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Year 8 Unit 2 Criterion A Practice Questions

Level 1 – 2 Simple Questions

1. 2m + 3 is called a / an _________________________________ .

m is called a / an _________________________________ .

2. Look at this expression: 2ab + 8 – 3b + a + 7c

a. The constant is ________ . b. The coefficient of ab is ________ .

3. Simplify this expression: 12d + d – 6d

Level 3 – 4 More Complex Questions

4. Write an algebraic expression for the following statements:

For example, the sum of a number and three can be written as x + 3.

a. A number divided by 16. ____________________________________

b. The product of a number and 2. ____________________________________

5. Find the value of each variable.

a. 6a = 36 b. =9 c. c + 7 = -2

6. When y = 4, which expression below has the largest value? Circle the correct answer.

3+y 10 – y y2


7. Simplify the following expressions by first expanding brackets:

a) 6(x + 3) b) n(2n + 7) c) 5(3 – y) + 6y

Level 5 – 6 Challenging & Familiar Questions

8. Solve the following: 3i − 2 = 2i + 4

9. Use x = -4 and y = 8 to work out the values of these expressions. Show your working.

a. b. y – x c. (x – y)2

10. The first three terms of a sequence are 3, 7, 11, …

a) Circle the rule for the sequence.

3n + 7 4n + 3 4n – 1 4(n –1)

b) Using substitution with the rule, show that the 4th term is 15.

11. If 𝑎 = −3 and 𝑏 = −4, which of the three expressions below has the greatest value?
Show your working.

𝑎𝑏 2𝑎! 𝑎 − 4𝑏

Level 7 – 8 Challenging & Unfamiliar Questions

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12. Simplify this expression: −
# %

13. These 2 rectangles have the same width and a combined area of 7cd + 9de.

Answer the following questions in terms of c, d and e.

The width of both rectangles is ____________ .

The length of each rectangle is ____________ and ____________.

14. Daniel was 32 years old when his nephew, Will, was born. Four years ago, Will was one-
fifth of Daniel’s age. How old are Daniel and Will today?

15. Adam, Ben and Chloe have saved $225 in total. Ben has saved twice as much as Adam.
Chloe has saved $50 more than Ben. Work out how much Adam has saved.

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