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T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T 4X C E R T I F I E D

As a seasoned Salesforce 4x certified technical consultant, I

am a dedicated and results-driven professional. Amassing
two years of comprehensive experience in the Salesforce


Salesforce Administrator
TailWind- OCt 2023 - present | FreeLance

Writing Apex triggers and handler triggers to meet the

business requirement
Debugging react based UI.
CONTACT ME Handle the creation of custom metadata accordingly.
Communicate with Other devs Through different
departments to keep up with changes and work
Casablanca- Sidi Maarouf.
synchronously Salesforce Technical Consultant

Anugo Média | Oct 2022 -Oct 2023 | Reference: +1 (514) 557-1314
@Otmane RIFI ☁️
Merged trigger flows to one functional automation per
+212 6 32 01 90 79 object.
APEX triggers merge/refactoring to one trigger per object,
with a Handler and a helper class aligned with The Salesforce
Trigger Handler Framework.
Created a scheduled Apex job to send marketing emails to
leads periodically.
Created Responsive Email Templates Html/CSS.
Leveraged automation to execute mass marketing email
communications, coupled with captivating email templates
for impactful customer engagement.
Created an internal email unsubscribe service.
Providing all over 200 users with technical support.
Merged two Orgs' metadata into one and migrated bulk data
Sales cloud from one to another.
Best practice Code Salesforce Administrator
development Euromets- Apr 2022 - Sep 2022 | Reference: +212 701-252106
Flows Creation Training users.
Complex Logic Handling Writing step-by-step user manuals and tutorials.
Responsive Email Eliciting comprehensive requirements from stakeholders,
meticulously ensuring optimal delivery and alignment with
their specific needs.
LWC/VisualForce pages
Delivering technical support services to a user base spanning
100 individuals throughout the organization
Data Security
App Logic

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