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Class: IB1802
Semester: Fall 2023
Date: November 5, 2023
Group Assignment FPT University

Table of Content

I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 2
II. REVENUE AND MARKET SHARE OF VIETNAM’S SHRIMP ......................................... 3
III. REVENUE FROM EXPORTING VIETNAM’S SHRIMP.................................................... 4
1. Revenue in 2021 ........................................................................................................ 5
1.1. The United States Market ...................................................................................... 5
1.2. Other markets......................................................................................................... 6
2. Revenue in 2022 ........................................................................................................ 7
1. Opportunities ............................................................................................................. 8
1.1. Natural condition.................................................................................................... 8
1.2. Trade Agreements.................................................................................................. 9
1.3. Technology and Innovation ................................................................................... 9
2. Challenges ............................................................................................................... 10
2.1. The salinity of shrimp farming water .................................................................. 10
2.2. Diseases ............................................................................................................... 11
2.3. Competitive Advantage ....................................................................................... 11
IV. PLANT TO IMPLEMENT THE STRATEGY................................................................... 12
1. Strategies to achieve goals .................................................................................... 12
2. Strategies for achieving price goals ...................................................................... 13
V. STRATEGY WE NEED TO NEGOTIATE WITH PARTNERS..........................................14
1. Updating on the shrimp export market situation .................................................. 14
2. Collecting target market information ..................................................................... 14
2.1. Business Culture.................................................................................................. 14
2.2. Characteristics of World Market Demand........................................................... 14
2.3. Taxes, costs, and quality standards ................................................................... 15
2.4. Law and Politics ................................................................................................... 15
VI. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 17
V. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 18

Group Assignment FPT University


Vietnam is a country with more than

600,000 hectares of shrimp farming with two
species of black tiger shrimp and white shrimp and
is also the world's leading black tiger shrimp
producer with an output of 300,000 tons per year.
Shrimp is a traditional farming species in Vietnam
while white shrimp has been raised in many
provinces since 2008. Shrimp farming areas are concentrated mainly in the Mekong Delta and
the provinces with the largest shrimp farming areas include Ca Mau, Bac Lieu, Soc Trang, Ben
Tre, and Kien Giang.

Vietnam's shrimp exports from 1998

to 2017 have achieved quite impressive
results with a growth rate of 752% from 453
million USD in 1998 to nearly 4 billion USD in
2017 (an increase of 8.5 times). By 2022,
Vietnam's shrimp exports will rank second in
the world.

Many experts assess that Vietnam's shrimp industry will face many difficulties in 2023
because our country will have to compete more strongly with shrimp from Ecuador and India.
In addition, the price of imported shrimp on the world market has gradually decreased since
the second half of 2022 and is expected to continue to decrease as global supply increases to
about 6 million tons. Our country's shrimp export industry accounts for 13-14% of the world's
total shrimp export value. Every year, the shrimp industry contributes about 40-45% of the total
seafood export value, equivalent to 3.5-4 billion US dollars. Therefore, the shrimp export
industry is an important bridge for Vietnam to promote economic development.

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Vietnam is one of the top 3 largest shrimp exporting countries in the world, along with
Ecuador and India. Vietnam's shrimp farming industry generates billions of export dollars,
making up about 10.1% market share of the global shrimp exporting industry value. Shrimp
exports are also undeniably the most vital part of Vietnam's seafood industry, contributing
39.1% of the seafood export value. The US, Japan, and the EU are key markets for
Vietnamese shrimp exporters. Vietnamese shrimp has been exported to about 100 countries
and territories, with 5 major markets including Europe, America, Japan, China, and Korea.
Vietnam has become the world's second-largest shrimp supplier with export value accounting
for 13-14% of the world's total shrimp export value.

In 2021, despite being significantly affected by COVID-19, the supply chain and
production chain of the shrimp industry were delayed locally, then impacted the global supply
chain, causing a sudden increase in transportation costs. These challenges cause
considerable damage to each shrimp farming household, each farm, and each shrimp
processing facility. All that is in the past, although the concern may still be there, especially in
small shrimp farming households.

In 2022, harvested farmed shrimp output will reach 1080 thousand tons, an increase
of 8.5% compared to 2021. Of which, black tiger shrimp output will reach 271.4 thousand tons;
whiteleg shrimp reached 743.5 thousand tons; the remaining are freshwater prawns and other
types of shrimp. Of the total shrimp harvest, about 451.7 thousand tons are processed for
export, and the rest is consumed domestically. The average shrimp price in the world is 9.52
USD/kg, from which we can calculate the average annual domestic shrimp market share
revenue will be 5.9 billion USD and the average annual export shrimp market share revenue
will be 4.3 billion USD.

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Realizing the promising growth potential for seafood consumption, the Vietnamese
government aims to maintain a leading position in its development planning strategy until 2030.
The government has issued Resolution 50/2018/QD-TTg regulating main aquaculture species,
including black tiger shrimp and whiteleg shrimp, since 2019. Resolution 79/QD-TTg was also
issued to Exploit action plans to develop the shrimp industry until 2025.

Accordingly, the government sets the following goals for the period 2021-2025:

• Total export turnover of white leg shrimp and black tiger shrimp reached 8.4
billion USD (average growth of 12.7% in the period 2021-2025)
• The farming area reached 750,000 hectares
• Farmed shrimp output reached 1.1 million tons (average growth of 6.73% in the
period 2021-2025).

Vietnam's shrimp farming industry

generates billions of dollars in exports, accounting
for about 10.1% market share (2021 data, UN
Comtrade Database) in the value of the global
shrimp export industry. It is undeniable that
shrimp export is also the most important sector of
Vietnam's seafood industry, contributing 39.1% of
seafood export value.

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1. Revenue in 2021

Data from the General Department of Customs shows that shrimp export turnover in
2021 reached 3.88 billion USD, an increase of 4% compared to the turnover of 3.73 billion
USD in 2020.

Consumption data from the summary

tables show that in 2021, the United States will
become the leading producer of Vietnamese
shrimp, accounting for 28% of the market share.
The second-largest market is the EU and UK
(21.8%), and the third is Japan (14.9%). China,
although there was a decrease, still maintained
the fourth (10.6%) followed by South Korea
(9.6%) and other markets reaching 15%.

1.1. The United States Market

The situation of the US market has created a new record in both shrimp production and
import turnover, with 7 billion USD and an output of over 750,000 tons. Vietnam ranked fourth
in the race to export shrimp to the US. Vietnam's shrimp exports to the US in 2021 reached
88,161 tons, worth 1.089 billion USD, an increase of 33% in volume and 39% in value
compared to 2020. The US market accounts for 28% of total Vietnam's shrimp export value in

Vietnamese shrimp is exported to 17 US states, of which New York state recorded the
largest volume with 31,647 tons, accounting for 36% of the total volume of shrimp imports from
Vietnam to the US; California imported the second most with 23,995 tons, accounting for 27%
of the total volume of shrimp imported from Vietnam.

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Frozen peeled farmed shrimp (white

shrimp, black tiger shrimp) is the most
imported US product in 2021. The average
import price of this item from India is 8.8
USD/kg, Ecuador is 8.6 USD/kg, Indonesia
is 9.9 USD/kg and Vietnam is 12 USD/kg.
Other frozen shrimp meat (cold water
shrimp, sea shrimp...) is the second largest
imported product, from the US, the average
import price of this item from India reaches 8.1 USD/kg, Vietnam is 10.6 USD/kg. Next is other
processed shrimp and frozen breaded shrimp with the average import price from India reaching
10 USD/kg, from Vietnam is 11.1 USD/kg. In the US market, the price of Vietnamese shrimp
is always higher than the price of shrimp from India, Indonesia, and Ecuador, showing that the
competitive advantage of Vietnam's shrimp products is in quality, not price.

1.2. Other markets

Besides the US, the EU and UK markets are also large and potential markets for
Vietnamese shrimp. In 2021, Vietnam's shrimp exports to this market will reach 855 million
USD. Shrimp exports to Japan reached 583 million USD, to China and Korea both reached
389 million USD and to other markets reached 583 million USD.

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2. Revenue in 2022

Data from the General Department of Customs shows that shrimp export turnover in
2022 reached a record of 4.3 billion USD, an increase of 14% compared to the turnover of 3.88
billion USD in 2021.

Consumption data from the summary

tables show that in 2022, the United States will
become the leading producer of Vietnamese
shrimp, accounting for 21% of the market share.
The second-largest market is the EU (16%), and
the third is China (15%). Japan, although there
was a decrease, still maintained the fourth (14%)
followed by South Korea (11%) and other
markets reaching 23%.

In 2022, shrimp exports to the US decreased compared to 2021 due to record inflation
in the US, high inventory while purchasing power decreased, and the price of shrimp exported
to the US decreased. The number of export profits to the US reached 903 million USD, down
17% compared to 2021.

Besides the US, in 2022, Vietnam's shrimp exports to the EU reached 688 million USD.
Shrimp exports to China reached 645 million USD, to Japan reached 602 million USD, to Korea
reached 473 million USD, and to other markets reached 989 million USD. This shows that
Vietnam has found many new markets to export shrimp in 2022.

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Vietnam is one of the world's leading shrimp exporters, with a market share of about
14% in 2020. Vietnam has a favorable natural environment, a large and highly skilled
workforce, and a strong commitment Strong in quality and sustainability. However, the shrimp
export industry also faces many challenges, such as increased competition, price fluctuations,
trade barriers, and environmental issues. Let's explore the current opportunities that the
Vietnamese shrimp export industry can seize to overcome these challenges and improve
competitiveness and profits.

1. Opportunities

1.1. Natural condition

Vietnam is a country having a dense river network with evenly

distributed river systems with large flows, especially in the Mekong Delta,
which accounts for 95% of shrimp production and is also the center of
shrimp processing factories. This is the best condition as well as the huge
potential to develop the aquaculture industry in general and the shrimp
farming industry in particular. To date, The estimated brackish water
shrimp farming area is likely to be expanded from 800 thousand to 1
million hectares. There are about 200 shrimp processing plants approved
by the European Commission with regular field inspections right in

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1.2. Trade Agreements

The free trade agreements that

Vietnam has signed with major economies
are opportunities to expand Vietnam's
shrimp export market, especially the
EVFTA agreement. The effective EVFTA
Agreement has created a competitive
advantage for Vietnamese products,
especially shrimp, in terms of import tax
compared to competitors, creating
opportunities for Vietnamese businesses
to penetrate and expand the market part of the Nordic region. According to the EU's
commitment in the EVFTA Agreement, for the seafood industry, 95% of products will be fully
opened, with a maximum roadmap of 10 years (of which more than 71% of tariff lines will be
eliminated immediately after the agreement regulations take effect), the remaining 5% of tariff
lines are products that Vietnam does not have export strengths. For other commitments on
technical barriers to trade (TBT) or sanitary and epidemiological measures (SPS), the two
sides agreed to strengthen the implementation of the rules of the Agreement on Technical
Barriers to Trade. WTO trade (TBT Agreement). The Agreement also includes commitments
towards reducing other tariff barriers (for example, commitments on export/import licensing,
and customs procedures...) to facilitate import and export activities between the two sides.

1.3. Technology and Innovation

Technology and innovation are

essential to improve productivity, efficiency,
and quality of shrimp production and
processing. Vietnam is a "bright spot" in
technological development in shrimp farming
with many new science and technological
applications in the production chain,
including hatchery production and
commercial farming techniques with many
scientific, and technological application models at many different levels. Vietnam has applied
advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and biotechnology to

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optimize shrimp breeding, feeding, harvesting, and processing. These technologies can help
reduce costs, increase productivity, enhance traceability, and ensure food safety. Not only that,
Vietnam also promotes innovation by supporting research and development (R&D),
encouraging cooperation between stakeholders, and facilitating access to finance and markets
for creative solutions.

2. Challenges

2.1. The salinity of shrimp farming water

The salinity situation in farming

areas is quite erratic. Currently, global
climate change such as rising sea levels
and increasing temperatures is happening
very often in many localities. Precipitation
and temperature significantly alter the rate
of groundwater recharge to aquifer
systems. The 2022 rainy season ends 30-
35 days later than average for many
years. During the first 2 months of the dry
season, there is unseasonal rain in many places. In addition, the total number of sunshine
hours in the first months of the dry season is 103 hours lower than the same period last year.
The average water level at the upstream stations of the Mekong River is approximately the
average level for many years, the Kien Giang inland stations are always higher than the same
period and the average level for many years is from 0.1-0.5m. Therefore, saltwater intrusion in
the first months of the 2022-2023 dry season is at a low level. The highest salinity in the Cai
Be and Cai Lon river areas in January 2023 is lower than the average level of many years,
fluctuating between 3 - 5% (suitable salinity 5-15%). Due to the lack of salt water, many shrimp
farmers are impatient and buy salt to dilute to stock in time for the season, but the effectiveness
is not high. In 2022, damage due to environmental and weather changes will be 5.976 hectares
(accounting for 26.1% of the damaged shrimp area).

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2.2. Diseases

Not only is it difficult due to

salinity, but Vietnam's shrimp farming
industry also faces difficulties due to
diseases caused by viruses, bacteria,
and fungi. Due to climate change,
unusual weather changes (effects of
the El Nino phenomenon, storms,
floods, tropical depressions, etc.)
cause large fluctuations in the water
environment, affecting shrimp farmed
health and resistance of farmed
shrimp. From there, pathogens easily arise, spread, and cause serious damage, especially to
black tiger shrimp. Disease factors, especially microsporidian disease (a disease in shrimp
caused by the parasite Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP)) cause the rate of successful
farming in Vietnam to seriously decline. In 2022, the total area of brackish water shrimp
identified due to the epidemic will be over 7.1 thousand hectares, accounting for 30.4% of the
damaged shrimp area. The remaining area is due to shrimp farmers, local veterinary agencies
not taking samples for disease testing, or due to environmental factors. This poses a challenge
in changing thinking in disease management towards risk management in the entire production
chain from shrimp seed to commercial farming.

2.3. Competitive Advantage

Vietnam is facing extremely huge risks due to the loss of competitive advantage in
production costs compared to main competitors such as Ecuador and India. Today, world
shrimp prices predict that imported shrimp prices on the world market will continue to decrease
due to increased global supply. Meanwhile, domestic raw shrimp prices tend to increase. The
difference between imported shrimp prices and domestic raw material prices creates difficulties
in mobilizing raw materials for shrimp processing and export. Inflation and the Russia-Ukraine
conflict also contribute to increasing difficulties for the shrimp farming industry, as they can
cause market fluctuations and create business risks. Vietnam is also affected by international
payment risks and supply chain disruptions in import and export because major shipping lines
have announced they will not ship to and from Russia, leading to increased shipping costs;
rising import input costs for basic goods, and weakening demand in Russia, Ukraine and
related countries.

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Building a strategic plan from comprehensive to specific, we clearly define the goal of
developing Vietnamese shrimp products in the domestic market and especially exporting

1. Strategies to achieve goals

First of all, Vietnamese shrimp products need to ensure quality, ensuring consistent
quality and safety standards to meet international regulations such as MSC certification, which
is certified by the Marine Stewardship Council, certified according to ASC standards (an
international certification for responsibly farmed seafood, minimizing negative impacts on the
environment, ecosystem, and community) and ensuring good labor regulations. consumer
dynamics and expectations. In addition to the sustainability of the product, it is necessary to
commit to sustainable shrimp farming to protect the environment. The two basic factors that
need to be focused on are that the breed is controlled more safely and the farming area has a
water source. cleaner.

Moreover, it is about building a brand and positioning, maintaining a position in the top
3 shrimp exporting countries in the world, developing a strong brand identity, and emphasizing
quality and sustainability. Besides, increasing profit margins, striving for a balance between
competitive prices and maximizing profit margins.

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2. Strategies for achieving price goals

Vietnam's shrimp products have higher prices than other countries exporting the same
products such as Ecuador and India, because there are still many difficulties in seed and water
quality, so to have the advantage of shrimp prices. Vietnamese shrimp needs to research and
compare with competitors to ensure prices are competitive in the market and suitable for
partners and customers.

Firstly, it is necessary to highlight the quality of Vietnamese shrimp, sustainability, and

taste to justify the high price, the high price comes with high quality to match the price. Besides,
it is necessary to evaluate based on domestic and international market demand, such as
seasonality and customer loyalty.

In addition, for new markets, it is necessary to initially offer a lower price to gain market
share in the first 1 year to 2 years and then have a plan to gradually increase the price, this is
penetration pricing. This strategy will be a solid foundation to improve shrimp quality to reduce
the cost of farmed shrimp and increase the competitiveness of Vietnamese shrimp in the
international market. From there, the shrimp industry will have a more stable and sustainable
development foundation.

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To make progress in promoting the economy of the seafood industry, especially the
shrimp industry of Vietnam, shrimp production enterprises need to have good strategies to
reach good agreements in negotiations with foreign partners.

1. Updating on the shrimp export market situation

The world shrimp supply is limited by a
sharp decrease in shrimp output from Thailand
due to the impact of EMS, causing shrimp
prices to increase globally. Thanks to that, the
value of Vietnamese shrimp exports to major
markets increased. Currently, the US
Government has issued a ban on seafood
fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, an area that
contributes over 30% of US shrimp production. Therefore, there are currently a number of
seafood distributors in the US market looking to source shrimp imports from Vietnam. The
Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) said some countries will
enter the main harvest season and supply may improve. However, due to a sharp decline in
farmed shrimp production in Thailand and increased consumption demand at the end of the
year, shrimp prices will continue to maintain an upward trend.

2. Collecting target market information

2.1. Business Culture

If you want to negotiate trade with an American partner, you must at least grasp their
wishes: Americans are very practical, they appreciate the qualifications of professional
partners and are willing to listen to their comments. The American attitude in negotiations is
considered very high and standard. When Americans want to meet partners, they already have
an implementation program in hand, not a project draft.

2.2. Characteristics of World Market Demand

According to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO), global market demand for shrimp products has continued to increase in recent years.
In particular, shrimp is one of the food sources that meets high standards of nutritional value,
and is also a popular and popular dish in the world. The capacity of the global shrimp farming
industry has increased significantly over the years, reaching more than 4.2 million tons in 2021,
and is expected to continue to increase in the future. Meeting the growing demand for shrimp

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products requires the development and expansion of global shrimp farming businesses and
companies, as well as improving product quality and shrimp farming productivity.

The US also has a high demand for fresh/frozen shrimp meat products (PD) from
Vietnam. It is expected that in the coming time, Vietnamese shrimp exports to the US will
continue to increase. The decrease in cold-water shrimp exploitation at supplies to the US also
causes the US's demand for warm-water shrimp imports to increase. Hurricane Ida, which
occurred in early September this year, also affected the US domestic shrimp supply.

2.3. Taxes, costs, and quality standards

Although the demand of American

consumers is very high, the American market is
quite demanding. If all the requirements are not
met, the product will be eliminated by competing
products from other brands, or boycotted by
American consumers. The product's ability to
survive and develop is very low. hard. That is on
the consumer side, and on the US Government
side, there are also many regulations set for
imported aquatic products.

Current US law considers "transaction value" as the basis for determining the value of
imported goods. In general, the transaction value is the actual price paid or payable for the
imported goods, with certain additional costs not included in the price. Many US taxes are
levied at a rate on the value of goods, that is, the tax rate is determined based on the
percentage of the value of imported goods, the tax rate fluctuates from 1%-40%, in which the
tax rate is Normally from 2%-7% of the value of imported goods.

Some imports, usually agricultural products and other processed goods, are subject to
a "quantity tax" - a tax imposed on a certain quantity. Some products are subject to lump sum
taxes, which combine ad valorem and quantity taxes.

2.4. Law and Politics

The import scale of the US market, each year is about 1,800 billion USD with a full
range of goods of different grades, is a market with high purchasing power, opening up many
business cooperation opportunities for foreign countries. partner. However, this is also a
fiercely competitive, sensitive, and very demanding market, consumers are protected by an
extremely strict legal system. With 50 states and 50 laws, sometimes each state's Law exceeds
the provisions of Federal Law. Therefore, to penetrate and affirm their position in this market,

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more than in any other market, Vietnamese businesses need to pay special attention to
carefully understanding partners, laws, and business practices of the market. this school.

When bringing aquatic products into the US market, we must pay attention and
understand the US legal system. The US legal system is quite complex, strict, and new to
Vietnamese export businesses. Therefore, if businesses do not research and understand
clearly, they will suffer heavy losses in business. Some of the following laws can be cited:

• The antitrust law provides quite severe criminal sanctions for monopolistic
practices or unfair competition in business, specifically a fine of up to 1 million
USD for companies, 100,000 USD, or 3 years in prison. year for individuals.
• Product liability law, under which damaged consumers can sue the
manufacturer for damages that are many times the actual damage.
• US federal and state laws are applied at the same time in the field of business
tax, requiring in addition to mastering state laws, businesses with business
relationships must also master Federal laws.

Therefore, it can be said that there is not a high compatibility between the export of
Vietnamese seafood products in general and the shrimp industry in particular with the import
requirements of the US market.

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Vietnamese shrimp products are facing a series of concerning issues in the

international market. However, to overcome these challenges and develop Vietnamese shrimp
products in the world market, there are some important solutions and advice to consider. One
of the most important issues is strengthening quality management. Shrimp production
businesses need to ensure that their products comply with international quality standards. This
includes quality control from growing, processing, packaging to transportation and storage.
The environment plays an important role in maintaining and developing the shrimp production
industry. It is necessary to create sustainable rules for resource management and shrimp
production. Minimizing the impact on the environment and treating wastewater effectively is
essential. Businesses and regulatory agencies need to seek international cooperation
opportunities to improve resource management and product standards. This may include
participating in international organizations on marine resource management and sharing
information and experiences with international partners. International trade negotiations are an
opportunity to create favorable conditions for exporting shrimp products. Governments and
industry need to participate actively in trade negotiations and seek to remove unnecessary
trade barriers. Creating a strong brand for Vietnamese shrimp products can create trust and
encourage international consumers. Advertising product origin, high-quality standards, and
commitment to sustainability can help Vietnamese shrimp products stand out in the
international market.

In conclusion, to develop Vietnamese shrimp products for the world market, the
industry needs to combine the efforts of relevant parties, from businesses to governments and
international organizations. Only through cooperation and commitment to quality and
sustainability can Vietnamese shrimp products achieve success in the international market.

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