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Republic of the Philippines


College of Engineering

Design and Analysis of a High-Speed Optical Communication System for Data


Martinez, John Angelo M.

De gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Introduction: Design and analysis of a high-speed optical communication system for

data centers involves the use of optical fibers to transmit large amounts of data at high
speeds within and between data centers.

The main objective of such a system is to provide high bandwidth, low latency, and high
reliability for the transmission of data, as well as efficient use of power and space. This
is achieved by using advanced optical components, such as lasers, modulators,
detectors, and optical amplifiers, to transmit and receive signals over optical fibers.

Design considerations include the choice of optical components and their performance
parameters, such as bandwidth, power efficiency, and modulation speed, as well as the
overall system architecture and network topology. The analysis of the system involves
evaluating its performance in terms of data rate, transmission distance, signal-to-noise
ratio, and error rate, among other parameters.

Moreover, the design and analysis of a high-speed optical communication system for
data centers require a deep understanding of various topics such as optical
communication, signal processing, network design, and data center architecture.

Furthermore, the high-speed optical communication system for data centers must also
take into account the challenges of data center environments, such as space
constraints, power limitations, and thermal management. These challenges require
innovative solutions to maximize the efficiency of the system and minimize its impact on
the data center's resources.

Some of the key technologies and techniques used in the design and analysis of high-
speed optical communication systems for data centers include wavelength-division
multiplexing (WDM), polarization-division multiplexing (PDM), and coherent detection.
These techniques enable the transmission of multiple signals simultaneously over a
single fiber, increasing the overall data rate and reducing the need for additional fibers.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

The design and analysis of a high-speed optical communication system for data centers
also require the use of simulation tools and modeling techniques to evaluate the
system's performance under different operating conditions. These tools can help
optimize the system's design and identify potential performance bottlenecks, allowing
for more efficient use of resources and better overall system performance.

In conclusion, the design and analysis of a high-speed optical communication system

for data centers is a complex and challenging task that requires a deep understanding
of various technologies, network design principles, and data center architecture.
However, with the right expertise and tools, it is possible to design and implement a
high-performance optical communication system that meets the requirements of modern
data centers.

Data centers are critical components of the modern digital infrastructure, supporting a
wide range of applications and services, including cloud computing, big data, and
artificial intelligence. As the demand for these services continues to grow, so does the
need for high-speed, low-latency, and reliable communication between data centers.

To address these requirements, high-speed optical communication systems have

become the preferred choice for data center interconnect (DCI) applications. These
systems typically use single-mode fiber (SMF) to transmit data over long distances with
low loss and high bandwidth.

One of the key challenges in designing high-speed optical communication systems for
data centers is managing the dispersion and attenuation of optical signals over long
distances. This can lead to signal degradation and ultimately limit the achievable data

To overcome this challenge, several techniques have been developed, including

dispersion compensation, optical amplification, and advanced modulation formats such
as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and coherent detection. These techniques
enable high-speed optical communication systems to achieve data rates of 400Gbps or
more over distances of several hundred kilometers.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Another important consideration in the design of high-speed optical communication

systems for data centers is power consumption. With the growing demand for data
center services, energy consumption has become a significant concern, and reducing
power consumption is essential to maintaining the sustainability of data centers.

To address this challenge, researchers are exploring new technologies such as silicon
photonics and photonic integrated circuits (PICs), which enable the integration of
multiple optical components onto a single chip, reducing the size, weight, and power
consumption of optical communication systems.

Finally, the design and analysis of high-speed optical communication systems for data
centers also require consideration of security and reliability. Optical communication
systems are vulnerable to a range of security threats, including eavesdropping, jamming,
and interception. Moreover, they must be designed to withstand the harsh operating
conditions of data center environments, including temperature, humidity, and vibration.

To address these challenges, researchers are exploring new techniques for secure
optical communication, including quantum key distribution and physical layer encryption,
as well as new materials and fabrication techniques to improve the reliability and
robustness of optical components and systems.

Overall, the design and analysis of high-speed optical communication systems for data
centers is a rapidly evolving field, driven by the need for high-performance, energy-
efficient, and secure communication infrastructure to support the growing demand for
digital services.

One of the key trends in the design and analysis of high-speed optical communication
systems for data centers is the use of software-defined networking (SDN) and network
functions virtualization (NFV). SDN and NFV enable the dynamic allocation of network
resources, allowing data centers to adapt to changing traffic patterns and optimize the
use of available bandwidth.

In addition, the emergence of cloud-native applications and services is driving the need
for more flexible and scalable data center infrastructure. This has led to the
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

development of dis aggregated data center architectures, in which compute, storage,

and network resources are decoupled and managed independently.

Dis-aggregated data center architectures present new challenges for optical

communication systems, as they require more flexible and scalable connectivity
solutions that can adapt to changing traffic patterns and resource allocations. To
address these challenges, researchers are exploring new optical switching technologies,
such as optical cross-connects and reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers
(ROADMs), as well as new network architectures, such as optical circuit switching and
optical packet switching.

Finally, the design and analysis of high-speed optical communication systems for data
centers also require consideration of regulatory and standards issues. Optical
communication systems must comply with a range of international and national
standards, including those related to safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and
interoperability. Compliance with these standards is essential to ensuring the safety and
reliability of data center infrastructure and to supporting interoperability with other
communication systems.

In conclusion, the design and analysis of high-speed optical communication systems for
data centers is a complex and challenging task that requires expertise in a range of
fields, including optical communication, network design, data center architecture,
software-defined networking, and standards compliance. However, with the right
knowledge, tools, and technologies, it is possible to design and implement high-
performance, energy-efficient, and secure communication infrastructure to support the
growing demand for digital services.

Data centers are facilities that house computer systems and associated components,
such as telecommunications and storage systems. They serve as the backbone of the
modern digital infrastructure, supporting a wide range of applications and services,
including cloud computing, big data analytis, and artificial intelligence.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

As the demand for these services continues to grow, so does the need for high-speed,
low-latency, and reliable communication between data centers. Traditional
communication methods, such as copper-based Ethernet, have limitations in terms of
bandwidth, distance, and power consumption. This has led to the adoption of high-
speed optical communication systems for data center interconnect (DCI) applications.

Optical communication systems use light to transmit data over fiber-optic cables. They
offer higher bandwidth, longer reach, and lower power consumption compared to
traditional communication systems. Optical communication systems for DCI applications
typically use single-mode fiber (SMF) to transmit data over long distances with low loss
and high bandwidth.

One of the key challenges in designing high-speed optical communication systems for
data centers is managing the dispersion and attenuation of optical signals over long
distances. Dispersion is the spreading of the optical signal due to differences in the
refractive index of the fiber at different wavelengths. Attenuation is the loss of signal
strength due to absorption and scattering.

To overcome these challenges, several techniques have been developed, including

dispersion compensation, optical amplification, and advanced modulation formats such
as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and coherent detection. These techniques
enable high-speed optical communication systems to achieve data rates of 400Gbps or
more over distances of several hundred kilometers.

Another important consideration in the design of high-speed optical communication

systems for data centers is power consumption. With the growing demand for data
center services, energy consumption has become a significant concern, and reducing
power consumption is essential to maintaining the sustainability of data centers.

To address this challenge, researchers are exploring new technologies such as silicon
photonics and photonic integrated circuits (PICs), which enable the integration of
multiple optical components onto a single chip, reducing the size, weight, and power
consumption of optical communication systems.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

The design and analysis of high-speed optical communication systems for data centers
also require consideration of security and reliability. Optical communication systems are
vulnerable to a range of security threats, including eavesdropping, jamming, and
interception. Moreover, they must be designed to withstand the harsh operating
conditions of data center environments, including temperature, humidity, and vibration.

To address these challenges, researchers are exploring new techniques for secure
optical communication, including quantum key distribution and physical layer encryption,
as well as new materials and fabrication techniques to improve the reliability and
robustness of optical components and systems.

Overall, the design and analysis of high-speed optical communication systems for data
centers is a rapidly evolving field, driven by the need for high-performance, energy-
efficient, and secure communication infrastructure to support the growing demand for
digital services.

General Objective: The general objective of designing and analyzing high-speed

optical communication systems for data centers is to develop communication
infrastructure that meets the growing demand for high-bandwidth, low-latency, and
energy-efficient connectivity between data centers.

Specifically, the objectives of the design and analysis of a high-speed optical

communication system for data centers include:

Achieving high data rates: The optical communication system should be able to transmit
data at high rates, such as 400Gbps or more, over long distances, while maintaining
signal quality and minimizing errors.

Minimizing power consumption: The optical communication system should consume as

little power as possible, while maintaining high performance, to reduce the energy
consumption of data centers.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Ensuring reliability: The optical communication system should be designed to withstand

the harsh operating conditions of data center environments, including temperature,
humidity, and vibration, to ensure reliable operation.

Enhancing security: The optical communication system should be designed to prevent

unauthorized access, interception, and tampering of data to ensure the security of data
center infrastructure and services.

Optimizing resource utilization: The optical communication system should be designed

to dynamically allocate network resources, such as bandwidth and routing, to optimize
resource utilization and support changing traffic patterns

Specific Objectives: The specific objectives of the design and analysis of a high-speed
optical communication system for data centers can vary depending on the particular
research project or application. However, some common specific objectives might

Developing new techniques for improving the performance and reliability of optical
communication systems, such as dispersion compensation, optical amplification, or
advanced modulation formats.

Evaluating the performance of different optical communication system architectures and

components under various operating conditions, such as varying distances,
temperatures, or noise levels.

Identifying new materials, fabrication techniques, or device structures that can improve
the performance, power consumption, or cost-effectiveness of optical communication

Exploring new technologies or approaches to enhance the security and privacy of

optical communication systems, such as physical layer encryption or quantum key
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Developing new algorithms or protocols for optimizing the resource utilization and
efficiency of optical communication systems, such as dynamic bandwidth allocation or
adaptive routing.

Research Gap: Integration of new technologies: While there have been significant
advances in optical communication technologies in recent years, there may still be
opportunities to integrate new technologies, such as photonic integrated circuits or
silicon photonics, into data center communication systems.

Energy efficiency: While energy efficiency is an important consideration for data center
communication systems, there may be gaps in understanding how to achieve the most
efficient systems possible. There may be opportunities to optimize power consumption
at the component level, or to develop new algorithms and protocols that improve overall
system efficiency.

Scalability: As data centers continue to grow and demand for bandwidth increases,
there may be gaps in understanding how to scale communication systems to meet
these needs. There may be opportunities to develop new architectures, protocols, or
technologies that can support higher data rates and larger-scale networks.

Security: While there has been significant work on developing secure optical
communication systems, there may still be gaps in understanding how to fully protect
data and communication channels from attacks, such as eavesdropping or jamming.

Real-world validation: While many research studies focus on simulations or laboratory

experiments, there may be gaps in understanding how well these systems perform in
real-world data center environments. There may be opportunities to conduct more
extensive field trials or to develop new methodologies for validating system performance
in actual data center environments.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Development of Smart Sensor Networks for Condition Monitoring and Fault

Detection in Industrial Systems

Martinez, John Angelo M.

De gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Introduction: Development of Smart Sensor Networks for Condition Monitoring and

Fault Detection in Industrial Systems" refers to the process of creating and
implementing a network of sensors that can collect data on the operating conditions of
machines and equipment in an industrial setting. This data can then be analyzed to
detect potential faults or failures in the system before they occur, allowing for
preventative maintenance and increased system reliability.

Smart sensor networks typically consist of a combination of physical sensors, such as

temperature, pressure, and vibration sensors, as well as digital sensors that can collect
data on machine performance, energy consumption, and other key metrics. These
sensors are often connected to a central monitoring system that can analyze the data in
real-time and provide alerts or notifications when potential issues are detected.

By implementing smart sensor networks for condition monitoring and fault detection,
industrial companies can reduce downtime, improve system reliability, and increase
overall efficiency. This technology has become increasingly important as industrial
systems become more complex and the cost of downtime and maintenance continues
to rise.

Smart sensor networks are becoming increasingly important in industrial settings as

they enable predictive maintenance, which can prevent equipment failure, reduce
downtime, and save costs associated with unscheduled maintenance. These networks
consist of a combination of sensors, data acquisition systems, and software for data
analysis and visualization.

The sensors used in smart sensor networks can be physical sensors, such as
temperature, pressure, and vibration sensors, or digital sensors that collect data on
machine performance, energy consumption, and other metrics. These sensors are
typically connected to a data acquisition system that gathers and stores the data. The
data can then be analyzed using machine learning algorithms to detect patterns and
anomalies that indicate potential faults or failures.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

In addition to detecting potential faults, smart sensor networks can also help optimize
industrial processes by providing real-time information on machine performance and
energy consumption. This can enable companies to identify opportunities for process
improvements and cost savings.

One of the key challenges in developing smart sensor networks is ensuring that the
data collected is accurate and reliable. This requires careful selection and calibration of
sensors, as well as the development of algorithms that can filter out noise and other
sources of interference.

Overall, the development of smart sensor networks for condition monitoring and fault
detection is an important area of research for industrial systems. As the use of these
networks becomes more widespread, they have the potential to revolutionize the way
industrial systems are monitored and maintained, leading to increased efficiency and
reduced downtime.

Another important consideration in the development of smart sensor networks is the

integration of data from multiple sources. In many industrial settings, there may be
multiple machines or systems that need to be monitored and analyzed together to
provide a complete picture of system performance. This requires the development of
software and algorithms that can integrate data from multiple sources and provide a
unified view of system performance.

To implement smart sensor networks in industrial settings, companies must also

consider the cost and scalability of the system. The cost of sensors, data acquisition
systems, and software can add up quickly, especially in large-scale industrial settings.
Companies must carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of implementing a smart
sensor network and develop a plan for scaling the system as needed.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of smart sensor networks for condition
monitoring and fault detection in industrial systems are significant. By providing real-
time information on system performance, these networks can enable companies to
optimize their processes, reduce downtime, and save on maintenance costs. As such,
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

the development of smart sensor networks is an important area of research that has the
potential to transform the way industrial systems are monitored and maintained.

T\he development of smart sensor networks for condition monitoring and fault detection
in industrial systems involves several fields, including electrical and mechanical
engineering, computer science, and data analysis. In the past, industrial systems were
often maintained through a schedule of routine maintenance or "run-to-failure"
maintenance, where machines were only repaired or replaced after they had failed. This
approach was inefficient, costly, and often resulted in unscheduled downtime and lost

To address these challenges, researchers began to explore the use of sensors and data
analysis techniques to monitor industrial systems in real-time and detect potential faults
or failures before they occurred. This led to the development of smart sensor networks
for condition monitoring and fault detection in industrial systems.

The development of smart sensor networks was made possible by advances in sensor
technology, data acquisition systems, and machine learning algorithms. These
technologies enabled sensors to be placed on machines and equipment to collect data
on operating conditions and performance. This data was then analyzed using machine
learning algorithms to detect patterns and anomalies that could indicate potential faults
or failures.

The initial research on smart sensor networks focused on specific applications, such as
monitoring the health of gas turbines or detecting faults in electrical power systems.
However, as the technology matured, researchers began to explore the use of smart
sensor networks in a broader range of industrial applications, including manufacturing,
transportation, and building management.development of smart sensor networks for
condition monitoring and fault detection in industrial systems involves a multidisciplinary
approach that combines expertise in engineering, computer science, and data analysis.
By bringing together these different fields, researchers have been able to develop a
powerful technology that has the potential to transform the way industrial systems are
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

monitored and maintained. In addition to the multidisciplinary approach, the background

study of the development of smart sensor networks for condition monitoring and fault
detection in industrial systems has also been influenced by several key factors:

The need for more efficient and reliable industrial systems: As industrial systems
become more complex, the cost of maintenance and downtime continues to rise. Smart
sensor networks have the potential to provide real-time data on system performance
and enable predictive maintenance, which can reduce downtime, increase reliability,
and save costs.

Advances in sensor technology: The development of sensors that are small,

inexpensive, and able to operate in harsh environments has made it possible to place
sensors on machines and equipment to collect data on operating conditions and

Advances in data analysis techniques: The use of machine learning algorithms has
enabled the analysis of large amounts of data in real-time, making it possible to detect
patterns and anomalies that could indicate potential faults or failures.

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT): The IoT has made it possible to connect sensors
and other devices to the internet, enabling real-time monitoring and control of industrial
systems from anywhere in the world.

The development of standards and protocols: The development of standards and

protocols for smart sensor networks has helped to ensure interoperability between
different systems and devices, making it easier to implement and scale these networks
in industrial settings.

The importance of data privacy and security: With the growing use of sensors and data
collection in industrial settings, ensuring the privacy and security of sensitive data has
become increasingly important. Companies must implement measures to protect data
from cyber attacks and unauthorized access, while also complying with relevant
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

The need for effective communication and visualization tools: Smart sensor networks
generate vast amounts of data, and effective communication and visualization tools are
needed to make sense of this data and provide actionable insights to decision-makers.
Dashboards, alerts, and other tools can be used to provide real-time information on
system performance and enable quick responses to potential issues.

The potential for integration with other technologies: Smart sensor networks can be
integrated with other emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and
augmented reality, to provide a more comprehensive view of industrial systems and
enable new capabilities.

The importance of collaboration and partnerships: The development of smart sensor

networks for condition monitoring and fault detection in industrial systems requires
collaboration between different stakeholders, including researchers, engineers, data
scientists, and industry partners. Public-private partnerships and industry-academia
collaborations are important for advancing this technology and ensuring its adoption.

General Objective: The general objective of the development of smart sensor networks
for condition monitoring and fault detection in industrial systems is to improve the
performance, reliability, and safety of industrial processes by continuously monitoring
the health of machines and equipment using sensors and advanced analytics.

By deploying smart sensor networks in industrial systems, it is possible to collect data

on various operating parameters, such as temperature, vibration, pressure, and flow
rates, and use this information to detect early signs of equipment failure or degradation.
This allows for proactive maintenance and repair, reducing downtime, improving
efficiency, and lowering operating costs.

Specific Objectives: The specific objective of the development of smart sensor

networks for condition monitoring and fault detection in industrial systems is to:

Increase equipment reliability: By continuously monitoring the health of machines and

equipment using sensors and advanced analytics, it is possible to detect early signs of
equipment failure or degradation, allowing for proactive maintenance and repair. This
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

can reduce downtime and improve equipment reliability, leading to increased

productivity and efficiency.

Improve safety: Faulty equipment can pose a safety risk to workers and the
environment. By detecting faults and addressing them before they become critical,
smart sensor networks can help to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working

Reduce maintenance costs: Proactive maintenance can be less expensive than reactive
maintenance since it can identify and address potential problems before they escalate
into costly repairs or replacements. Smart sensor networks can help to optimize
maintenance schedules and reduce overall maintenance costs.

Increase energy efficiency: By monitoring equipment performance, smart sensor

networks can identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy
consumption, leading to cost savings and reduced environmental impact.

Research Gap: One potential research gap in the development of smart sensor
networks for condition monitoring and fault detection in industrial systems is the need
for more sophisticated data analysis techniques to handle the large volumes of data
generated by these systems. As smart sensor networks become more complex and
diverse, the amount of data they generate can quickly become overwhelming, requiring
advanced techniques for data analysis and interpretation.

Another research gap is the need for more reliable and robust sensor technologies that
can operate in harsh industrial environments. Many industrial processes involve
extreme temperatures, pressures, or vibrations, which can cause sensor failures or
inaccuracies. Developing sensors that can withstand these conditions and provide
accurate data is an ongoing challenge.

There is also a need for more research on the integration of smart sensor networks
with other industrial systems, such as process control systems or enterprise resource
planning systems. Achieving seamless integration between these systems can be
difficult, requiring careful design and implementation.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Modeling and Simulation of Quantum Computing Architectures for Enhanced

Performance and Efficiency"

Martinez, John Angelo M.

De gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Introduction: Quantum computing has emerged as a rapidly advancing field in

computer science, offering the potential for revolutionary improvements in performance
and efficiency over traditional classical computing architectures. However, realizing
these benefits requires the development of new hardware and software architectures
that can harness the unique properties of quantum mechanics.

To design and optimize quantum computing architectures, researchers have turned to

modeling and simulation techniques. By creating accurate models of the behavior of
quantum systems and simulating their performance on different architectures,
researchers can gain insights into the best ways to structure and operate quantum
computing systems.

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the development of modeling
and simulation tools for quantum computing. These tools can simulate the behavior of
quantum circuits, error correction protocols, and even entire quantum algorithms,
allowing researchers to explore the performance and efficiency of different quantum
computing architectures under a wide range of conditions.

In this research area, one of the key challenges is to accurately model the effects of
noise and other sources of error that are inherent to quantum computing. Such errors
can cause significant degradation in the performance of quantum circuits and algorithms,
and must be carefully managed and mitigated.

Overall, the modeling and simulation of quantum computing architectures is a critical

research area that is essential for the continued development and optimization of
quantum computing systems. By leveraging these techniques, researchers can explore
new ideas and designs, optimize the performance and efficiency of existing systems,
and help realize the potential of quantum computing for a wide range of applications.

Furthermore, the field of quantum computing is still in its infancy, and there are many
unanswered questions about how best to design and operate quantum computing
systems. Modeling and simulation techniques provide a powerful tool for exploring these
questions and developing new insights into the behavior of quantum systems.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

In addition to enhancing our understanding of quantum computing systems, modeling

and simulation also play a crucial role in the practical development and deployment of
these systems. By simulating the behavior of quantum systems before they are built,
researchers can identify potential problems and optimize system designs to improve
their performance and efficiency. This can help to reduce the time and cost required to
develop and deploy quantum computing systems.

Moreover, modeling and simulation can be used to evaluate the feasibility of different
quantum computing architectures and algorithms for specific applications. This is
particularly important given the current limitations of quantum hardware and the need to
carefully match quantum computing resources with the requirements of particular

In this context, there is a growing need for advanced modeling and simulation
techniques that can handle the complexity of large-scale quantum computing systems.
These techniques must be able to accurately simulate the behavior of quantum systems,
including the effects of noise and other sources of error. They must also be scalable to
handle large and complex quantum circuits and algorithms.

As quantum computing hardware continues to improve, there is a growing need for

modeling and simulation techniques that can accurately predict the behavior of large-
scale quantum systems. These techniques must be able to handle the complexity of
quantum systems, including the effects of noise and other sources of error.

One promising approach to modeling and simulating quantum systems is the use of
tensor network methods. These methods represent quantum states as networks of
tensors, allowing for efficient computation of the behavior of large-scale quantum
systems. Tensor network methods have been used to simulate a wide range of quantum
systems, including quantum circuits, quantum error correction protocols, and many-
body quantum systems.

Another important area of research in the modeling and simulation of quantum

computing architectures is the development of hybrid classical-quantum simulation
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

techniques. These techniques combine classical computing resources with quantum

simulators to create hybrid systems that can simulate the behavior of large-scale
quantum systems more efficiently and accurately than classical computers alone.

Hybrid classical-quantum simulation techniques are particularly promising for simulating

the behavior of quantum systems that are too complex to be simulated using classical
computers alone. These techniques can be used to explore the behavior of large-scale
quantum systems, evaluate the feasibility of different quantum computing architectures
and algorithms, and optimize the performance and efficiency of quantum computing

In addition to the challenges of accurately modeling and simulating quantum computing

architectures, there are also practical challenges associated with building and operating
quantum computing systems. For example, the process of building a large-scale
quantum computer requires the integration of many different components, each of which
must be carefully optimized and tested. To address these challenges, researchers are
exploring new approaches to hardware and software design that can improve the
scalability and reliability of quantum computing systems. For example, new hardware
architectures such as superconducting qubits and trapped ions are being developed
that offer improved performance and scalability over previous generations of quantum

Similarly, new software frameworks and programming languages are being developed
that can help to streamline the process of designing and implementing quantum
algorithms. These tools can simplify the process of translating high-level quantum
algorithms into low-level hardware instructions, making it easier for researchers to
experiment with different quantum computing architectures and algorithms.

Finally, the development of quantum computing systems is a highly interdisciplinary

research area that involves experts in a wide range of fields, including physics,
computer science, engineering, and mathematics. To achieve the full potential of
quantum computing, it is essential to build strong collaborations and partnerships
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

between these different fields, and to promote the development of new tools and
techniques that can help to bridge the gaps between them.

One of the key challenges in modeling and simulating quantum computing architectures
is dealing with the effects of noise and other sources of error. Quantum systems are
highly sensitive to their environment, and even small fluctuations in temperature,
pressure, or electromagnetic fields can cause errors in quantum calculations.

To address this challenge, researchers are exploring a range of techniques for error
correction and mitigation in quantum computing systems. These techniques include
quantum error correction codes, which encode quantum states in a way that makes
them more robust to noise, and quantum error mitigation techniques, which use
classical methods to estimate and correct errors in quantum calculations.

Another important area of research in the modeling and simulation of quantum

computing architectures is the development of new optimization algorithms for quantum
hardware. Quantum optimization algorithms are used to find the best configuration of
qubits and quantum gates for a given computation, taking into account the constraints of
the underlying hardware.

These algorithms are important for improving the performance and efficiency of
quantum computing systems, and can be used to solve a wide range of optimization
problems in fields such as logistics, finance, and energy. Researchers are exploring a
range of optimization techniques for quantum hardware, including machine learning
methods, evolutionary algorithms, and simulated annealing.

These applications include quantum chemistry, where quantum systems can be used to
simulate the behavior of molecules and materials, and quantum machine learning,
where quantum systems can be used to perform complex data analysis tasks. By
exploring the potential applications of quantum computing, researchers can identify new
challenges and opportunities in the modeling and simulation of quantum computing
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

General Objective: The general objective of "Modeling and Simulation of Quantum

Computing Architectures for Enhanced Performance and Efficiency" is to develop and
analyze new quantum computing architectures that can provide better performance and
efficiency compared to existing ones. This is typically done through computer
simulations of quantum algorithms and quantum hardware designs, which allow
researchers to investigate the behavior and performance of these systems under
various conditions.

The ultimate goal is to identify new quantum computing architectures that can solve
important problems more efficiently than classical computers or existing quantum
computers, which could have significant practical applications in fields such as
cryptography, materials science, drug discovery, and machine learning. Additionally,
such research can contribute to the development of new algorithms and hardware
designs that can enable more robust and fault-tolerant quantum computing systems.

Specific Objectives: The specific objective of "Modeling and Simulation of Quantum

Computing Architectures for Enhanced Performance and Efficiency" can vary depending
on the particular research project or application. However, some common specific
objectives of this field include:

Developing new quantum computing architectures: The main objective is to develop

new hardware and software architectures for quantum computers that can provide
better performance and efficiency than existing ones.

Optimizing existing quantum computing architectures: Another objective is to optimize

existing quantum computing architectures by identifying bottlenecks or areas of
improvement and developing strategies to address them.

Designing new quantum algorithms: Researchers also aim to design new quantum
algorithms that can take advantage of the unique features of quantum computers to
solve complex problems more efficiently than classical computers.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Simulating quantum systems: A crucial objective of this field is to simulate quantum

systems to investigate their behavior and performance under various conditions, which
can provide insights into how to optimize and improve these systems.

Developing strategies for error correction and fault tolerance: Researchers also aim to
develop strategies for error correction and fault tolerance in quantum computing
systems, which are critical for realizing large-scale quantum computers that can perform
useful computations.

Research Gap: Lack of experimental validation: While computer simulations can

provide valuable insights into the behavior and performance of quantum computing
systems, there is often a gap between simulation results and experimental data.
Therefore, a research gap in this field may involve the need for more experimental
validation of simulation results to ensure that the proposed architectures and algorithms
can be implemented in practice.

Limited scalability: Another research gap is the limited scalability of current quantum
computing architectures, which can only handle relatively small numbers of qubits. As
quantum computers become larger and more complex, it becomes increasingly
challenging to simulate their behavior accurately, which can lead to inaccuracies and
errors in simulation results. Therefore, researchers need to develop new simulation
techniques that can handle larger-scale quantum computing systems.

Lack of fault-tolerant architectures: Fault tolerance is a critical requirement for quantum

computing, as quantum systems are inherently susceptible to errors and decoherence.
However, developing fault-tolerant architectures for quantum computing is still an active
area of research, and there is a need for more efficient and reliable fault-tolerant

Limited understanding of quantum algorithms: While quantum computing has the

potential to revolutionize many fields, there is still a limited understanding of how to
design and implement efficient quantum algorithms for specific problems. Therefore, a
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research gap in this field involves the need for more research on quantum algorithms
and how to optimize them for practical applications.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Exploration of Emerging Technologies for the Development of Next-Generation

Electronics and Communication Systems"

Martinez, John Angelo M.

De gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Introduction: Exploration of Emerging Technologies for the Development of Next-

Generation Electronics and Communication Systems refers to the study and
investigation of new and emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionize
the field of electronics and communication. This includes technologies such as artificial
intelligence, machine learning, 5G networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), quantum
computing, and more.

The development of next-generation electronics and communication systems is crucial

in advancing various industries such as healthcare, transportation, energy, and
entertainment. It can enable faster and more efficient communication, enhance data
storage and processing capabilities, and provide new ways to interact with the world
around us.

The exploration of emerging technologies involves researching and testing these new
technologies to understand their potential applications, limitations, and impact on
existing systems. It requires collaboration between experts in various fields, including
engineering, computer science, physics, and mathematics.

Ultimately, the goal of exploring emerging technologies is to develop innovative

solutions that can improve the efficiency, reliability, and security of electronics and
communication systems and drive progress in various industries.

The exploration of emerging technologies is not a new concept, as researchers and

scientists have been investigating and experimenting with new technologies for decades.
However, in recent years, there has been a surge of interest and investment in
emerging technologies, driven by the increasing demand for faster, more reliable, and
more secure communication systems.

One of the most promising emerging technologies in this field is 5G networks, which
promise to deliver faster and more reliable communication than current 4G networks.
5G networks have the potential to enable new applications and services, such as
autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and remote surgery.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Another emerging technology that has gained a lot of attention is the Internet of Things
(IoT), which refers to the network of connected devices that can exchange data and
communicate with each other. The IoT has the potential to transform various industries
by enabling real-time monitoring and control of devices and systems, such as
healthcare monitoring, energy management, and smart homes.

Other emerging technologies that are being explored for the development of next-
generation electronics and communication systems include artificial intelligence and
machine learning, quantum computing, and advanced materials and sensors.

One of the biggest challenges in the exploration of emerging technologies is the need to
balance innovation with practicality. While new technologies may hold great promise,
they often come with significant technical, regulatory, and economic challenges that
need to be addressed before they can be fully adopted.

To overcome these challenges, researchers and engineers often work closely with
industry partners and government agencies to develop strategies for testing, scaling,
and deploying emerging technologies in a safe and responsible manner.

In addition to technical challenges, emerging technologies also raise ethical and societal
issues that need to be carefully considered. For example, the widespread adoption of
autonomous vehicles could lead to job losses for human drivers, while the increasing
use of AI and machine learning could exacerbate existing biases and inequalities.

To address these issues, researchers and policymakers need to work together to

develop ethical and regulatory frameworks that ensure that emerging technologies are
developed and deployed in ways that promote human well-being and social justice.

Despite these challenges, the exploration of emerging technologies for the development
of next-generation electronics and communication systems is an exciting and rapidly
evolving field that promises to transform the way we interact with the world around us.
By embracing new technologies and working collaboratively, researchers and engineers
can help drive progress and innovation in a way that benefits everyone.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Another important aspect of the exploration of emerging technologies is the need to

continuously monitor and evaluate new technologies to stay ahead of the curve. This
requires a culture of experimentation and a willingness to embrace failure as a
necessary part of the innovation process.

In addition to monitoring emerging technologies, researchers and engineers also need

to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their fields. This requires
ongoing education and professional development to ensure that they have the
knowledge and skills needed to work with new technologies and adapt to changing
industry demands.

Furthermore, the exploration of emerging technologies is not limited to academia and

industry; it also requires the participation of the broader public. As emerging
technologies become more integrated into our daily lives, it is essential that individuals
have a basic understanding of how these technologies work and the potential benefits
and risks they pose.

To foster public understanding and engagement with emerging technologies,

researchers and policymakers can host public forums, workshops, and other
educational events that promote dialogue and collaboration between experts and non-
experts alike.

One of the most significant benefits of exploring emerging technologies for the
development of next-generation electronics and communication systems is the potential
for creating new opportunities and industries. By pushing the boundaries of what is
currently possible, researchers and engineers can create entirely new markets and
applications that can drive economic growth and job creation.

For example, the emergence of the IoT has given rise to new industries such as
wearable technology, smart homes, and connected cars. Similarly, advances in
quantum computing could revolutionize fields such as drug discovery, financial modeling,
and climate prediction.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Another important benefit of exploring emerging technologies is the potential to address

some of the world's most pressing challenges. For example, emerging technologies can
help us address issues such as climate change, energy security, and global health by
enabling more efficient and effective communication, data processing, and decision-

Finally, the exploration of emerging technologies for the development of next-generation

electronics and communication systems also has the potential to enhance our quality of
life by improving our ability to connect with each other and the world around us. For
example, new technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality could enable
new forms of social interaction and entertainment.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, the exploration of emerging technologies

for the development of next-generation electronics and communication systems can
also lead to significant improvements in safety and security. For example, the
development of autonomous vehicles could significantly reduce the number of traffic
accidents caused by human error, while the implementation of advanced cyber security
measures could help protect sensitive data and systems from cyber attacks.

Moreover, exploring emerging technologies can also help address issues related to
accessibility and inclusion. For example, new communication technologies such as
voice assistants and screen readers can help individuals with disabilities access
information and services more easily, while advanced sensors and wearable can help
monitor and manage health conditions.

However, it is important to acknowledge that the exploration of emerging technologies

also raises concerns about the potential negative impacts on privacy, security, and
social cohesion. These issues must be addressed through careful consideration of
ethical and regulatory frameworks that ensure that emerging technologies are
developed and deployed in ways that promote human well-being and social justice.

Another important aspect of the exploration of emerging technologies for the

development of next-generation electronics and communication systems is the need for
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

interdisciplinary collaboration. Emerging technologies often require expertise from

multiple fields, including computer science, engineering, physics, biology, and
psychology, among others.

To effectively explore emerging technologies, it is crucial to bring together experts from

these diverse fields to share knowledge, collaborate on research, and develop
innovative solutions to complex problems.

Interdisciplinary collaboration can also help researchers and engineers better

understand the social and cultural implications of new technologies. For example,
involving experts in sociology, anthropology, and philosophy can help identify and
address ethical and societal concerns related to emerging technologies.

General Objective: The general objective of the exploration of emerging technologies

for the development of next-generation electronics and communication systems is to
advance the state-of-the-art in these fields by identifying, investigating, and developing
innovative technologies that have the potential to transform the way we live, work, and
communicate with each other

This objective involves exploring and evaluating a wide range of emerging technologies,
including but not limited to artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things,
quantum computing, and advanced communication networks.

The ultimate goal of this exploration is to develop new technologies and systems that
offer significant improvements over existing technologies in terms of performance,
efficiency, functionality, and usability, while also addressing societal needs and concerns
such as privacy, security, accessibility, and sustainability.

In pursuing this objective, researchers and engineers are driven by a desire to push the
boundaries of what is currently possible and to create new opportunities and industries
that can drive economic growth and improve our quality of life. They are also motivated
by a commitment to address some of the world's most pressing challenges, such as
climate change, energy security, and global health, through the development of
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

innovative technologies that can enable more efficient and effective communication,
data processing, and decision-making.

Specific Objectives: The specific objective of the exploration of emerging technologies

for the development of next-generation electronics and communication systems can
vary depending on the specific research project or initiative. However, some common
specific objectives include:

Identifying and evaluating new technologies and systems that have the potential to
address specific technological or societal challenges. For example, researchers may
explore new materials and devices that could enable more efficient energy storage or
develop new communication networks that can better serve rural or remote

Developing and testing new prototypes or proof-of-concept systems that demonstrate

the feasibility of new technologies and enable researchers and engineers to identify
potential limitations and areas for improvement.

Conducting fundamental research to advance the scientific understanding of emerging

technologies and the underlying physical, chemical, or biological processes that govern
their behavior. This could involve exploring new theories or models, developing new
experimental techniques, or investigating the fundamental properties of new materials
or systems.

Collaborating with industry partners or other stakeholders to translate research findings

into practical applications or commercial products. This may involve developing new
standards or regulations, identifying market opportunities, or providing training and
support to enable adoption and deployment of new technologies.

Research Gap: The research gap in the exploration of emerging technologies for the
development of next-generation electronics and communication systems can vary
depending on the specific area of research or technology being investigated. However,
some common research gaps include:
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Lack of fundamental understanding: Many emerging technologies are still poorly

understood, and there is a need for fundamental research to better understand their
underlying physical, chemical, or biological processes. For example, researchers may
need to develop new models or simulation tools to better predict the behavior of new
materials or devices, or investigate the fundamental properties of new communication

Lack of standardization: Emerging technologies often lack standardization, which can

make it difficult to compare or integrate different systems and technologies. There is a
need for developing common standards, protocols, and interfaces to facilitate
interoperability and compatibility among different systems.

Lack of scalability: Some emerging technologies may be difficult to scale up from

laboratory prototypes to large-scale commercial systems. Researchers may need to
address challenges related to manufacturing, reliability, and scalability to enable
widespread adoption of new technologies.

Ethical and societal implications: Many emerging technologies raise ethical and societal
concerns related to privacy, security, and social impact. There is a need for research
and policies that address these concerns and ensure that emerging technologies are
developed and deployed in a responsible and equitable manner.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Design and Evaluation of Power Efficient Microelectromechanical Systems

(MEMS) for Sensing Applications

Martinez, John Angelo M.

De gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Introduction: The Design and Evaluation of Power Efficient Microelectromechanical

Systems (MEMS) for Sensing Applications is a research topic that aims to develop and
optimize microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for sensing applications with a focus
on power efficiency.

MEMS are small, integrated devices that combine mechanical and electrical
components to perform a variety of functions. They are widely used in sensors for
applications such as motion detection, temperature sensing, and pressure sensing.
However, the power consumption of these devices is a major concern, particularly in
battery-powered systems where energy efficiency is critical.

The goal of this research is to design and evaluate MEMS sensors with optimized
power consumption while maintaining high performance. This involves exploring various
design strategies and techniques to reduce power consumption, such as reducing the
size of the device, improving the efficiency of energy conversion, and optimizing the
control circuits.

The research also includes evaluating the performance of these devices through
various experiments and simulations. The results of this research can lead to the
development of more efficient and reliable MEMS sensors for a wide range of
applications, including wearable devices, environmental monitoring, and medical

Additionally, this research topic aims to address the challenges associated with
designing MEMS sensors that can operate in harsh environments, such as high
temperature, high pressure, and high radiation. MEMS sensors designed for these
environments require special considerations in terms of materials selection, packaging,
and design to ensure reliable operation.

Another important aspect of this research is the evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of

the designed MEMS sensors. MEMS sensors can be manufactured using a variety of
techniques, including silicon micromachining, electroforming, and molding. The cost of
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

these manufacturing techniques can vary significantly, and the choice of manufacturing
technique can affect the overall cost of the device.

In addition to the applications mentioned earlier, MEMS sensors have the potential to
revolutionize industries such as consumer electronics, automotive, and industrial
automation. For example, MEMS accelerometers are used in smartphones for screen
rotation and gaming, while MEMS gyroscopes enable navigation and motion sensing in
autonomous vehicles. MEMS pressure sensors are used in tire pressure monitoring
systems, and MEMS microphones are used in voice recognition and audio recording

The research on power-efficient MEMS sensors can also contribute to the development
of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which rely heavily on sensors for data collection and
analysis. IoT devices can be deployed in a wide range of applications, from smart
homes to industrial automation, and improving the power efficiency of MEMS sensors
can enable longer battery life and more reliable operation.

Furthermore, the development of power-efficient MEMS sensors can lead to the

miniaturization of sensors, which can enable the integration of multiple sensors in a
single device, resulting in reduced size and weight of the overall system. This can be
particularly beneficial in applications where space is limited, such as in medical implants
and aerospace systems.

One such aspect is the need to develop MEMS sensors that are robust and reliable.
MEMS sensors are often exposed to harsh environments, and the performance and
reliability of these sensors can be affected by factors such as temperature, humidity,
and mechanical stress. Therefore, it is important to design MEMS sensors that can
withstand these environmental factors while maintaining high performance.

Another important aspect of this research is the need to develop MEMS sensors that
can operate with low power consumption while still providing high accuracy and
sensitivity. This requires careful optimization of the design, as well as the use of
advanced signal processing techniques.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Furthermore, the development of power-efficient MEMS sensors requires a deep

understanding of the physics and mechanics of the devices. This involves modeling and
simulation of the devices, as well as experimental validation of the models. This
research can lead to a better understanding of the behavior of MEMS sensors, which
can in turn enable more accurate and efficient designs.

Finally, the development of power-efficient MEMS sensors also requires a focus on

sustainability and environmental impact. The use of MEMS sensors in a wide range of
applications can lead to significant reductions in energy consumption and resource use.
However, the production and disposal of these sensors can also have environmental
impacts. Therefore, it is important to consider the full life cycle of these devices, from
manufacturing to end-of-life disposal, in order to minimize their environmental impact.

In addition to the challenges of designing power-efficient MEMS sensors, there are also
challenges related to their integration with other components and systems. MEMS
sensors often need to be integrated with other electronic components, such as
amplifiers, filters, and control circuits, in order to provide useful data. Therefore, it is
important to develop methods for integrating MEMS sensors with other components
while maintaining low power consumption and high performance.

Moreover, the miniaturization of MEMS sensors has led to the development of

microsystems, which are integrated systems that include multiple MEMS sensors and
other electronic components. These microsystems can be used for a wide range of
applications, such as biomedical sensing and environmental monitoring. However, the
development of microsystems requires careful integration of the components, as well as
the optimization of the power consumption and performance of the system as a whole.

Another important consideration in the design of power-efficient MEMS sensors is the

impact of variability. Variability refers to the natural variations in the performance of
MEMS sensors due to manufacturing tolerances, material properties, and other factors.
These variations can affect the accuracy and reliability of the sensors, and therefore
need to be carefully considered in the design and evaluation of MEMS sensors.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

MEMS sensors often require complex packaging and encapsulation in order to protect
them from the environment and to ensure reliable operation. The packaging and
encapsulation can have a significant impact on the power consumption and
performance of the sensors, and therefore need to be carefully designed and optimized.

The design of power-efficient MEMS sensors often involves trade-offs between power
consumption, sensitivity, and accuracy. For example, reducing the power consumption
of a sensor can lead to reduced sensitivity and accuracy, while increasing the sensitivity
and accuracy can lead to increased power consumption. Therefore, it is important to
carefully balance these trade-offs in order to achieve optimal performance.

MEMS sensors can also be affected by noise and interference from other electronic
components and systems. Therefore, it is important to develop methods for reducing
noise and interference, such as shielding and filtering, in order to ensure reliable

The development of power-efficient MEMS sensors also requires consideration of the

manufacturing process. MEMS sensors can be fabricated using a wide range of
techniques, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is
important to select the appropriate manufacturing technique based on factors such as
cost, scalability, and performance requirements.

The design and evaluation of power-efficient MEMS sensors requires a strong

understanding of the application requirements and constraints. The design of a MEMS
sensor for a biomedical application, for example, may require different considerations
than the design of a sensor for an industrial automation application. Therefore, it is
important to carefully consider the specific application requirements and to tailor the
design accordingly.

MEMS sensors are becoming increasingly important for the development of smart and
connected devices, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable technology.
These devices require sensors that are small, low power, and capable of
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

communicating wirelessly with other devices. Therefore, the development of power-

efficient MEMS sensors is critical for the growth of these technologies.

MEMS sensors can also be used for energy harvesting, which involves converting
ambient energy sources, such as light or vibration, into electrical energy. This can be
used to power other electronic components, reducing the overall power consumption of
the system. Therefore, the development of power-efficient MEMS sensors can have a
significant impact on the development of energy harvesting technologies.

The development of power-efficient MEMS sensors also requires consideration of the

system-level power consumption. This includes not only the power consumption of the
sensors themselves, but also the power consumption of other electronic components,
such as micro-controllers and communication modules. Therefore, it is important to
optimize the power consumption of the entire system in order to achieve the desired
performance and battery life.

General Objective: The general objective of Design and Evaluation of Power Efficient
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) for Sensing Applications is to develop and
optimize MEMS-based sensors that are highly power-efficient and suitable for various
sensing applications. This involves the design and fabrication of MEMS devices with low
power consumption and high sensitivity, as well as the evaluation of their performance
in different sensing applications, such as biomedical sensing, environmental monitoring,
and industrial sensing. The goal is to create MEMS-based sensors that can operate for
extended periods on low power and are cost-effective, reliable, and accurate. The
research also aims to explore new materials, designs, and fabrication techniques that
can further enhance the power efficiency and sensitivity of MEMS sensors.

Specific Objectives: The specific objective of "Design and Evaluation of Power

Efficient Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) for Sensing Applications" may vary
depending on the particular research project or study. However, some possible specific
objectives could include:
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Developing new MEMS-based sensor designs that are optimized for low power
consumption and high sensitivity in specific sensing applications, such as pressure
sensing or chemical sensing.

Investigating the use of novel materials or fabrication techniques to enhance the power
efficiency and performance of MEMS sensors.

Evaluating the performance of MEMS-based sensors in terms of their power

consumption, sensitivity, accuracy, and stability over time.

Comparing the performance of MEMS-based sensors to other types of sensing

technologies in terms of power consumption, sensitivity, and cost-effectiveness.

Identifying potential applications for MEMS-based sensors that require low power
consumption, such as wearable devices or wireless sensor networks, and developing
sensors that are optimized for these applications.

Developing new methods for powering MEMS-based sensors, such as energy

harvesting or wireless power transfer, to further reduce their power consumption and
increase their efficiency.

Research Gap: Limited understanding of the relationship between power consumption

and sensitivity in MEMS-based sensors for specific applications. This gap may require
further investigation of the trade-offs between power consumption and sensitivity to
optimize sensor performance.

Lack of consensus on the most effective materials or fabrication techniques for creating
low-power MEMS-based sensors. This gap may require further exploration of new
materials and fabrication techniques to enhance the power efficiency and performance
of MEMS sensors.

Limited research on the long-term stability and reliability of low-power MEMS-based

sensors. This gap may require further evaluation of the performance of MEMS-based
sensors over extended periods to ensure their long-term stability and reliability.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Inadequate knowledge of the potential applications of low-power MEMS-based sensors

in various fields. This gap may require further investigation of the unique requirements
of different sensing applications and the suitability of MEMS-based sensors for those

Limited research on new methods for powering MEMS-based sensors, such as energy
harvesting or wireless power transfer. This gap may require further exploration of new
methods to power MEMS-based sensors to further reduce their power consumption and
increase their efficiency.
Republic of the
41 Philippines
College of Engineering

Design and Implementation of a Robotic Harvesting System with Real-

time Quality Assessment for Fruits and Vegetables

De Gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Martinez, John Angelo M.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the
42 Philippines
College of Engineering

Background of the Study:

The agriculture industry is facing significant challenges in meeting the

increasing demand for high-quality produce, while also addressing issues
such as labor shortages, food waste, and environmental sustainability. To
address these challenges, there has been growing interest in the
development of robotic systems for agriculture, particularly for tasks such as

In this study, we aim to design and implement a robotic harvesting

system with real-time quality assessment for fruits and vegetables. The
system will use robotic arms and sensors to assess the quality of the produce
in real-time, and select only the highest-quality items for harvesting. The
system will also be designed to be efficient, precise, and cost-effective.

The implementation of such a system has the potential to revolutionize

the agriculture industry, by improving the efficiency of harvesting operations,
reducing labor costs, and improving the overall quality of the crop. Additionally,
the use of a robotic harvesting system with real-time quality assessment can
also address other challenges faced by the agriculture industry, such as food
waste and environmental sustainability.

The study will involve several stages, including the design and
development of hardware and software components, testing and evaluation of
the system's performance in real-world conditions, and analysis of the
economic and environmental impacts of using such a system. We will also
explore the challenges and limitations of the system, and work towards
solutions that can address these issues.

This study is likely related to the development of a robotic system for

harvesting fruits and vegetables. This system is designed to assess the
quality of the produce in real-time, ensuring that only the highest-quality items
are selected for harvesting.

The background of this study may be motivated by several factors,

including the need to address labor shortages in the agricultural sector, the
Republic of the
43 Philippines
College of Engineering

desire to improve the efficiency of harvesting operations, and the demand for
higher-quality produce. Additionally, the use of robotics and automation in
agriculture has become an increasingly popular topic in recent years, as
technology has advanced and become more accessible.

The study may involve the design and development of hardware and
software components for the robotic harvesting system, as well as testing and
evaluation of the system's performance in real-world conditions. It may also
explore the economic and environmental impacts of using such a system, as
well as potential challenges and limitations that may need to be addressed.

The development of a robotic harvesting system with real-time quality

assessment has the potential to revolutionize the agriculture industry by
improving efficiency and reducing labor costs. Traditionally, harvesting crops
has been a labor-intensive process that relies on human workers to identify
and pick the best-quality produce. However, this process can be time-
consuming, costly, and prone to errors.

A robotic harvesting system can address these issues by automating

the process and using sensors and algorithms to assess the quality of the
produce in real-time. This allows for more precise and efficient harvesting, as
only the highest-quality items are selected for picking.

The design and implementation of such a system can involve several

components, including robotic arms, sensors for assessing quality parameters
such as color, size, and texture, and machine learning algorithms for decision-
making. The system may also include a user interface for monitoring and
controlling the harvesting process.

Real-time quality assessment is an important feature of this system, as

it allows for more accurate selection of produce and reduces the likelihood of
damage or spoilage. This can improve the overall quality of the crop and
increase its market value.

In terms of challenges and limitations, the design and implementation

of a robotic harvesting system can be complex and expensive, and may
Republic of the
44 Philippines
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require significant investment in research and development. The system may

also require ongoing maintenance and updates to ensure optimal
performance. Additionally, the system may not be suitable for all types of
crops or growing conditions.

In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, the use of a robotic

harvesting system with real-time quality assessment can also address other
challenges faced by the agriculture industry. For example, it can help to
reduce food waste by ensuring that only high-quality produce is harvested,
which can also lead to increased profits for farmers. It can also reduce the
reliance on manual labor, which can be difficult to find and costly, especially
during peak harvest season.

Another benefit of this system is that it can be used to collect data on

crop yields, quality, and other parameters. This data can be used to optimize
crop management strategies, such as planting density, irrigation, and
fertilization, and ultimately improve crop yields and quality.

The development of a robotic harvesting system with real-time quality

assessment is a multidisciplinary effort that involves expertise from several
fields, including robotics, computer vision, machine learning, and agriculture.
Collaboration between these fields can lead to innovative solutions that can
address the challenges faced by the agriculture industry.

General Objective:

The general objective of this study is to develop a robotic system that can
automate the harvesting process and assess the quality of produce in real-
time. The system aims to improve the efficiency and precision of harvesting
operations, reduce labor costs, and increase the overall quality of the crop.
Additionally, the study aims to explore the potential economic and
environmental impacts of using such a system, and address any challenges
and limitations that may arise in its implementation. Ultimately, the goal of the
Republic of the
45 Philippines
College of Engineering

study is to contribute to the development of more sustainable and efficient

food production systems for the agriculture industry.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this study are:

1. To design and develop the hardware and software components of the

robotic harvesting system, including the robotic arms and sensors for real-
time quality assessment.

2. To optimize the system's performance in terms of speed, accuracy, and

energy efficiency, while ensuring that it can handle different types of fruits
and vegetables.

3. To integrate machine learning algorithms for decision-making based on

the quality assessment data.

4. To conduct field testing and evaluation of the system's performance in

real-world conditions, including assessing the accuracy of quality
assessment and the efficiency of harvesting.

5. To analyze the potential economic and environmental impacts of using the

robotic harvesting system, including its impact on labor costs, crop yields,
and food waste reduction.

6. To identify and address any challenges and limitations that arise during
the design and implementation process, and work towards solutions that
can ensure the system's optimal performance and scalability.

7. To contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of agricultural robotics

and automation, and provide insights that can inform future research and
development in this area.
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46 Philippines
College of Engineering

Research Gap:

Although there has been significant progress in the development of robotic

systems for agriculture, there is still a research gap in the area of robotic
harvesting systems with real-time quality assessment. While existing systems
can automate the harvesting process, they often lack the ability to assess the
quality of produce in real-time, which can result in sub optimal crop yields and
quality. Additionally, many existing systems are not cost-effective or efficient
enough to be widely adopted by farmers.

Therefore, there is a need for the development of a robotic harvesting system

that can assess the quality of produce in real-time, while also being efficient,
cost-effective, and capable of handling different types of fruits and vegetables.
This research gap presents an opportunity to develop a new and innovative
solution that can address the challenges faced by the agriculture industry, and
contribute to the development of more sustainable and efficient food
production systems.
Republic of the
47 Philippines
College of Engineering

Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Robot for Efficient Waste

Collection using Hydroelectric Energy in Coastal Areas

De Gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Martinez, John Angelo M.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the
48 Philippines
College of Engineering

Background of the Study:

The increasing problem of waste accumulation in coastal areas has

become a significant environmental and social issue, affecting the health and
livelihoods of people living in those areas. Conventional waste management
methods, including manual collection and transportation, have proven to be
insufficient and inefficient, resulting in increased costs, environmental pollution,
and health hazards.

The development of autonomous robots for waste collection has

emerged as a promising solution to this problem. Autonomous robots can
efficiently collect and dispose of waste, reduce labor costs, and improve the
overall waste management process. However, the current battery-powered
robots have limited battery life, and frequent charging can increase
operational costs.

To address these limitations, this study proposes the design and

implementation of an autonomous robot that uses hydroelectric energy for its
operation. The robot will utilize the water flow in coastal areas to generate
electricity and recharge its batteries, making it energy-efficient and
sustainable. The study also aims to develop an efficient waste collection
system that can handle various types of waste and ensure proper disposal.

The proposed study can contribute to sustainable development in

coastal areas and improve the overall waste management process. The use
of hydroelectric energy can promote renewable energy use, reduce the
dependence on fossil fuels, and contribute to environmental protection. The
development of the autonomous robot can also have potential implications for
waste management and robotics industries, opening up new opportunities for
innovation and growth.

This study revolves around the increasing problem of waste

management in coastal areas. The growing population and urbanization,
coupled with inadequate waste management infrastructure, have resulted in
Republic of the
49 Philippines
College of Engineering

waste accumulation in coastal areas. This waste not only poses a threat to the
environment but also affects the livelihoods of the people living in those areas.

To address this problem, researchers and engineers have been

working on developing efficient waste management technologies, and
autonomous robots have emerged as a promising solution. The use of
autonomous robots for waste collection can significantly reduce human labor,
increase efficiency, and improve the overall waste management process.
However, the current battery-powered robots have limited battery life, and the
need for frequent charging increases operational costs.

The proposed autonomous robot for waste collection in coastal areas

will be equipped with advanced sensors, navigation systems, and
communication technologies. The robot will be able to collect waste from
various terrains and terrains, including sandy beaches, rocky cliffs, and
coastal wetlands. The robot's sensors will detect and classify different types of
waste, and the navigation system will guide the robot to the collection points.

To ensure proper disposal of waste, the robot will be equipped with a

compacting and sorting system that can compress the waste and separate
recyclable materials. The robot's communication system will also allow for
real-time monitoring and control of the waste collection process, enabling
remote operation and maintenance.

The study will also explore the potential for using the hydroelectric
energy generated by the robot for other applications in coastal areas, such as
powering other devices or providing energy for remote communities. The
implementation of such a system can contribute to the sustainable
development of coastal areas and reduce the environmental impact of waste

Moreover, the proposed study can have several potential benefits for
coastal communities, such as improving the cleanliness and hygiene of the
coastal areas, reducing the risk of environmental pollution and health hazards,
and boosting the tourism industry's growth. The use of hydroelectric energy in
Republic of the
50 Philippines
College of Engineering

the robot's operation can also contribute to reducing the dependence on fossil
fuels and promote renewable energy use.

The study will also contribute to the advancement of robotics and

automation technology, particularly in waste management applications. The
development of the proposed autonomous robot can open up new
opportunities for other waste management applications and contribute to the
growth of the robotics industry.

The implementation of the proposed system, however, can face several

challenges, such as the design and development of the hydroelectric
generator, ensuring the robot's durability and resilience in harsh coastal
environments, and ensuring the safety and reliability of the robot's operation.
Additionally, the system's economic feasibility and potential for scalability can
also be important factors to consider.

General Objective:

To design and implement an autonomous robot for efficient waste collection

using hydroelectric energy in coastal areas.

Specific Objectives:

The specific objectives of this study are:

1. To develop a hydroelectric generator system for powering the

autonomous robot

2. To design and implement a waste collection system for the autonomous

robot, including sensors for waste detection and sorting mechanisms

3. To develop a navigation system for the autonomous robot to navigate

through different terrains and collect waste from various collection points

4. To implement a communication system for real-time monitoring and

control of the waste collection process
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51 Philippines
College of Engineering

5. To evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the autonomous robot in

waste collection in coastal areas.

Research Gap:

Existing waste collection systems in coastal areas are limited in their

efficiency and sustainability. There is a research gap in the development of
autonomous robots for waste collection that utilize hydroelectric energy in
coastal areas, which can offer a sustainable and efficient solution to the
growing waste management problem. The proposed study aims to address
this research gap by designing and implementing an autonomous robot for
waste collection using hydroelectric energy.
Republic of the
52 Philippines
College of Engineering

Development of a Smart Waste Segregation Robot using GSM and IoT

De Gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Martinez, John Angelo M.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the
53 Philippines
College of Engineering

Background of the Study:

Waste management is a major environmental issue that needs urgent

attention. The global population is increasing rapidly, leading to an increase in
waste generation. To combat this problem, various waste management
techniques have been developed, but they have not been fully effective in
reducing the amount of waste generated. A promising solution to this problem
is the development of smart waste management systems that use advanced
technologies such as GSM and IoT to improve the efficiency of waste
management. This study focuses on the development of a smart waste
segregation robot using GSM and IoT.

The concept of smart waste management is based on the use of

advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Global
System for Mobile Communications (GSM). IoT enables the interconnection of
various devices, allowing them to communicate and share data. GSM
provides a means of communication between devices using mobile networks.
These technologies can be used to develop smart waste management
systems that can efficiently collect and segregate waste.

The use of robots in waste management has gained significant

attention in recent years. The advantages of using robots in waste
management include increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved safety.
Robots can be programmed to perform various tasks such as waste collection,
segregation, and disposal.

On the other hand, the Internet of things (IoT) refers to a system of

interconnected devices, digital or often some analog machine that enriches
the ability to transfer data over a network beyond demanding human to
computer interactions. A statistic on IoT (FUSON, 2020) estimated that
average up to 127 new IoT devices being connected with public networks
every second. Following the speedy growth, 328 million things are being
connected every month. These statistics show how IoT would become
significant in modern computing. As the popularity of IoT increasing day by
Republic of the
54 Philippines
College of Engineering

day, the business market of IoT has also been increased. The statistics
calculated that the global market of IoT will be $151.2 billion in 2023 only in
smart home sectors. The whole IoT market can be classified into several
branches such as heath market, banking and financial transaction, and
education and training types of equipment. Researchers believe that all the
digital and analog devices will be brought under the control of IoT in the
following years. According to STATISTA (STATISTA, 2020), the projected
market of IoT will be $1.1Trillion in the year 2023. These statistics significantly
remarks on how IoT plays a vital role in the digital world.

The concept of waste segregation has been around for a long time and
is an important aspect of waste management. It involves separating waste
into different categories based on its composition, such as organic, recyclable,
hazardous, and non-recyclable waste. In recent years, there has been an
increasing focus on the development of smart cities, which use advanced
technologies to improve the quality of life for citizens. Smart waste
management is an important component of smart cities, and the development
of smart waste segregation robots can contribute to this goal.

The use of GSM and IoT in waste management has been gaining
momentum in recent years. GSM provides a reliable and cost-effective means
of communication between devices, while IoT allows for the interconnection of
devices and the collection and sharing of data. The development of a smart
waste segregation robot using GSM and IoT can address one of the main
challenges in waste management, which is the lack of proper segregation at
the source. This can lead to contamination of recyclable waste and a higher
cost of processing waste. The robot can ensure proper segregation of waste
at the source, which can help reduce the environmental impact of waste
management and improve public health.

The use of robots in waste management has several advantages, such

as increased efficiency, reduced labor costs, and improved safety. The
development of a smart waste segregation robot using GSM and IoT can
further enhance these benefits by enabling real-time monitoring of the waste
Republic of the
55 Philippines
College of Engineering

management process. The impact of improper waste management on the

environment and human health is significant. It can lead to pollution of air,
water, and soil, and the spread of diseases. The development of a smart
waste segregation robot using GSM and IoT can help reduce the
environmental impact of waste management and improve public health.

General Objective:

The general objective of the study "Development of a Smart Waste

Segregation Robot using GSM and IoT" is to design and develop a robot that
can segregate waste into different categories based on its composition using
advanced technologies such as GSM and IoT. The robot will be equipped with
sensors to detect the type of waste and will use artificial intelligence
algorithms to make decisions about how to sort the waste. The aim is to
create an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly system for
waste management that can contribute to the development of smart cities.

Specific Objectives:

The specific objectives of this study are:

1. To review existing literature on waste segregation, waste management,
and the use of robots in waste management.

2. To identify the requirements for developing a smart waste segregation

robot using GSM and IoT, including the hardware and software
components, the communication protocols, and the sensors required.

3. To design and develop the hardware and software components of the

smart waste segregation robot, including the microcontroller, sensors,
actuators, and communication module.
Republic of the
56 Philippines
College of Engineering

4. To test the functionality of the smart waste segregation robot, including its
ability to detect and sort different types of waste, and its communication

5. To evaluate the performance of the smart waste segregation robot in

terms of its efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness compared to
traditional waste management systems.

Research Gap:

One possible research gap in the study "Development of a Smart

Waste Segregation Robot using GSM and IoT" is the lack of research on the
integration of GSM and IoT in waste segregation robots. While there have
been studies on waste segregation robots and the use of advanced
technologies in waste management, there is a need for more research on the
specific application of GSM and IoT in waste segregation robots.

Another potential research gap is the lack of research on the

environmental impact of smart waste segregation robots. While the use of
robots in waste management has several advantages, including increased
efficiency and reduced labor costs, there is a need to evaluate their impact on
the environment and public health. This can include assessing the potential
for the robot to reduce waste contamination and improve the recycling
process, as well as the energy consumption and carbon footprint associated
with its operation.

Furthermore, there may be a research gap on the economic viability of

implementing smart waste segregation robots in waste management. While
the use of advanced technologies such as GSM and IoT can improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of waste segregation, it is important to evaluate
the cost-effectiveness of implementing such a system. This includes
assessing the costs associated with developing and deploying the robot, as
well as the potential savings and benefits to the waste management system
and the community.
Republic of the
57 Philippines
College of Engineering

Development of an Autonomous Lawn Mower Robot with Advanced

Object Detection and Classification for Efficient Trash Separation

De Gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Martinez, John Angelo M.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the
58 Philippines
College of Engineering

Background of the Study:

The need for efficient waste management solutions has become

increasingly critical due to the rapid growth in population and urbanization.
Traditional waste management methods have proven to be costly, time-
consuming, and often ineffective. Autonomous robots are emerging as a
promising solution for efficient waste management, and autonomous lawn
mower robots, in particular, are becoming increasingly popular for maintaining
lawns and gardens.

This study aims to develop an autonomous lawn mower robot with

advanced object detection and classification for efficient trash separation. The
proposed technology aims to enhance the existing technology by
incorporating computer vision algorithms to identify and classify various
objects on the lawn, including grass, stones, and trash. The trash will be
separated from the lawn and collected in a separate container, thereby
improving the efficiency of the waste management process.

The proposed innovation has the potential to revolutionize the waste

management industry by reducing the cost and time required for waste
management while promoting environmental sustainability by reducing
pollution and increasing recycling. Additionally, the incorporation of advanced
object detection and classification techniques can improve the overall
performance of the autonomous lawn mower robot, making it more efficient
and effective.

The rapid population growth and urbanization have resulted in an

increase in the amount of waste generated, leading to environmental pollution
and health hazards. Traditional waste management methods, such as manual
garbage collection, are time-consuming, costly, and often ineffective.

In this context, autonomous robots have emerged as a promising

solution for efficient waste management. Autonomous lawn mower robots, in
particular, are becoming increasingly popular for maintaining lawns and
Republic of the
59 Philippines
College of Engineering

gardens. However, they can also be used for trash separation, which can
improve the efficiency of waste management processes.

The proposed autonomous lawn mower robot aims to enhance the

existing technology by incorporating advanced object detection and
classification techniques to identify and separate trash from the lawn. The
robot will use computer vision algorithms to detect and classify various objects
on the lawn, including grass, stones, and trash. The trash will be separated
from the lawn and collected in a separate container, improving the efficiency
of the waste management process.

The development of an autonomous lawn mower robot with advanced

object detection and classification for efficient trash separation has the
potential to revolutionize the waste management industry. The proposed
technology can reduce the cost and time required for waste management
while also promoting environmental sustainability by reducing pollution and
increasing recycling.

The proposed autonomous lawn mower robot can reduce the physical
strain on manual laborers, who are often tasked with collecting and separating
waste. This can help to promote safer and healthier working conditions for
those involved in waste management.

Furthermore, the incorporation of advanced object detection and

classification techniques into the autonomous lawn mower robot can also
improve its overall performance. By accurately identifying and classifying
objects on the lawn, the robot can avoid obstacles, navigate around the lawn
efficiently, and ensure that the grass is cut evenly and at the desired length.

The development of the proposed autonomous lawn mower robot with

advanced object detection and classification involves a combination of
hardware and software components. The robot's hardware includes motors,
sensors, cameras, and a microcontroller or a single-board computer, such as
a Raspberry Pi. The software component includes computer vision algorithms,
machine learning models, and control algorithms.
Republic of the
60 Philippines
College of Engineering

The computer vision algorithms and machine learning models are used
to identify and classify objects on the lawn. For example, the robot can be
trained to distinguish between grass, stones, and various types of trash, such
as plastic bottles and wrappers. The control algorithms are used to ensure
that the robot moves around the lawn efficiently, avoiding obstacles and
cutting the grass evenly.

The trash separation component of the robot involves collecting the

trash in a separate container or compartment. This can be achieved using a
combination of suction or mechanical arms that pick up the trash and deposit
it into the container. The container can be easily removed and emptied by
waste management personnel.

The proposed autonomous lawn mower robot has several potential

benefits beyond waste management. For example, it can reduce the noise
pollution associated with traditional lawn mowers, as well as reduce the need
for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Additionally, it can be used for precision
farming, where it can be trained to identify and remove weeds from crops,
without damaging the crops themselves.

General Objective:

The general objective of the study is to develop an autonomous lawn mower

robot with advanced object detection and classification for efficient trash
separation. The study aims to enhance existing autonomous lawn mower
robot technology by incorporating advanced computer vision algorithms to
identify and classify various objects on the lawn, including grass, stones, and
trash. The primary focus of this study is to develop a solution that can improve
the efficiency of waste management processes and provide a more efficient
and cost-effective waste management solution.
Republic of the
61 Philippines
College of Engineering

Specific Objectives:

The specific objectives of this study are:

1. To review the existing autonomous lawn mower robot technology and

identify the limitations in the current systems.

2. To develop advanced object detection and classification algorithms for

identifying and separating trash on the lawn.

3. To integrate the developed algorithms with the autonomous lawn mower

robot hardware, including motors, sensors, cameras, and a micro
controller or a single-board computer.

4. To test and validate the performance of the developed autonomous lawn

mower robot with advanced object detection and classification for efficient
trash separation.

5. To compare the performance of the developed robot with traditional lawn

mowers and evaluate its potential to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of waste management processes.

6. To identify potential applications of the developed autonomous lawn

mower robot beyond waste management, such as precision farming.

Research Gap:

The research gap in the field of autonomous lawn mower robots is the lack of
efficient waste management solutions using these robots. Existing systems
are limited to cutting grass and do not have the capability to separate trash
efficiently. The use of computer vision algorithms for efficient trash separation
is also limited. This study aims to bridge the research gap by developing an
autonomous lawn mower robot with advanced object detection and
classification for efficient trash separation. The proposed technology can
enhance the existing technology and provide a more efficient and cost-
effective waste management solution, promoting environmental sustainability
and contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.
Republic of the
62 Philippines
College of Engineering

Intelligent Autonomous Robotic System for River Cleaning and

Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence

De Gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Martinez, John Angelo M.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the
63 Philippines
College of Engineering

Background of the Study:

Rivers are an important natural resource that supports various forms of

life, including humans, animals, and plants. They play a critical role in
regulating the water cycle, maintaining the balance of aquatic ecosystems,
and providing a range of socio-economic benefits. However, due to human
activities, rivers are facing numerous threats such as pollution, erosion, and
sedimentation, which can cause severe damage to the environment and the
economy. Cleaning and monitoring rivers can be a challenging and costly task,
particularly in large rivers that are difficult to access. Therefore, the
development of an intelligent autonomous robotic system for river cleaning
and monitoring using artificial intelligence has become an urgent need.

River cleaning and monitoring are essential activities that help to

maintain the health of aquatic ecosystems and protect human health.
Traditionally, these activities are carried out manually, which is time-
consuming, labor-intensive, and can pose a risk to human life. In recent years,
there has been a growing interest in the use of autonomous robotic systems
for river cleaning and monitoring. These systems offer several advantages,
such as increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved safety.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the
development of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that usually
require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-
making. AI technologies, such as machine learning and computer vision, have
been widely used in various fields, including robotics, to develop intelligent
systems that can perform complex tasks.

AI is a field of computer science devoted to creating computing

machines and systems that perform operations analogous to human learning
and decision-making. As the Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence describes it, AI is “the scientific understanding of the mechanisms
underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in
machines.”6 As described below, the level of intelligence in any particular
Republic of the
64 Philippines
College of Engineering

implementation of AI can vary greatly, and the term does not imply human-
level intelligence. AI involves many functionalities, including but not limited to:
a) learning, which includes several approaches such as deep learning (for
perceptual tasks), transfer learning, reinforcement learning, and combinations
thereof; b) understanding, or deep knowledge representation required for
domain-specific tasks, such as cardiology, accounting, and law; c) reasoning,
which comes in several varieties, such as deductive, inductive, temporal,
probabilistic, and quantitative; and d) interaction, with people or other
machines to collaboratively perform tasks, and for learning from the
environment. The promise of artificial intelligence has been around since the
era of electromechanical computing began after WWII. But hope has long
raced far ahead of reality. At the first AI conference, held at Dartmouth College
in 1956, the view was that AI could almost be achieved in one summer’s worth
of work. In the 1960s and 1970s, some computer scientists predicted that
within a decade we would see machines that could think like humans. In 1965,
the Nobel laureate Herbert Simon predicted that “machines will be capable,
within 20 years, of doing any work a man can do.”7 Two years later, AI
pioneer Marvin Minsky predicted, “In from three to eight years we will have a
machine with the general intelligence of an average human being.”8 Around
the same time, legendary computer scientist John McCarthy told the U.S.
Department of Defense that it would be possible to build “a fully intelligent
machine” in the space of a decade. (D.Castro & J.New, 2016)

The research will involve several stages, including system design,

prototyping, and testing. The system design will involve the development of a
conceptual design of the robotic system, including the selection of sensors,
actuators, and control systems. The prototyping stage will involve the
construction of a physical prototype of the system, which will be used to test
the functionality and performance of the system. The testing stage will involve
field tests of the system in a real river environment to evaluate its
performance in terms of navigation, waste collection, and water quality
Republic of the
65 Philippines
College of Engineering

The development of an intelligent autonomous robotic system for river

cleaning and monitoring using artificial intelligence is expected to yield several
benefits, including increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved safety.
The system will be capable of navigating autonomously in rivers, identifying
and collecting waste and debris, and monitoring water quality using various
sensors. The system will also be able to transmit data to a control center for
real-time analysis and decision-making. The successful implementation of this
system can significantly contribute to the preservation of river ecosystems and
the protection of human health.

The development of an intelligent autonomous robotic system for river

cleaning and monitoring using artificial intelligence is a critical need. The
proposed system will offer several advantages over traditional methods,
including increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved safety. The
system will be capable of autonomously navigating in rivers, identifying and
collecting waste and debris, and monitoring water quality using various
sensors. The successful implementation of this system can significantly
contribute to the preservation of river ecosystems and the protection of human

General Objective:

The general objective of this research is to develop an intelligent autonomous

robotic system for river cleaning and monitoring using artificial intelligence.
This system will be designed to operate autonomously in rivers, identify and
collect waste and debris, and monitor water quality using various sensors.
The system will also be capable of transmitting data to a control center for
real-time analysis and decision-making. The overall goal is to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of river cleaning and monitoring while reducing
costs and improving safety. The successful implementation of this system will
contribute to the preservation of river ecosystems and the protection of human
Republic of the
66 Philippines
College of Engineering

Specific Objectives:

The specific objectives of this study are:

1. To design and develop an intelligent autonomous robotic system for river

cleaning and monitoring that is capable of navigating autonomously in
rivers, identifying and collecting waste and debris, and monitoring water
quality using various sensors.

2. To integrate artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as machine

learning and computer vision, into the robotic system to enable it to learn
from its environment, make informed decisions, and adapt to changing

3. To optimize the system's performance by improving its efficiency and

accuracy in waste collection, water quality monitoring, and navigation.

4. To test and evaluate the performance of the robotic system in a real river
environment to determine its effectiveness in terms of waste collection,
water quality monitoring, and navigation.

5. To assess the economic and environmental benefits of the system by

comparing its cost-effectiveness and environmental impact to traditional
river cleaning and monitoring methods.

6. To identify potential barriers and challenges to the adoption and

implementation of the system and develop strategies to overcome them.

Research Gap:

The proposed research on developing an intelligent autonomous

robotic system for river cleaning and monitoring using artificial intelligence
addresses several research gaps in the field of river cleaning and monitoring.
These research gaps include limited automation in river cleaning and
monitoring, inefficient waste collection, limited water quality monitoring, lack of
integration of AI in river cleaning and monitoring, and limited research on the
Republic of the
67 Philippines
College of Engineering

economic and environmental benefits of autonomous river cleaning and

monitoring systems.

Traditional methods of river cleaning and monitoring rely heavily on

manual labor, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and can pose a risk to
human life. This research proposes the development of autonomous systems
that can perform these tasks efficiently and safely. The current methods of
waste collection in rivers are often inefficient, resulting in significant amounts
of waste remaining in the river. The research proposes the development of
more efficient waste collection methods to improve the effectiveness of river

Traditional methods of water quality monitoring involve collecting water

samples and analyzing them in a laboratory, which can be time-consuming
and expensive. The proposed research aims to develop real-time monitoring
systems that can provide accurate and timely information on water quality.
Additionally, while AI technologies have been widely used in various fields to
develop intelligent systems that can perform complex tasks, their use in river
cleaning and monitoring has been limited. The proposed research aims to
develop intelligent systems that can learn from their environment, make
informed decisions, and adapt to changing conditions.

Finally, there is limited research on the economic and environmental

benefits of autonomous river cleaning and monitoring systems compared to
traditional methods. By addressing these research gaps, the proposed
research can contribute to the development of more efficient, cost-effective,
and safe river cleaning and monitoring methods, which can help to preserve
river ecosystems and protect human health.
Republic of the
68 Philippines
College of Engineering

De Gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Martinez, John Angelo M.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the
69 Philippines
College of Engineering

Design and Build a High-Frequency Trading Platform: High-frequency trading

platforms are used in financial markets to execute trades at extremely high

Introduction: The world of finance is continuously evolving, and with advancements in

technology, high-frequency trading has become increasingly popular. High-frequency
trading platforms use algorithms to execute trades at extremely high speeds, allowing
traders to make profits in milliseconds. The design and development of a high-
frequency trading platform require a deep understanding of hardware and software
engineering, as well as expertise in financial markets. This research paper aims to
design and build a high-frequency trading platform that can execute trades with low
latency and high accuracy.

Background of the Study: High-frequency trading has become a prevalent trading

strategy in financial markets. It involves the use of algorithms to analyze market data
and execute trades at extremely high speeds. To succeed in high-frequency trading,
traders require low latency trading platforms that can execute trades in milliseconds.
The design and development of a high-frequency trading platform require a combination
of hardware and software engineering expertise.

General Objective: The general objective of this research paper is to design and build
a high-frequency trading platform that can execute trades with low latency and high

Specific Objectives:

1. To conduct a comprehensive review of high-frequency trading platforms and the

technologies used to build them.
2. To design and build a prototype high-frequency trading platform that can execute
trades with low latency and high accuracy.
Republic of the
70 Philippines
College of Engineering

3. To evaluate the performance of the developed high-frequency trading platform

and compare it with existing solutions.

Research Gap: While high-frequency trading platforms are becoming increasingly

popular, there is still a lack of research on the design and development of such
platforms. Most of the existing research has focused on the analysis of market data and
the development of algorithms. There is a gap in research on the design and
development of hardware and software components required for high-frequency trading
platforms. This research paper aims to fill this gap by providing a detailed analysis of
the design and development of a high-frequency trading platform.
Republic of the
71 Philippines
College of Engineering

Develop a Quantum Key Distribution System: Quantum key distribution is a

technology that uses quantum mechanics to transmit cryptographic keys


The security of data communication has become increasingly important in today's digital
age. As information is transmitted over the internet, there is a risk of interception and
hacking. Cryptography has been used for centuries to secure communication, but
traditional cryptographic systems are vulnerable to attacks by quantum computers.
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a technology that uses the principles of quantum
mechanics to transmit cryptographic keys securely, making it impossible for hackers to
intercept the keys.

The development of a QKD system requires expertise in physics, mathematics, and

computer science. The system must be designed to operate in a quantum state,
ensuring the security of the transmitted keys. This research paper aims to develop a
QKD system that can transmit cryptographic keys securely, using the principles of
quantum mechanics.

Background of the Study:

Cryptography has been used for centuries to secure communication, but traditional
cryptographic systems are vulnerable to attacks by quantum computers. QKD is a
technology that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to transmit cryptographic
keys securely. QKD is based on the principles of quantum entanglement and the
uncertainty principle, making it impossible for an eavesdropper to intercept the key
without disturbing the system.

The development of a QKD system requires a deep understanding of quantum

mechanics, as well as expertise in optics and electronics. QKD has been a subject of
research for several decades, and many experimental systems have been developed.
However, the development of a practical and reliable QKD system remains a challenge.
Republic of the
72 Philippines
College of Engineering

General Objective:

The general objective of this research paper is to develop a QKD system that can
transmit cryptographic keys securely, using the principles of quantum mechanics.

Specific Objectives:

To conduct a comprehensive review of the principles of quantum mechanics and their

applications in QKD.

To design and build a QKD system that can transmit cryptographic keys securely, using
the principles of quantum mechanics.

To evaluate the performance of the developed QKD system and compare it with existing

Research Gap:

While QKD has been a subject of research for several decades, the development of a
practical and reliable QKD system remains a challenge. Most of the existing research
has focused on theoretical models and experimental demonstrations. There is a gap in
research on the practical implementation of QKD systems, particularly in terms of their
reliability and scalability. This research paper aims to fill this gap by developing a QKD
system that is practical, reliable, and scalable.
Republic of the
73 Philippines
College of Engineering

Design and Build a Li-Fi System: Li-Fi is a technology that uses visible light to
transmit data.


In today's digital age, the demand for high-speed wireless data transmission is growing
rapidly. Wi-Fi has been the most widely used technology for wireless data transmission,
but it has limitations such as limited bandwidth and signal interference. Li-Fi is a
technology that uses visible light to transmit data, offering faster and more secure data
transmission compared to Wi-Fi. Li-Fi technology has the potential to revolutionize the
way we use wireless communication, and this research paper aims to design and build
a Li-Fi system that can transmit data at high speeds.

Background of the Study:

Li-Fi is a technology that uses visible light to transmit data. It is based on the principle of
using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit data through the modulation of light
signals. Li-Fi has several advantages over Wi-Fi, including higher data transfer rates,
increased security, and reduced interference. The technology has been a subject of
research for several years, and many experimental systems have been developed.
However, the development of a practical and reliable Li-Fi system remains a challenge.

General Objective:

The general objective of this research paper is to design and build a Li-Fi system that
can transmit data at high speeds.

Specific Objectives:

To conduct a comprehensive review of the principles of Li-Fi technology and its

applications in wireless communication.

To design and build a Li-Fi system that can transmit data at high speeds.
Republic of the
74 Philippines
College of Engineering

To evaluate the performance of the developed Li-Fi system and compare it with existing

Research Gap:

While Li-Fi technology has been a subject of research for several years, the
development of a practical and reliable Li-Fi system remains a challenge. Most of the
existing research has focused on theoretical models and experimental demonstrations.
There is a gap in research on the practical implementation of Li-Fi systems, particularly
in terms of their reliability and scalability. This research paper aims to fill this gap by
designing and building a practical and reliable Li-Fi system that can transmit data at
high speeds.
Republic of the
75 Philippines
College of Engineering

Develop a Wireless Power Transfer System: Wireless power transfer is a

technology that allows electronic devices to charge wirelessly using
electromagnetic fields.


In recent years, the demand for wireless charging has increased due to its convenience
and ease of use. Wireless power transfer is a technology that allows electronic devices
to charge wirelessly using electromagnetic fields. This technology has the potential to
revolutionize the way we charge our electronic devices, eliminating the need for cords
and cables. The aim of this research paper is to develop a wireless power transfer
system that can charge electronic devices wirelessly and efficiently.

Background of the Study:

Wireless power transfer is a technology that has been researched for several decades.
It is based on the principle of using electromagnetic fields to transfer energy wirelessly.
The technology has several advantages over traditional wired charging, including
convenience, ease of use, and reduced clutter. However, the development of a practical
and efficient wireless power transfer system remains a challenge. The main challenges
include ensuring safety, improving efficiency, and reducing costs.

General Objective:

The general objective of this research paper is to develop a wireless power transfer
system that can charge electronic devices wirelessly and efficiently.

Specific Objectives:

To conduct a comprehensive review of the principles of wireless power transfer

technology and its applications in electronic devices.

To design and build a wireless power transfer system that is safe, efficient, and cost-
Republic of the
76 Philippines
College of Engineering

To evaluate the performance of the developed wireless power transfer system and
compare it with existing solutions.

Research Gap:

While wireless power transfer technology has been researched for several decades, the
development of a practical and efficient wireless power transfer system remains a
challenge. Most of the existing research has focused on theoretical models and
experimental demonstrations. There is a gap in research on the practical
implementation of wireless power transfer systems, particularly in terms of their safety,
efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. This research paper aims to fill this gap by developing
a practical and efficient wireless power transfer system that can charge electronic
devices wirelessly and efficiently.
Republic of the
77 Philippines
College of Engineering

Build a Cognitive Radio Testbed: Cognitive radio is a technology that allows

communication systems to adapt to their environment and optimize their
performance based on real-time feedback.


Cognitive radio is a technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we use
wireless communication systems. It allows communication systems to adapt to their
environment and optimize their performance based on real-time feedback. A cognitive
radio testbed is a platform used to test and evaluate cognitive radio systems. The aim of
this research paper is to build a cognitive radio testbed that can be used to evaluate the
performance of cognitive radio systems.

Background of the Study:

Cognitive radio is a relatively new technology that has gained significant interest from
the research community. It is based on the principle of allowing communication systems
to sense their environment and adjust their parameters to optimize performance. The
technology has several advantages over traditional wireless communication systems,
including increased efficiency, reduced interference, and improved spectrum utilization.
However, the development of a practical and efficient cognitive radio system remains a
challenge. A cognitive radio testbed is essential for evaluating the performance of
cognitive radio systems in real-world environments.

General Objective:

The general objective of this research paper is to build a cognitive radio testbed that can
be used to evaluate the performance of cognitive radio systems.

Specific Objectives:

To conduct a comprehensive review of the principles of cognitive radio technology and

its applications in wireless communication systems.
Republic of the
78 Philippines
College of Engineering

To design and build a cognitive radio testbed that can simulate real-world environments.

To evaluate the performance of cognitive radio systems using the developed testbed
and compare it with existing solutions.

Research Gap:

While cognitive radio technology has gained significant interest from the research
community, the development of a practical and efficient cognitive radio system remains
a challenge. Most of the existing research has focused on theoretical models and
experimental demonstrations. There is a gap in research on the practical
implementation of cognitive radio systems, particularly in terms of their performance in
real-world environments. This research paper aims to fill this gap by building a cognitive
radio testbed that can be used to evaluate the performance of cognitive radio systems
in real-world environments.
Republic of the
79 Philippines
College of Engineering

De Gracia, Zyron Jan A.

Marciano, Melanie A.

Martinez, John Angelo M.

Razon, Kristine Joy T.



Republic of the
80 Philippines
College of Engineering

Title: Development of a Smart Energy Management System for Residential


Introduction: Energy consumption is one of the biggest challenges that the world is
facing today. With the rapid growth of population and urbanization, the demand for
energy is increasing at an unprecedented rate. Buildings, in particular, are one of the
largest consumers of energy. According to the International Energy Agency, buildings
account for about 40% of global energy consumption and 33% of carbon dioxide
emissions. Therefore, it is imperative to develop efficient energy management systems
that can reduce energy consumption and promote sustainable development. This
research aims to develop a smart energy management system for residential buildings
that can optimize energy usage, reduce waste, and minimize the carbon footprint.

Background of the Study: Energy management systems have been extensively

researched in recent years. However, most of the existing systems are designed for
commercial or industrial buildings, and there is a lack of research on energy
management systems for residential buildings. Residential buildings have different
energy consumption patterns and requirements than commercial or industrial buildings,
and therefore, require different energy management solutions. This research addresses
this research gap by developing a smart energy management system specifically for
residential buildings.

General Objectives: The general objective of this research is to develop a smart

energy management system for residential buildings that can optimize energy usage,
reduce waste, and minimize the carbon footprint.

Specific Objectives:

To identify the energy consumption patterns of residential buildings and analyze the
factors that contribute to energy waste.

To develop an energy management system that can monitor energy usage, identify
wastage, and optimize energy consumption based on user preferences.
Republic of the
81 Philippines
College of Engineering

To evaluate the performance of the developed energy management system through

simulation and experimental tests.

To compare the performance of the developed energy management system with

existing energy management systems for residential buildings.

Research Gap: The existing literature on energy management systems for buildings
has mainly focused on commercial or industrial buildings, and there is a lack of research
on energy management systems for residential buildings. Moreover, most of the existing
residential energy management systems are not smart and do not have the ability to
optimize energy consumption based on user preferences. This research aims to
address these research gaps by developing a smart energy management system
specifically for residential buildings.
Republic of the
82 Philippines
College of Engineering

Title: Design and Optimization of a Solar-Powered Water Pumping System for

Smallholder Farmers in Rural Areas

Introduction: Access to water for irrigation is critical for smallholder farmers in rural
areas. In many regions, farmers rely on expensive and unreliable diesel-powered water
pumps, which limit their productivity and income. Solar-powered water pumping
systems offer a sustainable and cost-effective alternative for smallholder farmers.
However, the design and optimization of such systems are critical to their effectiveness
and feasibility. This research aims to design and optimize a solar-powered water
pumping system for smallholder farmers in rural areas.

Background of the Study: Smallholder farmers in rural areas face many challenges,
including access to water for irrigation. Diesel-powered water pumps are expensive to
operate and maintain, and their dependence on fossil fuels makes them environmentally
unsustainable. Solar-powered water pumping systems offer a sustainable and cost-
effective alternative for smallholder farmers. However, the design and optimization of
such systems are critical to their effectiveness and feasibility. This research addresses
this research gap by designing and optimizing a solar-powered water pumping system
for smallholder farmers in rural areas.

General Objectives: The general objective of this research is to design and optimize a
solar-powered water pumping system for smallholder farmers in rural areas.

Specific Objectives:

To identify the water requirements and pumping head for smallholder farmers in rural

To evaluate the available solar resources and select the appropriate solar panel and
battery sizing.

To select the appropriate water pump and controller based on the water requirements
and solar resources.
Republic of the
83 Philippines
College of Engineering

To design and optimize the system based on the identified parameters and constraints.

To conduct a cost-benefit analysis and sensitivity analysis to evaluate the economic

feasibility and sustainability of the system.

Research Gap: Solar-powered water pumping systems offer a sustainable and cost-
effective alternative for smallholder farmers in rural areas. However, the design and
optimization of such systems are critical to their effectiveness and feasibility. This
research aims to address this research gap by designing and optimizing a solar-
powered water pumping system for smallholder farmers in rural areas.
Republic of the
84 Philippines
College of Engineering

Title: Design and Optimization of a High-Efficiency Solar Inverter for Grid-Tied

Photovoltaic Systems

Introduction: With the increasing demand for renewable energy sources, photovoltaic
(PV) systems have become a popular choice for electricity generation. However,
efficient and reliable grid-tied PV systems require a high-performance solar inverter. A
solar inverter converts the DC power generated by PV modules into AC power suitable
for grid connection. This research aims to design and optimize a high-efficiency solar
inverter for grid-tied PV systems.

Background of the Study: Solar inverters play a critical role in the performance and
reliability of grid-tied PV systems. However, designing a high-efficiency solar inverter
requires careful consideration of various factors such as the type of semiconductor
devices, switching frequency, and control strategy. This research addresses this
research gap by designing and optimizing a high-efficiency solar inverter for grid-tied PV

General Objectives: The general objective of this research is to design and optimize a
high-efficiency solar inverter for grid-tied PV systems.

Specific Objectives:

To review the existing literature on solar inverter topologies, semiconductor devices, and
control strategies for grid-tied PV systems.

To identify the key parameters affecting the efficiency of solar inverters for grid-tied PV

To design and simulate a high-efficiency solar inverter using a selected semiconductor

device and control strategy.

To optimize the design of the solar inverter for maximum efficiency and power density.

To build and test a prototype of the optimized solar inverter and compare its
performance to existing solutions.
Republic of the
85 Philippines
College of Engineering

Research Gap: Solar inverters play a critical role in the performance and reliability of
grid-tied PV systems. However, designing a high-efficiency solar inverter requires
careful consideration of various factors such as the type of semiconductor devices,
switching frequency, and control strategy. This research addresses this research gap by
designing and optimizing a high-efficiency solar inverter for grid-tied PV systems.

Title: Design and Optimization of a Hybrid Solar-Wind Energy System for Remote
Republic of the
86 Philippines
College of Engineering

Introduction: Remote areas often face significant challenges in accessing electricity

from the grid due to their location and terrain. A hybrid solar-wind energy system offers
a promising solution for powering remote areas with renewable energy. However,
designing a hybrid solar-wind energy system that is efficient, reliable, and cost-effective
requires careful consideration of various factors such as the type of solar and wind
energy converters, energy storage system, and control strategy. This research aims to
design and optimize a hybrid solar-wind energy system for remote areas.

Background of the Study: The use of renewable energy sources such as solar and
wind power has become increasingly popular due to their potential to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. However, designing a hybrid
solar-wind energy system for remote areas requires careful consideration of various
factors such as the availability of solar and wind resources, the cost of energy
converters, and the reliability of the system. This research addresses this research gap
by designing and optimizing a hybrid solar-wind energy system for remote areas.

General Objectives: The general objective of this research is to design and optimize a
hybrid solar-wind energy system for remote areas.

Specific Objectives:

To review the existing literature on hybrid solar-wind energy systems, including the
design and optimization of energy converters, energy storage systems, and control

To identify the key parameters affecting the efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness
of a hybrid solar-wind energy system for remote areas.

To design and simulate a hybrid solar-wind energy system using a selected combination
of energy converters and control strategy.

To optimize the design of the hybrid solar-wind energy system for maximum efficiency,
reliability, and cost-effectiveness.
Republic of the
87 Philippines
College of Engineering

To build and test a prototype of the optimized hybrid solar-wind energy system and
compare its performance to existing solutions.

Research Gap: Remote areas often face significant challenges in accessing electricity
from the grid due to their location and terrain. A hybrid solar-wind energy system offers
a promising solution for powering remote areas with renewable energy. However,
designing a hybrid solar-wind energy system that is efficient, reliable, and cost-effective
requires careful consideration of various factors such as the type of solar and wind
energy converters, energy storage system, and control strategy. This research
addresses this research gap by designing and optimizing a hybrid solar-wind energy
system for remote areas.
Republic of the
88 Philippines
College of Engineering

Title: Development of a Carbon Capture System for Industrial Processes

Introduction: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a promising technology for

reducing greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes. CCS involves capturing
carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial flue gases, transporting it to a storage site, and
storing it underground or in other suitable locations. However, the current CCS systems
are expensive, energy-intensive, and often require significant modifications to existing
industrial processes. This research aims to develop a cost-effective and energy-efficient
carbon capture system for industrial processes.

Background of the Study: Global warming is a major environmental challenge that

requires urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Industrial processes are
major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2, which is produced as a
byproduct of combustion processes. CCS offers a promising solution for reducing CO2
emissions from industrial processes, but the current technology is expensive and
energy-intensive. This research aims to address this research gap by developing a cost-
effective and energy-efficient carbon capture system for industrial processes.

General Objectives: The general objective of this research is to develop a carbon

capture system for industrial processes that is cost-effective and energy-efficient.

Specific Objectives:

To review the existing literature on carbon capture and storage systems, including the
technologies and methods used to capture, transport, and store CO2.

To identify the key parameters affecting the cost and energy efficiency of a carbon
capture system for industrial processes.

To develop a carbon capture system for industrial processes using a selected

combination of capture technologies and transport and storage methods.

To optimize the design of the carbon capture system for maximum cost-effectiveness
and energy efficiency.
Republic of the
89 Philippines
College of Engineering

To test and validate the performance of the carbon capture system in a laboratory
setting and compare its performance to existing solutions.

Research Gap: Industrial processes are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions,
particularly CO2, which is produced as a byproduct of combustion processes. CCS
offers a promising solution for reducing CO2 emissions from industrial processes, but
the current technology is expensive and energy-intensive. This research aims to
address this research gap by developing a cost-effective and energy-efficient carbon
capture system for industrial processes.
Republic of the
90 Philippines
College of Engineering

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