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Office of the $1 b Divifonal O:iicenBaes Jaipt Rajasthan FaPM © SCHEDULE Hunt CaRETEIGNTE ea SN. :RJ/2017 (REVENUE D-PARTMENT/ SCHEDULE TRIBE CENTRAL CERI ICATE/ 19207682356 Date 16-07-2030 1 ~ This is to cevtify thet Mr Anil Kumar Meena Son/Daughter of Mr Suraj Bhan Meena of Village/Town VILLAGE DOPUR POST JHAJHWAR VIVA BHANSKHO TEHSIL BASSI, DISTT. JAIPUR in Distr Division JAIPUR (sng of the State/Union Territory Rajasthan belongs to the 9 MINA (9 tat) SCHEDULE TRIBE" Which is recosnized as a Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe under. Castes and Scheduled Tribes List (Modification) Order, 1996, 1980, the Funjab Reorganization Act, 1856, the State of . je Nortis Eastern Areas (Reorganization sici_ 1971) The schedtled caste and Sei reied Tbe erders (Amendment) Act, 1976 the Constitution ses Order ‘Amendment) Act, 1987, the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) “Mbaict “291; and the constitution (Scheduled Tribes? Creer Second, dae ore, Jeet armanty he She ed Coors an chads Tb Ser ican cisesageere 2- Applicable inthe case of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes persons whe have hugrated fromon State/ Union Territory tion to another. 43- Mr Anil Kamar Meen® and/or* his /het® Family Ordinarily reside(s)** in Village HANSKHO TEHSIL BASSI DISTT. JAIPUR of JAIPUR (sragg DietrctF'vision ofthe State/Union Tertitory* of Rajasthan, Note The term Ordinarily ceskes use ere wil have zhe same meaning in Section 20 ofthe Representation of the peopies Act, 1956, apie ermen i sr RECREATE SEN rer arr me SDM-BASSI-JAIPUR me s 5693282 re Certificate swith, Mark-Sheet areaftrey oetaar - 2015 Secondary Examination -2015 0497960, s2722 JAIPUR REGULAR | 1 | 481907 =a Sivlscotiydte AN KUMAR MEENA | ene Wotners Name ‘RAMOTIDEVI MEENA Futrsiane SURAJ BHAN MEENA cen fester 26.03.2000 ‘ Date of eh ‘SIXTH MARCH -TWO THOUSAND 3. re ard 2015 a setts smear wie has appeared in March 2016 atthe Secondary Examination from 1122838“ GOVT SEC SCH,DHAMASYA, JAMWARAMGARH(JAIPUR) a we ghee Preafia Pa # cata nd slat afta el a : and was declared Pass with subjectovise marks mentioned below. | ea ave | _ 9 ina tours [to nga 0058 Pert acime oan | (Gn.areuimn ronment ar [wie | ae | am [ais | an = | | ie | See | coon tnt | eon | cee | Sen | com rreiw ussounma | 43 20 63 | 37 19 86 7 sr fava ct gota wr ees) Prwstanguayes (bo oti Ps ats) — tte) [ese] cism | Gm) Jeet | srasiwars ones | 29 19 47 | 74 © 20 S4D| SANSKRIT 36 1965 od . Ee wns 600 [Eunos min 372. 62.00%| S00 FIRST ONISION Sein | cog feo are) seers: | Se Te 83 8 & : rR ‘AMER ' ES ern sune, 2018 as (Oy fe pre ge wae) = aseary cart arate apitrare, at ror ara ye Prare wart ar® Rj12/2015 Mise (Tehsil Oftice)/Digital Bonafide/1495 48 Rare 04-12-2015 sora & fav ot er gpare ata ga oft agora tar Prorat seen ~ ech, oreenrs a yet Prarat & sar Rasa 04-12-2015 sia mmourr HE FBR Berane watt Fear aT | fer 15 ()32/9p-ops1ymt-2 Rote Xe Te Re Sar ey cutee erro * rin eare ems RT, ‘ad ae aa arate we, a ee eee 4a BE eaten PA a ee aT Pay eT ret Shown uaes Sapa me rea Eta TA ase Sa AEH Ie ra a segs aT Wa CE BIA HT 6 seater HERE Oe gett) 7 met at ont Fea: feng eeshs ase ¥ F&F on-line verification Section & online cane Faron aT 81 apdtorere wet 1535123510120 | (eestor Rajasthan Jaip 2042 345938 0095516 SATA siepenferet Certificate (ith, Mark-Sheet wea areata wen - 2017 Senior Secondary Examination - 2017 2579616 | 12369 vaur | recuar | 1| scexce | oreras ‘senftre fear siren & This is to certify that A UMA ENA Neibelpiicg awn ev MEENA Seria ‘SURAJ BHAN MEENA Avats ard 2017 4 srahftra ger areas fer a appeared March 2047 ote Sen Secon Examination rom (1122888) PRIYANKA PUB SR SEC SCHJHAR.BASSIJAIPUR) Wosftte eae Petite fea A eukt wa sit afta aeel a: " Sndwes declarod Pass with aubject-wioo mars movtionee Below Se pec a Tae bas a ier aa. ‘wee, t+ water mre.| Aan. waist | rh | ai ComerOpton Sect [emi (enn) (ei|tmdciee) (res] Cm) Gore) Coun |e) | Geta tamoycoue) 0 20 = «2 oss ENGUSHCOMP) » = S06 oss pavsics oie [lat lull a) lio at? os oreo cHemsTey sou | 2 was m8 a0 oD aTHEMATICS| to 20 = eo os eso ie aa coal es Marks 500 eal ase oneal 382 78.40% | Result FIRST DIVISION ‘srfettee Fava Aeslttonal Subject soc sen puan a akixsriansrunes | 100 3 a ae AJMER in ort ta : a, DATE 15-05-2017 (fn Fer rue yes wae) =, — Ste 5191349 UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN erm oe 7 ° foe Roll No. 621322 Enrolment No. 19102586 Name ANIL KUMAR MEENA Category «REGULAR Fathe’s Name SURAJ BHAN MEENA Medium HINDI Mothers Name _RAMOTI DEVI MEENA College /Centte THAKP.G. COLLEGE, BASS! (JAIPUR) = | wn Marke Obtained Sie ona we fis an ee wom Tea See ‘OPTIONAL 3102-HIND! LITERATURE 200 | 72 | 70 | 58 128 | 128 3108-POLITICAL SCIENCE 200 | 72 | 38 | 48 | oe 3117-PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 200 | 72. | 64 | 60 124 | 126 x “Total Marks obtained excluding compulsory and backlog papertsubject(s) marks 336 ‘YEARWISE TOTAL MARKS OBTANED et mai Faas] ORANO TOTAL RESULT CLASS / DIVISION ut 248 336 102301800 ‘SECOND G - Passed by Grace ; 8 -Elghble for Supplementary; F-Falled, A-Absont Result declared on 10/08/2022 —— JAIPUR (Dr. Kakeah Ra) Controller of Examinations reat we sorrento) ra Far - rage sa n= eR) 2017 eer a (aL. / aT) /22410190: Beate31-01-2022 ade OT AUR Faz 713619395808 ardgaefeare afar oy serarar wr ear: 4614302845 sem Prat sara & fy ot Ptr ape aba gg tet mee, ra ~ $F ond Qh Asam tee ras eer el ea aye Bran fetter serge areata goer Ja tcc 9 MINA (O altaya 1/ I Ra fault sogare orgy seri beara ran Bm ‘ur ccqyor fp nt 295, tre gray 1950, tur Ce fp men ar we “anon aber oro gar sane is ni io fu Berean Saat ok wom ae at Af aiPrer gure tar mia are une atye whee garerars iether are Fost Fava / Mequon gataterentryaate fe ei _ ‘rw 30/12/2000 8 gre a. arte eer fesiee merge 6s ea fea 2 ee-ay wr SECTION # Online Wea Rous wer ee og sere afer ea GO) EMKH 2323182

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