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1 Complete the sentences with the missing words.

1 What would you like for __________? There’s ice cream, chocolate cake and fruit salad.
2My family has vegetables for lunch almost every day. Today we had a_________.
3Wait for the water to bo_________before you add the spaghetti.
4He called the waiter because the meat was red inside. It was ______cooked.
5 When my baby brother was born he w______3kg. He wasn’t a big baby.
6 This engagement ring has been ______down in the family for four generations.
7 That’s not true! Jack is a h________ young man. He does well at school and he works in a restaurant at
the weekends.
8 My mum made our family tree and she found _________ that one of her ancestors was from the
Phillipines! Isn’t that amazing?
9 Ben and Mike look so different. Ben’s tall and _________, and Mike is short and a bit overweight. How
can they be twins?
2 Choose the correct answers _____/6
delicious horrible thirsty hungry
1 Could I have a glass of water,please? I am extremely _______.

bowl dessert knife starter

2 I think I will have the chicken for my______. What about you?

frying chewing grilling boiling

3 Would you mind ________ the water so we can cook the eggs,please?

breakfast dessert kitchen starter

4 Ben and Jack always have ice cream for ________.

chop cook mix peel

5 You have to _____ a banana before you can eat it.

boil fry grill stir

6 Put the ingredients into a bowl and ______ with a spoon.

3 Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple.____/12
Julia is good at languages. (She / speak) __________four languages very well.
Are you ready yet? (Everybody / wait) ____________for you.
I’ve never heard this word. How (you / pronounce) it?_____________________________?
Kate (not / work)________ this week. She’s on holiday.
I think my English________ (improve) slowly. It’s better than it was.
Nicola________ (live) in Manchester. She has never lived anywhere else.
Can we stop walking soon?__________ (I / start) to get tired.
Sam and Tina are in Madrid right now. ________(They / visit) a friend of theirs.
‘What_____________ (your father / do)?’ ‘He’s an architect.’
It took me an hour to get to work this morning. Most days_____________(it / not / take) so long.
I ____________(I / learn) to drive. My driving test is next month. My father ____________(teach) me.
4 Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple._____/10
‘What____________________ (you / do) at this time yesterday?’ ‘I was asleep.’
‘ _____________________(you / go) out last night?’ ‘No, I was too tired.’
How fast _______________(you / drive) when the accident___________ (happen)?
I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last________ (see) him, he_________ (try) to find a job.
I ___________(walk) along the street when suddenly I __________(hear) something behind me.
Somebody_______ (follow) me. I was scared and I___________(start) to run.
5 Complete the text with the words and phrases in the box.
a few a little a lot many some too much
Last Saturday my parents were busy, so I said I could cook 0 some food for our evening meal. I started by
looking in the fridge. There was 1 cheese, but not much, and 2 tomatoes. Then I found 3
of fresh pasta – enough for everyone! Unfortunately, there weren’t 4 onions, but I made a sauce
with what I found. In fact, in the end I made 5 food, really – but it all disappeared, and everyone
said it was delicious

6 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. Use between two and five words.

1 I enjoy eating vegetables more now than when I was young.

I _______________ eating vegetables much when I was young.

2 We missed the train because Ronnie got up late.

We _______________ because Ronnie got up late.

3 When I had cleaned the car, we went for a drive.

I _______________ we went for a drive.

4 During the film, Nick felt ill and had to leave.

_______________ film, Nick felt ill and had to leave.

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