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; [ 4 Ayd 405 . rt AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING WORKSHOP PRACTICES, SAFETY, > RECUATIONS AND TOOLS" i “There are three basie uniis ia worshop practice in Agricultural Engineering and these i are: Geacrtl, WP ITY (ota i : + Wood work “a ” . (b) Metal work Gls Pert . (c)__ Electrical work —— ATS WOOD WORK TOOLS AND USES bi ; ‘Among the woodwork tools are sts, plakes, eripding and shapitig. 7 1. SAW 7 Me ‘A saw is a tool used for sawing or culting wood into two or more parts. The teeth of saws are set altematively left and right to allow for clearance. There are different typed of saws detigned to perform different jobs. The main types of hand sangre dicussed below: LC cr Toe crt (i) Rip Saw (ii). Cross cut saw (iii) Panel saw RopecdFuT (iv) Back saw (v) _ Tenon saw (vi) Dovetail saw ; (vii), Curve cutting saw Loping saw (ix) Pret saw (x) Bow saw . () Rip saw . ‘ ‘This isusgd for sowing algns the grain-of yood. Ithas 4- 5:points per25mm and its leiigth is 6,10 ~ 710mm long. . di) Cross cut saw * this savy is used for cutting wood ggsass the grain. Itis similar to the ripsaw in appearance but it is only 460 ~ 610 long, It has 6 - 9 per 25mm. on Panel saw ! this is a-saw that is eapable of doing hig work of both the ripsaw and the cross- i fst tig an llzpupose saute itean saw Both across and afong the grain s “the Tenn is m Silipos perisnm. SY —e Ca ; i a Rip Saw Gi) Cress=Cut Saw —— _ a SY ee Sr Gi) Pane] Saw eptinon ay A Dovetail, Saw i (iv) Back saws . ir Mf? ‘These saws have steel or brass back ss th | . i (¥)_Tenon sav Peo 1 ani oth i the The enon saw is used for culling tenons, joints anid other smal jobs on. pench 1 tasn folded stel or bras bic pressed to the De, which rakes itrigid + en Scanned with CamScanner DAE eee woodworking technology. (viii) Coping saw : ; ‘This saw is used for cutting accurate curves in thin wood and play wood the blade can be adjusted to cut in any direction of work, The blade’is about 150mm long and has about 14 points per 25mm, : (ix) Fret Saw This saw is used for complex shapes and curves in plywood and veneets, The blade of this saw is finer thaw the coping saw blade. It has a high frame, which allows iv be wsed over a wide area. Its blade is about 125mm long. (x) Bow saw This saw is used for cutting circular or semi-citcular'curves, The blade can be tumed in any direction by just moving the handle and knob round, : i 2-PLANES __ Planes are the tools used to make ona see oF the wood ad i there are special planes tise for shaping curve Tedges. Among le planes are:- | : i (i) Jack plane (ii) Smoothing plane Sade (iii) Trying plane ats tle ooh a foee (iv) © Spoke shave : ; . 1 i) Jack plane jack pl: eis so called because’ it is a yeneral purpose plane. It is used Ta “tinivsinsidisoth to peeivtont-ahd.slso ta geanare 1 timber to size, The length of the plane is 290 - 380, me * 7 (ii) Smoothing plane : i ‘The smoothing plane is used after the jack plane for final cleaning up of the : surfaces of wood. It is similar to the jack plane in shape but only 140 - 250mm long. Itis held the same way as the jack plane. (iii) Trying Plane This plane is used for prep: 500 ~ 610mm long. (iv). Spoke Shave ‘This is used for shaping curved edges. It's cutting standard is similar to the plane. There are two types of spoke shave. (a) Flat face for gonvex curves we (b) , Round or curved face for concave curves : ing very accurate flat surface of wood. It is ab: ut / SPokesharr- Scanned with CamScannen é ' METAL WORK TOOLS | ' CHISELS | | Chisels are generally. used for cutin erally. utting in the metal workshop. They are } made from high carbon steel, whi eof octagol | Trade from high earbon stel, whichis hardened and tempered, and are of ociogonl 1 i : i (a) Flatehisel (b) Half round-nose chisel () —Cross-cut chisel i (d)_—_ Diamond chisel | ) ‘The names of these chisels in common use in a metal workshop are: FACS Uses (a) Flat chisel; This is used for general cutting work in the workshop. (b) + Round-nose chisel: It is named of the shape of the cutling nose, this chisel is very yood fot making oil grooves in a shaft or in a hole. (©) > Crags cut chisel: This is very good for making keyways arid slots in a shaft oringhole. (d) Diamond nose chisel: This is very useful in chiseling comer's inside, and for cutting "Vee" grooves.. Flat chisel “Round- Nose Chis l éross-Cut Chisel 2> PILES a eanrhe file is one of the hand tools used by a vench worker in a metal wkton : tt isa hand tool for semoying small amouns of metal by rubbing wit th tect of the file, The teeth of file canbe cither single or double, There are six categories Of | files. Files vary in shape, and the shape can help us 10 distinguish one file from her. a he va jous types of files used in the melabworkshop are:- AFR: (ay Hand file by Flat file i Round file (a) Square file fe) Tiree-square or triang (0 — Halffound file ar file ‘Scanned with CamScannen veo i elebven\ . 5 Uses : () Hand fite:= The width of hand file is parallel throughout itelangth except for the tang. The faces are double cut and one of the two edyges has a, single cut while ; the other edges are uncut The uncut edges are always referred to a8 the safe cdge, This file can be used {o Mile Nat surfoces adincent to shoulders and for parallel slots Gi) Flat files. This file is paralel for about tvo thirds of its length while the rest tapers in widih and slighily in thickness, The Mat fle Bae a double cut on bert cxlges. This file can be used for filling all kinds of Mat surfaces, Gi) Round file: This Files tapers for ubout two-thirds of its length snd has a louble cut throughout its length. This fle is good for filling holes or slots In } ener it ig used fBr opening out holes and conters Round file is also known so | “rat tail” file, e SSS at Ok Trianglar file ' L SCRAPERS FHT t The serapper is one of the hand tools used for removin, Mat surface and from holes of shorter length after a*piece of metal has been ‘d to its linal shape. Gencrally three kinds Of scrapers are always available in ring workshops. These are: serapers and there uses, | * Flat scraper: It is used for scraping round holes of shorter length or bearings. W slight ivegularities | . | (0) {lalftound seraper- It ured for scraping round holes ef shorter length or | bearings (oy Thee square seraper:- Yor removing shap edye or deburving holes after machining oF tuning. For workin scrapers is impossible is in awkward comer where the use of \ tals can be cut to’ size by severa nd the hacksaw. ‘thy f i methods, including, chis ing, fame fg.the chig£iool used by a fitter on i vteTTaTS any ceguiged size The two main parts of the hae a) the hay ee (i) Yh bs Scanned with CamScannen 3 . r, . . / Two kinds of hacksaw are always available in the workshop. . These are the senior hacksaw and the junior hacksaws The avo types of hacksaw i blades that are ahvays'available in the workshop are the all hard. blade and the flexible blade. Because of the hardness of blade, it breaks easily, but it allows for more ! intricate shape is to be cut out. ' accurate work, The exible blade is useful when an ‘blade with the number of Both all hard and exible blades vary from blade to blade wi all hard and flexible blades vary from “io for the job at hand teeth available per centimeter. This makes the selection of blade | ic " very important. The yengralmuthod of selecting blade for the job in hand is to ensure ' ‘hal allcast three seeth ape engaged in the culting atone time. i ‘Other conditions that must be remembered when using Hacksaw are: | (a) Coarse blade for soft metals . ‘ o (b) Finer bladg for hard metals j nC) (©), Work must be held properly in the bench vice andthe saw cut kept as I " close to the vice jaw as possible. This will prevent the work froin vibrating : Which can cause the-blade to break. : i (4) ‘The-blade must be fixed into the hacksaw frame and the teeth should be 3 pointing away from the handle of the saw, . (€) Correct tension should be applied to the blade in order to prevent blade breakage. “ : : . () A long steady stke should be adopted when using to the rate of about 50 | call to 60 strokes per minute. Apply a little pressure during the forward stroke, which is the cutting (gs) stoke, and then release this pressure during the backward stroke. 5 DRIVING TOOLS \ : ‘The three important engineering workshop driving tool are: hammers,.punches and i i (Hammer . These are different type of hammers for metalwork and woodwork, The only} suenetihe ——-—j (a) Ball pecn head hammer ! (b) Straight pcen head hammer (c) Blocking head hammer 5 ; (d) Cross peen head hammer i (ec) Planishing head hammer i Generally, a hammer is made’of two materia G)The head of a hammer, whieh is made of high carbon stecl with approximately 0.6% _, carbon. i) The “The handle or shaft, which is made of wood (ash hickory). vad is fitted to the handle by means ofa metal wooden wedge. claw Wana head ¢ € i glat screwdriver \ Scanned with CamScanner a : 2c} Inputs © i Product Management q — a! op aoe SS = Punches . |: (a) Centre Punch: This is made from round high carbon stedt. The upper part of Us Puneh is knurled for wood grip by the wser, and used For migking small dos forthe i 0 hea mg tlchis This is annde from the same material vied for marking entre Punches oth tapered and parallel punches are used for removing rivets, eotter pins, ele. (Occ humeh's ‘This type of punch is always reterred to as automatic punch because it can be spring loaded or plain, In other words, there is no need to use a hammer to punch the dots when itis spring loaded. This type of punch ean be used for finding the center of the end of around bar, (3) Serew : i Uses. . ! : (2) The at screwever is used tor tuning or driving out serows with laued ' ead f \ (b) _, The star serewuriver is 4d for driving in or driving out screws" with star - heads. rt (©) The offset screwdriver has the same shape point a$ the flat screwdriver caniiot be used, (a) The Alien screwdrivers or Allen key is used for driving in or removing screws which have a hexagonal or square slotted hale in their heads. wip t 1 i | ; © Cell” wiresjomed wires Crosse, Switch = i = OD rm Fa pe sigtor Lotaductor . gap ST oe Voltmeter Resistance Box Reversing Key "y The Common | ELECTRICAL WORKSHOP ‘The common electronical symbols uscd in the electrical works and appliances i are shown ROGUE lectri Gal Symbols ‘Among the notable electrical tools used for electrical installations and repair are: (i) Serewdrivers (ii) pairof pliers (iii) side cutter ro) . () gimlet (vi) Wite stipper Gi Hammer "+ (willy puneh (js) Allen keys (8) Chisel Scrow Drivers'= They ate uses! to drive sere with slotted head into a threaded hole. They rubber handles or wooden handes depending upon the type.of job i os Ua -end Spanner, Scanned with CamScanner . Fig 1 Woodworking and mansonry tcols : ah bed be spe Ty Feevewlsa 26 FoLoine awe NAIL FUMCH © 25) FRAMING SOLLKE GLEN KIT at Sano pei PUTTY KINFE svecepny, GLASS-CUTTER RANTES STONEDR IL wicod haSP 3 SchavDR YER Scanned with CamScannen “ we is to bo used for. For electrical purposes the handle must be insulated either with thick tubber oF plastic. They have-iron long iron stem stock a into the handle, IF the iron stem terminates into a flat head, itis know as star screwdriver, (i) Pair of Plicrs: ‘The two types of pliers commonly use in electrical works ‘ataoss plisis and long nose. Each of these pliers has a paie of handle with separated, face and the cutting edge, The pliers are used for gripping, holding and for cutting cables and other soft metal electrical materials, Gi) The side cutters- It is commonly used for cutting plectrical cable, clip and Uiher soft elvettical materials. The side cutter resembles the pliers in that it has a pair of handle but the pair of nose is short and formed into cutting edge. (ho) Spanners: Spanners are Wed 10 tighten nuts unto bolts. The spanners arc of ilferent sizes with respect t0 various size of bolts and nut used in electrical workshop: When using spanner, the correct size of spanner must be used for each type Of bolt in order to protect the edges of that nut fnbeen caten up. The different types Of spaniers are,(a) Flat (b) Ring (c) Box Spanners (4) Pipe wrench (@) Adjustable Spanner. (1) Ailen keys, (g) Ratchet spanners (v) gimlet; It is used to make a threaded ways through a wood, for a wood screw to pass. (will) Hammer: It is used to drive nails into the wooden work and flatten up some Wretals in electrical works. If is of various sizes depending on the type of job to be performed. Gx) Punch: It is used to prepare a dent on the portion where hole is to be drilled. It is also often used to make reconciliation mark on both the ami covers and body of ‘an electrically motor for easy resembling. «@) Allen keys: It is specially made for tighten and loosen the bolts with Allen heads 2 goncrally ‘used for cutting Chisel: Chisels: (a) Flatchisol {b) Half round-nose chiset * {c) “Cross cut chisel and J) Diamond chisel cee mond chi Ps erence Aen TA AAAN BEBOTDICAT WODKM ANSI i 4 Scanned with CamScanner

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