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Jesus' programmatic speech outlines holistic salvation, encompassing all aspects of life, as
referred to as "ginhawa ng katawan at kalooban" by Filipino theologian Jose de Mesa. This
concept, rooted in Christian theology, signifies freedom from oppression or slavery, attributed to
God acting through Jesus.
1. Liberating
Jesus urged people to live differently, focusing on God and serving others. He
emphasized the importance of loving God with all one's heart, soul, and mind, fostering
sincere care and concern for others. This change from self-centeredness to a
compassionate society was the secret to real liberation.

Jesus' work in healing and releasing people from evil spirits was a manifestation of God's
liberating actions, reflecting his deep compassion for those ill, freeing them from the
control of these dangerous entities.
2. Hope-bearing
Jesus' ministry was uplifting, providing healing and hope to those on the verge of despair.
A woman, on the verge of giving up, was healed by Jesus, showcasing the transformative
power of healing in restoring faith and life.

Jesus bestowed blessings on the underprivileged, hungry, bereaved, and those endured
hostility and slander, offering hope for a better future to marginalized people who might
have become content with their present situation.
3. Inclusive
Jesus protested against societal class distinctions, promoting open table fellowships and
dismantling barriers. Eating with sinners and outcasts challenged the boundaries between
the righteous and sinners. Jesus' ministry aimed to free people from these restrictions,
demonstrating his commitment to breaking down class distinctions and promoting

John Dominic Crossan's concept of open commensality, a powerful allegory of Jesus'

table customs, highlights the inherent equality of all people, despite their outward
differences, and serves as a powerful allegory for radical egalitarianism.

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