Coursework B 2015 Chemistry

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Writing a coursework, especially on a complex subject like Chemistry, can be a challenging and time-

consuming task. It requires a deep understanding of the topic, extensive research, and the ability to
organize and present information coherently. Coursework B 2015 Chemistry, in particular, may
involve intricate concepts and experiments that demand careful analysis and interpretation.

Students often face difficulties in managing their time effectively, conducting thorough research, and
expressing their ideas in a structured manner. Additionally, the pressure of meeting deadlines and
maintaining high academic standards can add to the stress of coursework writing.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed or struggling to meet the demands of their coursework,
seeking assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable
solution. These services often have experienced writers with expertise in various subjects, including
Chemistry. By opting for such services, students can ensure that their coursework is well-researched,
properly formatted, and meets the academic standards required.

⇒ ⇔ offers a platform where students can connect with qualified writers who can
provide customized assistance tailored to their specific coursework requirements. It can be a valuable
resource for those who need extra support or guidance in completing their coursework successfully.

However, it's essential for students to use such services responsibly and ethically, ensuring that the
assistance they receive contributes to their learning process. Seeking help should be viewed as a
supplement to one's own efforts and not as a substitute for personal understanding and growth.

In conclusion, tackling coursework in subjects like Chemistry can be challenging, and seeking
assistance from reputable services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a practical option for those
who need support. Remember to use such services responsibly and integrate the help received into
your own learning journey.
Ismail B. Mahad for their sincere help and cooperation in carrying out our. Iodine has many
commercial uses including pharmaceuticals, photographic chemi- cals, printing inks and dyes,
catalysts and animal feeds. Silica Gel: When an acid is added in a solution of water glass. It is strong
oxidizing agent because it can readily donate oxygen or accept electrons. Soil are assemblages of
solid particles with interconnected voids where water. Carbon exists in three crystalline i.e. graphite,
diamond and Bucky balls. Carbon monoxide gas in water gas oxidizes to CO2 gas, which is soluble
in water under pressure, lib- erating H2 gas. These include pathogenic microorganisms which may
enter water along with sewage and other wastes and may cause tremendous damage to public health.
Q - 5) What are oxides how are they classified describe normal oxides in detail. It reduces acidic
potassium permanganate solution recoloring of KMnO4. The constant head permeability test
involves flow of water. Also write its physical and chemical properties:. 16. ALL the evidence
webinar: Appraising and using evidence about community conte. SiO2(s) It can also be prepared in
hydrated form as a gelatinous precipitate by warming sodium sili- cate (Na2SiO3) with conc. Q - 7)
Define oxidation and reduction and write chemical equation in support of each.. 32 3. 2. Describe
different allotropic forms of Sulphur?. 46. It consists of dark yellow transparent needle-like crystals.
They cause offensive col- ours, odours and tastes in water. Ozone oxidizes Hydrogen sulphide
(H2SO4) in acidic medium liberating oxygen (O2) gas. Madam Hajah Kamilah Bt Salleh, our
Chemistry teacher Madam. Noorzaila. It is the most stable crystal form of Sulphur at ordinary
condition and free Sulphur exits in nature as rhombic Sulphur. The residue left behind contains
amorphous silicon. Hydrated sodium Aluminium silicate (Na2Al2Si2O8.xH2O) is called permutit.
HNO3 depends upon the nature or the reducing agent. Chlorine, therefore in water is both bleaching
as well as oxidizing agents. During this process under the earth the vegetable material was converted
in stages into peat, lignite (Brown Coal), bituminous coal (Soft) and finally to anthracite (Hard
Coal). Metals in Life and Reaction Dynamics Single Crystal X-Ray Structures, Supramolecular
Chemistryand DFT Computation. It is found chiefly in South Africa, Brazil, Australia and India. Q -
13) Describe disadvantages of hard water and uses of water?. 13. The antioxidant properties of
Bucky balls may be able to fight the deteriora- tion of motor function due to multiple sclerosis. 2.
Bucky balls may be used to store hydrogen, possibly as a fuel tank for fuel cell powered cars. 3.
Bucky balls may be able to reduce the growth of bacteria in pipes and mem- branes in water systems.
21. 20.
In this method, there is no chemical used in pursuing this experiment. Hot conc. Sulphuric acid
oxidizes some non-metals like C, S and P into their oxides or oxyacid. Potable water: The water that
is fit for drinking purpose is called potable water. It is insoluble in water but dissolve in carbon
disulphide, benzene, disulphur di- chloride. Why are they placed in VII A group in the periodic
table. Reducing Agent: A substance that donates or loss electrons is known as reducing agent. The
molten Sulphur is continuously pumped to solidify into wooden tanks. D Chemistry from Jadavpur
University Exam date of U.P PGT (chemistry) Jadavpur University English (H) entrance exam date
MSc Chemistry 2nd Phase Counseling date Jadavpur University BSc Honors in Physics Criteria and
Date. When the vapours of SiCl4 are passed over heated sodium or potassium metal in an inert
atmos- phere, silicon is produced by the reduction process. Oxygen combines directly with Calcium
forms Calcium oxides (CaO). Iodide in small amounts is added to table salt in order to avoid thyroid
disease. On standing the crystals become opaque, brittle and lemon yellow. Each layer of carbon
atoms viewed as two-dimensional sheet polymer or layer lattice at a distance of 1.42 A0. The
distance between the parallel layers is 3.35 0A. Physical Properties of Graphite. It reduces acidic
potassium permanganate solution recoloring of KMnO4. The oxides that are neither acidic nor basic
are known as neutral oxides. Q - 15) Describe hygroscopic substances: Hygroscopic Substances: The
substances which absorb moisture on exposure to atmosphere are called Hygroscopic Substances.
Hydrogen Gas (H2) can also be produced by the electrolysis of water. Q - 11) Describe preparation
of Sodium Silicate or water glass and its properties and uses: Sodium Silicate or Water Glass:
Sodium silicate is the common name for a com- pound sodium Meta silicate, Na2SiO3, also known
as water glass. Q - 14) Describe the classification of water Pollutants: or name water borne diseases
that are caused by microorganism presents in water, name various types of water pollutants and their
different categories. It is soluble in Carbon disulphide but insoluble in water. Fe(OH)3 also sprayed
over to remove ox- ides of Arsenic. 46. 45. Hard water: The water that containing dissolved
impurities of hydrogen car- bonates, chlorides and Sulphate of calcium and magnesium is called hard
water. The oxidizing properties of H2SO4 depends upon (i) con- centration of the acid (ii) Nature of
the metal or reducing agent (iii) Temperature. In diamond each carbon atoms is covalently bonded
with four other carbon atoms to give basic tetrahedral unit and forming a giant three dimensional
molecule. Soft water: The water that containing dissolved impurities but in small quantities and
easily produces lather with soap is known as soft water. The rate, or speed, is dependent upon
environment condition as well as the type, and condition, of the metal. It is the second most
abundant element found in the earth’s crust after oxygen. Tiwari, Soil Mechanics Laboratory,
California State University. Ammonium nitrite is first ob- tained by reacting ammonium chloride
with sodium nitrite. That’s why Carbon deposits formed during incomplete combustion of fuels
(Petrol) inside motor engines have to be removed mechanically; this process is called decarbonizing
of motor engines.
The addition of hydrogen into other molecular compounds called hydrogenation reaction. Gilbert,
Rein V. Kirss, Natalie Foster, Geoffrey Davies: Books The course. K depends on the relative
permeability of the medium for fluid constituent. In this process air is firs liquefied to form liquid air
which is ten fractionally distilled. Carbon also shows greater affinity for oxygen and reduces many
metal oxides into free metals. Many non-metal react with Sulphur at different condition. In this
method temporary hard water containing hydrogen carbonates of Ca and Mg is treated with slaked
lime in the tanks to convert them into their insoluble carbonates. It is the most important substance
i.e used in manufacture of Vinyl Chloride which is extensively used in the preparation of PVC
Plastic. Chlorine reacts with water to produce HCl and hypochlorous acid (HClO). Stannous
Fluoride (SnF2) is used in toothpastes for preventing tooth decay. 51. 50. Describe its reactivity:
Nascent Hydrogen: Hydrogen at a time of its birth is chemically more reactive than molecular
hydrogen because it is available in atomic form and known as Nascent Hydrogen or Newly born
hydrogen. They cause offensive col- ours, odours and tastes in water. Empty reply does not make
any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel susanmarysmith 3 years ago report 5 These are great,
thanks. It is used to disinfect water and is part of the sanitation process for sewage and industrial
waste. And Describe some common silicates and their chemical formulas and uses. In this
experiment, the data collected were recorded in the table as. Hot Conc. Sulphuric oxidizes some
metals to their Sulphates liberating SO2 gas. Peroxides are oxides containing higher proportion of
oxygen as compared to normal oxides. The permeability coefficient can be determined in the
laboratory using falling. IRJET- Soil Water Retention Curve of an Unsaturated Sand Under Square
Footing. Aqua Regia dissolves gold due to liberation of nascent chlorine which forms gold chloride
with it, which is soluble. Ozone can be prepared from oxygen by passing electric discharge through
oxygen gas. The results of the experiment are recorded in table as described below. During the
production of paper and cloth, chlorine is used as a bleaching agent. Dilute hydrochloric acid is then
added in the reaction mixture to dissolve unreacted Mg metal and MgO formed. And Describe some
common silicates and their chemical formulas and uses.. 21. Some com- mon pesticides used in
Pakistan are alder in, DDT, dielderin etc. And what is the significant of this unusual behaviour of
water. The residue left behind contains amorphous silicon.
Sulphur combines with many metals directly to form their respective sulphide. Q - 2) Describe and
explain how Sulphur is extracted from underground deposits by Frasch process: Frasch Process:
Sulphur is extracted from its deposits deep in the earth by Frasch Process. In this method, there is no
chemical used in pursuing this experiment. Q - 1) Describe Sulphur and its occurrence, uses, its
physical and chemical properties:. 40. If there is no scattering of light in the box, it indicates that gas
is free from As2O3. In agriculture, bromine acts as a very powerful and effective pesticide. Hot conc
Nitric Acid reacts with many non-metals and oxidizes them into their oxides or oxy- acids and itself
is reduced to NO2 gas. Q - 2) Describe and explain how Sulphur is extracted from underground
deposits by Frasch process:. 41. These oxides react with water to form acids which turns blue litmus
to red. Oxygen combines directly with Carbon forms Carbon dioxides (CO2). Q - 7) Define
oxidation and reduction and write chemical equation in support of each.. 32 3. 2. Silicon does not
occur in Free states, although silicon is widely distributed in nature. 2. In the combined stated it
occurs mainly as silicon IV oxide; SiO2 (Silica) which is present in various forms. Such as sand,
quartz, flint, kieselguhr, agate, etc. 3. Silicon occurs as complex silicates with metallic oxides, like
Al2O3, CaO, MgO, K2O etc. Q - 7) Give some physical properties of silicon.. 22. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Nitrogen occurs in
the Free State as N2 gas in air up to 78% by volume and 75% by mass. 2. In combine state nitrogen
occurs abundantly in the earth’s crust as nitrates of sodium, calcium and potassium. 3. In combine
state nitrogen is found in organic matter such as proteins, urea and vitamin B com- pounds. The soil
permeability is often represented by the permeability coefficient (k). We wish to express our sincere
appreciation to our principal. In this method in which calcium and magnesium ion from water are
removed as insoluble precipitates. They cause offensive col- ours, odours and tastes in water. It is
colourless gas with a characteristic pungent smell. 2. It is highly soluble in water about 1300ml
dissolves in 1ml of water. 3. It is easily liquefied into a colourless liquid at ordinary temperature by
com- pression. 4. In large quantity it is poisonous because of its effects on respiratory system.
Oxygen occurs in the Free State as well as combined state. 2. In Free State oxygen is present as
diatomic gas (O2) in the earth’s atmospheric air up to 21% by volume and about 33% by mass. 3. In
combine state oxygen accounts for nearly 50% by mass of the earth’s crust. Oxygen combines
directly with Lithium forms Lithium oxides (Li2O). Coal: It is originates from the vegetation of the
carboniferous era. Also write physical and chemical properties: NITROGEN: Nitrogen is the most
common gas present in the atmosphere and the tenth most abundant element in the earth crust.
IRJET- Soil Water Retention Curve of an Unsaturated Sand Under Square Footing. Nitrous oxide
dissolves in water to form a neutral solution. It expands when cooled form 4 to 0 oC and contracts
from 0 to 4 oC. By this process loss of electron occurs from a substance. Q - 3) Describe Sulphuric
Acid and its occurrence, uses, its physical and. It reduces chlorine to hydrochloric acid and Oxygen
gas is given off.
V: discharge velocity, which is the quantity of water flowing I unit time. How oxygen is industrially
produced from liquid air?. 28. It is used to disinfect water and is part of the sanitation process for
sewage and industrial waste. Bromine is also used in photography, and was once even used in
automobiles. Nitric Acid reacts with some metals like Mg and Mn to form nitrate salts and liberate
H2 gas. See other similar resources ?0.00 4.90 50 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what
you were looking for. It expands when cooled form 4 to 0 oC and contracts from 0 to 4 oC. Hard
water is introduced into the tank from the top. Q - 4) Describe and explain how Sulphuric Acid is
prepared by Contact process, what catalyst used in the process. Also describe the physical and
chemical properties of metals and non-metals.. 60. Oxygen combines directly with Calcium forms
Calcium oxides (CaO). Q - 14) Describe the classification of water Pollutants: or name water borne
diseases that are caused by microorganism presents in water, name various types of water pollutants
and their different categories. In agriculture, bromine acts as a very powerful and effective pesticide.
In nature, water exists in liquid, solid, and gaseous states. Describe the importance of Cl2, Br2, and
I2, F2 in our daily life. 49. And what is the significant of this unusual behaviour of water?. 9. With
Hydrogen: Sulphur reacts with hydrogen about 600 to 660 oC slowly to form hydrogen Sulphide.
The cat ions present in hard water are exchanged for sodium ions. Q - 5) What are oxides how are
they classified describe normal oxides in detail?. 28. At Colorado State, there are two primary
methods you can explore your passions: majors and concentrations. Hydrogen reacts with many non-
metals under different conditions to form addition products. It is soluble in Carbon disulphide but
insoluble in water. Carbon also shows greater affinity for oxygen and reduces many metal oxides into
free metals. Due to these factors nitric acid gives variety of reduction products, such as NO2, NO,
N2O, N2, HNO2, NH2HO3 etc. Conc. Sulphuric acid oxidizes hydrogen sulphide (H2S) which is
oxi- dized to Sulphur and HI is oxidized to liberate vapours of I2. This is a modern method
employed for the softening of hard water. Carbon exists in three crystalline i.e. graphite, diamond
and Bucky balls. Permanent hardness is due to dissolved chlorides and Sulphates of calcium and
magnesium. It may be of blue, green, yellow red or black colour. Why are they placed in VII A
group in the periodic table.

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