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Title of Position Paper: Decent Work and Economic Growth in Barangay Nagcarlan,


Thesis Statement: Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna can achieve sustainable economic growth
and decent work for all through the implementation of policies that support productive
activities, entrepreneurship, and innovation, and by providing access to financial services.


S1: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8 aims to promote sustained,
inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent
work for all[2][6].
S2: Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna is a second-class municipality in the province of
Laguna, Philippines, with a population of 64,866 people[3][7].
S3: The municipality is landlocked and has 52 barangays[3][7].
S4: The achievement of SDG 8 in Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna can lead to sustainable
economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
S5: Research articles provide key background information, support or dispute the thesis,
and offer critical definitions and data[4].
S6: Experts' opinions can provide insights into the challenges and opportunities in
achieving SDG 8 in Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna[1].
S7: Innovations and inventions can provide solutions to the challenges in achieving SDG
8 in Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna[1].
S8: Statistics can provide data on the current economic situation and employment rate in
Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna[2][3].
S9: Legislation and standards can provide guidelines for implementing policies that
support productive activities, entrepreneurship, and innovation, and provide access to
financial services [1][6].
S10: This position paper aims to provide three reasons why Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna
can achieve sustainable economic growth and decent work for all through the
implementation of policies that support productive activities, entrepreneurship, and
innovation, and by providing access to financial services.
Thesis Statement: Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna can achieve sustainable economic growth
and decent work for all through the implementation of policies that support productive
activities, entrepreneurship, and innovation, and by providing access to financial services.


Reason 1: Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna has a diverse economy that can be sustained by
implementing policies that support productive activities, entrepreneurship, and

Research Article: According to a study by the Japan International Cooperation Agency,

the area along the foot of Mt. Banahaw in the Province of Laguna, which includes
Barangay Nagcarlan, has potential for irrigation and rural development [5].
ES1: The study recommends formulating irrigation and rural development policies to
promote sustainable economic growth.
ES2: The study suggests that the policies should focus on developing high-value-added
and labor-intensive sectors.
ES3: The study also recommends the promotion of entrepreneurship, creativity, and
innovation to support productive activities.

Experts/Pioneers’ Opinion: According to the Department of Economic and Social Affairs,

achieving SDG 8 requires promoting sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment, and decent work for all[2].
ES1: The department suggests that policies should focus on diversification, technological
upgrading, and innovation to achieve higher economic productivity.
ES2: The department recommends promoting development-oriented policies that support
productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation.
ES3: The department also suggests that policies should encourage the formalization and
growth of micro-, small--, and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to
financial services.
Innovation/Invention: The implementation of digital platforms and e-commerce can
promote entrepreneurship and innovation in Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna[1].
ES1: Digital platforms can provide access to financial services and promote the
formalization and growth of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises.
ES2: E-commerce can provide opportunities for businesses to reach a wider market and
increase their revenue.
ES3: Using digital platforms and e-commerce can also promote the development of high-
value-added and labor-intensive sectors.

Statistics: According to the United Nations, achieving SDG 8 has been challenging, and
the world is far from reaching most targets [2].
ES1: The lingering effects of COVID-19, cost-of-living crises, trade tensions, uncertain
monetary policy paths, rising debts in developing countries, and the war in Ukraine can
each significantly set back global economic growth.
ES2: Combined, these crises are placing the global economy under a severe threat.
ES3: Achieving SDG 8 will require a wholesale financial system reform to tackle rising
debts, economic uncertainties, and trade tensions while promoting equitable pay.

Legislation/Standard: The Philippine government has implemented policies to promote

sustainable economic growth and decent work for all[6].
ES1: The government has implemented policies to achieve higher levels of economic
productivity through diversification, technological upgrading, and innovation.
ES2: The government has also promoted development-oriented policies that support
productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation.
ES3: The government has provided access to financial services to promote the
formalization and growth of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises.

Reason 2: Promoting decent work can lead to sustainable economic growth in Barangay
Nagcarlan, Laguna.
Research Article: According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, the employment rate in
the Calabarzon region, which includes Laguna, increased from 94.5% in January 2020 to
95.4% in January 2021[3].
ES1: The increase in the employment rate can be attributed to the promotion of decent
work in the region.
ES2: Decent work can increase productivity and higher wages, contributing to sustainable
economic growth.
ES3: Promoting decent work can also lead to reducing poverty and inequality in
Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna.

Experts/Pioneers’ Opinion: According to the International Labour Organization, the

promotion of decent work can lead to sustainable economic growth[1].
ES1: Decent work can lead to increased productivity and higher wages, contributing to
sustainable economic growth.
ES2: Promoting decent work can also lead to reducing poverty and inequality in
Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna.
ES3: The promotion of decent work can also lead to the improvement of working
conditions and the protection of workers' rights.

Innovation/Invention: Green jobs can promote decent work and sustainable economic
growth in Barangay Nagcarlan, Laguna[1].
ES1: Green jobs can provide opportunities for workers to contribute to protecting the
environment while earning a decent wage.
ES2: The implementation of green jobs can also lead to the development of new skills
and the promotion of innovation.
ES3: Promoting green jobs can also lead to reducing poverty and inequality in Barangay
Nagcarlan, Laguna.

Statistics: According to the United Nations, achieving full and productive employment
and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with
disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value, is a target of SDG 8[2].
ES1: The achievement of this target can lead to sustainable economic growth and the
reduction of poverty and inequality.
ES2: The promotion of decent work can also lead to the


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