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A review of tenses by Roberta Wedge

future simple (prediction) past simple

present simple past continuous

going to future (intention) present perfect simple

present continuous past perfect

When he was a child, Thomas learned

By the end of this course, we will all
French, and he learned the piano.
speak perfect English.
(What did you learn when you
(Do you think this will happen?)
were a child?)
Many foreign students want to take a
Last night Andrea was listening to the
business course at a British university.
BBC to improve her English.
(Do you want to study in Britain
(What were you doing last night?)
or the USA?)
I’m going to buy an English-English Elizabeth has been a student at this
dictionary before the next lesson. school for two years.
(What are you going to do before (How long have you been at this
the next lesson?) school?)
After he had memorized five new words,
Today we are reviewing the verb tenses. David went to sleep.
(What else are we doing today?) (Do you have a homework
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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