Fayyaza Nayyara X7

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v v THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Fayyaza) Nayyara) /).x7, INTRODUCTION “7° ) In this era of globalization, learning foreign languages is not just a desire but also a necessity. In today's world, individuals who can speak more than one language are highly sought after. Despite the availability of technology that can translate various languages, the ability to learn foreign languages remains crucial. Learning a foreign language is also the first step for those who wish to engage in activities abroad. So, what are the benefits of learning a foreign language? AALS ARGUMENTS |. Better International Communication Learning a foreign language enables us to make friends from various countries, expanding our social and Professional networks. It also makes communication easier and more understandable for our interlocutors. 2. Deeper Cultural Understanding Studying foreign languages is useful for understanding the cultures practiced in various countries. With cross- cultural understanding, our perspectives broaden, allowing us to appreciate the diverse cultures around th world. ARGUMENTS 3. Proficiency in foreign languages opens up jes for students to study abroad with better facilities and resources. Proficiency in foreign languages also significantly increases students’ chances of obtaining scholarships, thus alleviating the finan burden for their guardians. ae- REITERATION Based on the aforementioned benefits, learning or being proficient in foreign languages is undoubtedly advantageous from various Perspectives. Therefore, let us embark on learning foreign Janguages with enthusiasm, as it ill greatly benefit us in all aspects of life. THANK YOU

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