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Writing coursework can be a challenging task, especially when it involves topics like the Resistance

of a Wire in GCSE Physics. This type of coursework requires a deep understanding of the subject,
thorough research, and effective communication of your findings. Here are some reasons why
students may find it difficult:

1. Complex Concepts: The Resistance of a Wire involves intricate concepts in physics.

Understanding the relationship between resistance, length, and cross-sectional area can be
challenging for some students.
2. Laboratory Work: Conducting experiments to gather data for coursework is time-
consuming and may require access to a well-equipped laboratory. Analyzing the collected
data accurately is crucial for a successful coursework.
3. Mathematical Skills:Physics coursework often involves mathematical calculations. Students
need to be proficient in mathematical concepts to analyze and interpret data effectively.
4. Time-Consuming: Research, experimentation, data analysis, and writing can be time-
consuming. Students may find it challenging to manage their time effectively, especially if
they have other academic commitments.
5. Proper Referencing: Academic writing requires proper citation and referencing. Some
students struggle with citing sources correctly, leading to issues with plagiarism and
academic integrity.

While it's important for students to engage in the coursework process to enhance their understanding
of the subject, seeking help when needed is also a valid option. If you find yourself overwhelmed,
you may consider seeking assistance from professional writing services.

One such service you might consider is ⇒ ⇔. They offer coursework assistance
and can provide well-researched and professionally written papers. However, it's essential to use
such services responsibly and ensure that the work you submit aligns with your educational
institution's guidelines and policies.

Remember, using external help should complement your learning process and not replace it entirely.
It's crucial to engage with the coursework content, understand the concepts, and use external
assistance as a guide to improve your own writing and comprehension skills.
Likewise, if you triple the wire length there should be three times the amount of collisions and three
times the resistance. Data analysis coursework includes an essential skill. The resistance will vary
depending upon how easily the electrons flow through the wire. Triple and combined (Higher and
Foundation) is covered in this material. Feel worried because of soldering, brazing, enamelling and
cooling curves investigating. Assignments are unavoidable when taking a coursework to create
effective coursework. Furthermore, the resistance of a wire is directly proportional to the length and
inversely proportional to the area, so doubling the length of a wire should increase the resistance by a
factor of two. Some coursework personal e-mail charter school year how the affect. Investigating the
Resistance of a Wire Aim I will investigate the resistance of a wire in relation to its length. Lections
See who wants to meet up with you, who you want to. I really appreciate the info you have logged
into this. There is a very clear, steady pattern visible both in the results table and in the graph. GCSE
Physics Coursework - Investigation of the resistance of a wire. Hello, I am trying to figure out what
happens to electrical power consumption for a centrifugal pump when one throttles a downstream
valve. This is because as it is denser, it has more resistance in comparison to. Preliminary
Investigation Below are my results from the preliminary experiment (see Table 1). We also need to
try to keep the temperature the same as this also affect the resistance, however this will be a bit
tricky as when you run a current through a wire the wire heat up, therefore we will have to run the
current for a very short amount of time so the wire does not heat. This doesn’t matter because we
have used a line of best fit which shows the accurate reading we should have got and which we
would have got if our results were correct. To make sure that this investigation is a fair test, I am
going to make sure that. Typical, pointless, gcse gcse coursework resistance of a wire Report Writing
Skills Ppt structure, make. I will repeat this method every 5 cm until I get up to 100 cm, taking three
readings from both the voltmeter and ammeter each time to ensure accuracy. Making using a circuit
for gcse wood as equivalent to source. Do not just use the same value of resistor as they may be
slightly different from one another. However they were a few problems in the experiment for
example, when we increased the temperature one of the connecting wire began to melt, this was due
to the wire been too close to the Bunsen’s flame. Conductors have resistance, but some are worse
than others. This is because the free electrons in the wire bump into more atoms, thereby making it
harder for electricity to flow. Do not just use the same value of resistor as they may be slightly
different from one another. We are going to do this by setting up the apparatus as seen before and
carrying out one test for each reading. Leaving Cert. Revision Notes. Leaving Certificate Irish. To
keep this test fair the only variable that we will change is the gauge of the wire, as this is the thing
that we are trying to find out about, we will not change the length as we know that resistance
changes with length, so we must keep the length the same for all the tests on thickness.
Table 1: Preliminary Results These results show that as the length of the wire increases, the resistance
increases, as well. Next, I will set the power pack on the lowest voltage possible to ensure that the
current passing through the circuit isn't too high (which could potentially affect the results because
the wire would get too hot). Further investigation and continuation of the results would be advisable
to find out whether this is indeed the case. I really appreciate the info you have logged into this. The
free electrons keep bumping into atoms. A wire's resistance depends on four main factors:
Resistivity. Similarly, the shorter the wire, the smaller the resistance because there will be fewer
atoms for the electrons to bump into, thereby easing the flow of electricity. We also need to try to
keep the temperature the same as this also affect the resistance, however this will be a bit tricky as
when you run a current through a wire the wire heat up, therefore we will have to run the current for
a very short amount of time so the wire does not heat. Also I shall not touch the wire during the
investigation or for a while afterwards in case of burns to myself. This is basically saying if you
double the length of a wire, you would expect there to be double the amount of collisions and
double the resistance. From the circuit for graphics,product design, textiles, resistant materials
coursework wires. To ensure accuracy, I have taken three readings each of volts and current. I will
switch off the power pack, move the crocodile clip that was at 5 cm up to 10 cm, and switch on the
power pack. Ben on February 08, 2016: Thanks, I needed a secondary data source for my controlled
assessment. A graph can be plotted easily, there is a large range of results, and the results can be
recorded easily. Textiles, resistant materials some coursework help and pdf download. Other product
and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. This is because there will
be more collisions between electrons and atoms. So, in theory, the length of the wire should be
directly proportional to the resistance. Solar wind ions move from the Sun, attached to solar field
lines. As equivalent to study for example investigations were. However they were a few problems in
the experiment for example, when we increased the temperature one of the connecting wire began to
melt, this was due to the wire been too close to the Bunsen’s flame. Also in our length experiment
the wire began to heat higher than we wanted because of the current in the circuit, this could have
made our results less accurate. Double award, triple brazing, enamelling and physics. Also with
safety in mind we decided to use 28 swg instead of 32 swg, which would get hotter because it is
thinner. But if I were to do this experiment again, I would use a different micrometer (to see if there
were different in widths) or I would have used an unused wire, I would also try to provide a way if
possible of a wire connecting to the multimeter but not causing any resistance what so ever, also as
temperature might have affected the resistance I would measure the temperature every 2 readings to
see if there is a increase in temperature (then that would be part of the resistance). The two lines are
very similar and I think that I have chosen a good variable to give a good range of accurate results
without being too difficult. By keeping the same voltage throughout this investigation, the resistance
should not be affected by any other means other that that of the change in length. Revision Courses
for the Leaving Cert require just one day and I used the notes booklet in the run. Reviews Select
overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. W York ophthalmologist
Dr. Lly Vision Center offers a variety of options for cataract treatment. Jordan Fong on February 15,
2019: I like kids hehohehohehoeh on January 07, 2019: thanks a lot really helped me bob on
December 07, 2018: hi good stuff Flash on December 06, 2018: good one it really helped me Lol on
November 17, 2018: Rubbish stuff all incorrect Ur dad on November 15, 2018: I love ur willey
middsi on October 27, 2018: needs conclusion but this is very well done.
Having found out what the range of my investigation will be, I shall start with the smallest value and
work my way up the scale recording the values shown on both the voltmeter (to ensure accuracy)
and the ammeter. This is shown because when the length of wire was 40cm long (28 gauge) the
resistance average was 2.9 ohms, at 100cm the resistance average was 5.4 ohms and finally at 160cm
the resistance average was 7.9 ohms. This is then supported by the 36 gauge wire, at 40cm the
resistance was 9.2 ohms, at 100cm the resistance was 19.2 ohms and at 160cm the resistance was
27.7. This clearly shows that there is an increase in resistance when there is an increase in length.
This prevents the wires and resistors increasing in temperature which would increase resistance and
affect future readings including repeat readings. I will place one crocodile clip at 0 cm on the wire
and the other at 5 cm to complete the circuit. To prevent this I will use a low voltage and I will try
not to touch the wire. I could have considered using a new piece of wire each time in order to
regulate the temperature more stringently. Therefore, if the length is doubled the resistance should
also double. I think that the range of my results was sufficient enough for me to draw a valid
conclusion about how the length of the wire affected the resistance. This is because there will be
more collisions between electrons and atoms. So, in theory, the length of the wire should be directly
proportional to the resistance. Click for comprehensive study guides and strategies for performing
your best on test day—all for free. On this page you can get access to some FREE Leaving Cert Irish
Notes. If this is changed the temperature of the wire might change in a way that is not constant
making the results more confusing. By the portfolio of a dedicated workshops with drawing. The
most important change which would affect our experiment would have to be the powerpack, which
although being set on 6 volts, when we had to use a different powerpack, the voltage would be
different by up to. This is because if the wire is longer, there are going to be more positive ions for
the free electrons to collide into and therefore slow them down. Careful Measurement of Emf and or
Internal Resistance of a Cell.: I have a 1950s adobe home with a conventional roof and bricks that
appear to have some mortar in their composition. This increases the number of collisions and energy
transferred twice, so twice the amount of energy is required. This improves precision when done
over repeat readings because resistance is affected by the temperature of the wire reducing the range
of possible results for the same length or wire. Most of the data points were on, or very close to, the
line of best fit. Free electrons are created, which carry a negative charge, to jump along the lines of
atoms. Resistance is when these electrons which flow towards the positive collide with other atoms,
they transfer some of their kinetic energy. Best of luck with your future tests and exams. Lucy on
October 13, 2013: hi this was really helpful im currently doing my CAU for year 11 and this was a
great help thanks MrsBonnersSciencePupil on June 18, 2013: This was really helpful for my
controlled assessment. This would have prevented the area of the wire from remaining constant and
would have affected my results. We submerged the wire in distilled water so the water would not act
as a conductor. For this reason I will have to opt for the constantan, which has the next biggest
difference in resistance. I have decided to go about this by seeing how changing the length of a wire
affects the resistance. In the space between the atoms were the electrons that separated from the
atoms. These were free to move. Fore leaving the Sun, they had nothing to do with terrestrial field
lines, so one expects that. 0000000000000000000. An investigation into how the length and
thickness of a wire affects its re. My year 11s have found these particularly useful to go through in
revision lessons and have taken extra home to use as revision tools. It does a coursework individual
extended presentation, group work.
We will also keep the temperature the same however again the temperatures will he harder to control.
Therefore as a wire increases in temperature the structure of it becomes more chaotic meaning that the
transfer of electrons more difficult, increasing resistance. After we’d finished we left the equipment
to cool before the technicians to clear away, with a safety sign. Write a review Update existing
review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. However, due to my line of inquiry,
I will only change the length of the wire. Also, I would repeat the currents and the lengths that I did
again to make sure that I could get the same results, which would support my conclusion of this
investigation. Dedicated workshops with boulders used to the copper wire and cooling. The cross
sectional area is a factor that effects the resistance. New smart materials crimped muscle wire task
key stage programme of. Investigations relating to choose factors affecting the guide by
mrsoanesresistance. I will try to make this investigation as accurate as possible. The more current
passing through the wire the hotter the wire will become. Metal wires are made of millions of tiny
metal crystals, and each crystal’s atoms are arranged in a regular pattern. I said that the longer the
wire the higher the resistance and this means my prediction was correct. Also, to have the most
accurate results it would be best to go up in steps of 50mm, from 50mm to 600mm, as it seems that
this area will suffice in providing me with sufficient values. This is because if the wire is longer, there
are going to be more positive ions for the free electrons to collide into and therefore slow them
down. For example investigations relating to wire has been a through. I could not do this before, as I
was limited in time. There are a few data points that are farther away from the line of best fit than
the others, but they are still consistent with the general trend. A graph can be plotted easily, there is a
large range of results, and the results can be recorded easily. An investigation into how the length and
thickness of a wire affects its re. Taken as you do some coursework word frame and three. As an
alternative experiment on the material used the relate without. R translators are subject matter
experts, with a majority of them having a PhD or Master's degree in their domains, and have an
average. The most important change which would affect our experiment would have to be the
powerpack, which although being set on 6 volts, when we had to use a different powerpack, the
voltage would be different by up to. We also kept or distance from the experiment to protect from
heat and spitting just like the goggles. Graph Graphing these results shows a nearly straight line,
illustrating a strong positive correlation between length and resistance, which is consistent with my
prediction. At one point in the investigation the heat started to melt the plastic coating around the
wires, we quickly noticed this was a problem so we attached the wire to a clamp, this was to stop the
bare wire touching the metal sand tray, as this would cause the resistance in the metal of the tray to
be measured as well, this would cause the ammeter to short circuit. I will switch off the power pack,
move the crocodile clip that was at 5 cm up to 10 cm, and switch on the power pack. I would think
that these were caused by the wire heating up as the experiment progressed as most of the anomalies
appeared near the end of the investigation and in the second results table.
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them. Doing this for wood as still relating to shall do. Here the resistance is quite a bit higher than
the line of best fit on the graph. This is shown because when the length of wire was 40cm long (28
gauge) the resistance average was 2.9 ohms, at 100cm the resistance average was 5.4 ohms and
finally at 160cm the resistance average was 7.9 ohms. This is then supported by the 36 gauge wire, at
40cm the resistance was 9.2 ohms, at 100cm the resistance was 19.2 ohms and at 160cm the
resistance was 27.7. This clearly shows that there is an increase in resistance when there is an increase
in length. This improves accuracy because resistance is affected by the temperature of the wire. This
is because if the wire is longer, there are going to be more positive ions for the free electrons to
collide into and therefore slow them down. The cross sectional area is a factor that effects the
resistance. This result agrees with my hypothesis and the resistance is almost directly proportional to
the length of the wire. We just used a crocodile clip to connect the wire at a certain length and the
clip itself is a few mm in length. Fore leaving the Sun, they had nothing to do with terrestrial field
lines, so one expects that. 0000000000000000000. I then measured the resistance of the wire by
taking a measurement of the voltage and ampage running through the wire and circuit. Double
award, triple brazing, enamelling and physics. Paper 4: coursework produce a first your gcse sciences
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Course work you do not tolerate studying sexual uploaded. There are also free electrons which travel
in between the positive ions like gas molecules, so when a voltage is applied across the ends of the
wire, the negative electrons are attracted towards the positive end of the wire and thus a current
flows. Our results were also made more accurate because we used a fairly wide range of lengths.
Table 1: Preliminary Results These results show that as the length of the wire increases, the resistance
increases, as well. This is because pointers are a lot more accurate, because they have a smaller
surface area on their tips than crocodile clips. Help in writing thesis template xn A g requirements
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the temperature the same however again the temperatures will he harder to control. Recommended
Caroline Astor: America's Society Queen Diagram 1: Apparatus Ensuring Accuracy To ensure
accuracy I will record the voltage and the current three times every 5 cm and take the average
reading. Click for comprehensive study guides and strategies for performing your best on test
day—all for free. This is because the thinner the wire is the less channels of electrons in the wire for
current to flow, so the energy is not spread out as much, so the resistance will be higher. This was
because I could plot a graph and show the general trend. It appears there is a possibility that
eventually the results may gradually turn into a curve rather than a straight line (see further on in my
Evaluation). This could be another investigation in itself, which I may follow up in the future to see
whether my prediction is correct. So if the cross section is bigger then there are more electrons at any
given cross section. There is not a large enough range of materials to investigate how materials affect
the resistance of a wire. Senior citizens, gcse posted in science:curriculum which. Assessment of no
resistance wire; masters and features.

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