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Writing a GCSE Statistics coursework can be a challenging task for many students.

It involves a
thorough understanding of statistical concepts, data analysis, and the ability to present findings in a
clear and concise manner. Here are some reasons why students might find it difficult:

1. Complex Concepts: Statistics involves complex mathematical concepts and formulas that
can be challenging for some students to grasp. Understanding and applying these concepts
correctly in the coursework can be demanding.
2. Data Analysis Skills: Analyzing data is a crucial part of statistics coursework. Students need
to collect, interpret, and present data accurately, which requires a solid understanding of
statistical methods and tools.
3. Time-Consuming: The coursework typically requires a significant amount of time to
complete. Gathering data, conducting analyses, and writing up the results can be time-
consuming, especially for students who are juggling multiple assignments or extracurricular
4. Clear Communication: Articulating findings in a clear and coherent manner is essential.
Students need to effectively communicate their understanding of the statistical processes and
present their results in a way that is easy for readers to comprehend.

For those finding it challenging, seeking help is a viable option. However, it's crucial to approach this
carefully and ethically. While external assistance can be beneficial, recommending specific sites like
⇒ ⇔ may not be appropriate, as it raises ethical concerns related to academic
integrity and plagiarism.

Instead, students are encouraged to utilize resources provided by their educational institution, such
as tutors, writing centers, or online academic support services offered by the school. These resources
can provide guidance without compromising academic integrity.

Remember, the goal of coursework is not only to obtain a grade but also to develop and demonstrate
understanding in the subject matter. Seeking assistance in an ethical manner will contribute to
personal and academic growth.
To gain a more accurate sample I would need to choose sample from a different day and week. I was
about choose a different subject for my coursework, I was about to do about how much people spend
on computer games. The data can then be used to identify trends that can affect quality such as the
rate of variance in the outcomes of a production process. Therefore, more education equals better
exam results. By using stratified sampling I will then only use a fair amount of data according to the
percentage that I’m comfortable with. To get a random set of numbers I am going to go to this is a
web site which is made to get a set of numbers out of any sort of a data range it is a very good site. I
am also then able to calculate the estimated mean for each year group. However, even though, the
Year 8 holds the title for the lowest attendance, the year group’s median is 88.8, which is still quite
high. Year 10 in the Stamford Endowed schools is a good choice as every person has have the exact
same education and experience and the data is reasonably easy to collect. The sampling methods
available to me were as follows:-. There is one exception in between Year 8 girls and Year 9 girls
however; I think this can be accounted for as they are close, Year 8 shows a large range of heights,
(three standard deviations from the mean) and this may have caused the discrepancy in the data.
(Outliers may have affect the median point, upper and lower quartile points on which the box and
whisker is based.) Or it could simply be that Year 8 is exceptionally tall whilst Year 9 small for their
age. This would be the case for most of the students, I am sure that would be the case for me. By
doing both I am able to study with both figures and get a much more specific result. I also plotted
some pie charts using Microsoft Excel Application to show the percentage of student’s choices. Null
hypothesis: There is a relationship between the ability to estimate the length of a straight line and
mathematical ability. This shows that my prediction was correct and as there are hardly any cars with
a very high mileage and there are only a few smaller mileages. It might also have been more
beneficial to have used a different sampling technique, as this technique gave me different numbers
of students from each stratum. After each of the diagram I would explain how I did the diagram and
what people prefer and why. I need to make the experiment fair, so I need the same controlled
experiment for each person who does the experiment. These entries were numbered and then using a
calculator and the random button the sample names were collected. Then, using the random function
on my calculator, I selected 2 boys and 2 girls from each set. For students wishing to add focus and
expertise to their degree, the Department of Biology also offers the B. Alternative hypothesis: There
is no relationship between the ability to estimate the length of a straight line and mathematical
ability. I will group together the height data within the stratum creating a frequency table. First I will
start with the make for Ford and the other makes to get more information. I shall now investigate
further into different variables that affect the cars. Where as the majority of boys come with normal
and below average results and make a better improvement than the Girls. So this means that the
Daily Mirror consistently has large headlines and large amount of text. Primary data, collecting it my
self or secondary data, using already collected data. Also, during the ranking, I will be able to see
clearly whether my hypothesis regarding the important relations between attendance and the exam is
true or not.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. It
also notifies me that there is a faint relationship between the attendance of the candidates and their
results. This is evidence to suggest that my first hypothesis is correct. By using stratified sampling I
will then only use a fair amount of data according to the percentage that I’m comfortable with.
However the sample may still be unrepresentative of the population of words in the article. Instead,
coursework should take these papers as an airport statistics show help what to do in the future. I was
about choose a different subject for my coursework, I was about to do about how much people spend
on computer games. I also would be able to use Secondary data, which is data which has already
been collected by someone else. The interquartile range displays how spread out the middle 50% of
the data is. I think doing my investigation on computer would give a better pictorial view than by
hand. The box and whisker plot will tell me the range of the central 50% of the data to give me a
better outlook on the situation. I expect the less able pupils’ mean improvement to be lower than the
more able pupils’ as more able pupils will have improved more. Normal distributions are sometimes
described as bell shaped. The median excludes all of these extreme figures within the data and only
takes in the true middle average of the data. I used the same number of boys and girls, because there
is roughly around the same number of boys and girls in the year group and this helps reflect the
whole year group better. These entries were numbered and then using a calculator and the random
button the sample names were collected. For this one, I split the set in two and used one boy and
one girl to be more-able and the other two to be less. Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology
The coursework within the Cell and Molecular Biology concentration must be completed with a
minimum cumulative grade point average of 3. This way, it does not only reduce the amount of time
for me to process the data, it also reduces its quantity. The numbers on the unemployment rate tell
you the percentage of the labor force that is without a job. As this graph has no correlation at all, I
have used the Year 7 and Year 11 KS2 Results to assess the intelligence of the strata. Then, using the
random function on my calculator, I selected 2 boys and 2 girls from each set. However, the
students’ appreciation of the importance of their attendance figures does and this is why (in my
opinion) the attendance figures vary between students. I collected my data using random sampling
because after having looked at stratified sampling I decided it wasn’t the best choice as the sets all
have around the same number of people. However I feel that it is representative enough, as has been
proven by the results from the investigation. Then, I’ve used the RANDOM button on the scientific
calculator to get a smaller new set of data from the original data. The year group that has the lowest
attendance is the Year 10 with a mean of 83.7244898. According to the mean, my hypothesis is
wrong because I stated that the Year 11 and perhaps the Year 9 might and should have the highest
attendance as they are in exam years. However, I think these extraordinary students must have
another form or way of learning when not at school (the student might be an independent learner for
example). From these tables I have plotted a scatter diagram in Microsoft Excel Application using
the entire sample population. To show this I will have to work out the mean and Standard Deviation
out for both the girls KS2 and also KS3 results.
Of these 45 units, eight statistics courses from the must be taken for a letter grade. On the other
hand the Daily Mirror has a strong Positive relation between the area of headline and text. However I
must further continue to fully verify my hypothesis’s fault. For the reasons stated at the beginning of
my project I think that these results will relate both to the study population and the target population.
The formula for calculating the standard deviation is. Then, using the random function on my
calculator, I selected 2 boys and 2 girls from each set. From the comparative pie chart I know that
the Daily Mirror has a slightly larger proportion of adverts than the Daily Mail. This implies that the
stories are more detailed than in the Daily Mirror. I have added each child’s KS2 results together to
get one value. Also, random sampling will be better as it will be easier to avoid bias, because with
stratified you may end up selecting all the pupils who have improved the most even if you don’t
really mean to. Therefore if you get a good mark at Key Stage 2, you are very likely to get a good
mark at Key Stage 3. My fourth hypothesis was correct because there was a positive correlation. This
therefore shows that the school does set correctly. Some of them will have had growth spurts where
as others will have that to come. See other similar resources ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download
Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Finally, I will then state whether or not the final
statement has anything to do with the hypotheses. This document contains a simple overview of all
the sections that must be graded before working out an overall grade. This shows that the Year 11
boy’s have a wider range of interests and are more open to new things, this makes them more mature
than they where in Year 7. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch.
?0.00 4.50 6 reviews Download Save for later ?0.00 4.50 6 reviews Download Save for later Last
updated 13 July 2015 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin
Share through facebook Share through pinterest GRW-1982's Shop 4.82 24 reviews Not the right
resource. Its important to write your own work and i would do whatever you think is necessary for
your investigation and not just what i put. I need to make the experiment fair, so I need the same
controlled experiment for each person who does the experiment. Students are also encouraged to
enroll in Laboratory Research: Biology Concentrations as part of their program of study. I decided to
use 20 results from each the Boys set and also the Girls set of data. I think this would be useful
because the girls may have made preference changes at a younger age. I will analyse all of the data
in a more depth by doing standard deviation and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient that will
allow me to compare and analyse the data properties using different methods. At the edexcel gcse
statistics coursework mark scheme end of a group how good you are using for your own title 2. This
showed my hat there was little to no correlation. Therefore there is very varied improvement in the
less able pupils or there is an anomaly in the less able pupils. I thought this would be a good number
because it reflects the whole year group. I expect the less able pupils’ mean improvement to be lower
than the more able pupils’ as more able pupils will have improved more.
This would also give me a general idea of what type of newspaper I’m dealing with. On the other
hand for the Daily Mail the Y intercept is 44.4705cm?, which means if you were to interpolate a
value of zero the area of text would be 44.4705cm?. This is also unrealistic because without a header
there is no story. Reading was a heavy component in elementary school, and my mom and I would
take weekly trips to Starbucks where we would sit in the nice, comfy chairs and read for as long as
we wanted to. The actual length of the bamboo stick is 1.58 metres. As 351pieces of data would be
too big to sample, I am going to random sample 50 pieces of the data for each year. This will tell me
the total word count for the articles. Set 5 boys did not do the same exam so these boys will not be
sampled. If this was the case, then obviously the chart would show no correlation. While doing this I
will note down the length of each word chosen. This can be proved as well if you were to take a
look at our schools Results and another mixed school boys results, I think that our results would be a
considerable amount higher than the Boys from a mixed school. You will notice that the class
intervals are different in each table. The bell shaped curve has the highest point is in the middle of
the curve where the line of symmetry (the mean) while smoothly curving symmetrical slopes on both
sides of the centre, which makes it looks like a bell. Year 10 in the Stamford Endowed schools is an
accurate choice as every person has have the same education and experience and the data is very easy
to collect. The box and whisker plot will tell me the range of the central 50% of the data to give me
a better outlook on the situation. After this I will draw comparative pie chart, the radius of the pie
charts will be in proportion to EACH other so it would be easy to compare the proportion the
different genre of articles take up. I'm glad it helped you, I wish I had someone to tell me how to
edexcel it when I was doing statistics, I was stuck for ages. However I must further continue to fully
verify my hypothesis’s fault. So, the calculator will not give you figures bigger or higher than the
maximum number entered. Alternative hypothesis: There is no relationship between the ability to
estimate the length of a straight line and mathematical ability. Below is how to work out the variance
and standard deviation in step-by-step. Each set is listed alphabetically in the Sims database. There is
still some differing individual difference nevertheless; they have largely achieved a roughly similar
height. I used to get a set of 20 results from both the girls results and the boys results. However, if
you don’t do well in KS 2 you don’t bother trying as hard. So this means that the Daily Mirror
consistently has large headlines and large amount of text. The year group that have the lowest
attendance percentage is the Year 8 out of all of the five year groups. Concentration in Cell and
Molecular Biology The coursework within the Cell and Molecular Biology concentration must be
completed with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3. I think that this counts for both
girls and boys.” To prove this I will use a correlation graph and also spearman’s Rank Correlation. I
am going to look at price, engine size, mileage, and age of the car. As you can see, 100% of results
are between the 3 rd standard deviations and shows strong similarities between the results and a
normal distribution. Are Essay Writing Services Worth It We asked year 7,9 and 11's in our school.
It is used to find the extent to which two sets of data correlate. You can also tell clearly where the 4
bands are except the second band are half in the first cluster and half in the second. This may belong
to a person who does not like driving a lot. So far, the mean data collected does seem to tally with
the hypothesis made that broadsheet newspapers are more difficult to read than tabloids. To get a
better picture on who did better I will also now work out the Modal average. I think that this is
because an older car would have been driven more than a new car and therefore it would be a higher
mileage. But, if there ever was a possibility for further investigation, it would be to further
investigate the Daily Mail, by possibly taking more pages into the sample, in order to account for the
more pages the newspaper had. A Normal distribution is a perfectly bell-shaped curve that shows
where the three averages; mean, median and mode coincide by using the line of symmetry. Then, I’ve
used the RANDOM button on the scientific calculator to get a smaller new set of data from the
original data. However, when analysing the Year 10 and 11 charts the inter-quartile range is far
smaller. To show this I will have to work out the mean and Standard Deviation out for both the girls
KS2 and also KS3 results. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. These entries were numbered and then using a calculator and the random
button the sample names were collected. e.g Set 1: RND ? 26 gave 13.346. This converts to 14th
name using the rounding up method. The higher the standard deviation the more spread out the curve
is. This shows that the overall attendance for the particular academic year is very good. If your
request is valid, a permission number will usually take care of this problem. To select the random
people I filtered the data in excel by selecting first the males from every set, and then the females.
Therefore if you get a good mark at Key Stage 2, you are very likely to get a good mark at Key
Stage 3. You have seen that the girls beat the boys in their Key Stage 2 exams but the boys beat the
girls in the Key stage 3 exams. I did predict that the girls would beat the boys in their Key Stage 2
exams but they did not in their KS3 exams. I did not think that the boys would beat them I thought
that they will still be a nudge under. A systematic sample might have been better. (E.g. every third
person.). See other similar resources ?0.00 4.50 6 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what
you were looking for. Overall I am pleases with the work I have produced. Therefore Fiat and Ford
would belong to someone that drives their cars for long distances. Table and statistics from the graph
was copied from autograph and placed below. Looking at my first hypothesis, I am right, the Year 10
and 11 should have a higher attendance as they are in their GCSE years. Our school is an all Boys
school but there is a Girls school right next to us. The actual length of the bamboo stick is 1.58
metres. As 351pieces of data would be too big to sample, I am going to random sample 50 pieces of
the data for each year. To work out the overall grade, simply add up the scores for all sections and
then divide the total by six. I got the results gain by taking away the KS2 results average with the
KS3. I thought this would be a good number because it reflects the whole year group.

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