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SY 2022 – 2023

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________ Mrs. Kimberly A. Dealagdon

I. Skill: Analyzing situations related to loving fellowmen

Directions: Read the following situations or questions. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it on the blank provided. (6 points)
______1. Your neighbors are making fun of the ethnic group dancing in front of your house
because of their different clothing. What will you do?
A. I will tell my neighbors not to laugh at the dancing ethnic group.
B. I will just ask the dancing people to leave.
C. I will laugh at the ethnic group too.

______2 Your cousins brought you along to their town in the province. You noticed that they
have a different way of pagmamano. You are used to kissing the hand of the
elders, but your cousins do it by pressing the hand of the elders on their forehead.
What will you do?
A. I will just pass by the elders without doing anything.
B. I will follow what my cousins are doing.
C. I will kiss the elders on their cheeks.

______3. You invited Miles to your house. She was an American, so she does not know
about Filipino customs. You asked your parents’ blessings upon entering the
house. Miles just went to your room without doing the same. What will you do?
A. I will ask her to leave the house and never come back.
B. I will tell her that it is a Filipino tradition, and she can do the same if she is
comfortable to do so.
C. I will let her in but I will not be friends with her anymore.

______4. Which of these signs do you see in the library?

A. “Pick up and drop off area.”
B. “Do not pick flowers.”
C. “Silence please.”

______5. Where do you usually see the sign, “Please fall in line”?
A. in the park
B. on the street

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C. in the school canteen

______6. Which attitude do you practice when you follow your parents, teachers, and
A. kindness B. generosity C. obedience

II. Skill: Showing kindness to others

Directions: Draw a heart ( ) on the line if the sentence shows kindness to others and
cross (x) if does not. (5points)

_______ 7. greeting the guards and janitors in school

_______ 8. cutting in the line at the canteen

_______ 9. sharing my food with others

_______ 10. ignoring a new neighbor

_______ 11. helping my mom in cleaning the house

III. Skill: Showing love for our country

Directions: Read each sentence. Put a check ( / ) on the blanks before each number if
the sentence shows love for our country or a cross ( X ) if it is not. (6 points)

_______ 12. respecting the Philippine flag

_______ 13. appreciating foreigners more than your own people

_______ 14. buying local or Filipino products

_______ 15. listening more to Korean music than OPM

_______ 16. understanding and speaking your own language

_______ 17. insulting the skin color of other people in the provinces

IV. Skill: Showing respect to others

Directions: Read each sentence. Put a check ( / ) if the sentence speaks of being respectful
and a cross ( X ) if it does not. (6 points)

_______ 18. “Get out of my way.”

_______ 19. “Thank you for this beautiful dress, Mom!”
_______ 20. “Good afternoon, Ian. How may I help you?”
_______ 21. “Why should I give my seat to the old woman? I was the first one here.”
_______ 22. Kenneth pushes the smaller pupils because he does not want to wait in line in
the drinking fountain.
_______ 23. “I will go out now. The teacher is not looking at me anyway.

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V. Skill: Identifying values
Directions: Identify what is being asked in each sentence. Choose your answer from the
box below. (5 points)

generosity kindness nationalism obedience orderliness

____________ 24. It is being loyal and devoted to the country.

____________ 25. It is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or
concern for others, without expecting praise or reward.
____________ 26. It is following what our parents, teachers, elders, and people in authority
tell us.
____________ 27. It is a virtue by which one keeps things organized.
____________ 28. It is the spirit and action of freely and frequently giving to others.

VI. Skill: Expressing answers through writing

Directions: Explain what you will do in the following situations to show generosity. Write
your answers in two to three sentences. (7 points)

29-31. Your place was devastated by a strong typhoon. Many of your neighbors have
little food to eat. What will you do?


32-33. You learned from the news on television that a province was destroyed by strong
earthquake. Some people died, and others are wounded and hungry. What will you

34-35. There are visitors coming to your house. They are close friends of your parents.
What will you do?


--- End of Test ---

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______________________ _____________________
Teacher’s Signature Parent’s Signature

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