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Ош Технологиялык Университети

Кафедра: Чет тилдер

Практикалык ачык сабактын сабактын


Тема: « How much is too much?»

Грамматика: uses of the gerund (verb +-ing)

Өткөрүлгөн күн: 03.12. 2021ж.

Иштеп чыккан: Тургунбаева Канымжан Турдумаматовна

Lesson plan

Date: 03.12.2021. Time: 10.00.

Theme: How much is too much?
Grammar: Quantifiers: too, not enough
The aim of the lesson: to present grammar and vocabulary of the lesson and
practice it.

The action of the lesson

1. Warming up: speaking skills

The quotation: “Everything should be first-rate in a person, his face, clothes, soul
and thoughts”
Anton Chekhov
The students give their own opinions and discuss it.

2. Reading and Speaking Text ‘Everything bad is good for you’

 Vocabulary practice
 Reading in chain/translate
 Answer the questions

3. Working on the text

Discuss the words coffee, sunlight, computer games
Group work
The students divide into three groups, then choose the words, discuss each other
and present them.
Example 1st team – Coffee
2nd team – Sunlight
3rd team – computer games

4. Grammar revision. Pair work

Quantifiers too much/many, too, enough/not enough
The students do exercises according the given cards.
For example: 1student: - Do you think you read enough?
2 student: - Not really, I only read school textbooks, not for pleasure

5. Presentation the two kinds of phrases related to future prediction

Two kinds of humans

Positive If you study well, you will be able to make a better world for him
Negative If you don’t study, you will end up like him

6. Consolidation
7. Home assignment

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