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AUGUST 30, 2023

BS ECE 412

1. What is Control System? Give at least 3 examples of Control System.

A control system refers to a collection of devices, processes, or software that work together
to manage, regulate, or manipulate the behavior of a dynamic system in order to achieve a
desired outcome. The primary purpose of a control system is to maintain the system's
variables or parameters within a specified range or set point, ensuring that the system
operates effectively and efficiently. Control systems are used in a wide range of applications,
from everyday household devices like thermostats and microwave ovens to complex
industrial processes, robotics, and aerospace systems. They typically involve sensors to
measure the system's current state, a controller to process this information and make
decisions, and actuators to influence the system's behavior by applying changes based on
the controller's decisions.

There are various types of control systems, including open-loop (non-feedback), closed-loop
(feedback), and more advanced variants that involve complex algorithms, adaptive behavior,
and intelligent decision-making.


 Thermostat in a Heating System:

A common example of a control system is a thermostat in a heating system. The thermostat

measures the temperature of the room and compares it to a setpoint temperature. If the
room temperature falls below the setpoint, the thermostat activates the heating system to
warm the room. Once the temperature reaches the desired level, the thermostat turns off the
heating system. This is an example of a simple closed-loop control system.

 Cruise Control in a Car

Another example is the cruise control system in a car. When you set a desired speed, the
control system uses sensors to monitor the car's actual speed. If the car starts to slow down
due to factors like uphill terrain, the control system increases the throttle to maintain the set
speed. Conversely, if the car is going downhill and exceeding the set speed, the control
system reduces the throttle to bring the car back to the desired speed. This is also a closed-
loop control system.
 Industrial Robotic Arm

Industrial robots often use sophisticated control systems. For instance, a robotic arm on an
assembly line is controlled to perform precise movements. The control system receives input
from sensors that track the position and orientation of the arm and the objects it interacts
with. Based on this feedback, the control system adjusts the robot's actuators to ensure
accurate and repeatable movements, allowing it to perform tasks like picking up objects and
placing them in specific locations.

2. What are the classifications of Control System?

 Based on Feedback:

Open-Loop Control System: These systems operate without feedback. The control
action is determined solely by the input command or setpoint. They don't adjust based on
the system's actual output or performance. An example is an automatic toaster with a timer

Closed-Loop (Feedback) Control System: These systems use feedback from the
system's output to adjust the control action. They continuously monitor the system's
performance and make corrections to maintain the desired output. Examples include the
thermostat and cruise control system mentioned earlier.

 Based on Time Dependency:

Time-Invariant Control System: The parameters and dynamics of the system remain
constant over time. Most basic control systems fall into this category.

Time-Variant Control System: The system's parameters and behavior change over time.
These are often encountered in dynamic or changing environments.

 Based on Linearity:

Linear Control System: The system's behavior follows linear relationships between input
and output variables. The principle of superposition applies, meaning that the effect of
multiple inputs can be calculated as the sum of the effects of individual inputs.

Nonlinear Control System: The relationship between input and output is not linear. Many
real-world systems exhibit nonlinear behavior, which can lead to complex control challenges.

 Based on Control Actions:

Analog Control System: These systems use continuous signals (analog signals) for
control purposes. They are often used in systems that require smooth and continuous

Digital Control System: These systems use discrete signals (digital signals) for control.
They are commonly employed in systems where precise and discrete adjustments are

 Based on Control Strategy

On-Off Control System: Also known as binary control, the system is switched between two
states (on or off) based on a set threshold. This can lead to frequent switching and

Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Control System: A common control strategy that

combines proportional, integral, and derivative actions to achieve accurate and stable

Adaptive Control System: These systems continuously adjust their control parameters
based on changes in the system or its environment, allowing them to adapt to varying

3. Difference between Open Loop Control System and Closed Loop Control System.

 Open-Loop Control System: In an open-loop system, control actions are based solely on
preset commands or set points, and there is no feedback to adjust for variations or changes
in the system's behavior. Closed-Loop (Feedback) Control System: Closed-loop systems
use feedback from the system's output to continuously compare and adjust the control
action, ensuring that the actual output matches the desired output and making them more
accurate and adaptable to disturbances.

4. Define the two types of feedback.

1. Positive Feedback:

Positive feedback in a control system occurs when a portion of the output signal is added
back to the input, resulting in an amplification of the original signal. This amplification can
lead to exponential growth or deviation from the desired state. Positive feedback tends to
drive the system further away from equilibrium and can potentially lead to instability or
oscillation. It's less common in control systems and is often used in situations where rapid
change or amplification is required, such as in certain electronic circuits, but it's generally
avoided in most control applications due to its destabilizing nature.
2. Negative Feedback:

Negative feedback in a control system involves taking a portion of the output signal and
subtracting it from the input signal. This creates a corrective action that opposes any
deviation from the desired state or set point. Negative feedback is a crucial mechanism in
maintaining stability, accuracy, and desired performance in control systems. It works to
reduce errors between the actual output and the desired output, ensuring that the system
remains in a controlled and predictable state. The majority of control systems rely on
negative feedback loops to regulate processes and maintain desired conditions.

5. Define the following mathematical models:

 Differential equation model - A differential equation model is a mathematical equation that

involves the derivatives of one or more variables. These equations express how the rates of
change of these variables are related to the values of the variables themselves and possibly
other factors. Differential equation models are used to describe dynamic systems, where the
behavior of the variables is influenced by their rates of change and interactions with other
variables. They play a crucial role in understanding and predicting the behavior of various
processes in fields such as physics, engineering, biology, and economics.
 Transfer function model- A transfer function model is a mathematical representation used
in control systems and signal processing to describe the relationship between the input and
output of a system. It is specifically used to analyze and predict the behavior of linear time-
invariant (LTI) systems, which are systems that have constant parameters and exhibit linear
behavior. In a transfer function model, the relationship between the Laplace transform of the
output and the Laplace transform of the input is expressed in the form of a ratio of
polynomials. The Laplace transform is a mathematical tool that helps analyze the behavior
of systems in the frequency domain.
 State place model- A state-space model, also known as the state-space representation or
state-variable representation, is a mathematical framework used to describe the behavior of
dynamic systems, particularly in control theory and engineering. It represents a system's
dynamics using a set of first-order differential or difference equations that relate the system's
state variables, inputs, and outputs.
In a state-space model, a system's behavior is expressed in terms of a set of state
equations and output equations. The state equations describe how the system's state
variables change over time, while the output equations define how the outputs are related to
the state variables and inputs.

In the context of control systems, the term "state placement" usually refers to the process of
selecting appropriate values for the state feedback matrix (also known as the gain matrix or
control matrix) to place the eigenvalues (poles) of the system's closed-loop state-space
representation at desired locations in order to achieve specific control objectives

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