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COMMITEE: Pakistan national assembly (PNA)

PERSONALITY: Shebaz Shariff
Topic: Addressing the Current Elections, Economic Situation, and
the Tragedy of 9 May

Honorable Delegates,

In representing the people of Pakistan, I am deeply concerned about the multifaceted challenges
gripping our nation. Today, as we discuss the current elections, economic situation, and the tragic
events of 9 May, it is paramount that we approach these issues with a unified commitment to
progress and stability.

Current Elections:

The recent elections have sparked widespread doubt and uncertainty among the populace.
Allegations of unfairness and corruption have cast a shadow over the electoral process. As stewards
of democracy, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that future elections are transparent, fair,
and free from manipulation. Only then can we restore trust in our democratic institutions and uphold
the will of the people.

We must foster open dialogue and collaboration among all stakeholders to address grievances and
enact meaningful reforms that strengthen our electoral system. By working together, we can
safeguard the integrity of our democracy and ensure that every citizen's voice is heard.

Economic Situation:

Pakistan's economy is facing significant challenges, exacerbated by the global economic downturn
and internal factors. High inflation, unemployment, and a widening wealth gap are pressing issues
that demand immediate attention. As leaders, it is incumbent upon us to implement sound
economic policies that promote growth, create jobs, and alleviate the burden on ordinary citizens.

We must prioritize investments in key sectors such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure to
stimulate economic activity and improve livelihoods. Additionally, fostering a conducive
environment for business and entrepreneurship is essential for driving innovation and attracting
foreign investment. Through strategic planning and concerted efforts, we can chart a course towards
economic prosperity and inclusive development for all Pakistanis.

Role of the Army:

The Pakistan Army plays a vital role in ensuring the security and stability of our nation. Its
contributions to counterterrorism efforts and safeguarding our borders are commendable. However,
it is essential to maintain a balance between civilian governance and military oversight to uphold the
principles of democracy.

While the army's involvement in national security matters is crucial, it is imperative to respect the
constitutional authority of civilian institutions. Collaborative efforts between civilian and military
leadership are vital for addressing security challenges effectively while upholding democratic values
and principles.

In conclusion, let us approach these challenges with determination and resolve. By fostering unity,
dialogue, and cooperation, we can overcome adversity and pave the way for a brighter future for

Thank you.

Shehbaz Sharif

Pakistan National Assembly

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