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Exercise 8: Chemical and Physical Processes of Digestion: Activity 1: Assessing Starch Digestion by Salivary Amylase Lab

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 6 out of 6 questions correctly.

1. The substrate for amylase is

You correctly answered: e. starch and carbohydrate.

2. Which of the following is true of enzymes?

You correctly answered: c. Their activity can be affected by temperature and pH.

3. The reagent IKI tests for the presence of

You correctly answered: a. starch.

4. Which of the following is not true of controls?

You correctly answered: d. A negative result with a positive control is required to validate the test

5. Which of the following is an end product of starch digestion?

You correctly answered: e. maltose and glucose

6. Hydrolases are enzymes that break down large molecules into smaller subunits through the addition of
. You correctly answered: b. water

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: What effect do you think boiling and freezing will have on the activity of the amylase enzyme?
Your answer : c. Boiling will decrease amylase activity and freezing will have no effect.

Stop & Think Questions:

Tube 2 appears to have the same amount of starch digested as tube 3 because
You correctly answered: a. freezing had no effect on the enzyme.

Experiment Data:

Tube No. Reagent 1 Reagent 2 Reagent 3 Treatment Time Temp. IKI Benedict's
1 Amylase Starch pH 7.0 Buffer Boiled 60 37 + -
2 Amylase Starch pH 7.0 Buffer Frozen 60 37 - ++
3 Amylase Starch pH 7.0 Buffer None 60 37 - ++
4 Amylase Deionized pH 7.0 Buffer None 60 37 - -
5 Deionized Starch pH 7.0 Buffer None 60 37 + -
6 Deionized Maltose pH 7.0 Buffer None 60 37 - ++
7 Amylase Starch pH 2.0 Buffer None 60 37 + +
8 Amylase Starch pH 9.0 Buffer None 60 37 + +

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 75% by answering 3 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Tubes 3, 7, and 8 reveal that

You correctly answered: d. amylase activity was highest at pH 7.

2. This activity includes a number of negative controls. Which tube indicates that the amylase solution was not
contaminated with maltose?
You correctly answered: b. tube 4

3. Which tubes indicate that the deionized water did not contain contaminating starch or maltose?
Your answer: b. tubes 4 and 6
Correct answer: c. tubes 4, 5, and 6

4. Explain where and why salivary amylase would be most active.

You correctly answered: d. Salivary amylase would be most active in the mouth because pH 7 is where its peak activity is.

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Review Sheet Results
1. List the substrate and the subunit product of amylase.
Your answer:
Amilase adalah suatu enzim yang membantu proses pencernaan. Enzim amilase dihasilkan oleh pankreas dan kelenjar
saliva. Terdapat beberapa subunit yang dihasilkan adalah glukosa dan maltosa.1

2. What effect did boiling have on enzyme activity? Why? How well did the results this compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Pada saat enzim dipanaskan/ dididihkan maka akan berpengaruh pada aktivitas enzim tersebut. Enzim akan
didenaturasikan saat proses tersebut terjadi. Hasilnya, enzim akan mengalami penurunan aktivitas.2

3. At what pH was the amylase activity the most active? Describe the significance of this result.
Your answer:
pH 7.0. Kondisi ini sejalan dengan teori kerja dari enzim. Enzim akan bekerja optimal pada pH normal tubuh yaitu pH 6.8
dan pH 7.0. pH dapat mempengaruhi struktur enzim tersebut. Pengaruhnya adalah meningkatkan aktivitas katalis dalam
suatu reaksi. Kondisi ini disebabkan karena konsentrasi ion hidrogen yang mempengaruhi aktivitas dan dimensi pada

4. Briefly describe the need for controls and give an example used in this activity.
Your answer:
Pada praktikum yang dilakukan dibutuhkan kontrol agar perubahan yang terjadi pada setiap tabung dapat dibandingkan. Ini
menjadi dasar kita untuk memvalidasi eksperimen tersebut. Contohnya perbedaan antara reaksi setiap tabung yang
dididihkan dan tabung yang dibekukan.4

5. Describe the significance of using a 37°C incubation temperature to test salivary amylase activity.
Your answer:
Enzim memiliki suhu optimal untuk bekerja. Suhu 37"C merupakan suhu optimal dan sama dengan suhu tubuh. Suhu akan
memengaruhi kerja dan aktivitas dari katalisis enzim. Semakin tinggi suhu maka enzim akan semakin cepat aktivitasnya.
Suhu yang melebihi batas akan menyebabkan denaturasi pada enzim dan menurunkan kerja enzim.3

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1. Zhu, Y., Liao, K., Liu, Y., Huang, H., Ma, Y., Chen, D., Ma, B., & Xu, J. (2024). Effects of dietary carbohydrate/lipid ratios
on growth, body composition, amylase activity, oxidative status, and mTOR/autophagy pathway in juvenile clam,
Sinonovacula constricta. Aquaculture (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 578(740119), 740119.
2. Guyton, A. C., Hall, J. E. Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran. Edisi 12. Jakarta : EGC, 1022. 2014
3. Murray, R.K. Biokimia harper, 27th ed. Jakarta : EGC. 2012

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