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Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________ Score: __________

School: ___________________________________ Teacher:_____________________ Subject: ENGLISH 7

Lesson Topic: Using Correct and Appropriate Multimedia Resources Quarter 3 Week 1 LAS 1
Learning Targets: (1) Identify the different readily available multimedia resources; (2) give the importance
of their use and function; and (3) use correct and appropriate multimedia resources ingiving
information, instructions, in making explanations and in narrating events. [MELC: Use correct and
appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information, instructions, making explanations and
narrating events in personal or factual recounts (EN7OL-IV-e-3.10)]
Reference(s): Zatklichov, A. 2008. Types of Multimedia Resources. [online] Available at
<> [Accessed 1 Marxh 2021], English 7 Learner’s Material Q4, Educational
Technology Guidance. Types of Educational Multimedia Resources [online] Available at
<> [Accessed 1 March 2021]

Multimedia is a broad term for combining multiple media formats. Whenever text, audio, still images,
animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia.

Different Multimedia Resources (Part 1)

1. Text Materials - used in writing instructions, making announcements, giving information, narrating events and
etc. Simply print your presentation on any paper, or have it encoded as a word document. These have common
file types such as TXT and text with other elements, DOC, DOCX and PDF.

2. PowerPoint Slide – used to create business presentations, and for educational or informal purposes. The
presentations are comprised of slides, which may contain text, images, and other media, such as audio clips,
and movies. This resource is best to use in giving information, instructions, making explanations and in narrating
events. It has common file types such as PPT, PPTX, PPTM, POTand POTX.

Examples: a. Getting reference for your research, b. Looking for presentation that has audio, picture,
the file type will be either TXT or PDF, video and text, you are looking for Powerpoint
meaning the resource is Text. slide that has PPT or POTX file type.

Activity 1. Put check ( ) in the table that indicates applicable use of Text or Powerpoint Slide.

Use of Resource Text Powerpoint

1. making announcements
2. narrating events
3. giving informations
4. writing a letter
5. create educational presentation
6. presenting movie clips
7. writing a home reading report

Activity 2. Tell whether the sample image or file type is a Text or Powerpoint Slide.

________________1. TXT, DOC, PDF, DOCX,

_________________2. PDF, PPT, PPTM, POT, POTX

_________________3. TXT, DOC, PDF, DOCX


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