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Name of the SocietY: BHEDABAHAL LAMPCS Ltd
Name of the Auditor:
Nirmala Lugun ACS
Name of the Circle Sundargarh Circle
Name of the D.C.C.B. to which it is affiliated SDCCB Sundargarh
Name of the District Sundargarh
Name of the Block Sadar
Name of the Societ BHEDABAHAL LAMPC
Year of Audit 2020-21
Membership position as on 31.03.2021 9764
Total paid up share capital 30813503.00
Govt. share capital out of total paid up share capital 1663980.0o
10 Percentage of Govt.Share Capital to total Paid Up Share capital 5.40
A) During the year S.B.D 22566602.00
11 Amount of Deposit 7473246.00
B) At the end of S.B.D. 5970673.87
the Year F.C
A) During the year 379882502.00
Borrowings Non- Agr. 0.00
B) At the end of Agril 542541112.39
the Year Non- Agril 0.00
A) During the year Agril 370871379.00
13 Loan and Advances Non- Agril. 1748390.00
B) At the end of Agril 389068632.42
the Year Non- Agril. 2664038.00
A) PrincipalDemand 3546.93
14 Demand&Collection A-) Percentage of collection 66.90
B) Interest Demand Agril 825.93
Non- Agri
B-1) Percentage of collection 25.78
15 NPA/Bad & A)Amount 30.51
Doubtful Assets B) Percentageto totalloan outstanding 0.00
16 Provision required to be madeagainstNPA/ Bad and Doubt. Asset 17956834.20|
17 Provision made against NPA/ Bad and Doubt. Asset 17956834.20
18 O.D. Interest Reserve 61300128.00
19 Other Investments A) During the year 5813706.00
B) At the end of the year 90181378.75
20 Interest Received A)On Loan &Advance Agril 2351562.25
before closing entry Non-Agril 0.00
B)On investment 0.00
21 Interest Received A)On Loan &Advance Agril 11863937.25
after closing entry Non- Agril. 0.00
B) Oninvestment 677051.00
22 Total intt. Received A)On loan & Advance Agril 11863937.25
Non- Agril. 0.00
B) OnInvestments 677051.00
A)On loan & Advance Agril
23 Interest receivable 104314907.00
Non- Agri
B) On Investments 1734479.00
OP. So,

Interest Paid A) Deposit S.B.D. 0.00|
before closing entry F.D 363861.00
B) On Borrowing Agril 4143655.00
Interest paid Non- Agril 0.00
after closing entry
A) Deposit S.B.D. 34615.00
F .D 0.00
B) On Borrowing Agril 41444367.70
26 Non- Agril 0.00
Total Interest paid A) Deposit S.B.D. 34615.00
F.D 363861.00
|B) On Borrowing Agril 41444367.70
27 Non- Agril
| Interest payable A) Deposit S.B.D. 0.00
F.D 2674130.00
B) On Borrowing 21955175.00
Non- Agril.
A) Working Capital 635414332.99
B) Working Fund 633987237.13
29 A) Cost of Management 2283357.14
B) Percentage of cost of management to Woking
Capital 0.36
30 Cost of Establishment 1610713.00
31 -20896437.05
Total Income (Intt.Received+ Misc.Income-Intt.paid)for PACs
Percentage of cost of Establishmentto totalincome -7.71
33 Percentage of cost ofManamementtototalincome
34 A |Amount of Loss for the year 27485623.08
34 B Amount of Profit for the year 0.00
35 A Amount of Accumulated loss 112285945.47
35 B Amount of UDP at the end ofthe Year 0.00
36 Amount of Reserve at the end of the year 897993.68
37 Amount of Building fund attheend of the year
38 Amount of Dividend declared
39 Net worth
40 Percentage of CRAR maintained -12.55
41 |Audit Classification CClass
42 Amount of fraud/ misappropriation/Embezzelement during the year 0.00
43 Amount realised
44 Amount of fraud/ misappropriation/Embezzelement end of the year
Surcharge Proceedings number initiated on misapropriation onembezzlement
46 Average working Fund 605249825.87
47 BEP if gross financial Marginis Positive
BEP if gross financial Margin is Negative 1213296161.55
48 Initial of the Asst. A.G.C.S


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