Bes 047 - Exam

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BES 047 – Engineering

P2 Exam



1. How may one determine the qualifications of a job candidate?

- A thorough process is necessary to ascertain a job candidate's qualifications. Start by going
through the applicant's résumé in detail, paying particular attention to their training,
professional background, and noteworthy accomplishments. Do in-depth interviews with
questions that evaluate candidates' technical abilities as well as their compatibility with the
organization's culture. To verify the candidate's skills and prior performance, use skill
evaluations and reference checks. A comprehensive picture of the candidate's qualifications
is given by this multifaceted screening process.

2. After as an applicant is hired or inducted, what activities should be done by a human resource?
- After hiring, human resources should concentrate on efficient onboarding procedures to
guarantee the new hire's seamless integration. Create and implement training initiatives to
fill up particular skill gaps and offer possibilities for lifelong learning. Create procedures for
managing performance that are explicit, define expectations, and give regular, helpful
feedback. Encourage open communication among staff members and effectively oversee
benefit administration. These initiatives enhance the well-being and continuous
development of employees while also fostering a positive work environment.

3. What is/are the implications of the cost of the “wrong decision” in the selection process? (hiring
a person)
- A poor choice made during the selecting process may have far-reaching consequences.
Financially speaking, there are costs associated with hiring, training, and possible severance
pay. The success of the team as a whole may be impacted by a mismatched employee's low
productivity. Negative effects on the dynamics and morale of the team could occur, which
could result in turnover. Furthermore, a company's reputation as an employer may suffer
from a succession of poor hires, which is why it is so important to invest in a careful and
precise hiring procedure.

4. Assuming you’re the Project Engineer of the team that has given project, but your project
manager or your supervisor are not around and has not given you any instructions regarding the
said project for the next stage. How well you compliment or how you will handle with the team
without your superiors? (Note: The project does not need to be stop).
- Effective communication and teamwork are crucial for the Project Engineer, especially when
there are no bosses around. First, I will start a conversation to find out what is needed to
accomplish in the project's goals. Examine the plans, guidelines, and project documentation
that are currently accessible to decide what should happen next. Assign tasks according to
the knowledge and abilities of my team members. To guarantee that everyone is in
agreement with the project's direction, make effective use of the resources already in place
and maintain open lines of communication with the team.

5. Imagine, you are the Project Manager how can you help your teammates or subordinates grow,
across all experience levels and scenarios?
- As a Project Manager, fostering the growth of my team members across all experience levels
involves various strategies. I will determine each person's strengths and areas for
improvement, then design assignments and projects to test and improve abilities. Promote
lifelong learning with training courses and educational opportunities. Establish a culture of
collaboration that values information sharing, teamwork, and communication. Establish
definite procedures for performance management, give frequent feedback, and
acknowledge accomplishments.

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