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Nama : Muhammad aringgi devara putra

Kelas : xii-ipa 2
Pelajaran : English

News item

Anies Senses The Biggest Problem in the 2024 Election Has Happened
Since Pre-TPS

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate 01 Anies Baswedan emphasized that

the interim results from the AMIN Legal Team found that the alleged violations in the 2024
Presidential Election occurred not at the polling station (TPS), but started before the D-day
or pre-TPS.

"We will not convey information that simply causes controversy, but we want to convey to
everyone from the temporary findings, we found that the biggest problem was not at the
TPS, but the biggest problem found was pre-TPS activities," Anies told reporters, Tuesday.

According to him, the alleged violations were in the form of activities that influenced the
activities at the TPS and did not reflect the aspirations of the people that originally existed.

"This is the most basic finding from pre-TPS. Pre-TPS there was a lot of activity, details will be
available later, this is very worrying," he said
Anies emphasized that the quality of election results must reflect the aspirations of the

"In our findings, some of it is not the people's aspirations. Some of it is aspirations that are
imposed on the people. And this process doesn't happen mostly at the TPS or after the TPS,
but happens before they get to the TPS," he said.

According to him, this could disrupt the democratic process in the country. Therefore, Anies
invites all people, whatever their choice in the presidential election, to choose an honest
presidential election.

"Success due to honesty will produce strong moral strength, but if success is not supported
by honesty, especially with violations, it will result in a moral record that has a big impact,"
said Anies.

Also read: Anies' reaction after many state leaders congratulated Prabowo

He added that if election violations are allowed to continue, they will spread to other places.
He gave an example, in business competition there will be dishonesty, in the practice of
changing regulations there will also be dishonesty.

Anies said that once the data from the AMIN Legal Team is complete, the AMIN National
Team will take the next step at the right time.

"Once again I want to say, we are not careless. We will not convey information just to create
controversy because we want to present quality election and presidential results that are full
of honest values," said Anies.

He also appealed to all parties not to intimidate witnesses who would convey allegations of
violations in the presidential election.
"Because we have found in the field experiencing intimidation, experiencing fear. In fact, this
is an independent country, don't let that happen," said Anies

The AMIN Legal Team found that there were allegations of violations in the
2024 Presidential Election
Translate: Tim Hukum AMIN menemukan adanya dugaan pelanggaran pada
Pilpres 2024
Anies Baswedan and the AMIN Legal Team
Translate: Anies Baswedan dan Tim Hukum AMIN
in the lobby of AMIN's national team victory post (Anies Muhaimmin)
translate: dilobby posko kemenangan timnas AMIN(Anies Muhaimmin)
The alleged violations took the form of activities that influenced the activities
at the polling station and did not reflect the aspirations of the people that
previously existed.
Translate: Dugaan pelanggaran tersebut berupa kegiatan yang mempengaruhi
aktivitas di TPS dan tidak mencerminkan aspirasi masyarakat yang ada
Tuesday, February 20,2024
Translate: Selasa, 20 Februari 2024

this could disrupt the democratic process in the country. Therefore, Anies
invites all people, whatever their choice in the presidential election, to equally
choose an honest presidential election
Translate: Menurutnya, hal tersebut dapat mengganggu proses demokrasi
Tanah Air. Oleh karena itu, Anies mengajak seluruh masyarakat, apapun
pilihannya dalam pemilu presiden, untuk sama-sama memilih pemilu
presiden yang jujur

Sukamara,20 Februari 2024

Muhammad Aringgi Devara Putra

NIS. 5082

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