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Writing coursework, especially in a subject like CE Geography (Civil and Environmental

Geography), can be a challenging and time-consuming task. It typically requires extensive research,
data analysis, critical thinking, and effective communication of ideas. Here are some reasons why
writing CE Geography coursework can be difficult:

1. Complexity of the Subject: CE Geography involves intricate concepts related to civil and
environmental aspects. Understanding and articulating these concepts in a coherent manner
can be demanding.
2. Data Collection and Analysis: Many CE Geography coursework assignments require data
collection and analysis, which can be time-consuming and may demand proficiency in
various research methodologies.
3. Integration of Multiple Disciplines: CE Geography often combines elements from civil
engineering, environmental science, and geography. Coherently integrating these diverse
disciplines into a coursework piece can be challenging.
4. In-depth Research: A solid coursework piece necessitates in-depth research to support
arguments and conclusions. Finding relevant and credible sources can be a daunting task.
5. Time Constraints: Students often juggle multiple coursework assignments and exams. Time
constraints can add pressure, making it difficult to dedicate sufficient time to each task.

To ease the burden, some students consider seeking help from professional writing services. One
such service is ⇒ ⇔, which offers assistance with various academic tasks.
However, it's crucial to exercise caution and thoroughly research any service before using it. Always
ensure that the service is reputable, provides original content, and meets ethical standards.

While external help can be beneficial, it's important for students to actively engage with the
coursework material. Understanding the concepts and being able to articulate them is crucial for
academic success. Seeking guidance from teachers, utilizing academic resources, and managing time
effectively are also essential aspects of successfully completing CE Geography coursework.
This benefit was not chosen by many, because while tourism does create jobs in Cromer, many are
seasonal, low paid and unsteady. There were lots of street flowers perhaps because it was safer to
put it here rather than the busy high street. The resource explains stages to writing a course work in
Geography. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel meljanedixon
4 years ago report 5 Thank you so much - beautifully crafted Empty reply does not make any sense
for the end user Submit reply Cancel jennifermichelletaylor 5 years ago report 5 This is great. I have
chosen to represent my data for width as a lateral bar chart because it is very. From the map I can see
that the areas near the beach have a high environmental quality based on factors such as litter,
attractiveness and traffic noise. To collect this data I had to ask at least two residents and two
tourists a set of questions. Where we were along the drainage basin could have changed the width of
the river. Below are some of the similarities and differences between Cromer and other traditional
seaside resorts. It explains how to pick a topic, data collection, survey and analysis of data etc. Faith
and the rest of the staff there made this day so special for me, my mom and my friends. The
interview on page 27 also shows that a resident thinks Cromer needs to improve for there to be better
opportunities. I homeschool my children and my younger son who struggles with lots of text finds
these booklets really great. Clast Size (cm) 2 12.5 11.2 10.7 5.4 11.2 8.4 8.2 8.1. There were lots of
objects such as tree branches in the river. Depth (m) 4 0.001 0.036 0.082 0.105 0.17 0.091 0.127
0.183. Please update your browser or enable Javascript to allow our site to run correctly. Close.
Geography coursework image10 png The aim of my geography project is to find the economic centre
of the CBD of Leeds (i e the area of highest value in the. Reading 2 was the lowest measurment that
was taken and was 0.0102m. This may. This meant that we could not sample in this area and. Ten
sites could have been looked rather than eight along the river’s course. This. Some of the reasons
given for this belief were that it is a well loved resort, friendly environment and the scenery is
beautiful. Spearman’s Rank is a statistical technique which is used to see if there is a correlation. A
result of this was that Humic acid was formed and. This photo helps to answer one of the enquiry
questions, as it shows an environmental effect of tourism in Cromer. Although tourism has allowed
these changes the economic impact is very unsteady as there have not been any long term changes
such as the building of a local sixth form or university, so that there are better prospects for Comers
younger residents. At site 5 the cross sectional area was 0.18216 m2 which was lower than the
previous. Then we could average the score and get a more reliable result. This photo can be linked
with Fig.11 which is a doughnut chart showing that tourists believe traffic congestion is a problem.
Steph knew exactly what questions to ask to figure out what to pull.
My methodology will include location maps showing where I collected some data and asked
interviews, as well as copies of my surveys. This problem has also, already been shown in the
flowchart and may lead to Cromer not having a good economic future, as people will choose to go to
other resorts as they are more accessible. Fig. 10 Pedestrian Count - Pictogram Morning: 0:46- 0:56
Afternoon: 2:16- 2:22 Late Afternoon: 2:20-2:30 Key: Interpretation- The above pictogram shows
the results from my pedestrian count, which I completed on Church St. Gradient along the eight sites
of the river Holford. However there appeared to be more vandalism and no street furniture. If there
was a lot of rain or no rain at all, then this factor would. This is because of the amount of people
using the high street, there is bound to be more litter from them. The store is beautiful and they truly
make you feel so special. It shows that the majority of tourists believe traffic to be a problem, which
is the same belief as the residents of Cromer in Fig. 2, this proves that traffic is a major problem in
Cromer and as a result of this tourism does has an environmental effect in Cromer, as it causes
pollution. She seemed genuinely excited to help me pick out my dress. It was impossible to get a
reliable result when it must change everyday and every minute. Depth (m) 4 0.001 0.036 0.082 0.105
0.17 0.091 0.127 0.183. Juicy Geography: 10 ways to Google-up your coursework. As the shopping
area has a low quality, this shows that tourists may cause environmental problems as this area is
frequently visited by tourists. Data Interpretation- The data interpretation section of my coursework
will be linked to the data presentation section. We new that this complex would have an affect on the
current C.B.D. We needed to know what Implications would take place in order to maintain a core
and frame model within Exeter. Also, although the speech bubble on pg 28 shows that a substantial
amount of tourists think Cromer needs developing, this graph shows that the major believe Cromer
will still have a good economic future without this development. Somerset is home to Exmoor
National Park which is 693 km2 and is only one of. Emily Sementa I had an appointment here with
Faith, it was so much fun. Steph was so seasoned and knew the inventory so well that she was able
to quickly find THE dress. Data Presentation and Interpretation This is the main section of my
coursework, and I will present all the data I have collected in a clear and original way. Get this
resource as part of a bundle and save up to 25% A bundle is a package of resources grouped together
to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place. Traffic Congestion is also a problem
and this shows the environmental impact, tourism has on Cromer and may also lead to an economic
problem as it may result in loss of tourists. From the map I can see that the areas near the beach have
a high environmental quality based on factors such as litter, attractiveness and traffic noise. These
reasons may be why the council doesn't want to develop the area as it is seen as a place of natural
outstanding beauty, and if they chose to develop they would lose some of their tourists. Traffic
Count In order to help me answer my first enquiry question about the environmental impact tourism
has on Cromer; I had to complete a traffic count to find out if tourists increase the level of traffic.
This benefit was not chosen by many, because while tourism does create jobs in Cromer, many are
seasonal, low paid and unsteady. I will compare a flow chart showing the growth of a traditional
seaside resort, with a flowchart showing the growth of Cromer. You can also see that there is a very
low amount of young people and the few that there was, were young children with their families.
Background Knowledge Tourism is the business of providing tours and services for tourists.
I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. Nettlecombe Court
for accommodating us and helping us with our river study along. Interpretation- The above speech
bubble which was answered by tourists shows that the majority think that Cromer does need to be
developed, with only one person thinking nothing has to be done. Compared with only 1% on the
high street.The second highest in Queens street is personal shops. I had no intention of finding my
dress during my first time trying on wedding dresses but Faith ended up finding truly the perfect
dress for me. This shows that the economic impact hasn't been as impressive as it could be as there
are hardly any jobs in Cromer that don't rely on tourism. Conclusion- The conclusion will include the
answers to my enquiry questions, and recommendations for the future of Cromer Evaluation- In the
evaluation, I will question the reliability of my methods, and decide whether my results and
conclusions are accurate Location Map of Europe Map of East Anglia Map of Norfolk Map of
Cromer Cromer is a small town in North Norfolk, in the East Anglia region. Comparing Flowcharts
Cromer's growth is similar yet different to other traditional resorts. In the higher profile of the river
mainly vertical erosiontakes place. Then we could average the score and get a more reliable result.
The economic impact means the effect on jobs, the economy and whether tourism brings enough jobs
and money to Cromer. Noise was obvious because if there are more people then there will be more
noise. Flow Chart: To show the growth of a traditional seaside resort. Fig. 5 Flow Chart: To show the
growth of Cromer Fig. 6 Interpretation The general impression I get is that Cromer has not grown in
the same was as traditional seaside resorts. All of this information is important to me as it will help
to answer my main enquiry questions, on whether Cromer has a good economic future and what the
impact of tourism on Cromer is. One of these changes is that I would have taken ten depth readings
at each site rather. Some readings were defaulted at 100 seconds because at some sites, the water was
too. Keswick has excellent an excellent road system and is easy to reach being just 20 minutes along
the A66 trunk road from junction 40 of the M6 motorway. Depth (m) 3 0.014 0.005 0.074 0.11 0.14
0.064 0.119 0.195. It is hard to compare results that different people have decided on, so it is
impossible to ever reach one conclusion. If we wanted to improve this method we would have to do
the survey over the course of a few days and get many different peoples opinions to come to an
average. Honey pot sites are often encouraged because they concentrate the damage caused by
tourists on small sites, making conservation easier in other parts of the managed area. We chose to
sample eight sites along the River Holford’s course because this would. In Kilve the channel has
been altered by man making them more. If we wanted to we could have gone inside the shop and
asked the owner. Additional Data collected- This section of my coursework will include any
additional information I will collect from secondary resources. At site 8 our readings showed us that
this was overall the deepest part of the river. The. You can see that Service and Tourism produces the
most amount of jobs compared to the other industries. (SOURCE: GOOGLE IMAGES) Tourism in
the U.K Tourism in the U.K has increased in recent years; this is because some of the popular tourist
destinations in the UK include towns near the coast and the seaside as they are easy to reach,
suitable for families and relatively cheap. I will use my flowcharts to answer one of my enquiry
questions by showing if Cromer has a good economic future. The middle course is less steep when
compared to the upper course. My first hypothesis was that the width of the channel would increase
as you went.

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