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Writing coursework, especially for subjects like GCSE PE (Physical Education), can be quite

challenging for many students. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, meticulous
research, critical analysis, and effective communication skills to present your findings accurately.
Here are some reasons why writing GCSE PE coursework analysis of performance can be difficult:

1. Complexity of the Subject: GCSE PE coursework often involves analyzing various aspects
of physical performance, including techniques, strategies, and physiological factors.
Understanding these concepts and applying them correctly in the coursework requires a solid
grasp of the subject matter.
2. Data Collection and Analysis: Conducting performance analysis in PE coursework involves
collecting data through practical assessments, observations, and sometimes even experiments.
Analyzing this data accurately and drawing meaningful conclusions can be challenging,
especially for students who are not familiar with research methodologies.
3. Interpretation of Results: Once the data is collected, students need to interpret the results
effectively. This involves identifying patterns, trends, and correlations in the data and
explaining their significance in relation to the coursework topic.
4. Technical Writing Skills: Writing coursework requires strong technical writing skills to
articulate findings, theories, and arguments clearly and coherently. This includes using
appropriate academic language, referencing sources correctly, and structuring the coursework
in a logical manner.
5. Time Management: Completing coursework within a set deadline can be stressful,
especially when students have other academic commitments and extracurricular activities.
Balancing coursework with other responsibilities requires effective time management skills.

Given these challenges, it's understandable why some students may seek assistance with their GCSE
PE coursework. ⇒ ⇔ is one of the sites that offers academic writing services,
including coursework assistance. They have experienced writers who specialize in various subjects,
including Physical Education, and can provide professional support to students facing difficulties
with their coursework.

While seeking help from such services can be beneficial, it's important for students to use them
responsibly. They should ensure that the assistance they receive adheres to academic integrity
standards and that the final coursework reflects their own understanding and effort.

In conclusion, writing GCSE PE coursework analysis of performance can be a demanding task due
to the complexity of the subject, data collection and analysis requirements, interpretation of results,
technical writing skills, and time constraints. For students who need extra support, reputable
academic writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can provide valuable assistance. However,
students should use such services responsibly and ensure that their final coursework reflects their
own understanding and effort.
But if you just have a small injury or an illness, for example a cold you won’t need to start again and
will just be able to pick up from where you left off. This means she will have to know to keep three
feet away from the opponent and to put her hands over the ball, and to stand sideways-on to the
Goal Attack so she can see which way she is going to run. Muscular power is improved by at least
three sets of 10-15 repetitions. I also know that breaststroke is another strength in my performance
because my coach tells me I have a wide leg action this is because I have good flexibility in my hips.
I felt that it did what it was supposed to do and that’s all that really mattered. I felt that it did what it
was supposed to do and that’s all that really mattered. Write a review Update existing review Submit
review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. An extreme Ectomorph would be very well suited
to become a goal shooter in netball. The aim of interval training is to improve your aerobic and
anaerobic fitness. I didn’t do these stations because they would create more injury for my already
injured ankle. I will train 4-5 times each week working on fitness for the first five weeks apart from
one session in each week which will be focused on developing skills. The more agile she is, the easier
and quicker it will be for her to try and receive the ball. You need to hold this for 10-15 second and
repeat if necessary. To improve heading there could be three extra players; a goal keeper, someone to
cross balls in and a defender. My lifestyle is very much suited for my chosen sports and therefore I
am very much acquired to comply with the demands of my chosen sports. There were specific
exercises for each so that the target was met. It enables the various parts of the body to combine in
producing a desired movement or sequence of movements. My results show that my improvement
rate varied from ach different activity, for example I improved rather rapidly and dramatically on the
dorsal rises, whereas on the sit-ups it was a slow start and then a sudden peak at the end of the
programme. This is because a central midfielder needs to sit behind the forwards to support them
when their team is attacking but also needs to sit infront of the defense and try and regain the ball
when their team is defending. I play goal defence or goalkeeper meaning that I need to be agile and
strong in both my play and my decisions. My results show that I have improved as time progressed
and therefore my training has served its purpose. Muscular power is improved by at least three sets
of 10-15 repetitions. She should be on her toes at all times so that she can move easily from one
place to another so that she can catch the ball before the other team can. For example I need to make
sure that I am wearing all of the correct clothing and footwear, all my jewellery is off and that my
hair is tied back. Also in the larger porting events, men and women don’t compete against each other
because man and women with obtain very different results. An extreme Mesomorph would be very
well suited to become a goalkeeper in football. The weaknesses I find I have are cardiovascular
endurance, passing with my left foot and heading. HELP!!HELP!!HELP!! Horse Riding GCSE PE
Analysis of Performance. There are two full marks examples written by GCSE students who followed
the student checklist.
This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
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conditions. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. See other similar resources ?4.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite
what you were looking for. Emily’s muscular endurance must be good as she will be using the
muscles in her legs and arms all the time throughout a game. It is suitable for all sports and can
almost be designed to improve any aspect of fitness including speed. Increasing my levels of fitness
would allow me o get to breakdowns more quickly, thus making me less likely to stand out and
possibly get in the scrum half and fly half’s channel. I think that when we are playing I stay positive
even if we are losing and try to motivate the team. This type of midfielder would play in defensive
midfield and mainly help the defense but still go forward occasionally. This isn’t really a problem
when playing at the back because I can header it roughly in the right place but it sometimes is a
problem if I move up the pitch for corners, so if I was to be in a good position for a header then it
would rarely go on target. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. They often have a long neck, a short waist and longer legs. This speeds up as it
carries on so you have to run faster between each bleep. Another skill of Emily’s is that she always
stands side-on to the attacker so is able to watch the direction that the ball is going in and where the
attacker is moving to. Cheap rolling papers for the consumer wanting to save money on rolling
papers. We have. I tend to tackle low, and run low when I am carrying the ball so it is more difficult
to be tackled. It is from these that I get my position being “right back” and its useful because I can
pass the ball to my team-mates through any length of the field. I didn’t do these stations because they
would create more injury for my already injured ankle. At scrums and rucks I am quick to move
around the side to rush the scrum half into passing, possibly forcing an error, or just tackling the
scrum half, enabling a turnover or if not it slows down the oppositions ball. I will rest for 1 minute in
between circuits but the rest period will shorten as my fitness improves. An extreme Ectomorph
would be very well suited to become a goal shooter in netball. Bend your knee and take hold of the
ankle of the leg, gently pull the ankle towards your buttocks. You are supposed to eat a balanced diet
which consists of seven essential components. When I was motivated I feel it enhance my
performance more and I overall preformed better than if I was less motivated. Only in the last
fraction of a second, can you see how much energy the head of my racket has. Get this resource as
part of a bundle and save up to 58% A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a
particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place. Keep your shoulders on the floor if possible as
this increase the stretch. When the time increased in the latter weeks I found it very difficult to adjust
myself and pace my self so as not to become worse than the week before. And then on the other it
had a space for us to record how we thought the session went. If a midfielder was fully fit and had a
good game they would cover approximately 6400 metres in the first half and 6000 metres in the
second half. 28% of this would be walking and 26% would be sprinting, the rest would be jogging at
a range of different paces. The other player has to stay on the balls of their feet and take small, quick
steps to the side or forward or back to try and catch the ball.
Also just before we started this fitness programme I sprained my ankle quite severely and therefore
as you will see later I didn’t’ take part on a couple of the exercises because it was important I didn’t
stress my ankle in any way whilst on the way to recovery. You need to hold this stretch for 10-15
seconds and repeat if necessary. This would suggest that I was concentrating wholly on the game, but
if I was more aware of the stimulus then I would give away fewer penalties and infringements, but
also, my game would be more disciplined. This is a suitable training method as it would help me
improve my speed. I need to stay in the rucks and mauls more often that I stand in the line. My
strengths in football are passing in the main 3 types of ways e.g. Long, short, and through. Muscular
power is improved by at least three sets of 10-15 repetitions. I give nothing away in my stance,
turkish business plan the length or the line my serve will trace. This could help Emily become more
powerful in a game situation as she will have a break when the ball is in her team’s goal circle and
when the ball is back in her area, she will have the energy and power to sprint towards the ball and
catch it then have a break when she is not needed and so on. And to improve the programme I think I
would try to find another source of motivation to keep me going. If you don’t really get on well with
your team mates you won’t feel as comfortable playing with them which may affect your
performance. By this I mean if you have a long-term injury it can affect your play as when you have
recovered finally you may not be as strong and have to start back at basics to regain the strength in
that area. It is then recorded to find how well you have done. In a session I will work for 1 hour and
complete 3 circuits in this time. Overall I have achieved what I wanted to get out of this whole
experience and I have noticed a change in my game play. For example, I learned that gender, age,
motivation, and cost all affect performance in their own different ways. This player would be an
attacking midfielder and mainly help the forwards with their play but still get back and help the
defense a lot. Also, if you have a friend in a team with you or somebody watching, they will
motivate you and relax you more so you may play better. I could keep swapping the two positions 4
or 5 times until I show an improvement. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for
our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to
let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. As Emily is quite quick, she is able to gain
possession of the ball, pass it to a team mate and run to catch the next pass which, again, makes it
difficult for her opponent to get to the ball before her. For the first 2 weeks we will carry out
repetitions for 25 seconds, then for the following two weeks we will carry out the repetitions for an
extra 10 seconds meaning that the total time for repetitions is 35 seconds on each activity. I also
think the plan was more aimed at strength than suppleness and I don’t rally think there was very
many exercises that accommodated the room for improvement of suppleness. Lie flat out and bend
your knees, placing the sole of your feet on the floor. It is needed by Goal Defence when a ball is
passed ahead of her and when the ball is about to go off court as she will need to sprint to catch the
ball. Feel the stretch in the buttocks on the side of leg. On the first graph, the results for press-ups,
sit-ups and ball passes are shown. I think that I was because the fitness plan only really worked the
arm and leg muscles where it could have made more use of the stomach and lower back muscles. At
the end of each section it has the grading descriptors and boxes for you give the level and mark they
have achieved. Each week we will carry out repetition of these set exercises.
Each week will include three days with a training practise involved and one day where there is a
netball match. If this muscle gets injured it would take a long time to heal and would make any
position uncomfortable so it is very important to stretch this muscle and all the others very well in
order to keep in good health. It is suitable for all sports and can almost be designed to improve any
aspect of fitness including speed. Centre midfielders are needed all over the pitch so they need a bit
of everything in their play. My results show that my improvement rate varied from ach different
activity, for example I improved rather rapidly and dramatically on the dorsal rises, whereas on the
sit-ups it was a slow start and then a sudden peak at the end of the programme. I need to be agile to
follow my goal attack and make strong interceptions of the ball. This will make sure that the muscle
is stretched and prepared for physical activity and prevent most injuries. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. If a midfielder was fully fit
and had a good game they would cover approximately 6400 metres in the first half and 6000 metres
in the second half. 28% of this would be walking and 26% would be sprinting, the rest would be
jogging at a range of different paces. I have made sure that the training I am doing will help to
improve my strengths, weaknesses and general fitness. For example, warming up your biceps and
triceps by reaching for your toes and also warming up your hamstrings by doing squat thrusts to
warm up your muscles. I need to get a bit lower when I am running with the ball, if I want to get
further, but I run low enough to gain a reasonable distance and I am able to shrug off tackles when
running if I am aggressive. Fartlek training is used to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness and to
enable you to enjoy moving quickly. A skill can never be completely closed or open e.g. A free kick
in football is a very open skill as the crowd, defenders and weather have a very big effect on you but
on the other hand a snooker shot is nearly a closed skill because the environment has no effect and
the crowd and opponents have little or no effect. You should feel the stretch in the bulk of the calf
muscle. Breaststroke is the slowest of the four strokes, but that does not mean it cannot be swum
powerfully and at speed. This type of training is suitable for anyone looking to improve their fitness.
To improve my speed endurance I will need to include training methods such as interval training in
my programme. Each week we will carry out repetition of these set exercises. I could record the
number I make in a match and aim to concede less in the next match that I played in. As you can see
my recovered rate was very much lower in the fourth week than the first week, showing that I had
improved in my fitness. I will train 4-5 times each week working on fitness for the first five weeks
apart from one session in each week which will be focused on developing skills. Strength and
suppleness is the key to good court play in netball and therefore that is the reason why I chose to try
and improve it. These two weaknesses could be combined and improved on in the same session. This
speeds up as it carries on so you have to run faster between each bleep. An extreme Mesomorph
would be very well suited to become a goalkeeper in football. Our customer service team will review
your report and will be in touch. ?4.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later ?4.00 5.00 1 review
BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 25 March 2021 Share this Share through email Share
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DanGardner10 5.00 1 reviews Not the right resource. It is recommended that 50-60% of you diet
should be made up from carbohydrates, 25-30% fat and 10-15% protein. Please allow a few minutes
for this process to complete. I also need to make quick passes and dodges, especially at the centre
Flexibility training involves using a series of exercises to improve and extend the range of movement
at a joint by stretching and moving the tendons and ligaments just beyond the point of resistance. It
shows I have good arm action when entering the water, and my breathing is efficient because I
breathe bilaterally. It is suitable for all sports and can almost be designed to improve any aspect of
fitness including speed. I plan to spend at least half an hour on each session working at a moderate
to high intensity. On the first graph, the results for press-ups, sit-ups and ball passes are shown. She
then finds it difficult to stay close to her opposing player at all times so they can get the ball before
Emily or another team mate can. As you can see my recovered rate was very much lower in the
fourth week than the first week, showing that I had improved in my fitness. Most weeks I didn’t find
the exercises too hard but I don’t think that I pushed myself as hard as I could to achieve my highest
potential. When playing centre back towards the end of the game I sometimes find it hard to keep in
line the defence so the offside trap isn’t affective so the striker might occasionally be able to get a
chance on goal. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 (no
rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later
Last updated 27 July 2022 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Lucy Simister's Shop 4.41 75 reviews Not
the right resource. My current level of fitness, in my opinion is quite average, as I maintain a high
level of exercise throughout the week. This would also be suitable for me in order to improve my
speed and general fitness. Injuries that could occur if you do not warm up are pulling muscles and
tendons. It also helps in the recovery of the muscles and heart rate and other tissue through the
removal of waste products. Once about 15-20 balls have been delivered I would then swap with the
crosser and then cross balls in with my left foot in order to improve it. Put the sole of the foot of leg
(a) on the floor and hug the knee towards the chest. This is reversibility because the reverse affects
can start to happen. Another skill of Emily’s is that she always stands side-on to the attacker so is
able to watch the direction that the ball is going in and where the attacker is moving to. I need to be
agile to follow my goal attack and make strong interceptions of the ball. This is because she has done
lots of fartlek training and over the weeks the amount of time that she had been running had
increased. On the first graph, the results for press-ups, sit-ups and ball passes are shown. A skill can
never be completely closed or open e.g. A free kick in football is a very open skill as the crowd,
defenders and weather have a very big effect on you but on the other hand a snooker shot is nearly a
closed skill because the environment has no effect and the crowd and opponents have little or no
effect. Also in the larger porting events, men and women don’t compete against each other because
man and women with obtain very different results. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your
rating is required to reflect your happiness. This may take a lot of time and effort and can result in
making the chosen sport too expensive and not accessible. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To
ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report
this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. I will be able to measure it by
counting out the number of times I score out of total shots. To make this stretch effective you need to
hold it for 15-20 seconds and if any previous injury has been specifically to the calf muscle you may
want to repeat these steps more than once. A lot of players are approximate on their service, and also
display what TYPE of service is coming. AOP Exam Clip - Football Don't laugh about it, don't show
your suprise.
After each exercise and circuit a rest period is used unless an advanced trainer is training, in which
case there is no rest time. If I win the ball in defence and become in control of the ball I sometimes
find that my passes don’t go to who they are supposed to go to and as a result we lose possession.
The training involves varying the intensity of the exercise (often running). Overall I have achieved
what I wanted to get out of this whole experience and I have noticed a change in my game play.
There are two points that you have to run between, starting when the bleep first sounds and you have
to reach the second point before the second bleep sounds. Weight training is suitable for any
sportsman and is easily designed to work on a particular part of the body. There are a number of
ways of doing this, from short through passes used to supply the forwards to long forward passes
from the edge of my own penalty area for the forwards to chase. Thank you Empty reply does not
make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel See more Report this resource to let us know if
it violates our terms and conditions. I could record the number I make in a match and aim to concede
less in the next match that I played in. The aim of interval training is to improve your aerobic and
anaerobic fitness. An exercise that would help to increase my strengths and at the same time help to
diminish my weaknesses would be practising a rush defence from the triple threat position as it
would help me to advance with the line and stay onside at all times possible. If this muscle snapped
or pulled you would be in a lot of discomfort for many weeks and then you would need to rebuild up
the strength that it would have lost. Your recovery rate is the rate at which your heat beat returns to
normal. We actually created it during lockdown and wanted to consolidate and embed some
additional theory through the coursework, hence why we asked for slightly more than is needed. So
if this is done correctly, a lot of ground has to be covered. Once about 15-20 balls have been
delivered I would then swap with the crosser and then cross balls in with my left foot in order to
improve it. I noticed a slight change in my netball playing of more strength than suppleness and I
was quicker off the mark at a centre pass and also I felt I was quicker at dodging and either marking
or getting free from the opposition. I didn’t do these stations because they would create more injury
for my already injured ankle. This is a main strength required when playing flanker and I think that I
use it well most of the time, but I have to be careful to stay onside so as not to give away any
penalties. I would say my strength was literally that, My community service experience essay was 5ft
10 and I always trained in a variety of other disciplines - martial arts, foil-fencing, boxing, running
and cycling - I had good flexibility coursework endurance to back-up the way I could move
explosively over the court, weaknesses hit the shuttle harder than most. You need to stretch this
muscle to prevent in jury during physical injury. Most weeks I didn’t find the exercises too hard but I
don’t think that I pushed myself as hard as I could to achieve my highest potential. This is lower
than the first week but it means that because my starting beat count has decreased by 9 beats per
minute that I have gained in my fitness and my heart rate is overall lower. It also includes a student
tracking spreadsheet, a book marking policy and three full sets of past papers and mark schemes. I
don’t think I would need to adapt the fitness programme but I may gain more from it if I did the
programme after I had recovered fully from my injury. This type of midfielder would play in
defensive midfield and mainly help the defense but still go forward occasionally. Reach through the
gap and around the outside of the leg (b), which is bent and on the floor, pull the leg in as far as, is
comfortable. She then has to do small passes to the side, above or bellow the other player. I have
some obvious strengths and weaknesses when I am playing, and this piece of writing will consider
these and evaluate ways to improve my performance. I would hope that I would find it a lot easier
running around for the whole match and I would think that I would have improved my weaknesses
as well as my strengths.

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