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Asepsis is the freedom from disease- NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION

causing microorganism. o Infection that originates in the

hospital or during the client’s
Infection is the growth of stay in the facility or the
microorganisms in the body tissue setting
where they are not usually found. o Iatrogenic Infections – result of
diagnostic or therapeutic
Used to decrease the possibility of
transferring microorganisms from one CARDINAL SIGNS OF

 Rubor (Redness)
 Edema/Tumor (Swelling)
Medical Asepsis  Calor (Heat)
 Reduces the number of pathogens  Dolor (Pain)
 Uses CLEAN Techniques  Purulent Drainage
 Loss of Function
 Medical Handwashing
 Used in the ff procedures:
Medication Administration
Tube Feedings

Surgical Asepsis
 Sterile Technique
 Eliminates ALL pathogens
 Used in the ff procedures:
Wound Dressing Change
Surgical Procedures

 Bacteria – most common infection- ETIOLOGICAL AGENT
causing microbe  The microorganism that is
 Viruses – consist of primarily capable of producing in
nucleic acid and enter cells to infection.
reproduce  Note: The microbe’s ability to
 Fungi – yeasts and molds produce an infection depends on
 Parasites – live in other living the number of microorganisms,
organisms virulence, potency, and the
susceptibility of host.
Local Infection – specific part of  The source of microorganisms
the body. Covid-19 (viral), TB  Carrier – a person or animal
(bacterial), Athlete’s Foot that is a reservoir but does not
(fungal), Malaria (parasitic) manifest any clinical signs of
the disease.
Systemic Infection –
microorganisms spread and damage PORTAL OF EXIT
different parts.  The area where the infection
leaves the reservoir
1.Direct Transmission – immediate Agent
transfer (touching, kissing, 1.Correctly clean, or sterilize
sexual intercourse) articles before using
Droplet Spread – host is within 2.Educating clients and support
1 meter (sneezing, coughing, persons about appropriate methods
spitting, singing, talking) to clean, disinfect, and sterilize
2. Indirect Transmission Sterilization – is the process that
 Vehicle-borne transmission – kills all the living micro-organisms
any substance that serves as an including spores, viruses, and
intermediate means to transport fungi.
and introduce an infection.
Fomites – inanimate materials Disinfectants – are those germicides
can act as vehicles. Ex. Hep A or chemical substances which are
infection – food-borne disease used to destroy or inhibit the
 Vector-borne transmission – an growth of pathogenic vegetative
animal or insect that serves as bacteria (not their spores) on
an intermediate means of inanimate (nonliving)surfaces such
transporting the infectious as glassware or surgical
agent. instruments.
Injecting salivary fluid during Antiseptics – are those germicides
bites or by depositing feces or chemical substances which are
(Ticks, Mites) used to destroy the pathogenic
bacteria (not spores) on animate
3. Airborne Transmission – may (living) surfaces such as skin
involve droplets or dust. Droplet mucous membranes.
nuclei or the residue of
evaporated droplets emitted by an
infected host can remain in the
air for a long time. Reservoir
1.Changing dressings and bandages
when soiled or wet.
2.Appropriate skin and oral hygiene
Often the microorganisms enter the
body, the same route they used to 3.Disposing of damp and soiled
leave the source. linens appropriately.
4.Disposing of feces and urine in
appropriate receptacles
5.Ensuring that all fluid containers
Any person who is at risk for are covered or capped.
6.Emptying suction bottles and
drainage bottle at end of each shift
or before full or according agency

Portal of Exit
1.Covering the mouth and nose when
coughing or sneezing
2.Avoiding talking, coughing, 7.Any physiological abnormality can
sneezing over open wounds or the influence normal defense of the
sterile area. body
8. Environment
9. Immunization
Mode of Transmission
 Before touching a patient 1. Sterile objects become
 Before clean/aseptic procedure unsterile when touch by
 After body fluid exposure risk unsterile field.
 After touching a patient 2. Sterile objects can become
 After touching patient unsterile by prolong exposure
surroundings to airborne microorganisms.
3. The skin cannot be sterile and
2.Wearing of the appropriate is unsterile.
personal protective equipment 4. Conscientiousness, alertness
especially when handling secretions and honesty are essential
and excretions. (GLOVES, MASKS, EYE qualities in maintaining
PROTECTION) asepsis.
3.Placing discarded soiled materials
in moisture-proof bags.
Systematic, rational method of
Susceptible host planning that guides all nursing
1.Maintaing the skin integrity and actions in delivering holistic and
the mucous membranes of the client patient-focused care.

2.Ensuring proper nutrition and

healthy lifestyle Assessment
3.Proper education on the importance
 Nursing History (degree to which
of immunization
the client is at risk of
developing of an infection,
client’s complaints, emotional
FACTORS INCREASING SUSCEPTIBILITY stressors, nutritional status)
1.Age – extremes of age are at  Physical Assessment (open wounds,
greater risk of infection due to localized infectious process, age,
immature immune system and signs of infections)
decreased physiologic function  Laboratory Data (Elevated WBCs,
2.Heredity – development of urine, blood, sputum or drainage
infection have a genetic cultures)
3.Cultural Practices – healthcare
beliefs and practices, as well as Nursing Diagnosis
nutritional and hygiene practices
Risk for Infection- the individual
can influence the susceptibility
is at increased risk for being
to decrease.
invaded by pathogens
4.Nutrition – inadequate nutrition
can make a person more Potential Complication of Infection:
susceptible to illness Fever
5.Stress – physical and emotional
stress affect the body’s ability Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body
against microbes Requirements (for patients who are
6.Rest and Exercise Pattern ill to eat)
Acute Pain (for patients 1. Performed medical handwashing
experiencing tissue damage and 2. Improved Personal Hygiene
discomfort) 3. Maintained a clean environment
Impaired social Interaction (if the
patient is required to be separated)
Anxiety (if the patient experiences
changes with lifestyle) Category Specific Isolation

Strict isolation
Planning/Outcome Criteria
What are my goals for my patient?

 Maintain or Restore defenses

 Avoid the spread of infectious
 Reduce or alleviate problems
associated with the infection

After of ____ of nursing

interventions, client will be from
infection by manifesting positive
understanding of the different
measures to control or prevent
1. Acquire better understanding
and perform medical handwashing
2. Improve personal hygiene
3. Manifest a clean environment

Nursing Interventions
1. Demonstrate medical handwashing
2. Assist the client in performing
personal hygiene (if able)
3. Change soiled bed linens
4. Perform environmental care (bed
and bedside)

After performing my nursing
interventions, the patient was free
from infection and manifested
different measures to control or
prevent infection

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