EpTalk 02 2023 DONE

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02 / 2023

T o p i cs w h i ch m a t t e r

When a company treats high

performance and good results as
basic expectations, employees
become less and less motivated.
If the colleagues can no longer be
proud of their recognition, then
there is a big problem.
3. Injustice in the workplace
This point does not need further
explanation. According to a British
study, 98% of the respondents have
experienced it during their career.
Employees who feel good at work are engaged, productive and rarely quit. 4. Lack of leadership values
A fish rots
from head
down. The
How can you recognize a toxic workplace? actual
success of
8 signs which are good to know the
depends on the management and
However, if calculations, deadlines, the representation of their preferred
The right workplace environment reports, and meaningless values. Where empathy, respect,
creates opportunities for our expectations come to mind about and partnership are just words on
professional development. However, shared values, the employees' paper, we cannot expect a fair,
this requires a healthy organizational attachment to the company loosens mutually supportive community.
culture and a mental well-being. But and they lose their trust. A mentally 5. Leaders who communicate poorly
what happens when mainly the toxic company becomes like a If the management's communication
negative effects prevail? If we are termite castle. In the worst case, all is incomplete or does not contain
mentally and/or physically depleted, this happens without the employees the whole truth, it causes
anxious, or exhausted during our noticing for a very long time. But uncertainty and confusion, and can
work? then the trouble has already lead to misunderstandings. The final
Let’s start with the following questions. happened. Toxicity has become consequence is mistakes,
What do we mean by corporate "legal" and a constant source of lengthening of work processes, and
culture? Why is it vital? What can stress. The corporate culture, and frustration.
make it toxic? The organizational thus the company itself, begins to 6. The presence of leaders
culture includes the operation of the decline. characterized by the Dark Triad
company, the corporate strategy, the The Dark Triad consists of the
management style, the concept, the A toxic workplace has at least 8
following: subclinical narcissism,
shared values’ system, and the characteristics.
Machiavellianism, and subclinical
communication. It is a cohesive force psychopathy. From the point of view
that includes both visible and invisible 1. Feeling overloaded, excessive
of a company, they have many
elements. It affects the behavior and control and lack of social support
advantageous qualities, which is
motivation of the company's Unreasonably high pressure placed
why it is easier for them to move
employees and the effectiveness of on employees is a common
up the ranks. Under their
the entire organization. phenomenon. It can have many
leadership, however, the
reasons, e.g. achieving short-term
atmosphere deteriorates, and
As employees, we need to be results or for cost-saving reasons,
interpersonal aggression may also
surrounded by an environment where they do not replace a lost workforce.
we feel good. The pursuit of safety is In this case, the employee's stress
7. Abuse, harassment, intimidation
not only a need as a child but is also increases, and the time spent on
The abuse of power can appear in
important in other stages of our lives. rest decreases. In short term, this
the form of disparaging comments,
All other needs come after that. If this leads to exhaustion and the creation
hurtful criticism, setting unfair
does not happen, our brain perceives of a bad atmosphere, in long term
conditions, and excluding the
its absence as a threat. To develop to burnout and resignation.
colleagues concerned from
our sense of security, the most 2. Lack of praise and recognition
important thing is to create trust, and There are several ways for managers
8. Gossips
this is also true in our workplace. to show their appreciation to their
Employees prefer a stable and employees. Such is praise,
valuable company culture; a strong promotion, or public recognition. The
rumors have
bond can develop because they lack of positive feedback and lack of
a bad effect not only on the person
identify themselves as part of the moral/material recognition has a
who is the subject of the rumor, but
company. negative effect on the work morale.
also on the company.
02 / 2023

Celebrities are not the

same either, even if we think so

The two football superstars,

Cristiano Ronaldo, and Lionel
Messi could not be more different,
while - at least from a layman's
point of view - we see in them two
perfect players, keeping their
careers at the same level.
One of them is extroverted,
The road is wide, many people can fit on it. often appears in the tabloid press,
while the other, although he takes
on advertising roles, is more of a
quiet, introverted type.

Same abilities, different life paths

One succeeds … but so does the other!
You believe it or not, but it can even
matter what majors we attended at
Why do patrons support one school, whether we have any hobbies
painter when another, equally or special areas of interest.
talented, is discovered only after It is clear from the listed examples
her/his death? How can someone that we all set out with different
become a celebrated scientist while "packages". This makes selection Life goal is like a conductor
her/his equally talented colleague processes after job interviews
complex and varied. The more factors All in all, the way to success is
dies in poverty, forgotten?
we can use to stand out from the open to anyone. The point is to
No two people are alike. Despite
other applicants, the better our find the paths of our career
any similarities or knowledge, there
chances are. where we feel comfortable and
are countless factors in a person's
can be efficient at the same time.
life that make them different from
The life goal does not give itself
others. Unique combination (click We are determined not only by
easily. There are a few people
on the word for more) – as John quantifiable factors, but also by so- only who consciously see their
Purkiss wrote in his book – is a mix called internal motivations. The most future at an early stage of life.
of those elements that makes
significant is the personal life goal; Good for them! It is certain that
someone unique among millions.
the mission that drives us. This helps a stable, persistent, unfading life
Even the smallest moments are
us through even the most boring, goal can shine in front of us like
included in this combination and
soul-killing tasks. Our personal values a guiding star. If you come to a
color further the overall picture of
crossroad, you can compare the
us. So then what makes up the are also decisive. the end sanctifies
opportunity with the path marked
alloy that we finally call the means. But what is still okay? by your life purpose. So becomes
personality? And what determines What do we find joy in, and what is our life goal our conductor.
our career path? Of course, this
no longer comfortable?
includes all our qualifications and
learned skills. Obviously, it is also
Let’s take 3 economists as an
decisive who has talent for what,
example. All three are at the same
what kind of abilities they have.
professional level, yet they differ in
Language skills, professional
what they consider important. One of
experience, and the milieu of the
them goes from studio to studio.
area of responsibility play an
She/He analyzes the economy in
important role as well. The sports
morning and evening talk shows.
we do, the fact whether we lived
Everybody knows her/him thanks to
abroad and where, if we worked for
the TV. The second publishes
a foreign company, all of them
exclusively in professional journals; he
matter. The kind of relationship we
is known only to his colleagues. The
managed to establish is closely
third one teaches, trains the
related to our professional past:
economists of the future, and does
with whom we worked together over
not desire any fame.
the years, with whom we graduated.
They are all the same but still
different because of their internal

02 / 2023

What to celebrate or commemorate in November?

International Days to remember

1st of November – World Vegan Day

7th of November – Infant Protection Day
13th of November – World Kindness Day
16th of November – International Day for Tolerance
19th of November – International Men’s Day
25th of November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

If you would like to read more about their background, follow the link below.

02 / 2023

What’s on next in EpTalk?

The “Christmas Effect”

How to avoid stress during December

Preparing for Advent

How to dress your soul for the holiday in our buzzing world

Celebrating in a multicultural family

Hitomi’s story

What to celebrate or commemorate in December?

International days

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