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1. Elaborate various qualities of efficient management.
2. Explicate various levels of Management with functions.
3. Explain Abraham Maslow’s behavioural science approach of
management known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
4. Expound briefly neoclassical theory of management as per
Hawthorne Studies.
5. Differentiate between Administrative Management Theory of Henri Fayol and
Scientific Management Theory of F.W. Taylor.
6. Elaborate Classical Theory of Scientific Management theory by F.W. Taylor.
7. Expound the Classical Theory of Administrative Management by Henri Fayol.
8. Explain the steps of effective business writing.
9. Expound the structure of a Business Letter.
10.Elaborate upon 7 Cs / Principles of Business writing.
11. Define business letter. Explain Sales letter, Credit letter; Claim letter,
Adjustment Letter and Job application letter with Examples.
12.Point out the significance of report writing.
13.Write a job application inventing the necessary details.
14.Compare all the formats of business letter.
15.Explain Resume. Elaborate on types of Resume.
16.Explain Solicited and Unsolicited job application letter with examples.
17.Write the definition and structure of report.

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