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1. What are the key elements in the AMA definition of Marketing? Do you find it complete? Why?
- The key elements are the processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that
have value to the people. Yes, because it has all the essentials we might need to market our product and
business to our clients, customers, and partners.
2. Assume you are about to graduate. How would you apply marketing principles to your job search? In what
ways would you be able to market yourself and impress the human resource specialists to create,
communicate, and deliver value as a potential employee, and what would that value be, exactly? How would
you prove that you can deliver that value?
- I would apply marketing principles in a job search by considering myself as the product. I would think about
how I would sell myself if I was a product. The thought might have a weird nuance to it, but it would help
employers to see what they can gain by hiring me. I can try to impress them with my clean record and
portfolio, and tell them the benefits they will have if they hire.
3. Is marketing always appropriate for political candidates? Why or why not?

- Yes, marketing is always appropriate for political candidates. Because political marketing is the process by
which ideas are shared to gain the support of the voters. The main goal of marketing is simply to influence
people and ensure that people agree to a particular thing, and in this scenario, they need the people to vote
for them. It is used to convince people about their program in the event that they are elected into a certain
position. Marketing is vital in politics as it allows politicians to share views and aspirations with the public. It
also guarantees transparency.

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