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OLLCF is committed to provide Republic of the Philippines A locally responsible and globally
dynamic, excellent, and client- OUR LADY OF LOURDES FOUNDATION competitive learning institution capable
oriented services to ensure relevant OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS of producing highly competent, morally
and quality higher education upright, and productive citizenry.
Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte
accessible to all.

I. Learning Objectives
After the lesson the students should be able to:
- Distinguish between norm-referenced grading; cumulative and averaging grading system
- Compute grades of students in various grade levels observing DepEd guidelines
- Value the importance of Grading system in their learning progress and achievement
- Justify the evaluation results to observe their educational growth and achievement.
II. Motivational Activity
III. Introduction
Assessment of student performance is essentially knowing how the student is progressing in a course
(and, incidentally, how a teacher is also performing with respect to the teaching process). The
first step in assessment is, of course, testing (either by some pencil-paper objective test or by some
performance based testing procedure) followed by a decision to grade the performance of the
student. Grading, therefore, is the next step after testing. Over the course of several years, grading
systems had been evolved in different schools systems all over the world. In the American system, for
instance, grades are expressed in terms of letters, A, B, B+, B-, C, C-, D or what is referred to as a
seven-point system. In Philippine colleges and universities, the letters are replaced with numerical
values: 1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 or an eight-point system. In basic education, grades
are expressed as percentages (of accomplishment) such as 80% or 75%. With the implementation of
the K to 12 Basic Education curriculum, however, student's performance is expressed in terms of level
of proficiency. Regardless of grading system adopted, it is clear that there appears to be a need to
convert raw score values into the corresponding standard grading system. This Chapter is
concerned with the underlying philosophy and mechanics of converting raw score values into
standard grading formats

IV. Terminologies
* Alternative Grading -
* Class Retention -
* Criterion-Referenced Grading -
* Intervention - the act of inserting one thing between others, like a person trying to help. You could
be the subject of a school intervention if your teachers call your parents about the bad grades you've
been hiding.
* Psychometric Instruments -
* Remediation -
V. Discussion
8.1 Norm-Referenced Grading

The most commonly used grading system falls under the category of norm-referenced grading.
Normreferenced grading refers to a grading system where a student's grade is placed in
relation to the performance of a group. Thus, in this system, a grade of 80 means that the student
performed better than or same as 80% of the class (or group). At first glance, there appears to be no
problem with this type of grading system as it simply describes the performance of a student with
reference to a particular group of learners. The following example shows some of the difficulties
associated with norm-referenced grading
8.2 Criterion-Referenced Grading
Criterion-referenced grading systems are based on a fixed criterion measure. There is a fixed target
and the students must achieve that target in order to obtain a passing grade in a course regardless of
how the other students in the class perform. The scale does not change regardless of the quality, or
lack thereof, of the students. For example, in a class of 100 students using the table below, no one
might get a grade of excellent if no one scores 98 above or 85 above depending on the criterion used.

1 | College of Teacher Education

OLLCF is committed to provide Republic of the Philippines A locally responsible and globally
dynamic, excellent, and client- OUR LADY OF LOURDES FOUNDATION competitive learning institution capable
oriented services to ensure relevant OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS of producing highly competent, morally
and quality higher education upright, and productive citizenry.
Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte
accessible to all.
There is no fixed percentage of students who are expected to get the various grades in the criterion-
referenced grading system.
1.0 (Excellent) -98-100 or 85-10
1.5 (Good) 88-97 or 80-84
2.0 (Fair) 75-87 or 70-79

3.0 (Poor/Pass) 65-74. or 60-69

5.0 (Failure). below 65 or below 60

8.3. Four Questions in Grading

Marinila D. Svinicki (2007) of the Center for Teaching

Effectiveness of the University of Texas at Austin poses four intriguing questions relative to grading.
We reflect these questions here in this section and the corresponding opinion of Ms. Svinicki for your
own reflection:

1. Should grades reflect absolute achievement level or achievement relative to others in the same
2. Should grades reflect achievement only or nonacademic components such as attitude, speed and
3. Should grades report status achieved or amount of growth?
4. How can several grades on diverse skills continue to grow a single mark?
8.4 What Should Go Into a Student's Grade
The grading system an instructor selects reflects his or her educational philosophy. There are no right
or wrong systems only systems which accomplish different objectives. The following are questions
which an instructor may want to answer when choosing what will go into a students grade.

1.Should grades reflect absolute schievement level or achievement relative to others in the same
On the other hand, under such a system, an outside evaluator has little additional information about
what a student actually knows since that will vary with the class. A student who has learned an
average amount in a class of geniuses will probably know more than a student who is average in a
class of low ability.
The other most common grading system is the criterion-referenced system. In this case the instructor
sets a standard as performance against which the students' actual performance is measured.
A second problem is that criterion-referenced grading does not provide "selection" information.
There is no way to tell from the grading who the "best" students are, only that certain students have
achieved certain levels.
An advantage of this system is that the criteria for various grades are known from the beginning. This
allows the student to take some responsibility for the level at which he or she is going to perform.
Although this might result in some students working below their potential, it usually inspires students
to work for a high grade.
A positive aspect of this foreknowledge is that much of the uncertainty which often accompanies
grading for students is eliminated.
2. Should grades reflect achievement only or nonacademic components such as attitude, speed and
3.Should grades report status achieved or amount of growth?
8.5 Standardized Test Scoring
Test standardization is a process by which teacher or researcher-made tests are validated and item
analyzed. After a thorough process of validation, the test characteristics are established. These
characteristics include: test validity, test reliability, test difficulty level, and other characteristics as

2 | College of Teacher Education

OLLCF is committed to provide Republic of the Philippines A locally responsible and globally
dynamic, excellent, and client- OUR LADY OF LOURDES FOUNDATION competitive learning institution capable
oriented services to ensure relevant OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS of producing highly competent, morally
and quality higher education upright, and productive citizenry.
Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte
accessible to all.
previously discussed. Each standardized test uses it's own mathematical scoring system derived by
the publisher and administrators, and these do not bear any relationship to academic grading
systems. Standardized test are psychometric instrument whose scoring systems are developed by
norming the test using national samples of test takers, centering the scoring formula to assure that
the likely score distribution describes a normal curve when graphed, and then using the resulting
scoring system uniformly in a manner resembling a criterionh reference approach.
8.6 Cumulative and Averaging Systems of Grading.
In the Philippines, there are two types of grading systems used: the averaging and the cumulative
grading systems. In the averaging system, the grade of the students on the particular grading period
equals to the average of the grades obtained in the prior grading periods and the current grading
period. In the cumulative grading system, the grade of the student in a grading period equals his
current grading period grade which is assumed to have the cumulative effects of the previous grading
8.7 Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K-12 Basic Education, Deped order No. 8, s.
Below are some of the highlights of the new K-12 Grading system which was implemented

starting S.Y 2015-2016. These are all lifted from DepEd order No. 8, s. 2016.
Weights of the components for the different grade levels and subjects.
The students grade is a function of these components: 1.) Written works 2.) Performance Tasks 3.)
Quarterly assessment

8.8 Steps in Grade Computation

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OLLCF is committed to provide Republic of the Philippines A locally responsible and globally
dynamic, excellent, and client- OUR LADY OF LOURDES FOUNDATION competitive learning institution capable
oriented services to ensure relevant OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS of producing highly competent, morally
and quality higher education upright, and productive citizenry.
Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte
accessible to all.

8.9 Grade Computation

For kindergartens
There are no numerical grades in kindergarten. Description of the learner's progress in the various
learning areas are represented using checklist and students portfolios.
For grade 1-10
The average of quarterly grades produces the final grades. The general average is computed by
dividing the sum of all final grades by the total of learning areas which is reported by whole numbers.
For Grade 11-12

4 | College of Teacher Education

OLLCF is committed to provide Republic of the Philippines A locally responsible and globally
dynamic, excellent, and client- OUR LADY OF LOURDES FOUNDATION competitive learning institution capable
oriented services to ensure relevant OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS of producing highly competent, morally
and quality higher education upright, and productive citizenry.
Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte
accessible to all.
The 2 quarters determine the final grades in a semester.

8.10 Reporting the learner’s progress.

What is a student progress report, and why is it important?

A student progress report's objective is to give an overview of the student's growth over a period
longer than one school year. In comparison to a typical report card, it offers more thorough
information. It can be used by teachers to assist parents and kids in creating a lesson plan that will
match the requirements of their learners.
When it's time to write a progress report for the school year, it's critical that a teacher's remarks
appropriately reflect what they think about each student's unique needs so that their family are
aware of what they need to focus on to support them in moving forward.
For example: As you can see in the table.

Descriptor Grading Scale Remarks

Outstanding 90-100 Passed

Very Satisfactory 85-89 Passed

Satisfactory 80-84 Passed

Fairly Satisfactory 75-79 Passed

Did not meet the expectations Below 75 Failed

As you can see the learner A, B and C has input Grading scales that corresponds the appropriate
remarks and will serve a correct descriptor to the students.
Once a Learner has a consistent low score in written works and performance task this will be
evaluated by the teachers, and we will inform the guardian of the learners as soon as possible before
we input grades they will be giving an intervention to remediation and extra lessons.
8.11 Promotion and Retention at the end of the school year
The theory behind student placement rules is that students gain the most from an education program
matched to their ability to learn, physical development, and social growth. Most

students advance to the following grade level and maintain consistent improvement. However,
unique personal situations could point to the necessity of retaining learners or

Students must fulfill the following requirements to advance to the next grade level:
a. Learn basic concepts in all academic subjects.
b. At the conclusion of the academic year, have no grades of "F" in any class.
c. Regular attendance is required on at least 85% of school days, excluding unexpected reasons.

5 | College of Teacher Education

OLLCF is committed to provide Republic of the Philippines A locally responsible and globally
dynamic, excellent, and client- OUR LADY OF LOURDES FOUNDATION competitive learning institution capable
oriented services to ensure relevant OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS of producing highly competent, morally
and quality higher education upright, and productive citizenry.
Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte
accessible to all.
d. Obtain a promotion recommendation from the academic advisor at the elementary school.
Retention is not a preventative measure; rather, it is a way to increase a student's chance of future
success. If a student has a Grade of less than 1.0 and/or three "F" grades, he or she will not move on
to the following grade level.
The following steps are taken to retain a student:
Parents of failing students will be informed about potential class retentions at the conclusion of the
third quarter.
Following the warning about class retention, the academic adviser or a member of the administration
will meet with the students to go over the issues and make recommendations for solutions.
The reasons for retention will be explained to parents, and they will participate in the procedure to
address the issue.
Before learners are retained, a final conference will be held with the parent(s), student, academic
advisor, and principal.
A student's retention will be made by the principal.
8.12 Alternative grading system
Alternative grading, in contrast to conventional grade systems like norm-referenced and criterion-
referenced grading, disregards a standard points-based method of grading in favor of comprehensive
and ongoing forms of assessment and feedback. According to studies, traditional grading practices
frequently manipulate students' anxiety about punishment, which lowers their intrinsic motivation
and performance and heightens their drive to outperform their classmates.
In the Philippines there are only 2 options in gradings, this what we call a pass-fail grading.
Alternative grading systems with an equivalent idea (scheme)
• Students' learning, not their compliance or behavior, should be reflected in their grades.
• Students' grades need to reflect the knowledge they can finally demonstrate.
• There should be many opportunities and ways for students to show what they've learned.

• Rich, in-depth feedback is prioritized over grades and points, which are either absent or
Standards-Based Grading- Ratings should demonstrate the achievement of clearly stated learning
Specifications Grading- Grades should accurately represent the extent to which students completed
their assignments.
Ungrading- Grades should be reduced or eliminated, and they should be decided. When they are
necessary, by students and instructors working together.

VI. Summary
Criterion-referenced grading systems are based on a fixed criterion measure. There is a fixed target
and the students must achieve that target in order to obtain a passing grade in a course regardless of
how the other students in the class perform. Effectiveness of the University of Texas at Austin poses
four intriguing questions relative to grading. The grading system an instructor selects reflects his or
her educational philosophy. There are no right or wrong systems only systems which accomplish
different objectives. Test standardization is a process by which teacher or researcher-made tests are
validated and item analyzed. After a thorough process of validation, the test characteristics are
established. In the Philippines, there are two types of grading systems used: the averaging and the
cumulative grading systems.The students grade is a function of these components: 1.) Written works
2.) Performance Tasks 3.) Quarterly assessment. The main task for all school is to develop a lively and
encouraging learning culture. The faculty has created school wide methods to assist students in
meeting high expectations in schools because they're confident they can teach all students to do so.
School may develop this culture of high standards and loving support with the use of grading and
reporting system. Instead of beginning with a change to the symbols that will be use on report cards

6 | College of Teacher Education

OLLCF is committed to provide Republic of the Philippines A locally responsible and globally
dynamic, excellent, and client- OUR LADY OF LOURDES FOUNDATION competitive learning institution capable
oriented services to ensure relevant OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS of producing highly competent, morally
and quality higher education upright, and productive citizenry.
Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte
accessible to all.
school should modify culture by emphasizing classroom practices as part of the process of making
grading fair. Work on common scoring criteria, assessment design, scoring calibration, chances for
low-stakes practice and feedback, and academic support system before beginning restructuring
actions. Keep in mind that the goal of grading systems improvement is to make grades fair,
illuminating and transparent so that the students may concentrate on learning, producing and

VII. Quiz/Activity
1. What is a Norm-Referenced grading?
2. Compute the grade of a student in:
a.) Grade 9 English with the following raw scores.
Written work - 80 out of 100
Performance task - 60 out of 100

Score in Quarterly Test - 50 out of 100

b.) Grade 11 student in Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, a core subject in SHS
with the following raw scores:
Written work - 30 out of 50
Performance task - 42 out of 60
Quarterly Test - 28 out of 40
VIII. Reflection
“I have learned that the performance evaluations are a component of a whole evaluation process in
which students demonstrate their knowledge by producing an essay, collecting an exhibit of their
work, or carrying out original research." - Ma'am Michelle
" I have learned that Each standardized test uses it's own mathematical scoring system derived by the
publisher and administrators, and these do not bear any relationship to academic grading systems.
And here in Philippines, In the Philippines, we have two types of grading systems used which is the
averaging and the cumulative grading systems." - Donna Villagomez

IX. Scoring Rubrics

Category Scoring Criteria Score
The type of presentation is appropriate for the
topic and audience.
Organization Information is presented in a logical sequence. 5
(15 points) Presentation appropriately cites requisite number
of references.
Introduction is attention-getting, lays out the
problem well, and establishes a framework for the 5
rest of the presentation.
Technical terms are well-defined in language
Content appropriate for the target audience.

(45 points) Presentation contains accurate information. 10

Material included is relevant to the overall
Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and 10
points made reflect well their relative importance.

7 | College of Teacher Education

OLLCF is committed to provide Republic of the Philippines A locally responsible and globally
dynamic, excellent, and client- OUR LADY OF LOURDES FOUNDATION competitive learning institution capable
oriented services to ensure relevant OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS of producing highly competent, morally
and quality higher education upright, and productive citizenry.
Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte
accessible to all.
There is an obvious conclusion summarizing the
Speaker maintains good eye contact with the
audience and is
Appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, moving
around, etc.).
Speaker uses a clear, audible voice. 5
Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. 5
Good language skills and pronunciation are used. 5
(40 points)
Visual aids are well prepared, informative,
effective, and not distracting.
Length of presentation is within the assigned time
Information was well communicated. 10
Score Total Points 100

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