Make notes about the following questions: + Where do they live? What's their job? «What activities do they doin ther free time? When do they do them? mmy friend Vietoria ~ Boston ~ studies French ~ Wednesday evenings B Toke turns teling your partner about the people. Listen and complete the ‘chart about your partner's people rat do youremember abou the people nthe ideo? Wit sentence about each person. «2 EXTRA PRACTICE workbook pove8 [2 Fa cawcunce ] spl present question : 2C Find a roommate 2 A Read the text and check your answer to exercise 1. ‘anapartment or both? | You meet new 1 Where doyou yi f Wweron? Jey tt 3 What do 5 Doyouhavea yarate’ (4 weyou \ ovine! a neat poron? i : decide who te best roomate fr Bruce ~ Mike, Phi or Antes B @)BiP ser agoin, ete sentences tT false (FP? 4. Match questions 1-5 with answers ae. 11 Where do you work? 2 What do you do? 3 Doyou work in the evening? 4 Where does your boyfriend live? 5 Doyou have a boytriend/aitriend? B Complete the rule. Then read the Grammar box. Look! We don't use do and don’ in questions wit the verb be a ‘Do you live in Sen Francisco? Are you from San Francisco? ae Go to Grammar practice: simple present: questions, page 115 44 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 10; photocopiable activity 2C Grammar 1 Mike and Bruce work on the weekend. 4 ~Phil doesn't Uke his job. 2 Bruce is a D3 at aclub. —— _ 5 Andrea doesnt live with her parents 3 Phildoesrit work near Bruce's apartment. Bruce has a girtriend, 1 Look at the pictures in the text, What do you think “speed-roommating’ is? B Look atthe questions. Who asks them: people who need a roommate or people whe need arom in 8 What do 5 Does your Feiceka boytend/gtiiend free time? isenesrhere? 7 Does your apartment have a balcony? 3 A ©)2Hi Bruce's at a speed-roommating event, He is looking for a toommate, Listen and why? He ves in another ety I work at a local restaurant No, | don't. Not at the moment, Iman accountant. Yes, | do. finish at about 11:30, 5 A Look at the questions in exercise 4. Which questions have a yes/no answer? We use the auxiliary verbs * and? tomake questions inthe simple present Cie -yesiino questions and short answers: Wh questions: Do you work iong hous? Yes, Ido. No,{don'. What do you doin your tre tie? oes she go out? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt. here do you work? When does he finish? simple present: questions | LANGUAG 6 A ©2:0 Pronunciation: auxilary verbs do and does in questions Listen to the questions How do we pronounce do and does? + Doyouisten to music? 4 What does Bruce do after work? 2. Does Ph have a cat? 5 Where do they lve? 3 When do you finish work? 6 Do they play tennis? B ©219 isten agen and uncetine the sressed words. Repeat the questions. 7 A Complete the questions asked by different people at a speed-roommating event. 1 you like music? 4 Where __ you work 2 ___your apartment have two bathrooms? —«§ Who you live with? 3 What kinds of TV programs you watch? 6 __ you go out in he evening? B Ask and answer the questions in pairs. & Aco the quizin pairs. Write down your partner's answers, B Ae youand your partner similar? What type of roommate are 1 What ime /yo gn io be? 2900-11-00 b 11000700 © afr 100 2 wnat you/tenefor amar? 9 cockahealty eal, b Iheeanizson Sie e [qoaul x dies 8 Wet/co/ontte weekend? @ I1eecsthona. b lapse ites 6 Loo oes 4 ow many ends you hae? 401 50ini Hens b ater 80 @ maven san Fertmak 15 hatte / yor pret oo? 9 owiet b ciationdesine ¢ aicck sigs 9 A What do you do in your free time? Ask and answer questions in pairs. A What do you do in your free time? | meet friends, go out for coffee, and I spend time with my family. B Work with a new partner. Ask and answer questions about your fst partner. What does Gabriela doin her free time? Go to Communication practice: student A page 189, Student B page 168 10 A Imagine that you want to find a roommate. Write six questions to ask people. B Go speed-roommating with your classmates. Talk to las of people. Ask and answer questions: Choose three good roommates. ‘A Who do you live with right now? B vein an apartment with three other people. Personal Best | Imagine you meet someone at speed-roommating who i terrible roommate. Wit the conversation you have with him/her. 46 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 10 WRITING opening and closing an informal e-mail m connectors: and, but, and or 2D Anew city 1 Think about a town or city that you know well. What do you do there? In pairs, say three sentencas to describe the place. ‘ike Rio de Janeiro t's a great city eat out with my family, Igo to the beach, and go to clubs with my friends. 2 Lucas is in a new city. Read his e-mail to Hayley. Why is he writing? Choose the correct answer, 4 totellher about his new life b totell her about his new girtiend © invite her to vst HiHayley How ae things back home in Australia? I'm fine here in Singapore. | love lfe here ~its a fantastic city for students! I share an ‘apartment with two more students near my college. My roommates are named Steve and Susie, and they're great! | have a part-time job. | work at an Italian restaurant as a waiter, Susie has a job there, ‘00, but I don't work with her because she works on different days. Steve doesn't have 2a job right now because he goes to college every dey. In the evenings, | study, or | relax and watch TV. | don't have much free time, but sometimes go to the movies with Steve and Susie. On weekends, | play sports or | go ‘out with my friends. | love the clubs in Singapore! 3 Read the e-mal agin an ansner the questions 1 Wheres Lucas rom? 4 What do Lucas and is ens do when they go out 2 Who does ne ive with? 5 Where coee Susie work? 3 What does he doin hgapore inhi fee ime? 6 Why doesn Steve wor? Wie write informal e-mails to people we know well, ke friends and family Opening Closing Hillel le name} Hey! Helio! Witesoon Take care. See you soon. For very close fiends and family. we often close with Love + your name +the letters xx, A ead tne Sl box Which opening and closing words or phrases does Lucas use? 48 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook pages 1! and 7 opening and closing an informal e-mail m connectors: and, but, and or WRITING 5 Complete the e-mails with opening and closing phrases. — ohn | sea vow ae you? hope youre O | Howare ou? Hows your ne jb? Are you free on the weekend? Do you want ''m in a new apartment, and | have two new to play tennis on Saturday? | usually play with roommates! The apartment’ lovely, and my Vietor, but he's in Chicago this weekend, roommates are realy nice. Do you want to sae a movie or go out for coffee fon the weekend? | want to hear your news! Tom Bes | 2 5 Niki J Wie use and toad information: ‘My coommates are raed Seve and Susie, and they great! We use buto introduce a diferent idea: ‘I don'thave much re time, but sometimes | goto the movies Vie use or to add another possibilty: Inthe evenings, sty, or relax and watch TV. 6 Road the Text builder. Find other examples of connectors in Lucas’ e-mail 7 Complete the sentences with and, but, and or. 1. Eduardo's my roommate he's 22 years old 2 ike my job, I don't tke my boss. 3 Onthe weekend, | meet my parents ata restaurant, 4 Iplay the guitar, mot in a band. 5 Ihave two jobs. work ata café Idrive a tax 6 Does your itttiend havea job, is she a student? | g0 to their house for lunch, 8 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 41 Elena's from Colombia, and she 4 Inthe evenings, we go to the movies, or we 2. Stefan’ from Germany, but he 5 watch soccer on TY, but | don't watch 3 We often go out on the weekend, and we 6 In the evening. |... oF ET] Fen an e-mail about your fe for frend in another city Answer the questions + Where do youtve? + Whe do you tive with? Do you ke him/e/thon? + Do you havea job? What do you do? + What do you do in your free time at home? What do you do when you go ou? B \Wirte the e-meit Use deren paragraphs to write bout yourhome, your job anc yourfes ime Use and, but, and orto connect your eas. + Open your e-ail + Paragraph Say where you ve and who you he with + Paragraph 2: Say fyou have jb and describe what you do + Paragraph 3: Describe what you do in your ree time, + Close your e-mait BEERMENE excrangee-mals witha partner Undetine tee sentences with connectors that 50 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 11; photocopiable activity 20 Skills 1 52 Caer Grammar 1 noose the correct options to complete the sentences, 1 in Menico City. a Mybrotner works b My brother work © My brother has 2 Mysister «ves with his perents »b ves with our parents «ves with ther parents ‘on the weekend? ‘2 What does you co b What you do. © What do you do 4 Jack ___. He's an electrician. 2 ‘snot construction worker b's nota construction worker © no builds 5 How old are you? at b Ive etm 6 My naicresser’ Italan, __ 1 She comes from Rome b “They come from Rome © She come from Rome ‘Americar? 2 Yourwfe's Hes your wite © Isyour wife 8 Who, 2 a do work for do you work for © does he works for 25, Put the words in the correct order. 1 apartment New York Harry in Tim and live an in 2 Canada from 's Harry 3a Britsh Tim ins and bank works 4 nine He at stars work 5 restaurant works Harry a in 6 watch ater TV work They 7 with out On friends the they go weekend 8 Usten and computer games play They music to parentheses. Charles* His ites German, and they 2 bela lawyer and she ® (play) the guitar, and he te evening she® {x] watches. On the weekend they’ a: (relax) with the family, Vocabulary 1 GeBrne word that's diferent. Explain your answer 1 gutr newspaper 2 doctor dentist 3 Mexico ws 4 polieotfcer Colombian 5 Mesien french 6 handosg keys 7 sity nineteen 8 chet wear ( Alve)in France, bute works in Switzerland, (have) thre children. He (teach) music In tennis teach Brazil Japan gloves seventy fix (ee! frends, or games lawyer Peru teacher ‘aan phone eighty 54 2 Match definitions 1-8 with objects a-n, 4. They help you see better. flashlight 2 Thay keep your hands warm, b stamp 3. Ithelps you see at right. © glasses 4 You keep your money init. wallet 5. Ittells you the time. © watch 6 Youuse it to send aleter. £ comb 7 Youuse them to open and close adoor. g keys 8 Youuse this on your har. he gloves 3 Complete the sentences with the jobs in the box chef dentist flint attendant nurse Walter mechanic hardresser teacher It you have problems with your teeth, see a 1 A_____ serves food ina restaurant. 2 Mycousinsa with American Arines 3A cooks the food in a restaurant. aa works in a garage and fixes cars. BA cuts hair. 6 7 a My. helps me with my English, My sisters She works at 8 hospital in New York 4. utthe words in the correct columns, accountant loves Brazil Turkish lasses sunglasses Mexican American doctor lawyer UK taxi driver Japan Irish tissues Colombia Cra ae carta ;—— Personal Best vesson ag yeston 24 about your Corey ein orc eereG) Crees Caouan Rr eee People in my life —-1 LANGUAGE | frequency adverbs and expressions = family 3A Time together 1 When and where do you spend time with your family? Tell your partner, | see my family on the weekend. We have lunch together on Sundays. 2 Look at the pictures of different family activities. How many generations can you see? What are they doing together? 3. A Read the text. Complete it with the verbs in the box. go cook make see play watch Family get-togethers ) (Once a year my winole family meets at my parents house In the morning, we often 1_games withthe chleren in the fora weekend of fun, music, and great food. We're @ big park, My brother Ben has a bay and agi. My niece and nephew are family, and there are four generations of us! crazy about soccer, 20 Wwe usvally play that the backyard, and we sometimes *__thngs wth ne ehilcren, My sister-in-law Lois teaches five-year-old andl she always brings lots of paper and pens. In the evening, we *__ diner. Foods always an important part ‘of the weekend! Our foods very international - my grandmother's Brazllan, my dads Colombian, my sister-in-law British, and my husband's Polish. We often have Mexican food because we alt ove it. Wenever = television ~ we prefer to talk. My Uncle Paul and ‘my cousins Joe and Megan play matic, Uncle Pauland Joe play the ‘guitar, and Megan sines and plays te piano. They're really good, dont §_my family often because we all te in ferent ' In theattemoen, we fora walk orstay athome, Westin | i parts ofthe county, but | love these weekends. They're really specs | B ©) Ustenand check your answers 4. Ai Read the text again and choose the correct options 1. The mrteris Bers sister / aunt. 3. Paulis Joe's father! grandfather: 2 Loisis Ben's sister / wife. 4 Megan is Paul's son / daughter. a B Look at the main picture in the text. What relation to the writer do you think the people are? | =a Go to Vocabulary practice: family, page 140 56 ‘Workbook page 14; photocopiable activity 3A Vocabulary frequency adverbs and expressions w family ISP OMI say os oa rnp me eater seleecpuatee na fer rece 1 play tennis son every day 2 read stories ‘orandmother once a week 2 gout for coffee son and daughter oncea month 4 watch TV cousin three times a week 5 gout for dinner wife every evering © buy food brother-in-law twicea month 6 A Undertine the frequency adverbs in the text on page 22. Complete the rule. Frequency adverbs go before / after the verb be and before ( ater other verbs. B Look a the frequency expressions in exercze 5, Which word means “one time"? Which word means "wo times? Then read the Grammar box DRYEIIN teaieney adverbs and exp Frequency adverbs: 100% 0% always usualy ten sometimes hardly ever never Frequency expressions once tines | 2 | y/nekimonten ‘li 7 A @)BB Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen tothe sentences. indetne the stressed words or siables. re the requency adverbs and expressions suesseo? fy teecenerpetter at pete eneas te 2 Hes often te ioe Sei peciecoaetia nee ee are 2 We never natch television, 6 stent the rc every dy. B ©)B6 sien asin and repeat the sentences. Copy the sythm, B A Write tive sentences about you and your family. Use different frequency adverbs and expressions. Jloften go out for coffee with my mother-in-law. | sometimes watch TV with my grandparents. I play soccer with my brother once a week. B in pairs, cay your sentences, Do you do the same activities with the same people? Go to Communication practice: Student A page 159, Student B page 168 9 A Ask and answer questions with your classmates about how frequently you do the activities. =a ED 1A How often do you go to the movies? 8 Onceamonth, What about you? Inever go to the movies. B Complete the sentences about your classmates. 1 ever goes sometimes plays cooks _ meets his/her drives a car ‘goes running Personal Best ] Draw your family tree, Choose five people in your family and writea sentence about each of them. ll READING scanning a text m also and too 3B Anew group 1 Looatine pcture. np tae about how you usualy meet new people in your town or city Scanning mans acing qt tof speci ifomaton or eal, youscan 2 TVauietora prota, ora sched ora is eval tne Youd rexd tren, You ot look orth nlmaton you want 2. A Read the Skill box. Imagine that you lke art and photography. Scan the website to find groups that are sutable for you. B You are free on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Which art or photography group can you join? Scan the website again, 3 Read the website again and read for detail. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F? 1. The Walking Club meets on the weekend, 6 Children and young people watch the 2 The Drawing Club abways meets in a studio, Drama Club's shows 3 Theltalian Club sometimes goes oltaly. The Cocking Club meets once 4 The Camera Club hasan exhibt once a year aweek 5 In the International Friends Club, people 8 The Movie Club always meets every ‘cook at diferent homes every week a Saturday evening, ‘Also and too are adverbs that we use to add extra information. Also often goes ater the ver be and before ther verbs. Too usually goes atthe end ofthe sentence, We use a comma before fo9, but not before also. 4. Ay Read the Text builder. Undesine examples of also and too on the website B Choose the correct words to complete the sentences, | 11 She plays the guitar, and she also / too writes stories. | 2 |want to join the Camera Club and the Cooking Club, also / too, 3 We goto the movies once a month, and we sometimes go to the theater, also / too. 4 They go toa restaurant twice a week, and they also / 120 get takeout once a week. : 5 Inpairs, discuss which club on the website you like most. Why? 6 A pananew cub forthe webste. Think about the flowing What desi 4? How often desi meet? Where doesit mest? B Tel the class about your new club and listen to your classmates’ clubs. Decide which new club you tike most, 60 GXTRAPRACTIGE Workbook page 15; photocopiable activity 38 Skills 62 Were a waking club for people who love the ‘county. Ws goon lots ‘of walls of ctterent {enaths and levels of diicuty, We start at {9:50 am.on Sunday mornings, and we usualy finish at about 5 pm. This is 2 cub for art ov ofall ages Beginners are very welcome Wie dont havea teacher, but we Allien from each other ‘We work in studio on Thursday evenings, and we aco go outside to draw Buongiorno! aroup of p speak Kalan and who ltalan restaurant once ‘a month, ona Friday fvening. We alo wa alan moves together. Do you lke photograney? IF 50, come and join our ‘camera club! We mest ‘every Monday at 7p. ‘We have tales and discussions about diferent kins of photography, and we ‘how each ater our on photos. == Ty | Best | Describe club that you're in now or when you mere a cil EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 15 a Vere fiendly roup hat mers every week on Tusrdaye, Ne urually mee Cften goto the movies and theater We wantto lear cultures andhaves good | time, too! } ‘We're abig group, but ‘we always welcome new ‘members. We perform three shows a year at the local arts center and at local schools, too. We meet on Wednesday ‘venings at 7:30 We meet every Saturday t0.cook together at someone's home and then enjoy 3 great meal! We try lots ef new and Jelicous foods, ane we ‘also meet other people ‘who love cooking We don't have aregular | a eeorcae ee eecwl cenvecnenenn sl feed ee eae tly goat torcarte | sratak sagen | they movesand ; make nevr fiends, 0. ——* love, like, hate, enjoy, don't mind + noun/-ing form = activities (2) | 3C Opposites attract 1. Which activities are good for a couple to do together? in pairs, choose five activities and explain why. | {going on vacation visting relatives playing sports going bike riding playing computer games. visting museums relaxing athome stucying : ESD A Read the text about Cara and Chris. What do they do together? | B Discuss the questions in pars. | 11 Are Cara and Chrishappy that they are very diferent? Why/Wry not? 2 Doyou think opposites attract? | | | ‘Do opposites really attract? Or is it better to find someone similar to you? We ask i cone couple why they are together when they are so different from each other. OPPOSITES attract Aid fet My boend Gris and are very diferent He's | thinks rat that Cra and thaveaurown always ut ard he loves playing sports He kes Interest fe berate: ply tes and go ‘unning, and he loves playing tennis! don't mind running every day. Cara enjoys relaxing at home, and “tennis, but hate running! Like different activites:| she loves visting museums and galleries. I don't ming ‘enjoy doing yoga In the park, and tlove reading, But visitng museums, but | hate art! We do some things I think we're a great couple, Why? We both like living together ~ we both love going bowling, for example, in the city. We enjoy good restaurants, and we love but I don’t want a glrfriend who's just like me. They seeing our fiends on the weekend, bt | sometimes prefer to spend a quiet evening with him at home. 3 A Workin pairs. Read the text again. Student A: write about Cara. Student B: write about Chris. Compete the sentences student A student + Ceraloves_ 1 Christoves | 2 She enjoys 2 Heerjoys | 2 She thes 2 Hetives : j 4 She dossntmind 4 Hecoesrt mind | 5 She hates = 5 He hates B ©/3s tet your partner your answers, Listen and check, 64 EXTRAPRACTICE Workbook page 16; photocopiable activity 30 Vocabulary 6s Look at the sentences in exercise 3. Choose the correct option to complete the rule. “Then read the Grammar box After love, Uke, hate, enjoy, and dont mind, we usually use @ anoun oF ~ing form. » stommive Jove, lke, hate, enjoy, don't mind + noun/-ing form — ee toe the, +-ng orm of ve: Tove Tove matching 7 Tie books {ike reading books Fenjey mvc enjoy Ustening to sic. {on mid rns tnt pap ens tae mses certain oa —— 5 A QBi0 Pronunciation watching reading sting doing going beg paying ening B SRB sey tne sertences User check and epaat. 1 doe mind vstog mussums 2 She doesnt ike gong bowing 3 Tove reacng magazines, 4 Hehates or tthe arm, 5 We enjoy doing os © A compiete Stephanie's profile with the correct form of the verbs in the box. 3 ~ing forms Listen and repeat the verbs. get talk watch cook be play About me: Stephanie Ellis In the evening, | usually make dinner because | don't mind? After dinner, | walk my dog Bruno for an hour. It's very relaxing, and Jenjoy2 to other dog walkers. | love = exercise, ‘and sometimes | go running witha fiend, | also love at home with Bruno, but | dont like © TV, and | hate computer games. B Look again at the text on page 26. Who do you thinks Stephanie's friend Cara or Chris? Go to Communication practice: Student A page 159, Student B page 168 7 A write two tru sentences for you fr each verb, Use nouns and -ing forms + Hove Vike Lenjoy | don't ming leon tke + Thate B Compare your sentences witha partner. Are you similar or ferent? ALenoy swinming inthe sea. B I don't ike swimming. enjoy Choose someone you know. Wit about what he/she loves ites, nd hats doing EXIRAPRACTICE Workbook page 16; photocopiable activity 3C Grammar 3D A night out 1A Look atthe clocks. Match ther with the times, Learning 4 Wsten tiny. 2 Isa quarter ater ten, : 8 Itsteno'clock 4 Itstwenty-nve afterten, 5 I's seven minutes after ten, 10 Iesten to-eleven It’s a quarter to eleven It's ve ater ten It's twenty after ten B ©)HE sen and check ustenagan and repeat, 2. OB Woich or ste tothe frst port of Learning Curve. Whats Pennys main problern? 2 Shai into b Ethan s late ¢ They dont know what tne tis 3 © watenor ston again, Choose the corect mes 1 Penn’ watch syst fv minutes tater ten 2. The clock onthe walsaysit'ssevenfleven minutes after ten 2. The clock on Penny’s compute ay it's quarter pasta after en 4 Ethan wants to meet Penny at ten tolten after eleven 5 Ethan's phone says sen thor Irs twenty-five to eleven, A. @HH woten or stent the second part of the show and answer the questions 1 What two activities do they al want to do? 2. What time does Penny arrange to meet Taylor ané Ethan? 68 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 17 Taylor Cannan Suggesting an activity: Would you lteto..?Doyouwantto..? How about having dimer/How about we have dinner? let'sgo together, Doyouhave pansater..? Are you fre for lunch on Thursday? ‘Agreeing ona time: What time good foryou? Let's say 8pm. Howabout we meet tematrowat sk? About seven? — Canwego até pin? 5 A ©iHD read the Conversation bilder. Match the two parts to make complete sentences, Wetch or sten again ac check 1 What times 2 atfivethity in font of our bulging? 2 How aboutwe meet b to-come? 3 Doyou want to seven o'clock? 4 Would you ike good for you? 5 Areyouboth free efor dinner? | 8 Canwegoat f go bowing tonight? B Who says questions 1-67 Write M (Marc). E (Ethan), T (Tayion, or P (Penny). Watch or listen again to check if necessary. aes a sees aes eee fs i 6 Inpars make plans to see a movie and go shopping together Toke turns suggesting i the acy, ‘When yu acceptor dectne animation its» When you dedi. expan wy, say hat imporanttote pole. youre omy + hen ou ccet be enh Farealy ove btm buy toh ‘Sure Jie bowling! Yes. love to. Cool!__Tanight?Fm sorry, can't How about another day? + Use intonation to sound enthusiast or sory : 7 A ©i8) Read the Skillbox. Listen to the conversations. Does speaker B accept (V) or Gecie (X) the invitations? 1 Would you tke to go out for dinner tonight? a 2 A Doyouwanttohaveabarecue ts weekend? = B 3A How about going swimming tomorrow? 2 4 Do youwant to ave lunch on Saturday? Co i B ©)SiB) Usten again, Repeat spesker 8's words. Copy his/her intonation Go to Communication practice: Student A page 159, Student B page 168 8 A EERIE Think ofan activity you nant todo witha rend, Use the places inthe boxes coryour own ideas CH aa rar me am fT (anger 5 sar B Inte your partner to do your activ and acceptor decline your partner invitation potty. Agree on atime end place you accept c Ingroups of four repeat your conversations and lst tothe other pale Do they usethe pasa rm the Conversation bude and Sil box conecty? How often do you go outin the evening during the week? Describe what you normally do. nd away 4A 24 hours in the dark 1. Doyou usually do these things in the morning? Discuss in pairs. ime m daily routine Cchecke-mails goto the gym takeabath takea shower have breakfast ast Go to Vocabulary practice: daly routine verbs, page 142 =o 2 A Look atthe tte ofthe lesson and the pictures in the text, Which countries sometimes have 24 hours of derkness? B Road the text Match the heacings in the box with paragraphs A-E LUght and dark Summeractwites Our daly routine My city Winteractvites > 24 NOUS eee eee es ‘Tromso. | ice ving here. | have an interesting Job, and lke the people i OF ICUAL ecorse rrr aren isc rt sonics ae ee breakfast and check my e-mails. leave home at 7:15, My wife and children 1 leave home at 8:00. The children start school at 8:30 and finish at 2:30. | get — or day! ssrscs: c by Tom Sanders ur lives are diferent in the summer and the winter. n the summer, there are 60 days when the sun doesn’: set. From May to uly i's light at midnight. ‘And! in the winter, we have 60 days of night. From Novernber fo January, i's ‘dark at ron! Pee ee “ It's very dark, but i's not a bad time of year. On the weekend, we spend time together as a family, or we go skiing. We sometimes see the Nortnern Lights at night. They're really beautiful Beto ee In the summer, we spend alot of time outdoors. n the evening, we often have ‘barbecue on the beach and, on Friday rights, we sometimes go to cutdoor concerts. In July, we go on vacation. We usually vist my family In New York ‘and also spend some time with my wife's family in the mountains, \ge 20; photocopiable activity 4A Vocabulary prepositions of time m daily routine verbs BA Reed paragraph B again, Cover the text. Ask and enswer questions about Tom and his familys daily routine with the verb phrases in the box. What can you remember? ‘wake up havebreaktast leavehhome start work/school finish work/school get home [A When does Tom wake up? & | think he wakes up at 6:00, B In pairs, compare your dally routine with Tom's, What is the sarne? What is diferent? Ihave breokfest at home, too. don't check my e-mails at home. get home at six oiclock, not five o’clock. A. Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. Use the text to help you. Then read the Grammar box. 1. Heave home at / in 75. 4 At/ In the summer, we spend a lot of time 2. In} From May on / to July, ight at in midnight ‘outdoors 3 We sometimes see the Norther Lights 5 On/ At Friday nights, we sometimes go to Jn Fat ight ‘outdoor concerts, in: on: at from 10: themomingls! Saturdays) 530 Monday. Friday the winter Friday nights) Imianightinoen November. January uy Monday mornings) 900am...500 pm the weekend Go to Grammar practice: prepositions of time, page 118 oe BA Read about Tom's daughter, Mia. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions 1 Lusually wake up__5:45 on weekdays. 2 swim. 630 730, the weekend, | get up, the afternoon! A Fridays and Saturdays, | go to bed late 4 the summer | often go to concerts__ right. They don't finish untl2:00__ the. moming, but its stil ight B QMS Listen and check your answers. What does Mia love doing? Do you enjoy this activity? 6 ©i4 Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen ard repeat the sentences, Wich words ae stresses? 1 get up at sixin the morning 4 Lai to work in the summer. 2. Lwork from Monday to Friday. 5. My wfe gets home at midnight 3. go swimming on Wednesday evenings. 6 Weave dinner at 8:30, TA Complete the sentences so that they are true for you, Write one fase sentence Tal pete ste ee ne at 2 work from summer Bil evenings 5 Ident the ‘weekend, B In pairs, say your sentences. Guess the false sentences. Go to Communication practice: Student A page 160, Student 8 page 169, 8 A Read and answer the questions. Are you a morning person or an evening person? 11 What time do you usually get up on the weekend? 2 What time do you usually go to bed on the weekend? 3. When do you like working or studying? 4 When do you enjoy getting exercise? B Find a classmate who is ike you. Discuss what you like doing in the morning or in the evening. Tell the rest of your class. David and | are morning people. We like getting up early and going to the gym before work. ‘Think of someone that you know well. Describe his/her dally routine during the week and on the weekend. EXTRA PRACTICE workbook page 20; photocopiable activity 4& Grammar 76 USTENING listening for the main idea m sentence stress m the weather and the seasons. 4B Weather around the world Per) 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. snowing hot cold raining cloudy foggy ane : et SF 2 Ws (Rs sae Sg Hts SR mae Rn es OR GS “== 2 A complete the chart. Then tell your partner about the activities that you do during different seasons, iyactvities B What is your favorite season? Why? Tell your partner. listening for the main idea(s) tis important to understand the main dea when someone fs speaking. + Use ay pictures to help you understand what the topic + Think about whois speaking end what the stuation s. + Don't worry you don't understand everything, Listen forthe important words 3 ©45 Read the skit box. Watch or listen to the fist par of Learning Curve. Match places 1-4 ‘with the types of weather 2-4 1 a 3 4 New York 2 rainy and very cloudy Mount Emel usually warm Bay of Bengal © very rainy Rome sometimes snowy in winter 4. ©BB Wich or ister again, For3-3, check the correct sentence, aor b 1 b 2 b 3 b It never snows in the fallin New York. Ethan wears his snow boots every day in the winter. 5 Itrains a lot in Mount Emei, but it rains more in the Bay of Bengal, Its very cioudy in the Bay of Bengal It doesnt often snow in Rome. When itsrows in New York, the schools always close EXIBAPRAGIICE Workbook page 21; photocopiable activity 48 Vocabulary listening forthe main idea m sentence stress m the weather and the seesons usteniNe [ skiLts Pehl 4B je 5 @IRF waten or tstento the second part ofthe show. For each sentence, write M (Mina Sian), or Gen Marina 4. Once in 100 years, there's snow! 2 | get about 100 days of sun a year. It tke this 200 days a year 4 Hove it. Winters here! 5 [sleep early and wake upeatly 6 We don't usualy talk about the weather. _ © G©AF watch or isten again. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences, 1. Marina saysit's 17°C / ~7*C 118°C. 2 She goes to her sister's house after breakfast / in the afternoon / nthe evening, : 3. Sam says its sometimes / usually always hot and sunry in Eqypt 44 His advice isto wear a hat / wear boots / carry an umbrella in hot weather. 5 Jenny says the weather forecasts good for Saturday / Monday / Tuesday. 8 She tikes {doesnt like / hates living in Newfoundland, 7 in pairs think of some advice for visitors to your country for different seasons, In the winter, i's a good idea to wear warm clothes. eee ‘n English, we usually stress the most important words in a sentence. These stressed words ae usally nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. You can usualy understand the general idea fyou only hear these words: Mount Emel n China ces twenty-seven feet ofan in a year In the evening. we have dinner at my sister's house. | A Read the Listening builder. Read the text and underline the most important words. Patagonia is a beautiful part of South America. I's always windy in Patagonia. The wind i sometimes very stong ~ about a hundred and twenty kilomerers «an hour. You can’ walk when it's so windy. B ©/4B Listen and check which words are stressed. 9 Discuss the questions in pairs 1. Do people in your country tak about the weather a lot? 2. Do you talk about the weather alot? Whe do you talk about it with? 3 What kinds of weather do you tke? (sunny weather, rainy weather, etc) 4 What kinds of weather do you hate? 5 What do people do in your country when the weather is bad? 6 Doyou sometimes have strange weather? Describe it Personal Best | Write a guide to the weather in your country for tourist. fs) 78 EXTRAPRAGTIGE Wook ne 21 [4 tancuace | resent coninuos 4C Along weekend 1 What do you like doing when you visit a new city? Tell your partner. 2. A inpairs, took at the pictures of Charlotte and Pete's trip. Which city are they in? B Read Charlotte's posts, Which famous places does she mention? 3 Read the posts again. Answer the questions. 1 Do they lke their apartment? 3 How do they travel around? 2 What's the weather ike? 4. Do they ike the food? We're going away for a We're here. We're staying Today, werevisitingthe Look it's the Eiffel Tower! {ong weekend. Im so Ina private apartment Rodin Museum. Were [eel ike a real tourist. ‘excited! Weresitng.on with aviewof the city. its walking aroune the We're having a sandivich thetrain,andwerewaitng so romantic! beautifulcardensin the and waiting in ine to eave for Pati onthe “warm spring sunsnine Eurostar. im having a ‘goad time already! Imhavingagoodtime, We're at a lovely litte slate, We're tired, and but Pete isnt happy. restaurant. 'm having were taking a taxiback buying some food to take Its cur last day. We're We're going shopping on thesteak! The weathers tothe apartmentaftera home. Its raining, but we the Champs-Elysées He's lovely and warm. What's greatnightout. Thecity don't ming. ccargying my bags. rm Pete doing? He's tying _lights are amazing! feeling hungry = time for to speak French to the lunch waiter A: Match Pete's posts 1-8 with pictures a-h, 41 mlooking far some French cheese as a present for my mor, 2. The weather's great. We're having 2 fun time atthe museurn, 3. We're going to Paris! || What a cool apartment! Charlotte's taking a shower, and m relaxing ater the tri, 5. We're visiting a very famous monument. I want to take a selie atthe top. 5 'mnot enjoying tis! hate shopping! 7. Were going back to the apartment now. Fantastic night out! 8 analy, Im siting down! What's for lunch? BA Underline the verbs in exercise 4, Which ones describe an action that is happening now? B Choose be or have to complete the rule. Then read the Grammar box. \We form the present continuous with the verb be / have + ~ing form. 80 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 22 ba Imagine your long weekend. ite eight sentences to describe what you're dng (82 EXTRAPRACTICE workbook page 22; photoco MEE cme 10 present continuous Affirmative: Negative: (Questions and short answers: (m having a good tine im not enjoying ths What's Pete doing? He's carrying my bas. Itisnt raining. ‘Are you eating sicak? We're taking a taxi poe Yes lam. No, mnot Go to Grammar practice: present continuous, page 119 (A CEI ocr e Bag cor cred ard eve Uster red peat the serene im geting up. ts raining. He's_eating_a sandwich B ©411 Lsten and underline the words that are linked. Listen, check, and repeat. 41 What are you taking bout? 3. We're sitingin a cate 2. He’ enjoying tis game. 4 Theyre ooing away fora weekend ‘Complete the dialogues with the present continuous form of the verbs. Then act out the dialogues in pairs 1 What you__(do}here?)B |_ (walt for my friend. 2A ___h___ (snow? 5 No Rea aE ra) 3A Why James (wear) a sui? B He__ (go) toa job interview. 4 ‘your frends (leave) now? 8 Yes.they___ They (look! for their umbrella. 5 A Who Ben (cauye B Iontknow.He____ {not /taik)to Alex because Alexis here! Go to Communication practice: Student A page 160, Student 8 page 169 ean Cesena) Eno A Are you getting dressed? 8 No, 'm not | Areyou taking a shower? 8 Yes, lam! A Charlotte cals her friend, Olivia. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Who is Nacho? visit have do make play wait Olivia Hi, char 0! How are you? Charlotte Hi, Olivia! 'm good, thanks. 1m in Pars with Pete! We © ‘a groat time! Olivia —_Pasis That's fantastic. What right now? Charlotte We're at the Eiffel Tower. We? _____to goup, Where are you? Olivia — Nacho and1\_my in-laws with the gil They? in the backyard with Nacho's mom. And Nacho's aad ® Tuneh for us. Charlotte That sounds nice. B ©AA® sten and check your rane Imagine you are on vacation, Decide where you are. Call your partner and tell each other where ‘you are, who you are wit, and what you are doing, 1A Hello, Ana. it's Daniel. & Hil Where are you? _& I'min New York. m going fora walk in Central Park, ble activity 4¢ Grammar 4D A vacation with friends 1 Ask and answer the questions in pair. 1 When do you go on vacation? 3 Who do you go with? 2 Where do you usually go? 4 What do you ike doing there? 2 A Look at the pictures. Guess where the people are B ead the e-mail and check, Hi Lucy, How are you? Hows work? | hope everything's OK, 2 rm in Argentina! 'm visitng Leo and Maria in Buenos Aires, and fm having a wonderful time. The ‘weather’ amazing! I's 25 degrees, and its never cloudy, Its hot all Gay and warm at night, I's so nice after the cold fall weather at home. 3 Most days | get up early here, and Igo running with Leo before breakfast. He loves getting exercise in the morning, Then we return liome and have breakfast. Leo and Maria start work at 8:30, and! leave the apartment with them. | go inta the ct and vist ferent paces like Casa Rasada and Teato Colon. In the evening, we go for a walk and then have dinner. The restaurants are reat here, and the steaks are fantastic! 4 1m sending you a couple of photos that | took. The first photo's of some colorful houses in an area called La Boca. Ita really cool part of town with some amazing buildings. Inthe sacond photo, you can see Leo and Maria. We're having coffee in a lacal café neat their apartment. They have great coffee and delicious pastries there [My flight's on Friday. See you at work on Monday! Love, Gemma 3 Read the e-mail again. In which paragraph does Gemma 1 ite about the weather? 3 ask Lucy questions? 2 describe the pictures? 44 utlte about her daily routine on vacation? —_ PAN ease) A. Read the Stl box, Look a Gemma'se-maagain, How does she describe the pictures? E] 84 EXTRA PRACTICE Workivook page 28 and 7 describing @ photo = using personal pronouns WRITING 5A Match the two parts to make complete sentences. 1 Inthis photo, tm with 1 Red Square in Moscow! 2 Here's a photo fixing our bikes. 3 Inthis photo, we're © of Sydney at night. 4 Here's a photo of usin 4 my /iece, Eliza, We're reading a story. B Match tne completed sentences with pictures a-d, aaa We often use personal pronouns (he, she i tc) to avoid repeating words and names: Tim with Sergio and Ana. Were eating sh t's delicious! romework. She speaks relly good French. 6 A Read the Text builder. Read paragraphs 3 and 4 in the e-mail again and underline the personal pronouns, What do they efer to? B Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronouns. 1 Fmvith Theo. _‘re waiting forthe train 2 Thisis the hotel pool. ‘5 on top of the hotel 3. Theo's shopping. ‘sspending al his money! 4 Katie's in bed, s sleeping! 5 The kids are out ‘re on their bikes TA Imagine youre on vacaton, Decide where you ae, what the weathers the, how you're feeling, who swith you, and what to do every day. Imagine two oF ree photos of your vacation. 8 \Wete an e-mai toa friend. Use personel pronouns to avoid repeating wordsinarnes, + Begin your e-mail + Paragraph 1 Ask your fiend how he/she is. + Paragreph 2: Describe where you are what the weather i ke, and wh is with you + Paragraph 3: Deserbe your cay routine on vacation. + Paragraph 4: Describe to or thiee photos of your vacation + Finish your e-mail C [EERIE xchange e-mails with a partner. Does his/her e-mail contain personal pronouns to avoid repeating words/names? Can you add any more? Personal Best] Find a photo of people on vacation. Describe their vacation, Where ae they? What ae they doing? 86 EXTRA PRACTICE workbook page 23; photocopiable activity 4D Skills CTE aed Grammar 1. choose the correct options to compiete the sentences 1 This week. a Istay b I staying © Iimstaying 2 What____right now? 2 doyoudo: b are you doing © doing you 3. My grandfather always. @ is visiting b vist © visits ee do you see your cousins? a How many b How often © How about 8 My sister's birthday is. aat bin © on 6 My brother's in his room with a friend. ‘computer games, @ They playing b Theyre playing They play ‘on the weekend, 2 play always soccer bb always play soccer © play soccer always ® When go shopping? @ do you usually b usually do you © areyou in Washington, DC. ‘on Sunday afternoons. Friday. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb in parentheses, & Howt (be) the new job? Bits good. Right now, | (work) on a new project. A Where? 8 Near Miami. We’. (build) a new hotel A Where’ (tve) ightrow? B_Trmliving with fiends from Monday to Friday, and then | always ° [come) home on the weekend, A Are you OK with that? B_Idont mina © (work) on a smal team ‘A. No problems at al? B Well hate ® mornings! (travel), and | enjoy 7 (cet up) early on Monday 3 complete the text withthe words in the box. 18 1 68 / FEATURED MOU aat oy Barbara Fialais the owner of Baobab, a communications ‘company, base in New York She * ‘raves for ‘Work and spends around two months a yearn Europe. She 2 ‘olLondon and then vss Bertin, Budapest,and Warsow. She usually three nights in ezch city and then stars again. She 4 inthe evening, so she's ead to work the net day. “often go fora walk or go tothe gym®. ‘Bam’ she says She ® work around Zam. and” here-mals and makes some telephone calls before her meetings In London, she 8 with her sister, but nthe othercties se says at hotels. She does youa and reads books to rl Vocabulary 1. GeBIne word thats tere. Explain your answer. 1 son father niece brother 2 tll rain spring winter 3 yoga barbecue picnic — dinner 4 golf bowling volleyball dancing 5 cold snowy warm icy 8 gallery museum gyn Viatin 7 aunt grandmether son mother 8 karate swimming shopping running EC dies So cnd 4 2 Make words to describe the weather, Wat's the weather ike? It's dyocul ndwyi tho gyoat yunsn as ianry sehr wgonnsi | i | i 3 Putthe words in the correct columns. j (erry Sareea oan A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the i verbs in the bor. Vie eed 1 My father Up in the moming at six o'clock, i ooh 2 He works in a factory and _work at 7:30 am, 3 usually _ to work at 10:00 am. on Fridays. 4 Tostay inshape, | karate at lunchtime, 51 work at five in the evening and ride my bike home. 6 Inthe evening, | ‘my dog for an hour. a“ tie 7 My sister the violin, Ck ie 8 We often inner together. Ca bole cr cn nr) can) rth i What are you wearing? LANGUAGE | simple present and present continuous = clothes = ordinal numbers 5A Party time 1 Look at the pictures in the text. What are the people wearing? Choose from the words in the box. adress ashit pants boots ajacket sandals ahat asuit "shee 2 AA Read the text, Match pictures a~c with names of celebrations 1-3. B Match sentences 1-5 withthe three celebrations, 1 This celebration takes place in Brazil ‘Alot of people wear red for this celebration, ‘This celebration stars on a Friday. aaa ree | ‘This celebration happens in the winter, ‘Animals take part inthis celebration. = a ‘My names Hong, nd vein Shangha. Toda’ Janay 28, snd Tin a y ‘celebrating Chinese New Year with my family. Chinese New Year always takes pac in January o ebusry, but the date changes every en For ‘example, it's on Febniary st in 2019 and on January 25*in 2020. ‘ene New Year Wecean ourhomes nd dort them inthe ole red for good ack. Then we hae spell lane wi our (enya weer codes: Taringa wih facly ee elena 2 Rio Carnwal ‘ay name's Ana, and I live in Blo de Janeiro, People fom allover the world vist Rio at Carnival time. Camivalis on a clfferent date every yea, but e's always in February or March. Itstarson a riday and finishes on 2 Wednesday. Teday's Sunday, February 26°" the tied day of Carnival ~and I'm ‘watching a parade with my friends, The dancers and musicians in the porades are wearing beautiful, colorful costumes. 3 Seville’y April Fair ‘Tm Antonio, ane Tm sting Selle his week for the Apri Fi. vein ‘Madrid, but | come to Seville every year in April. Today's April 18 - the scoaday ofthe and ght tm wing nd ih ay ene EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 26, photocopiable activity 5A Vocabulary 3 A Underline the verbs in the simple present and€icldthe verbs in the present continuous in the text B Complete the rules wit simple present or present continuous. Then read the Grammar box 1 Weuse tie — to talk about facts and things that happen reguiaty 2 Weuse the to talk about things that are happening now or temporary actions. [RRRSEEIEIN siroteprosont and precent continuous For things that happen regularly or are always true, we use the simple present: always happens in January orFebrusy. Ue in Shanghl == 4. A complete the interview with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Which person from the text isthe interview with? ‘A. Hello, Pm from 103 FM Radio. © you__a good time? (have) B Yes, its amazing! We” every year. (come) A Whot you. right now? (40) B We the ocal people go by on their horses. (watch) The women look beautiful! ‘A What®____ they 2 (wear) B_ Long flamenco dresses with special sandals, lots of jewelry, and flowers in ther hair, People atthe fair always __ traditional clothes like that. (wear) at you bere? (live) B No! Just the city this week, (visit) I's my favorite festival inthe whole country. ‘A. Great to tak to you! Enjoy the test of the celebration. B 53 Listen and check your answers, Go to Communication practice: Student A page 161, Student B page 170 B Match festivals 1-5 with dates a-e. 1. New Year's Day bb danuary 25th 2 US. Independence Day 2 March 8th 3 Martin Luther King Jr. Day © January Ist 4 Valentine's Day uy 4th 5 International Women's Day February 14th Go to Vocabulary practice: ordinal numbers, page 143 6 A@s5 Pronunciation: dates Listen and repeat the dates. Which words are stressed? say fourteenth. Its August twenty-fifth, {tthe second of May. Is the third of June. B ©SB in pars soy each dtein two dierent ways. Listen, check, and repeat Wes Aor ests the st ofA 4 Aprita 5 October 31 9 February 26 2 auy4 & Novernber 20, 10 March 5 2 August @ 7 December 30, 4 September 12, 8 January 16 7 A Ask different classmates about their birthdays. Who has a birthday in the same month as you? ‘A When's your birthday? 8 My brthday’s on March 7 |A What do you usualy do on your birthday? ® | usually go out for lunch with my family. What about you? B Teli the class about your classmates’ birthdays. Elena’ birthday’s on June 4, She always goes out with her friends Personal Best | Write sentences about some of your classmates. What do they usually wear to class? What ae they wearing today? hotocopiable activity 5A Grammar 94 EXTRA PRAGTIGE Workbook pose READING identifying facts and opinions w adjectives 5B Don’t tell me what to wear 1. Read the introduction of the text and discuss the questions in pais. Do you wear uniform at work or in school? v v YES NO Describe your uniform to your partnet. Do you think uniforms area Do you like wearing i? Why/Why not? good idea? Why/Why nov? aa Teas ten inde boos andopos ee ae ese isoelectric ce ian 2 vers | chink (ha. don thnk ha). agree | don't agree «2 postive or negative adjective: good, fun, fants; ad, Norble 2 A Read the Skill box and the text. Find one fact for each person, 1 Richare 4 Nike 2 Maria 5 Hannah 3 Sait B in pairs, say your facts. Do you remember which person says them? | ‘A Lwear a uniform on my job — a hat 2 shirt and pants. 8 That's Hannah, 3 Read the text again and answer the questions. Which personipeople think(s that 1 uniforms aren't for everyone? 4 isther uniform's not interesting? 2 histher unitorm’s not rice? 5 uniforms are a good idea in his/her situation? | 3 histher uniform is nice? CERRET cas | Adjectives often show someone's opinion: sprety boring. Weave aniee uniform at thebank The hat’ terible. Adjectives come before «noun and after the verb be: Weweara great uniform Tha nitorm's great! 4, nea ne Text ulder Fre more examples of adjectives inthe text. Does each one come before @ noun or after the verb be? Look atthe plcures imagine you wear one of he uniforms Write a paragraph about your Tatler ica a eee cleo 96 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 27; photocopiable activity 5B Skills ARE YOU A FAN eR Uniforms are common for schoolchildren, police officers, firefighters, soldiers, and alot of other jobs. But do people like wearing uniforms? Does a uniform make you fel part ofa group, or do people dislike looking exactly the same? Here five readers give us ther opinions. Ricuarp, 16 wear a uniform wo school everyday. The uniform for boys is black shoes or sneakers, black pants, a white shir, and a blue sweater. 1 pretty boring, but T dont mind wearing | think is OK to have 4 school uniform. It means my parents con't need eo buy los of| clothes. ‘Maru, 27 | work in fashion, and clothes area big part of my lf. Tahways ‘wear fashionable suits to work. Its important ra look good on my job — your clothes say alt about you. Uniforms are fine for some people, but-nor for me, I don’ want someone telling me what Sarr, 40 Breryne knows we near uniform inthe fre deparment. We ear special boot, pans kets hoes. and helmets bene we ed them, Ke alo shows people that were Freighter ~ wee there co ep them. [think our ufos great I makes me fel part of theft department Nusxt, 35 We have a nice uniform at my bank che women all wear an attractive jacket, a white shit and scarf and panes ora ski. Fe makes lif simple because you dont need to choose your clothes in che morning chink the uniformis very fashionable, roo — its similar t my own clothes Hannan, 21 I ear uniform on y job —a hata shiet, and pants, I don lke my unifoem, I dont lke che fabric, and the ba’ terrible. Buc [ agree that uniforms are necessary on my job because they often get dir and I dort want to wear my own clthes at work SSS Personal Best | Choose a profession and design an ideal uniform for men and for women, Write @ description oft, 98 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 27

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