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The wide range in the structure of higher plants will never fail to fascinate us.

Even though the

anglosperms show such a large diversity in external structure or morphology. They are all
characterized by presence of roots stems leaves flowers and fruits. In chapters 2 and 3 , we talked
about classification of plants based on morphological and other characteristics. For any
successful attempt at classification and at understanding any higher plant (or for that matter any
living organism ) we need to know standard technical terms matter any and standard definitions
we also need to know about the possible variations in different parts found as adaptations of the
plants to their environment adaptions to various habitats for protection climbing storage . if you
pull out any weed you any will see that all of them have roots stems and leaves they may be
bearing flowers and fuits the underground part of the flowering plant is the root system while the
portion above the ground forms the shoot system in majority of the dicotyledonous plants the
direct elongation of the radicle leads to the formation of primary root which grows inside the soil
it bears lateral roots of several orders that are referred to as secondary tertiary etc roots the
primary roots and its branches constitute thewhat are the features that distinguish a stem from a
root the stem is the ascending part of the axis bearing branches leaves flowers and fruits it
develops form the plumule of the embryo of the germinating seed the stem bears nodes and
internodes the region of the stem where leaves are born are called nodes while internodes are the
portions between two nodes green when young and later often become woody and dark brown
the main function of the stem is spreading out branches bearing leaves flowers and fruits it
conducts water, minerals and photosynthates . some stems perform the function of storage of
food support , protection, and of vegetative propagation.woody and dark brown the main
function of the stem is spreding out branches bearing leaves perform the function of storage of
food support protection and of vegetative
propagationthe (The) sky can be full of water. but (But) ,ost (most) of the time you can't see it.
thedrops (The) (drops) of water are too small to see. they (They) have turned into a gas called
water vapour. (vapor.) as (As) the water vapor goes higher in the sky, the air gets cooler. the (T
he) cooler air causes the water droplets to start to stick to things like bits of dust, ice pr (or) sea
salt. most (Most) of tyhe (the) water (in) clouds is in very samll (small) droplets. the (The) drop
lests (droplets) are so light they float in the air. sometimes (Sometimes) those droplets join toge
ther and turn into larger drops. when (When) that happens, gravity causes them to fall to earth.
(Earth.) we (We) call the falling water drops "rain". ("rain.") when (When) the air is colder (col
der,) the eater (water) may form snoflakes (snowflakes) intead.\ (instead.)

penguins (Penguins) are a type of flightless bird that live in cold environment (environments) s
uch as antarctica. (Antarctica.) they (They) have a streamlined body shape that helps them, (the
m) swim through the water with increadible (incredible) speed and agility (agility.) their (Their)
wings have evolved into flippers that they use to steer and propel themselves while seimming (
swimming.) penguins (Penguins) are knou=wn (known) for their distinctive black and white fea
thers (feathers,) which help them blend in with their surrounding (surroundings) while hunting f
or food (food.) they (They) primarily eat fish and krill (krill,) and can dive up to 500 feet belo
w the surface of the water in search of prey (prey.) pengins (Penguins) also have a unique way
of raising their young (young:) after the famle (female) lays her egg (egg,) the male takes on th
e responsibility of incubationg (incubating) it on his feet while (the) female goes off to hunt. w
hen (When) the egg hatches (hatches,) the male continues to care for the chick while the female
brings back food.the (The) study of astronomy is concerned with the study of the universe beyo
und (beyond) earth. (Earth.) astronomers (Astronomers) use telescopes and other instruments to
observe and measure


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