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Writing a coursework, especially in subjects like GCSE Maths Statistics, can be a challenging task

for many students. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, strong analytical skills, and
the ability to present findings coherently. The coursework often involves collecting and analyzing
data, applying statistical methods, and drawing meaningful conclusions.

For the conclusion part of a GCSE Maths Statistics coursework, summarizing key findings and
demonstrating a clear understanding of the statistical concepts is crucial. This section should
showcase the student's ability to interpret the data and draw relevant conclusions based on statistical

While the process of writing coursework is undoubtedly demanding, it is important to remember that
there are resources available to assist students in this journey. One option is seeking help from
professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔. These services can provide valuable
support by offering expert guidance, ensuring the coursework meets academic standards, and
assisting in creating a well-structured and compelling conclusion.

However, it's essential to approach external assistance with caution and integrity. Students should
prioritize their own understanding and learning, using such services as supplementary aids rather
than replacements for their efforts. Seeking help is acceptable as long as it adheres to academic
honesty and the guidelines set by educational institutions.

In conclusion, writing a GCSE Maths Statistics coursework can be a challenging endeavor, but with
dedication and the right support, students can navigate through it successfully. Considering the
complexity of the task, seeking assistance from reliable sources like ⇒ ⇔ may be
a viable option, ensuring that the coursework meets the required standards while maintaining
academic integrity.
I can see from this graph that this statement is true. I expect to see strong positive correlation here as
I believe that if you do well in Key Stage Two you do well in Key Stage Three. Sampling I have 86
results for boys but only 52 results for girls. Sampling I need to sample to get the results for
Mathematical ability. I have used the random data selector provided by the site to select some sample
data (about 2500 records) to use and transferred this to a spreadsheet. The males are negatively
skewed; meaning most of the estimates were between the median (which was close to zero) and
2.04, giving exceptionally accurate results. I created a single value for the KS2 Result by adding the
3 numbers together. The girls’ median height is 1.60m and the boys’ median height is 1.61m; this
shows me that on an average, the heights were mostly around 1.60 which is similar for both genders.
Since the standard deviation is more accurate and reliable, I will use that instead of the inter-quartile
range given in the box and whisker plot. This is not surprising as the older we get the more tall we
are. I have found out this information by reading of my graph, so the car will loose most of its value
in the first year and then it will depreciate on a steady rate. Although they chose the same top
programmes for each age group, they have branched out their choices. You can also tell clearly where
the 4 bands are except the second band are half in the first cluster and half in the second. I think that
the girls would come with good results because they are more intellectually clever at the age of 11
than boys. I would provide my entire hypothesis to get more accurate results and also to include my
prediction. Key Stage 3 were by far the least accurate at estimating, which does conform to the
hypothesis as they are the youngest. Again, generally, girls are usually shorter and more petite than
boys which give them a decreased height against the boys. Instead, the experiment was carried out at
lunchtime so there was not a full attendance. To further, the investigation I would compare the results
of younger children to see if that had an effect on the correlation. I will work out the mean and the
standard Deviation for both the Girls and the Boys results. KS3 males clearly have a higher range
than KS3 females, and the same applies to KS4 and KS5 respectively. Year 10 at Stamford School
and Stamford High School represent a small sample of year 10 pupils in England. This also
concludes the fact that the boys’ average height is more than the girls. The 14th boy in the set was
the first to be selected etc. I have presented my information and now have enough evidence to say
that my hypothesis is accurate. For simple random sampling, I could have given every record an
assigned number, and then used a random number generator to select them, ignoring any repeated
numbers. As expected, the largest is Key Stage 3 with 9.56396, then 4 with 9.2567, and the smallest
is Key Stage 5 with 8.07393. Again this suggests that Key Stage 3 has most variation in the estimates
and so is therefore least consistent (although Key Stage 4 is less than 1 different so also isn’t
consistent), and Key Stage 5 is the most consistent, with least variation in the estimates. I will group
together the height data within the stratum creating a frequency table. The Daily Star has 1% of
politics, with absolutely nothing on Global Issues, such as the fighting in Burma, with the Daily
Mail having a whopping 7% of Global Issues and Politics combined. As you could see again as the
age increases the price decrease because the higher the age means it has been used a lot, so customers
would give low prices.
I will then use a technique to see how closely the children (of different ages) choices correlate. These
entries were numbered and then using a calculator and the random button the sample names were
collected. e.g Set 1: RND ? 26 gave 13.346. This converts to 14th name using the rounding up
method. This would allow me to justify the data more accurately and produce better relationships to
prove my hypotheses. Also, random sampling will be better as it will be easier to avoid bias, because
with stratified you may end up selecting all the pupils who have improved the most even if you don’t
really mean to. The box and whisker diagram shows that the girls’ inter-quartile range is 4cm more
than the boys. It is plain to see that they are trying to capture all possible audiences by offering a
generous mix of everything, with a style that most people would be able to comprehend fully. The
aim of the investigation is to deduce estimating skills of pupils of different ages, abilities and
genders. Also, the line of best fit for the boys is much steeper than that of the girls which indicates to
me that there is a stronger positive correlation. I will remove these outliers from my data table and
use the remaining data to test my hypotheses in the ways shown below. The data shows no
relationship between IQ and age, suggesting that the children do not get brighter with age, but this
maybe questionable as the data does not say when the IQ tests are sat. The boys’ mean height was
1.63m and the girls’ mean height was 1.59m which clearly indicates to me that on average the boys’
heights are 4 more cm than girls’. The rest of the diagrams and drawings have been completed neatly
and accurately by the computer, so there isn’t a huge mess on the drawings. It would also be
inconvenient going to the girl’s school and getting the results from each girl. I will rank the students
favourite television genre with the most popular being one. Instead, the experiment was carried out
at lunchtime so there was not a full attendance. I expect to see strong positive correlation here as I
believe that if you do well in Key Stage Two you do well in Key Stage Three. Average SATS Score
shows that the higher the IQ of a Year 11 Boy, the higher the average SATS Score will be, and the
evidence that supports this is the Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient, as it is 0.922; and as 1 is
the highest and -1 is the lowest; 0.922 is high as it is close to 1. For each question I will use a certain
sample of year 10's at Stamford Endowed schools. To a certain degree of accuracy, this proves my
null hypothesis. I feel a sample of 200 words would be fitting, as it is large enough to take the
general style of an article in, but not so small that there may be some misrepresentative anomalies.
This could be sales man, who drives from one state to another. The formula for calculating the
standard deviation is. To take a stratified sample I will divide the whole population of children into
year group and gender e.g. Year 7 Boys. I will then take 10% of each stratum to gain fair
representation of each stratum. This has been done in the tables above, and the outliers have been
highlighted. I would provide me working on computer to avoid biased results and also to get more
accurate results. Not to be biased I am going to stratify my data to keep the boys and girls in
proportion. We can measure the spread of data by looking at the range; this is merely the distance
between the lowest value and the highest value. This is because the more able pupils have improved
more than less able pupils and they have all improved around the same amount. For stratified random
sampling, I could have used a field such as gender or Year to split the overall data into groups, and
selected the same amount of records from each group. GCSE Statistics Coursework Introduction
Scenario: I am not very good at estimating lengths so I am going to find out how to improve it. 1) Is
the ability to estimate the length of a straight line related to mathematical ability.
It turns out the variables correlated and where in the same general area, abolishing the idea that the
Year 7’s where of a higher ability than the Year 11’s. I can work out that the radius for the Year 11
pie chart is the square root of 2.19825, which is 1.48cm (to 3 sig.fig.). I used my computer to
construct these pie charts. With the result from the PMCC, I can see that there is a relatively strong
correlation but still not as much as the boys. However, at the very end, the frequencies stop, as the
graph shows, but in this diagram there isn’t a straight line being produced as the maximum value is 6
and the cumulative frequency curve stops at 6. By looking at the frequency charts you can see that
the Year 11 boy’s have branched out their choices, they have less people watching cartoons and
soaps and more people watching educational programs and sports. I have Predicted this because the
girls who come with high results from Junior School to High School do make an improvement but
not better than the Boys in Our School. My quantitive data will be continuous as I will be comparing
two variables, using scatter diagrams, for my second hypothesis. I also hope that the calculations will
help me to create tables and diagrams such as the stem and leaf plots and box and whisker plots. The
deviation is very low and the range is lower than the boys which indicates to me that most of the
girls’ heights are all around the mean and are all about the same. I predict that as age (or Key Stage)
increases, spread (range and standard deviation) decreases and the average becomes closer to zero.
The secondary data is useful because it has 1183 students in the database which provides a very
accurate representation on the population because it is a very large sample. I would actually expect
them to be almost the same in accuracy, with males perhaps just being slightly more accurate. We
could also have looked at year groups instead of Key Stage, as it would probably be easier to spot a
trend if there were more categories to work from. The first word selected was the fifth, the second
word the tenth, the third word the fifteenth and so on. For best use, print in A3, in colour and
double-sided. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 5.00 1
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May 2017 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest Colinbillett's Shop 4.43 1517 reviews Not the right resource. To
further, the investigation I would compare the results of younger children to see if that had an effect
on the correlation. This is the information on the histogram which I have taken from Autograph and
put into word. I think that this counts for both girls and boys.” To prove this I will use a correlation
graph and also spearman’s Rank Correlation. This scatter graph shows the y dependant on x
regression line. The actual lines are at the back of my project: I got this trial data by doing the
experiment: Straight Line (mm) Non Straight Line (mm) st Practice (mm) 2nd Practice (mm) 3rd
Practice (mm) Non Straight Line After Practice (mm) 260 300 300 450 800 69 355 400 330 450 000
323 280 400 250 575 950 260 350 400 450 650 900 265 300 350 450 500 999 323 280 320 60 513
967 76 222 322 337 489 923 252 284 302 327 473 949 227 280 304 402 427 761 211 400 380 250
360 300 300 245 345 200 343 777 299 210 280. Set five did not do the same exam at the end of year
nine so cannot be sampled. This also concludes the fact that the boys’ average height is more than the
girls. This will now allow me to create complex graphs to present the data to enable me to spot any
trends, relationships or anomalies in the data for height, weight, year groups, age and gender. The
range clarifies that the boys’ heights have a wider spread of data which means that there are more
heights that are taller. Therefore if you get a good mark at Key Stage 2, you are very likely to get a
good mark at Key Stage 3. Also I needed to see what happens to the frequencies as the IQ and
SATS scores goes higher. Year 10 in the Stamford Endowed schools is a good choice as every person
has have the exact same education and experience and the data is reasonably easy to collect. All
pupils will have used a ruler before so they will know the approximate length of 30cm and 15cm
lines. Null hypothesis: There is a relationship between the ability to estimate the length of a straight
line and mathematical ability.
These entries were numbered and then using a calculator and the random button the sample names
were collected. e.g Set 1: RND ? 26 gave 13.346. This converts to 14th name using the rounding up
method. I selected four articles from the broadsheet then found an article in the tabloid for each that
covered the same story. However, from looking at the graph, generally those good at maths achieved
smaller differences in estimation hence were more accurate. The actual lines are at the back of my
project: I got this trial data by doing the experiment: Straight Line (mm) Non Straight Line (mm) st
Practice (mm) 2nd Practice (mm) 3rd Practice (mm) Non Straight Line After Practice (mm) 260 300
300 450 800 69 355 400 330 450 000 323 280 400 250 575 950 260 350 400 450 650 900 265 300
350 450 500 999 323 280 320 60 513 967 76 222 322 337 489 923 252 284 302 327 473 949 227
280 304 402 427 761 211 400 380 250 360 300 300 245 345 200 343 777 299 210 280. It is
important we get an accurate representation of what the spread is like as spread measures how
closely the data is clustered. I will only have some qualitive data, such as the names of pupils,
however this will not effect my conclusion, whether these qualitive data are different. So therefore, I
deleted all of the scatter graphs that I made for each year group because if I didn’t, then it wouldn’t
be relevant, it wouldn’t be helpful, and it would be a waste of time to continue on my other
hypotheses. To a certain degree of accuracy this proves my null hypothesis. To get this data I need to
get a person to measure a line and a non straight line in an experiment. Bundle GCSE Maths Topic
Questions Bundle This bundle contains 6 question packs, covering each key topic in the maths
GCSE. If most of the points are in the top left and bottom right, this will be negative. I will calculate
the mean for each year group and then I will verify this result by finding the median from a
cumulative frequency graph. The mean of 52.768 is higher than the Females of 49.9538. I think that
this counts for both girls and boys.” To prove this I will use a correlation graph and also spearman’s
Rank Correlation. From the line of best fit, I can see that there is a positive relationship, but with the
PMCC, I can certainly see that there is a positive one. The median is about 20 and 50% of the results
are between -40 and 30. The y on x regression line is the same as the line of best fit. I can see this as
the height of the year 10 girls starts at 1.4cm whereas the year seven girls start at 1.2 cm. From this, I
decided to re sample the Year 7 boys’ and the Year 11 boys’ data as the other sample was simply too
small to show anything of fairness, I used systematic sample-taking every third student. I will also
use scatter diagrams to show me the relationships between IQ and Average SATS scores, and also
show me the Spearmans rank correlation coefficient. Average SATS Score shows that the higher the
IQ of a Year 7 Girl, the higher the average SATS Score will be. I decided to look at both Key Stage 2
SATs results Key stage 3 SATs results for Both Girls and boys. These results also seem to correlate
with the scientific theory of later male development however to make a solid conclusion of the issue
I would need stronger results. I will be selecting ever 2 nd record working from the top of my
spreadsheet then going downwards, until I have 50 pieces of data. The girls’ median height is 1.60m
and the boys’ median height is 1.61m; this shows me that on an average, the heights were mostly
around 1.60 which is similar for both genders. I will use “box and whisker” diagrams as they should
be able to see the jump in heights between the year groups clearly. This is the formula for product-
moment correlation coefficient. Also, the line of best fit for the boys is much steeper than that of the
girls which indicates to me that there is a stronger positive correlation. We are investigating what is
the most influential factor when buying a second hand car. I will also calculate the mean of both the
raw and grouped data for both year 7 and 11 to try and quantitatively prove a relationship and show
whether I was correct in thinking that on average year 7 students will have smaller feet than year 11
In this piece of coursework, I want to find out whether this is correct. For instance, there is a large
number of peoples’ heights that are below the average at age 12, but at age 16, there are no heights
under the mean. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel See
more Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. To give me
knowledge of the correct correlation, I will use product-moment correlation coefficient which is a
calculation that shows the correlation value of the data. I think this would be useful because the girls
may have made preference changes at a younger age. I collected my data using random sampling
because after having looked at stratified sampling I decided it wasn’t the best choice as the sets all
have around the same number of people. One the data was available at the bottom of the screen I was
able to use it to get the histograms, box plots and polygons I needed. The pupils will enter a room
and look at a straight line and a non straight line and ask them to estimate it in mm. GCSE Maths
Handling Data Coursework - Comparing Newspapers. This could be sales man, who drives from one
state to another. I also took the standard deviation of the values and plotted each stratums deviation
on to a bar chart. This data is qualitative which means that it is not numerical, only discrete. We have
seen no clear relationship between age and accuracy of estimation, nor between the seemingly most
obvious relationship between maths ability and accuracy of estimation. The mean uses all of the data,
finding the sum of all the data points and then dividing by the number of data points, meaning that a
mean closest to zero will be the most accurate. All these values are added together and the result is
divided by the total frequency. My fourth hypothesis was correct because there was a positive
correlation. This is because the more able pupils have improved more than less able pupils and they
have all improved around the same amount. The girls’ data is all about the same with a few low and
big heights. Every person has used the same facilities, books and material and the teachers have all
been taught using the same course. A positive value indicates a positive correlation and the higher the
value, the stronger the correlation. In am comparing gender and not the age of the pupils. I have 50
pieces of data for each of the male and female tables, so to find the median I would need to find out
what the 25 th value was. I will use the same exact formulas for the mean, mode, median, range,
inter-quartile range, upper quartile and lower quartile as I calculated above with the previous stem
and leaf plot (both boys’ and girls’ heights). The girls’ median height is 1.60m and the boys’ median
height is 1.61m; this shows me that on an average, the heights were mostly around 1.60 which is
similar for both genders. I have placed these ages in a table with the students IQ. I decided against it
because I thought that it would be hard to obtain the data. The less able pupils’ box and whisker plot
is lower on my scale and a lot more spread out as they have not improved much as my hypothesis
says Also they have very varied improvements as some will have tried harder than others. For each
question I will use a certain sample of year 10's at Stamford Endowed schools. The standard
deviation is a measure of how spread out your data is. I would provide me working on computer to
avoid biased results and also to get more accurate results.

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