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One-Way ANOVA (Fisher's)

F df1 df2 p

BrandImage 3.52 4 196 0.008

Lifestyle 2.84 4 196 0.025

Group Descriptives

Location N Mean SD SE

BrandImage 1 80 4.08 1.416 0.1583

3 28 3.83 1.410 0.2666
4 6 4.00 1.113 0.4544
5 83 3.34 1.076 0.1181
6 4 3.88 1.757 0.8784

Lifestyle 1 80 3.06 0.777 0.0869

3 28 2.86 0.818 0.1545
4 6 3.14 0.905 0.3695
5 83 2.68 0.693 0.0760
6 4 2.67 0.616 0.3080

Assumption Checks

Normality Test (Shapiro-Wilk)

W p

BrandImage 0.990 0.194

Lifestyle 0.994 0.530

Note. A low p-value suggests a violation of the assumption of normality

Post Hoc Tests

Tukey Post-Hoc Test – BrandImage

1 3 4 5 6

1 Mean difference — 0.245 0.0795 0.739 ** 0.2045

p-value — 0.907 1.000 0.003 0.998

3 Mean difference — -0.1658 0.493 -0.0408

p-value — 0.998 0.400 1.000

4 Mean difference — 0.659 0.1250

p-value — 0.742 1.000

5 Mean difference — -0.5342

p-value — 0.926

6 Mean difference —
p-value —

Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001

Tukey Post-Hoc Test – Lifestyle

1 3 4 5 6

1 Mean difference — 0.205 -0.0821 0.377 * 0.3940

p-value — 0.724 0.999 0.014 0.843

3 Mean difference — -0.2874 0.171 0.1888

p-value — 0.914 0.834 0.990

4 Mean difference — 0.459 0.4762

p-value — 0.598 0.862

5 Mean difference — 0.0174

p-value — 1.000

6 Mean difference —
p-value —

Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001

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