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St Josephs college of law moot court competition




LOVE IS LOVE..............................................................................................PETITIONER

UNION OF INDIA............................................................................................RESPONDENT




POCSO Act: Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act

NGO: Non-Governmental Organization

SCJ: Supreme Court of Jambudweepa

W.P.: Writ Petition

CoJ: Constitution of Jambudweepa

LIL: Love is Love (petitioner)
P.L.: Personal Liberty
A21: Article 21 of the
CoJ A14: Article 14 of
the CoJ
CR: Consensual Relationship
AR: Arun
AD: Adhiti
SARC: Statutory Age of Consent
CC: Cultural Concerns
RA: Reasonableness Argument
NUA: Nuanced Understanding Argument
JR: Juvenile Rights
IR: Individual Rights
ADR: Arbitrary Discriminatory Regulations
PSV: Principles of Statutory Validity


POCSO: Protection of Children from Sexual Offences

NGO: Non-Governmental Organization

SCJ: Supreme Court of Jambudweepa

W.P.: Writ Petition

CoJ: Constitution of Jambudweepa

LIL: Love is Love (petitioner)

P.L.: Personal Liberty

A21: Article 21 of the

CoJ A14: Article 14 of

the CoJ

CR: Consensual Relationship

AR: Arun (defendant)

AD: Adhiti (complainant)

SARC: Statutory Age of Consent

CC: Cultural Concerns

RC: Reasonable Consent

AC: Age of Consent
VAC: Voluntary Assent to Consent
DAG: Defense Against Guilt
PCV: Protection of Children's Virtue
LEA: Legal Enforcement of Age
GCP: Guilt of Criminal
Prosecution JVR: Juvenile
Violation of Rights AFA:
Argument for Against Adhiti
ASR: Argument for Statutory Regulation
CAS: Cultural Adherence to Statute
RFS: Reasoning for Stringent Enforcement
CSB: Consensual Sexual Behavior
LAW: Legal Age Wrinkle
IAC: Ignorance of Age
Compliance CTB: Case for
Teenage Blunder PBA:
Prosecution Beyond Age URC:
Unreasonable Criminalization
RAD: Reasoning Against Decriminalization
UFA: Unfair Application of Law
LAJ: Law Against Justice


Human Rights Conventions and Declarations:

International agreements such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on
the Rights of the Child, which outline principles related to personal liberty, equality, and protection
from exploitation.

Legal Commentaries and Scholarly Articles:

Academic writings and commentaries by legal scholars analyzing the intersection of adolescent
rights, consent, and statutory regulations, providing valuable insights into the legal discourse
surrounding the case.
Judicial Precedents from Comparative Jurisdictions:

Decisions and judgments from other democratic countries with legal systems similar to
Jambudweepa, offering comparative perspectives on issues related to adolescent relationships,
consent, and the application of statutory laws.
Reports from International Organizations:

Reports and recommendations from organizations such as UNICEF, UNESCO, and the World Health
Organization, which focus on children's rights, adolescent health, and protection from sexual
violence, providing global perspectives on the issues at hand.
Legislative Debates and Committee Reports:

Records of parliamentary debates, committee proceedings, and legislative reports related to the
enactment and amendment of laws concerning child protection, sexual offenses, and juvenile justice,
offering insights into the legislative intent behind the relevant statutes.
Ethical Guidelines and Codes of Conduct:

Ethical principles and professional codes of conduct for legal practitioners, psychologists, and social
workers, outlining standards of practice and ethical considerations in cases involving minors and
vulnerable individuals.
Victim Impact Statements and Testimonies:

Statements and testimonies from victims of sexual offenses, their families, and support
organizations, highlighting the impact of such crimes on individuals and communities and
emphasizing the need for robust legal protections.
Public Opinion Polls and Surveys:

Surveys and opinion polls gauging public attitudes and perceptions regarding adolescent
relationships, age of consent laws, and the role of the criminal justice system in addressing sexual
offenses involving minors, providing valuable sociological insights into prevailing societal norms and
Amicus Curiae Briefs:
Friend of the court briefs submitted by organizations, experts, or concerned individuals with
expertise in relevant fields, offering additional legal arguments, analyses, or perspectives to assist
the court in its deliberations on complex legal issues.
Restorative Justice Practices and Models:

Restorative justice principles, practices, and models aimed at addressing harm, promoting healing,
and restoring relationships in cases involving juvenile offenders and victims, highlighting alternative
approaches to traditional punitive measures. Constitution of Jambudweepa:

Articles 21 and 14: Guaranteeing personal liberty and equality before the law.

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012:

Section 4: Defines various sexual offenses against children and sets the age of consent.
Juvenile Justice Care and Protection Act, 2015:

Legislation concerning the punishment and rehabilitation of juveniles in conflict with the

law. Legal Precedents:

Case law related to issues of consent, adolescent relationships, and statutory regulations.

NGO Reports and Publications:

Research and advocacy materials from NGOs focusing on adolescent rights and consensual
Psychological Studies:

Academic research on adolescent development, consent, and the impact of legal regulations on
International Conventions and Treaties:

Treaties and conventions addressing children's rights, including issues related to sexual exploitation
and consent.
Government Reports and Policy Documents:
Official reports and policy papers related to child protection, juvenile justice, and legal reforms.

Expert Testimonies:

Testimonies and opinions from legal experts, child psychologists, and activists involved in the case.

Case Records:

Records of the proceedings, judgments, and orders issued by the courts regarding the case of Arun
and Adhiti.


The current case, which was presented to this Hon'ble Court via a writ petition under Article 32
of the Jambudweepa Constitution, is extremely important because it deals with how constitutional
provisions protecting individual freedom, legal equality, and the rights of minors in consenting
relationships should be interpreted and applied. This Court's jurisdiction is used to decide whether
statutes, especially the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act, 2012, are
reasonable and constitutional in the context of adolescent relationships and consent age.The
Supreme Court of Jambudweepa is empowered to issue writs, orders, or directions for the
enforcement of fundamental rights guaranteed under Part III of the Constitution, as stated in Article
32 of the Constitution, Section II of the Constitution. Article 32 acts as a safeguard against the
violation of fundamental rights and gives citizens a direct avenue to file a complaint when their
constitutional rights are violated. In this instance, Love is Love, the petitioner, requests that this
Honorable Court exercise its jurisdiction in order to protect the equality rights and personal
freedoms of people in voluntary relationships, especially young people who are impacted by the
capricious application of laws.
The conflict between the POCSO Act's prescribed statutory age of consent and the fundamental
rights protected by Articles 21 and 14 of the Constitution gives rise to the matter before the court.
Article 14 guarantees equality before the law and forbids discrimination based on arbitrary criteria,
while Article 21 guarantees the right to personal liberty, including the rights to privacy, autonomy,
and freedom of association. The petitioner argues that the POCSO Act's strict application, which
disregards the specific circumstances of each case, violates these fundamental rights and is
unreasonable given the way society norms and perceptions of adolescent relationships and consent
are changing. In addition, this Court has jurisdiction over the interpretation and application of
constitutional provisions in conformity with the values of justice, equity, and the rule of law. This
Honorable Court has the power to examine legislative acts, administrative decisions, and court
rulings to make sure they adhere to the fundamental principles and values of the Constitution, as
the supreme judicial body tasked with safeguarding and interpreting the document. In this instance,
the petitioner is asking the Court to step in and assess whether the relevant statutory provisions are
reasonable and constitutional, as well as to offer clarification and recommendations regarding how
the law should be interpreted and applied when it comes to issues involving teenage relationships
and sexual offenses. Furthermore, defending the rule of law, defending individual rights, and
advancing the welfare and best interests of minors are the reasons this Court is called upon to
exercise its jurisdiction. This Hon'ble Court has a constitutional duty to make sure that legislative
and executive actions do not infringe upon or violate the fundamental rights enshrined in the
Constitution as guardians of the Constitution and the rights of citizens. In the exercise of its
jurisdiction, the Court upholds the values of justice, equality, and dignity for all, acting as a sentinel
on the qui vive, watchful against any violation of constitutional rights.In view of the
aforementioned, this Hon'ble Court's jurisdiction is invoked in order to decide whether statutory
provisions are reasonable and constitutional. affecting the rights of people, especially teenagers,
who are in consenting relationships. In addition to requesting clarity and guidance on the
interpretation and application of the law in matters pertaining to adolescent relationships and the
age of consent, the petitioner asks the Court to intervene in order to protect and uphold the
fundamental rights guaranteed by the Jambudweepa Constitution.


This Hon'ble Court's jurisdictional boundaries must be thoroughly examined in light of the current
case, which was brought before it through a writ petition filed under Article 32 of the
Jambudweepa Constitution. While recognizing the importance of protecting fundamental rights and
ensuring justice, it is crucial to determine whether the case's circumstances justify this Court's
exercise of jurisdiction, especially in light of the principles of federalism and separation of powers
as well as the legislative intent behind the relevant statutory provisions. The Supreme Court of
Jambudweepa is empowered to issue writs, orders, or directions for the enforcement of
fundamental rights guaranteed under Part III of the Constitution, as defined by Article 32 of the
Constitution. It is imperative to acknowledge that the jurisdiction bestowed upon this Court is
subject to certain limitations, such as the doctrine of separation of powers and the subsidiarity
principle. Although this Court has jurisdiction over the protection of fundamental rights, the
legislature and the executive branch are primarily responsible for interpreting and enforcing
statutory provisions like the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. In the
context of teenage
relationships and the age of consent, the Court is debating the constitutionality and reasonableness
of statutory provisions, specifically the POCSO Act. It is important to take into account the legislative
intent behind the enactment of the POCSO Act and the necessity of protecting children from sexual
exploitation and abuse, even though the petitioner claims that the strict application of the POCSO
Act violates fundamental rights guaranteed under Articles 21 and 14 of the Constitution. The POCSO
Act was wisely passed by the legislature in order to combat the problem of child sexual offenses and
to establish a strong legal framework that would shield children from abuse and exploitation. Any
judicial involvement in issues pertaining to the application and interpretation of The application of
statutory provisions must be prudent and mindful of the societal interests and legislative intent that
underpin these enactments. In addition, this Court has the authority to interpret and enforce
constitutional provisions in conformity with established legal precedents and principles. The Court
must use caution in cases involving intricate policy decisions and legislative judgments, even though
it has the authority to examine legislative enactments and administrative actions to make sure they
comply with constitutional principles. Comprehensive legislative deliberations and expert
consultations are the most effective means of addressing the complex social, cultural, and
psychological factors involved in determining the appropriate age of consent and regulating
relationships between adolescents. Furthermore, this Court's jurisdiction is invoked to protect the
delicate balance of powers between the legislative, executive, and judiciary as well as to uphold the
rule of law. Even though the Court protects fundamental rights and acts as the guardian of the
Constitution, it must avoid invading the legislative and executive branches' purview on issues that
are fundamentally value-based and policy-driven. Each branch of government must function within
its designated area of power, according to the theory of separation of powers. If the judiciary were
to overreach into the legislative or executive branches, this would be detrimental to the
fundamental tenets of democracy and constitutional government. In view of the aforementioned, it
is critical to understand the boundaries of judicial authority when dealing with issues involving
intricate policy decisions and legislative rulings, even as we respect the significance of protecting
fundamental rights and guaranteeing justice. The concepts of judicial restraint, respect for
legislative competence, and deference to the democratic process must inform this Hon'ble Court's
exercise of jurisdiction.


This Hon'ble Court's jurisdictional boundaries must be thoroughly examined in light of the current
case, which was brought before it through a writ petition filed under Article 32 of the Jambudweepa
Constitution. While recognizing the importance of protecting fundamental rights and ensuring
justice, it is crucial to determine whether the case's circumstances justify this Court's exercise of
jurisdiction, especially in light of the principles of federalism and separation of powers as well as
the legislative intent behind the relevant statutory provisions. The Supreme Court of Jambudweepa
is empowered to issue writs, orders, or directions for the enforcement of fundamental rights
guaranteed under Part III of the Constitution, as defined by Article 32 of the Constitution. It is
imperative to acknowledge that the jurisdiction bestowed upon this Court is subject to certain
limitations, such as the doctrine of separation of powers and the subsidiarity principle. Although
this Court has jurisdiction over the protection of fundamental rights, the legislature and the
executive branch are primarily responsible for interpreting and enforcing statutory provisions like
the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. In the context of teenage
relationships and the age of consent, the Court is debating the constitutionality and reasonableness
of statutory provisions, specifically the POCSO Act. It is important to take into account the legislative
intent behind the enactment of the POCSO Act and the necessity of protecting children from sexual
exploitation and abuse, even though the petitioner claims that the strict application of the POCSO
Act violates fundamental rights guaranteed under Articles 21 and 14 of the Constitution. The POCSO
Act was wisely passed by the legislature in order to combat the problem of child sexual offenses and
to establish a strong legal framework that would shield children from abuse and exploitation. Any
judicial involvement in issues pertaining to the application and interpretation of The application of
statutory provisions must be prudent and mindful of the societal interests and legislative intent that
underpin these enactments. Furthermore, this Court's jurisdiction is invoked to protect the delicate
balance of powers between the legislative, executive, and judiciary as well as to uphold the rule of
law. Even though the Court protects fundamental rights and acts as the guardian of the Constitution,
it must avoid invading the legislative and executive branches' purview on issues that are
fundamentally value-based and policy-driven. Each branch of government must function within its
designated area of power, according to the theory of separation of powers. If the judiciary were to
overreach into the legislative or executive branches, this would be detrimental to the fundamental
tenets of democracy and constitutional government.

Considering the aforementioned, while realizing the significance of preserving fundamental rights
and In order to ensure justice, it is critical to understand the boundaries of judicial authority
when dealing with complicated policy issues and legislative decisions. The concepts of judicial
respect for legislative competence, and deference to the democratic process must inform this
Hon'ble Court's exercise of jurisdiction.


This Hon'ble Court's jurisdictional boundaries must be thoroughly examined in light of the current
case, which was brought before it through a writ petition filed under Article 32 of the Jambudweepa
Constitution. While recognizing the importance of protecting fundamental rights and ensuring
justice, it is crucial to determine whether the case's circumstances justify this Court's exercise of
jurisdiction, especially in light of the principles of federalism and separation of powers as well as the
legislative intent behind the relevant statutory provisions. The Supreme Court of Jambudweepa is
empowered to issue writs, orders, or directions for the enforcement of fundamental rights
guaranteed under Part III of the Constitution, as defined by Article 32 of the Constitution. It is
imperative to acknowledge that the jurisdiction bestowed upon this Court is subject to certain
limitations, such as the doctrine of separation of powers and the subsidiarity principle. Although this
Court has jurisdiction over the protection of fundamental rights, the legislature and the executive
branch are primarily responsible for interpreting and enforcing statutory provisions like the
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. In the context of teenage
relationships and the age of consent, the Court is debating the constitutionality and reasonableness
of statutory provisions, specifically the POCSO Act. It is important to take into account the legislative
intent behind the enactment of the POCSO Act and the necessity of protecting children from sexual
exploitation and abuse, even though the petitioner claims that the strict application of the POCSO
Act violates fundamental rights guaranteed under Articles 21 and 14 of the Constitution. The POCSO
Act was wisely passed by the legislature in order to combat the problem of child sexual offenses and
to establish a strong legal framework that would shield children from abuse and exploitation. Any
judicial involvement in issues pertaining to the application and interpretation of The application of
statutory provisions must be prudent and mindful of the societal interests and legislative intent that
underpin these enactments. In addition, this Court has the authority to interpret and enforce
constitutional provisions in conformity with established legal precedents and principles. The Court
must use caution in cases involving intricate policy decisions and legislative judgments, even though
it has the authority to examine legislative enactments and administrative actions to make sure they
comply with constitutional principles. Comprehensive legislative deliberations and expert
consultations are the most effective means of addressing the complex social, cultural, and
psychological factors involved in determining the appropriate age of consent and regulating
relationships between adolescents. Furthermore, this Court's jurisdiction is invoked to protect the
delicate balance of powers between the legislative, executive, and judiciary as well as to uphold the
rule of law. Even though the Court protects fundamental rights and acts as the guardian of the
Constitution, it must avoid invading the legislative and executive branches' purview on issues that
are fundamentally value-based and policy-driven. Each branch of government must function within
its designated area of power, according to the theory of separation of powers. If the judiciary were to
overreach into the legislative or executive branches, this would be detrimental to the fundamental
tenets of democracy and constitutional government.


Legal Conflict versus Individual Choice: The case emphasizes the tension that exists between
consenting parties' individual autonomy and personal choice and statutory laws like the POCSO Act.
Proponents contend that since Arun and Adhiti's relationship is founded on mutual love and consent,
it should be respected and that enforcing the law would violate their basic rights

Legal thresholds and the age of consent:

For: Proponents of Adhiti and Arun contend that the age of consent ought to change to take into
account our growing knowledge of adolescent development and decision-making abilities in intimate
relationships. They support reevaluating legal thresholds so that they are more in line with reality
and societal norms.
Against: According to critics, statutory age limits are essential protections against exploitation and
abuse, especially in circumstances where there are power disparities. Respecting age-of-consent laws
is crucial to shielding children from possible manipulation or coercion in relationships with senior
Meaning of Agency and Consent:
For: Proponents stress how crucial it is to acknowledge teenagers' agency and ability to make
decisions when it comes to their personal relationships. They contend that Arun and Adhiti's
relationship, which is marked by respect and consent from both parties, shows that they are capable
of making independent decisions regarding their personal lives.
Against: When one party is younger than the legal age of consent, opponents express doubts about
the legitimacy of consent in relationships involving minors. They contend that in order to preserve
social norms around appropriate sexual behavior and stop the exploitation of weak people, legal
protections are required.
Legal Realism and Cultural Sensitivities:

For: Adhiti and Arun's supporters emphasize the significance of taking cultural sensitivity and a
variety of societal norms into account when interpreting and implementing legal regulations. They
make the case for a more sensitive and inclusive strategy that upholds people's freedom to have
consensual relationships within the parameters of their cultural beliefs.
Opponents point out that regardless of cultural or societal distinctions, legal safeguards against
sexual exploitation and abuse are universal. They argue that protecting children from harm and
making sure that the law is followed should take precedence over cultural considerations.

Lawmaker Intent vs. Judicial Activism:

For: Proponents of legal reform implore the court to engage in judicial activism by reinterpreting
statutes to conform to modern conceptions of consent and adolescent relationships. They promote
a progressive stance that gives individual liberties and rights precedence over antiquated legal
Against: Critics warn against the overreach of the judiciary and stress the significance of honoring the
legislative intent when interpreting and implementing statutory laws. They contend that judicial
activism is not the best way to achieve legal reform; instead, democratic avenues like legislative
amendments should be used.

In summary, the case of Arun and Adhiti raises complex issues surrounding the intersection of legal
regulations, individual rights, cultural norms, and societal values in the context of adolescent
relationships and sexual behavior. The arguments presented reflect contrasting perspectives on how
best to balance the protection of minors with the recognition of individual autonomy and personal

8) summary of arguments:

The claim that Arun and Adhiti's consensual relationship should be respected and that
Arun's legal action under the POCSO Act, 2012, should be reexamined is supported by a number of
strong arguments.First, supporters contend that it is unfair and disproportionate to apply the POCSO
Act in this particular situation. The Act may unintentionally criminalize consensual behavior between
adolescents who are close in age, despite being passed to protect children from sexual offenses and
exploitation. The mutual affection, respect, and voluntary participation that characterize Arun and
Adhiti's relationship imply that their actions were consensual and do not point to exploitation or
harm, Supporters also stress how critical it is to acknowledge teenagers' agency and autonomy when
it comes to matters of interpersonal relationships. At sixteen years old, Arun and Adhiti are capable
of making thoughtful decisions about their personal lives, and they ought to be granted the same
liberties and rights as adults. Society upholds their dignity and recognizes their ability to handle
intricate interpersonal dynamics by honoring their autonomy and agency.
Advocates also stress the necessity of reevaluating the legal age of consent in light of changing
societal norms and perceptions of teenage development. The age of consent in Jambudweepa, which
is currently set at 18, might not fully represent the sexual agency, maturity, and capacity for decision-
making of adolescents. Lawmakers can make sure that the laws governing sexual behavior are in line
with modern realities by reviewing legal thresholds. Supporters also push for an all-encompassing
strategy that takes into account the larger background and how laws may affect adolescent
relationships. Criminalizing teenage consensual behavior may have unforeseen repercussions,
including trauma, stigma, and strained social ties. A rights-based strategy that puts minors' autonomy
and well-being first can help policymakers foster a culture that values responsible decision-making
and wholesome relationships.Finally, advocates emphasize how crucial it is to interpret and apply
legal regulations with inclusivity and cultural sensitivity. Attitudes regarding teenage relationships
and sexual behavior are greatly influenced by cultural values and social conventions. Legislators can
make sure that legal frameworks are sensitive to various societal contexts and reflective of common
values of dignity, respect, and equality by honoring people's cultural backgrounds and beliefs. To sum
up, the situation involving Arun and Adhiti highlights the necessity of a fair and rights-based strategy
for handling teenage relationships and sexual activity. Society affirms the dignity of adolescents and
gives them the ability to make informed decisions about their personal lives by recognizing their
autonomy, agency, and rights. In order to establish legal frameworks that safeguard minors from
harm while upholding their rights and freedoms, policymakers and stakeholders must collaborate.


Legal action under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, according
to Arun and Adhiti's opponents, is both necessary and justified in order to preserve the integrity of
the law and the protection of minors.

First of all, detractors argue that in order to protect minors from possible exploitation and harm, the
POCSO Act must be strictly enforced. Even though Arun and Adhiti claim that they had a consenting
relationship, it's important to understand the power dynamics and vulnerabilities that come with
teenage relationships, especially when one of the parties is younger than the legal consenting age.
Respecting age-of-consent laws is crucial to stopping the exploitation of weak people and preserving
social norms around proper sexual behavior. Opponents also stress the significance of upholding the
rule of law and adhering to legal regulations. The principal aim of the POCSO Act's enactment was to
safeguard minors against sexual offenses and exploitation. The authorities are making a strong
statement about the seriousness of having sex with a minor and the resulting legal ramifications by
prosecuting Arun under the Act. Any departure from accepted legal norms compromises the integrity
of the law and creates a risky precedent for cases involving minors and sexual offenses in the future.
Critics also warn against the possible repercussions of pardoning or leniency in cases of consenting
behavior between teenagers. Even though Arun and Adhiti believe their relationship to be
consensual, it's important to think about the actions they're taking and the potential effects on
society and the law. Making consenting behavior between teenagers illegal discourages teens from
having sex with minors and emphasizes how serious these crimes are.

Furthermore, opponents support preserving legislative intent in the interpretation and application of
statutory laws and argue against judicial activism. The judiciary does not legislate from the bench or
overrule legislative decisions; rather, its role is to interpret and enforce laws passed by the
legislature. Any attempt by judicial activism to reinterpret or weaken statutory laws, like the POCSO
Act, undermines
Finally, those who oppose Arun and Adhiti's case contend that the POCSO Act should be strictly
enforced in order to protect minors from exploitation and maintain the integrity of the law. It is
crucial to follow the law and honor legislative intent in order to preserve social norms, safeguard the
weak, and guarantee the rule of law. Any departure from accepted legal norms jeopardizes the
protection of minors from harm and damages the integrity of the legal system.


May it please the Hon'ble Court,

We, the petitioners, humbly pray for the following reliefs:

To grant a fair and impartial hearing to the arguments presented in this case, considering the
complexities and nuances involved in matters of adolescent relationships and legal regulations.

To uphold the fundamental rights guaranteed under Part III of the Constitution of Jambudweepa,
including the right to privacy, autonomy, and freedom of association, particularly in the context of
consensual relationships between adolescents.

To interpret and apply statutory laws, such as the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
(POCSO) Act, 2012, in a manner that respects individual rights and freedoms, while also prioritizing
the protection of minors from exploitation and harm.

To consider the evolving societal norms, cultural sensitivities, and psychological insights relevant to
adolescent development and decision-making capacity, in adjudicating the issues presented in this
To promote a rights-based approach that empowers adolescents to make informed choices about
their intimate lives, while also providing adequate safeguards against coercion, manipulation,
and harm.

We, therefore, submit this prayer for the consideration and favorable adjudication of this
Hon'ble Court.


May it please the Hon'ble Court,

In opposition to the arguments presented in this case, we, the respondents, earnestly
pray for the following reliefs:

To uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and the rule of law in adjudicating the issues
raised in this case, ensuring that legal proceedings are conducted with due regard to the
protection of minors and the integrity of the legal system.

To prioritize the protection of vulnerable individuals, particularly minors, from exploitation,

harm, and abuse, by enforcing statutory laws such as the Protection of Children from Sexual
Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, in accordance with their legislative intent.

To recognize the importance of age of consent laws in safeguarding minors from potential
coercion, manipulation, and exploitation in relationships with older individuals, thereby
upholding societal norms and values regarding appropriate sexual conduct.

To consider the broader societal implications and consequences of granting exemptions or

leniency in cases involving consensual behavior between adolescents, recognizing the
potential for harm and stigma associated with deviating from established legal standards.

To reject arguments advocating for judicial activism or reinterpretation of statutory laws,

emphasizing the importance of respecting legislative intent and democratic processes in
shaping legal regulations governing adolescent relationships and sexual behavior.

We, therefore, submit this prayer for the consideration and favorable adjudication of this
Hon'ble Court.

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