Business Environment Nov 2018

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rl illt l iltil lt llll lI K18U 0520

ll Semesler B.B.A./B.B.A.T.T.ltL/B.B.A.B.T.[4. Degree

(C.B.C.S.S. - Beg./Suppte./tmp,) Examination, May 2018
Core Course
(2014 Admn. Onwards)

Answerthe 4 questons. Each question carres 7, rnarks.

r. Whar s sociaiald t ?

2. Whal is business environment ?

3. What is p valisation ?

4. What do you rnean by social respons b tty oi business ? (4x/,=2)


Answer any rour queslions. Each q uestion carr es 1 rnark.

5. What is inlernal envkonment ?

6. What are lhe irnitations ol environmentat anatysis ?

7. Whal is ecoforn c envirofmeni ?

8. Whal do you mean by globalisation 2

9. What do you mean by sustainab e developrnent ?

10. What is polirical risk i (ax1=4)

K18{J 0520 l ! jlrili lrii iilj:i i iltl;
Answer any six questions Each quesr on cairies 3 marks.

11 Whal is externa efvtrciment?

12. Whaithe cornponents of ecofomic envkonrnent ?

1 3. What are the features ot pivatisauon ?

1 4. What arc the vitat insiilurions in potiticat environment ?

15. What are the responsibiliues of business lowards govemmeni ?

16. Explain ihe relarionship behdeen bus ness and envkonmenl.

1 7- What are lhe cornponents of macrc environment ?

r8. Wl'dlare lra 'a"to.s htt-.-c -9 potii.Jre-v.ornen. ? (6,3=18)

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Answeranytwo quesrions. Each question cades 8 narks.

19. Explain the componenls of business environment.

20- Dellne globalisarton. Whar are the me ts and demerirs oi gtoba|sarion ?

21. What is social responsib ity ot blsiness ? Give arqumenrs in tavourafd aoainsl
.ocalr6soors,o lv or bLs -ess. (2:s=16)

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