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College of Teacher Education

General Santos City, Philippines
Document Type: Document No. : CAP/DAP-03-05-5100-60
Form Issue No.: 02 Revision No.: 01
Document Title: Effective Date: May 26, 2022
Examination Period : _________MIDTERM EXAMINATION Permit Number : ____________
Name of Student : ___________________________________________ Subject : PCPG3
Name of Teacher : ___________________________________________ Control Number : ___________
GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze each question carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.
Make sure to review your answers before passing it. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.
Direction: WRITE the letter that best describes the answer. Use an UPPERCASE letter. Answer only. STRICTLY

1. Bing, a preschooler insists on getting noodles for himself from the serving dish each time his family attends
a gathering, even though he usually drops pasta on the floor. When his mother tries to assist him, he brushes
his mother off and insists on doing himself. In the context of Erikson’s psychosocial development theory, what
stage of psychological development best describes Bing’s behavior?
a. Trust vs Mistrust
b. Initiative vs Guilt
c. Industry vs Inferiority
d. Autonomy vs Shames and Doubt
2. Based on Kohlberg’s theory, what is the level of moral development shown development shown when
children generally do what is right in order to come up with their parents and teachers’ expectations of a good
a. Conventional
b. Formal
c. Post-Conventional
d. Pre-conventional
3. Which of the following laws states that we tend to fill the gaps in figures as we perceive them?
a. Law of Proximity
b. Law of Closure
c. Law of Similarity
d. Law of Pragnanz
4. Based on Freud’s theory, which operates when Mario lends his bicycle to his friend Julius who was crying for
a. Ego
b. Superego
c. Id
d. Id and ego
5. Prof. Pacis measures learning by the outward expression of new behaviors only such as ability to solve math
with ease. Which theory does she apply?
a. Cognitivism
b. Social learning theory
c. Behaviorist theory
d. Multiple Intelligence
6. On which principle is your conviction based if you provide positive reinforcement whenever a learner
performs an acceptable behavior on her own?
a. Cognitivism
b. Behaviorism
c. Constructivism
d. Psychoanalytic
7. Kenn likes to go to school. He enjoyed school on Day 1. Which theory explains this?
a. Metacognitive theory
b. Behaviorist theory
c. Cognitive theory
d. Gestalt theory
8. Learning is viewed as collections of responses to external stimuli. Whose thought is this?
a. Metacognitive
b. Behaviorist
c. Cognitivist
d. Gestalt theorist
9. Which view of learning led to the shift from the knowledge-acquisition to knowledge-construction
a. Metacognitivist
b. Constructivist
c. Cognitivist
d. Gestalt theorist
10. Which one correctly and completely explains Bandura’s reciprocal determinism?
a. A person’s behavior, environment, and personal qualities all reciprocally influence each other.
b. A person’s behavior and environment reciprocally influence each other.
c. A person’s behavior and personal qualities all reciprocally influence each other.
d. A person’s behavior is not reciprocally influenced by environment.
11. Who perceive learners not as passive recipients of information, but as constructors of knowledge as they
interact with the environment and as they reorganize their mental structures.
a. Metacognitivists
b. Behaviorists
c. Constructivists
d. Cognitivists
12. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of behaviorists?
a. Free will plays a role in a person’s development.
b. Learning is shaped by stimuli in the environment.
c. Rewards reinforce good behavior.
d. Learners are passive participants.
13. Which statement is TRUE of behaviorists?
a. They focus solely on students’ observable behaviors as the indicators of learning.
b. They believe that students play an active role in the learning process.
c. They believe that helping students work with others to meet common goal is an important part of teaching.
d. They look at knowledge as something constructed by synthesizing ideas with prior knowledge.
14. The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways. Who
subscribes to such thought?
a. The behaviorist
b. The cognitivist
c. The social-cognitivist
d. The constructivist
15. What is an implication of Bandura’s findings that children learn social behavior such as aggression through
the process of observation learning?
a. Avoid children exposure to media violence.
b. Stop showing violence in media.
c. Apply reverse psychology by exposing children to media violence.
d. Let children watch media violence only with supervision of parents.
16. Learning is incorporating and hierarchically organizing new material into one’s cognitive structure. Which
theory is explained?
a. Bandura’s social learning theory
b. Ausubel’s subsumption theory
c. Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological
d. Piaget’s cognitive theory
17. According to Ausubel’s subsumption theory, meaningful learning takes place when new material or
relationships can be derived from the existing structure. Information can be linked to other concepts or
information to create new interpretations or meaning. Which process is explained?
a. Correlative subsumption
b. Derivative subsumption
c. Advanced subsumption
d. Delayed subsumption
18. How do you proceed in the teaching process based on Ausubel’s subsumption theory?
a. Present the most general ideas of a subject first and then progressively differentiate in terms of detail and
b. Proceed from specifics to the general.
c. Proceed from the abstract to the concrete.
d. Proceed from the concrete to the abstract.
19. In what way/s is/are Ausubel’s advance organizers a big help to learners?
I. Help learners use their personal experiences and content knowledge to learn new information.
II. Help learners remember what they see.
III. Help learners acquire and integrate content into a new language.
a. I only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II, and III
20. Which does Tolman’s term of latent learning mean?
a. Learning that is hidden and not told.
b. Learning which is not manifested at the time of learning but which manifests later when a suitable
motivation and circumstances appear.
c. Secretive learning that is not expressed.
d. Mental learning that is not made explicit.
21. A recent study of a group of LET results reveals that those who took the Licensure Exams for Teachers right
after year of graduation had higher chances of passing than those who postponed taking the LET after year of
graduation. Which of Thorndike’s laws explains this?
a. Exercise
b. Frequency
c. Recency
d. Contiguity
22. A student remembers Jose Rizal’s birthday because it is one day before his birthday. How does Thorndike
explain this? Bonds between stimulus and response are strengthened by ____________.
a. recency
b. frequency
c. contiguity
d. contrast
23. When is physical growth fastest?
a. Infancy
b. Early Childhood
c. Adolescence
d. Late Adolescence
24. Children of this age are very famous for negative behavior such as they constantly say ”no” to everything
and throw temper tantrums which make it difficult for the parents to deal with them.
a. 1 year old
b. 2 years old
c. 3 years old
d. 4 years old

25. Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?

a. Giving Ben money for washing the dishes.
b. Spanking Ana for throwing trash on the street.
c. Taking away the lollipop if Suzie doesn’t finish her homework.
d. Excusing Rico from cleaning the toilet because he got high score in Math.


Direction: Explain accurately and briefly. Copy and answer. (10 points each)

26-35. “Teaching is not about filling up the pail, it is about lighting a fire.”

36-45. Teacher Clariza is a neophyte teacher in a public elementary school. She always complains about her
noisy and unruly pupils. Telling them to keep quiet in a soft manner has not been effective. Suggest some tips
on how she can condition her class to keep still by applying the Pavlovian and Watsonian Behaviorism theories.

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