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1. In an experiment, 50 mL of 0.1M solution of a salt reacted with 25 mL of 0.1 m solution
of sodium sulphite. The half equation for the oxidation of sulphite ion:
SO2− 2− +
2(aq) + H2 O ⟶ SO4(aq) + 2H(aq) If the oxidation number of the metal in the salt was

3, what would be the new oxidation number of the metal?

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4
2. 2.6 g of a mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate is strongly heated to
constant weight of 1.3 g. The atomic weights of calcium and magnesium are 40 and 24
respectively. State which of the following weights expresses the weight of calcium
carbonate in the original mixture?
(A) 980mg (B) 400mg (C) 1.75 g (D) 0.74 g
3. If 0.5 mole of BaCl2 is mixed with 0.2 mol of Na3 PO4 , the maximum amount of
Ba3 (PO4 )2 that can be formed is:
(A) 0.7 mol (B) 0.5 mol (C) 0.2 mol (D) 0.1 mol
4. 50 mL of a solution containing 1 g each of Na2 CO3 , NaHCO3 and NaOH was titrated
with N − HCl. What will be the titre reading when only phenolphthalein is used as
(A) 35 mL (B) 32.5 mL (C) 24.5 mL (D) 34.4 mL


5. *For the following balanced redox reaction,
2MnO4− + 8H + + Br2 ⇌
2Mn+2 + 2BrO3− + 2H2O
If the molecular wt. of MnO4− , Br2 be Mx , My
respectively, then
(A) equivalent wt of MnO4− is Mx /5
(B) equivalent wt. of Br2 is My /10
(C) the n-factor ratio of Mn+2 to BrO−
3 is 1: 1

(D) none of these

6. For the balanced redox reaction a
aNO3− + b As2S3 + 4H2O ⟶ x AsO−3 −2
4 + yNO + z 3SO4 + 8H
which of the following statements are correct?
(A) equivalent wt. of As2 S3 is M/28 where M is molecular wt. of As2 S3
(B) the value of a: b = 28: 3
(C) The value of is 1
(D) The value of is 1
7. When non-stoichiometric compound Fe0.95O is heated in presence of oxygen, then it
converts into Fe2 O3 , then which of the following statements are correct?
(A) Equivalent weight of Fe0.95O is where M is molecular weight of Fe095 O.

(B) The number of moles of Fe+3 and Fe+2 in 1 moles of Fe0.95O and 0.1 and 0.85
(C) The number of moles of Fe+3 and Fe+2 in 1 mole of Fe0.55 O are 0.85 and 0.10
(D) The % composition of Fe+2 and Fe+3 in the non stoichiometric compound is
89.47% and 10.53% respectively.
8. When FeS2 is oxidised with sufficient O2 , then its oxidation product is found to be
Fe2 O3 and SO2 , if the molecular weight of FeS2 , Fe2 O3 and SO2 are M, M ′ and M′′ ,
then which of the following statements are correct?
(A) Equivalent wt. of FeS2 is M/11 (B) The molar ratio of FeS2 to O2 is 4: 11
(C) The molar ratio of FeS2 to O2 is 11: 4 (D) The molar ratio of Fe2 O3 and SO2 is 1: 4
9. 40 g NaOH 2 106 gNa2 CO3 and 84 g NaHCO3 is dissolved in water and the solution is
made 1 litre. 20 mL of this stock solution is titrated with 1 N HCl, hence which of the
following statements are correct?
(A) The titre reading of HCl will be 40 mL. if phenolphthalein is used indicator from
the very beginning.
(B) The titre reading of HCl will be 60 mL if phenolphthalein is used indicator from the
very beginning.
(C) The titre reading of HCl will be 40 mL if the methyl orange is used indicator after
the 1st end point.
(D) The titre reading of HCl will be 80 mL, if methyl orange is used as indicator from
the very beginning.
10. Which of the following weighs equal to 32 g ?
(A) 1 mole of sulphur atoms (B) 1 mole of oxygen atoms
(C) 1 mole of carbon dioxide (D) 22.4 L of oxygen molecule at S.T.P.
Iodine titrations: Compounds containing iodine are widely used in titrations, commonly
known as iodine titration. It is of two kinds:
(i) lodometric titrations
(ii) lodimetric titrations
(i) lodometric titrations: It is nothing but an indirect method of estimating the iodine. In
this type of titration, an oxidising agent is made to react with excess of KI, in acidic
medium or, basic medium in which I −oxidises into I2. Now the liberated I2 can be
titrated with Na2 S2O3 solution.
Oxidising agent Na2 S2 O3 /H+
KI → I2 → I −+ + Na2 S4 O6
Although solid I2 is black and insoluble in water, but it converts into soluble I3 ions
I2( s) + I − = ⇌ I3−
black dark brown
Starch is used as indicator near the end point or equivalence point. Even small amount
of I2 molecules, gives blue colour with starch. The completion of the reaction can be
detected when blue colour disappears at the and point. Iniodimetric titration, the
strength of reducing agent is determined by reacting it with I2.
11. When 79.75 g of CuSO4 sample containing inert impurity is reacted with KI , the
liberated I2 is reacted with 50 mL (1M) Na2 S2O3 in basic medium, where it oxidises
into SO−2 −
4 ions, and I2 reduces into I , then what will be the percentage purity of CuSO4

in sample?
(A) 60% (B) 80% (C) 50% (D) 95%
12. When 214 g of KIO3 reacts with excess of Kl in presence of H + , then it produces I2. Now
I2 is completely reacted with 1MNa2 S2 O3 solution in basic medium, where it converts
into SO−2
4 ions. Then what volume of Na 2 S2 O3 is needed to react the end point of the

(A) 500 mL (B) 800 mL (C) 1500 mL (D) 750 mL
13. A solution containing Cu+2 and C2 O−2
4 ions which on titration with KMnO4 requires

50 mL. The resulting solution is neutralized with K 2 CO3, then treated with excess of KI.
The liberated I2 required 25 mL Na2 S2O3 in acidic solution, then what is the

difference of the number of mmole of Cu+2 and C2 O−2

4 ions in the solution?

(A) 40 (B) 10 (C) 30 (D) 50

Indicators are weak organic acids or bases which show completion of reaction (end point
of reaction) by changing its colour, which is accompanied by the structural changes i.e.
benzenoid structure into quinonoid structure. Namely we use two indicators, i.e.,
phenolphthalein and methyl orange. Phenolphthalein acts as an indicator only in weakly
basic medium by showing pink colour, but not in acidic medium. In basic medium, up to
bicarbonate stage i.e., first end point, phenolphthalein acts indicator. Methyl orange acts
as indicator in acidic medium as well as in basic medium. The volume of externally added
acid (HCl) or base (NaOH) consumed in basic or acidic solution is respectively known
as titre readings of HCl and NaOH.
(i) Phenolphthalein and metyl orange as indicator: When volume of 1 NHCl is used at
different end point of the reactions:
Step(i) NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2 O First
Step (ii) Na2 CO3 + HCl → NaHCO3 + NaCl endpoint
Step (i) NaHCO3 + HCl → NaCl + CO2 + H2 O]
Phenolphthalein acts as indicator up to first end point i.e., stage (i) and (ii) of the reaction.
Methyl orange acts as indicator up to first end point as well as in second end point also,
i.e., stages (i) and (ii) as well as in step (iii) also.
(ii) Methyl orange as indicator, When the volume of 1 N NaOH is used in the following
(i) H3PO2 + NaOH ⟶ NaH2 PO2 + H2 O (Colour change)
(ii) H3 PO3 + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2 HPO3 + 2H2 O (Colour change)
(iii) H3 PO4 + NaOH ⟶ NaH2 PO4 + H2 O (Colour change)

(iii) Phenolphthalein as indicator
When the volume of 1MNaOH is used in the following titraton:
(i) H3PO2 + NaOH ⟶ NaH2 PO2 + H2 O (Colour change)
(ii) H3 PO3 + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2 HPO3 + 2H2 O (Colour change)
(iii) H3 PO4 + 3NaOH ⟶ Na3 PO4 + 3H2 O (Colour change)
(iv) Phenolphthalein and methyl orange as indicator (for mixture of acids H3 PO4 and
HIO4 ). It is titrated with 1 N NaOH solution. H3 PO4 neutralises in three steps
(a) M.O. as indicator
(i) HIO3 + NaOH ⟶ NaIO3 + H2O (Color change)
(ii) H3 PO4 NaOH ⟶ NaH2 PO4 + H2O (Colour change)
(b) Phenolphthalein as indicator
(i) HIO3 + NaOH ⟶ NaIO3 + 2H2O (Colour change)
(ii) H3 PO4 + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2 HPO4 + 2H2 O (Colour change)
(v) The certain weights of acids and bases have been taken in data as under:
(a) Acids is weight (in g) taken
H3 PO2 66
H3 PO4 82
H3 PO4 98
HIO3 178
(b) Bases Its weight (in g) in 1 litre solution
NaOH 40
NaHCO3 40
Na2 CO3 40
14. What will be the titre readings of standard HCl solution, if 50 mL basic solution i.e.,
solution of NaOH , Na2 CO3 and NaHCO3 is titrated with HCl in presence of only
phenolphthalein indicator from the very beginning?
(A) 45 mL (B) 34.4 mL (C) 55 mL (D) 68.8 mL
15. What will be the titre readings of HCl in 25 mL of basic solution, if onlymethyl orange is
used as indicator after the first end point with pehnolphthalein?
(A) 50 mL (B) 42.6 mL (C) 46.2 mL (D) 21.3 mL
16. What will be the litre readings of NaOH (in mL ) of standard solution NaOH, for reaction
with HIO3 and H3 PO4 while phenolphthalein will act as indicator?
(A) 1000 mL (B) 2000 mL (C) 1500 mL (D) 3000 mL
17. Column-I Column-II (volume of x )
(i) 2H2 + O2 → 2H2 O (a) 0.56 g
1g 1g xg
(ii) N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3 (b) 1.333 g
1g 1g xg
(iii) CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 (c) 1.125 g
1g xg
(iv) 2H2 + C → CH4 (d) 1.214 g
1g 1g xg


18. A sample of CaCO3 and MgCO3 weighed 2.21 g is ignited to constant weight of 1.152 g.
Calculate the volume ( in ml) of CO2 evolved at 0∘ C and 76 cm of pressure.
Round off to nearest integer
19. A mixture of FeO and FeO3 when heated in air to constant weight gains 5% in weight.
Find out % of FeO in the mixture.
20. Calculate the weight (in gram) of FeO formed from 2 gVO and 5.75 g of Fe2 O3 .
VO + Fe2 O3 ⟶ FeO + V2 O5
A mixture of KBr, NaBr weighing 0.56 g was treated with aqueous solution of Ag + and
the bromide ion was recovered as 0.97 g of pure AgBr. What was the weight % of KBr
in the sample? Round off to nearest integer.
21. A mixture of KBr, NaBr weighing 0.56 g was treated with aqueous solution of Ag + and
the bromide ion was recovered as 0.97 g of pure AgBr. What was the weight of KBr in
the sample?
22. In a gravimetric determination of P of an aqueous solution of dihydrogen phosphate in
H2 PO−
4 is treated with a mixture of ammonium and magnesium ions to precipitate

magnesium ammonium phosphate Mg(NH4 )PO4 6H2 O. This is heated and decomposed
to magnesium pyrophosphate. Mg 2 P2 O7 which is weighed. A solution of H2 PO−
4 yielded

1.054 g of (Mg 2 P2 O7) which is weighed. What weight of NaH2 PO4 (in gram) was
present originally?
23. Choose the correct statement :
(A) 2 mole of MnO4− ion
(C) 2 mole of Cu2 S can be oxidized by 2.6 moles of MnO4 ion in acidic medium
(D) 2 mole of Cu2 S can be oxidized by 2.33 moles of Cr2 O2 2− ion in acidic
mediumcan oxidized 5 moles of Fe2 ion in acidic medium
(B) 2 mole of Cr2 O2− ion can oxidized 6 moles of Fe2 ion in acidic medium
24. 0.1M solution of KI reacts with excess of H2SO4 and and KIO3 solutions. According to
equation 51− + IO− +
3 + 6H → 3I2 + 3H2 O; which of the following statement is correct

(A) 200ml of the KI soluition react with 0.004 mole KIO3

(B) 200ml of the KI solution reacts with 0.006 mole of H2 SO4
(C) 0.5 litre of the KI solution produced 0.005 mole of I2
Molecular Weight
(D) Equivalent weight of KIO3 is equal to ( )


25. Match the following
Column-I Column-II
(a) 4.5 m solution of CaCO3 (p) mole fraction of solute is 0.2
density 1.45gm/ml
(b) 3M 100ml H2 SO4 mixed with (q) mass of the solute is 360gm
1M300ml H2 SO4 solution
(c) 14.5 m solution of (r)
Ca (r) molarity = 4.5
(d) in 4 M 2 litre solution of (s) molarity 1.5
NaOH, 40gmNaOH is added.
(e) 5 m (molal) NaOH solutlion (t) 16.66%(w/w) of NaOH in solution


1. C 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. A,B, 6. A,B,C,D 7. ABD 8. A,B 9. A,C 10. A,D
11. B 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. D 16. D 17. (i)-C,(ii)-D,(iii)-A,(iv)-B 18. 540 19. 20.25 20. 5.17
21. 24 22. 1.14 23. ABCD 24. AD 25. (a-r):(b-s):(c-p);(d-q,r)(e-t)

1. SO3 2− get oxidised and its ' n ' factor is 2
The metal must have been reduced
Applying the law of equivalence,
50 × 0.1 × (3 − n) = 25 × 0.1 × 2
2. Suppose weight of CaCO3 = xg. Then,
(2.6 − x)g ⟶ (2.6 − x)g
0.56x + (2.6 − x) = 1.3 (Given)
47.04x + 104 − 40x = 109.2
7.04x = 5.2 or x = 0.74 g
3. Let us first solve this problem by writing the complete balanced reaction.
3BaCl2 + 2Na3 PO4 ⟶ Ba 3 (PO4 )2 ↓ +6NaCl
We can see that the moles of BaCl2 used is times the moles of Na3 PO4 ∴ to react
with 0.2 mol of Na3 PO4 , the moles of BaCl2 required would be 0.2 × = 0.3.

Since BaCl2 is 0.5 mol, we can conclude that Na3 PO4 is the limiting reagent.
Therefore, moles of Ba3 (PO4 )2 formed is 0.2 × = 0.1 mol
4. At the end point using phenolphthalein as indicator uses complete NaOH and

Meq. of Na2 CO3.

∴ Meq. of NaOH + meq. of Na2 CO3 = Meq. of HCl
1 1 1
× 1000 + × × 2 × 1000 = V × 1
40 2 106
∴ V = 34.4 mL
5. Equivalent weight = Molar mass / - factor
MnO−4 + 5e− + 8𝐻+ ⟶ Mn2+ + 4H2 O
6. 28NO− 3− 2−
3 + 3As2 S3 + 4H2 O → 6AsO4 + 28NO + 9SO4 + H

As2+3 → 2AS +5𝑛 − factor 4

S2−2 → 3 𝑆 24
total 𝑛 - factor = 28
𝑚. 𝑤𝑡.
Eq. mass =
7. The % composition of Fe2 + and Fe3 + in the non-stoichiometric compound is
89.47% and 10.53% respectively
Fe0.95O + O2 → Fe2 O3
Let x be the fraction of Fe3 + in the compound then Fe2 += (0.95 − x)
x × 3 + (0.95 − x) × 2 − 2 = 0
x = 0.1
% of Fe2+ = 89.47%
8. 4FeS2 + 11O2 → 2Fe2 O3 + 8SO2
9. m eq. of CuSO4 reacted
= m eq. of Na2 S2 O3 reacted (n-f=8)
= 50 × 1 × 8 = 400
% Purity of CuSO4
= × 100
Original in eq. of CuSO4
= 80%
10. 1 mole of S atoms = 32 g(GAM)
22.4 L of O2 at STP = 32 g(GMM)
11. m eq. of CuSO4 reacted
= m eq. of Na2 S2O3 reacted (n − f = 8) = 50 × 1 × 8 = 400
% Purity of CuSO4
= × 100 = 80%
Original in eq. of CuSO4
12. 214 gKIO3 = 1 mole of KIO3
= 3 mole of I2(in the balanced chemical reaction)
= 6eq ⋅ of I2(nf = 2)
= 6000 meq ⋅ of I2
Let the vol. of Na2 S2O3 = xmL, then
(x × 1) × 8 = 6000 −
x = 750 mL
13. m mole of KMnO4 used =50× =5

m eq. of KMnO4 used (nf=5)

= 25 m eq. of C2O−2
m mole of C2 O−2
4 (n = 2) = = 12.5
m eq. of Na2 S2O3 = 2.5 m eq. of Cu+2(n = 1)
∵ m eq. of Cu+2(n = 1) = 2.5
Difference in number of m moles of Cu+2 and
4 = 12.5 − 2.5 = 10

14. Let the number of m moles of NaOH and Na2 CO3 in 50 mL solution are x and y
Then x = × 1000 = 50
y= × 1000 = 18.8
∵ n-factor of NaOH = 1,
n-factor of Na2 CO3 = 1,
∴ m eq. of NaOH + m eq. of
Na2 CO3 = m eq. of NaOH
⇒ x + y = VmL × 1 N,

When VmL is the volume of HCl used.
Then, V = 68.8 mL

15. When M.O. is used after the 1st end point in 25 mL solution, then,
y z 1 2 1 2
+ = m eq. of HCl × × 1000 + ×
2 2 2 100 2 84
× 1000 = V mL×100
1000 1000
⇒ + =V
106 84
⇒ V = 9.43 + 11.9 = 29.33 mL
16. Let the volume of NaOH (in mL) = V
Then, m eq, of HIO5 + m eq. of H3PO4 = m eq. of NaOH
(1 × 1000) × 1 + (1 × 1000) × 2
= VmL × 100 ⇒ V = 3000 mL
17. Moles formed will be as per the available moles of limiting reagent
18. CaCO3 ⟶ CaO + CO2
MgCO3 ⟶ MgO + CO2
∴ (x + y) = 2.21 g …(1)
∵ 100 g of CaCO3 gives 56 g of CaO
∴ x g of CaCO3 ≡ × (x)gCaO
Similarly, 84 g of MgCO3 gives 40 g of MgO
40 × (y)
∴ yg of MgCO3 = g
56x 40y
∴ Wt. of residue = + = 1.152 …(2)
100 84

Solving equations (1) and (2)

x = 1.19 g
y = 1.02 g

Mole of CO2 formed = Mole of CaCO3 + Mole of
1.19 1.02
MgCO3 = + = 0.0241
100 84
∴ Volume of CO2 at STP = 0.0421 × 22.4 litre= 539.8 mL ~ 540 ml
19. 2FeO + O2 ⟶ Fe2 O3
2Fe3 O4 + O2 ⟶ 3Fe2 O3
Let, weight of FeO = x
Weight of Fe3 O4 = y
∴ x + y = 100 …(1)
∵ 2 × 72 g of FeO give Fe2 O3 = 160 g
160 × (x)
∴ xgFeO gives Fe2 O3 = g
2 × 232 gof Fe3 O4 gives Fe2 O3 = 3 × 160 g
3 × 160 × y
∴ y gFe3 O4 gives Fe2 O3 = g
2 × 232
160x 3×16×y
∴ + = 105 …(2)
144 464

Solving equation (1) and (2)

x = 20.25 g
y = 79.95 g
20. Balanced equation
2VO + 3Fe2 O3 ⟶ 6FeO + V2 O3
2 5.75
Moles before reaction
67 160

= 0.0298 0.0359 0 0
Moles after reaction (0.0298 − 0.0359)
6 1
0 ( × 0.0359) ( × 0.0359)
3 3
As 2 mole of VO react with 3 mole of Fe2 O3
∴ 0.0298 g mole of VO = × 0.0298 = 0.0447

mole of Fe2 O3
Moles of Fe2 O3 available = 0.0359 only
Hence, Fe2 O3 is the limiting reagent
Mole of FeO formed = × 0.0349
∴ Weight of FeO formed = 0.0359 × 2 × 72 = 5.17 g
nFeO 6 6
( = ) ⇒ nFeO = × nFeO,
nFe−O3 3 3
WFeO = × nFe2 O3 × MFe,O2
21. KBr + NaBr + Ag + ⟶ AgBr
a (0.56- a) g
Applying POAC for Br atoms
Moles of Br in KBr+ moles of Br in NaBr=
moles of Br in AgBr
or 1× moles of KBr+1× moles of NaBr=1× moles
of AgBr
a (0.56 − a) 0.97
⇒ + = (MKBr = 199, MNaBr
119 103 188
= 103, MAgBr = 188 )
∴ a = 0.1332 g
Percentage of KBr in the sample = × 100 = 23.78

~ 24%
22. NaH2 PO4 + Mg 2+ + NH4+ ⟶ Mg(NH4 )PO4 ⋅ 6H2 O

→ Mg 2 P2 O7
As P atoms are conserved, apply POAC for P atoms, moles of P in NaH2 PO4 =
moles of P in Mg 2 P2 IO7
⇒ 1 × moles of NaH2 PO4 = 2 × 2 moles of Mg 2 P2O7
WNaH2 PO4 WMg3 P3 O7
∴ = 2×
MNaH2PO4 MMg2 P2O7
WNal2 PO4 1.054
⇒ =2×
120 222
∴ WNaH2 PO4 = 1.14 g
23. Use equivalent of oxidising agent = equivalents of reducing agent.
24. (a, d)
5I − + IO− +
3 + 6H → 3I2 + 3H2 O
moles of KI used
moles of KIO3
Valency factor of KIO3 = 5
mol. wt.
∴ EKJO3 =
25. (a) 4.5, H2SO4 means
4.5 moles of CaCO3 is present in 1000 g solvent.
mass of solute = 4.5 × 100 = 450 g
mass of solution = 1000ml
Hence molarity = 4.5M
3×100+1×300 3
(b) Resultant molarity = = = 1.5M
400 2
(c) Mole fraction = = 0.2
(d) Moles of NaOH in 2ltr = 4 × 2 = 8 mole moles of NaOH added = =

1 mole
∴ Molarit = = 4.5M mass of NaOH = 9 × 40 = 360 g
(e) %(w/w)NaOH = × 100 = 16.66%


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