Micron Filter

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Table of Contents

1) Introduction
2)Incresased Risk of HCV
3)Syringe Choice
4) Micron Filtering
5) To Heat or Not to Heat?
6) Cold Water Extraction
7) Step by Step Guide to Micron Filtering
8) Bioavailability and Half-Life
9) Methods and Recipes
Crushing the Pill
Extracting the Active Ingredients
Using Isopropyl Alcohol to Extract Opana ER
Microwave Oxy Recipe
Citric Acid and MS Contin
10) Inactive Ingredients A-Z
11) Acknowledgements
Why Pill Injection Is Risky Business
Pill injection is risky business, and while there really is no “safe” way to inject prescription
pills, there are ways that are much safer. Armed with the proper education and equipment,
you can avoid most life-threatening problems that are associated with prescription pill injec-

Many of the dangers of pill injection come from the various other ingredients in the pills,
like binders and abuse-deterrents. These ingredients contain gelatin, wax, cellulose, sug-
ars, starches, and alcohols, none of which you want in your bloodstream. Some will cause
granulomas, which are “nodules” of hard tissue, created by the body’s response to a foreign
object, others will cause disruption of your red blood cells, which carry oxygen to your
body, some can cause thrombosis, which coagulation, or blood clots, floating in the blood-
stream, and some will remain crystalline or gelatinous in your veins. Talc is in many pills,
and has caused breathing problems as it attaches to your lungs. Acetaminophen is not water
soluble, and can remain in a crystalline form in your blood.

Because preparation of prescription pills can be such a lengthy process, your final product
has much more opportunity to be exposed to bacteria. Introducing bacteria into the blood-
stream can cause blood infections that could lead to sepsis, increased abscess, poor circula-
tion, poor wound healing, and bacterial endocarditis, which is a bacterial infection of one of
the heart valves, which can result in open heart surgery, or lengthy IV antibiotic treatments.

The micron filter is the solution to many of these problems, which can filter out many
of these harmful ingredients and also bacteria. It does not filter out viruses, however, so
HIV and HCV can still be a risk, if sharing equipment. More on micron filtering in a few
Pill Injection Increases the Risk for HCV
This project, however, was not spurred by the danger of these binders or abuse deterrents,
but began as a response to a study done by the CDC, studying the rates of Hepatitis C among
prescription pill injectors. According to this study, the pill injector is 5 times more likely to get
Hepatitis C, in comparison with the heroin injector. *

You may ask, “Why is that?” Several factors could be attributed to this. Pill injection
requires more water to render the drug from the solid form; so multiple injections may be needed
to do a single dose with the normal insulin syringes. Longer injection times have been proven to
increase the chance for transmission of disease. ** Additionally, the use of a 3mL syringe, which
would cut down on the injection time, as only one injection would be needed, could be a contrib-
uting factor. The 3mL syringe has more dead space, which can harbor the HCV virus for up to
63 days. Because this equipment is harder to come by, people may be more likely to share. There
is NO scientific evidence to say if bleach will definitively kill the Hepatitis C Virus. Finally, pill
injectors sometimes run with a different crowd, or are concentrated in more remote areas, both of
which can lead to less exposure to harm reduction information.

This pill injection kit is an attempt to solve all three problems that put the pill injector at
a higher risk for HCV. By providing the equipment for safer pill injection, we can reduce injection
times and the chance of sharing equipment. By providing education on safer pill injection, we can
reduce the chances of problems associated with pill injection, as well as reduce the chance of HCV
transmission. Hopefully, by providing specialized equipment for pill injection, we will gain more
clients to access our services.

While this project was in the final stages, an HIV outbreak occurred in a small town in
Indiana among Opana injectors, which fueled this project even more. It is dire that we get this
information to the pill injector, and we need every one of you to help spread this message. Peer
education is the best way to do this. We need you to share this information!
Syringe Choice and Pill Injection
Pill injection is a unique case when it comes to syringe choice, and there are down sides to any syringe that you
choose, so it is important to discuss syringes with pill injection.

In a study by Greg Scott, we found that longer injection times can increase the risk for transmission of
disease, like HIV and HCV. This is because the user has more opportunity for exposure to these diseases. Because
pill injection requires so much water to be added, the injection is usually too much volume to fit into an insulin
syringe and sometimes requires more than one injection.
Some will use the 3mL syringe for pill injection, as it only requires one injection. But, the 3mL syringe
poses its own risks that are important to know. The 3mL syringe has a high dead space, which refers to the amount
of space between the plunger and the needle (in the hub), in which a small amount of the solution remains in the
syringe after injection. Because HCV can live in the barrel of a syringe for 63 days, the high dead space syringe can
attribute to the transmission of HCV. Normally, we recommend that users do not use high dead space syringes, but
pill injection creates an exception to this rule.
It is very important to note that you should NEVER share a 3mL syringe, and since bleach may not kill
HCV, this is not a good alternative, either. It is far less risky to do several injections with an insulin syringe instead
of sharing or bleaching a 3mL syringe. By providing these syringes at the exchange, we hope to cut down on the
need to share them. With an adequate supply of 3mL syringes, this is probably the best choice for most pill injec-
One more alternative to using the insulin syringe is using a butterfly needle. This needle does not have
the high dead space, and so the risk is a bit lower in that department. But, the butterfly syringe poses its own risks,
too. First of all, the butterfly can more easily slip out of the vein if not properly anchored, which could cause an
abscess. Additionally, you have to flush the butterfly syringe with sterile water to get all of the drugs through the
plastic tube. Because you are already injecting more water than a traditional shot, adding even more to flush is not
always the best option. Adding too much water can blow out veins, but it cannot kill you, as many people think. If
you are injecting many times in the day, a butterfly is not the best choice. A number of users have found that the
butterfly is a good choice when injecting liquid methadone because there is such a large volume of solution.

High dead space syringe on

the left, and low dead space
on the right

3mL Syringe Butterfly Syringe

What is Micron-Filtering, Anyway?
Micron filtering is used to ensure the sterility and safety of IV drug use, particularly with the use of
pills. The Micron Filter has a very fine mesh inside, which will filter out the majority of the un-
wanted inactive ingredients found in pills. Some unwanted ingredients, like talc, which is found in
Oxycontin and other pills, and this substance can eventually end up in your lungs, causing a lot of
problems. The Micron Filter can also filter out bacteria, but not viruses.

Why Micron Filter?

These inactive ingredients can cause some real problems when injected intravenously. Talcosis
comes from injecting talc, as it settles into your lungs. One man studied had to have a lung trans-
plant due to Talcosis from injecting Ritalin. Injecting pills gives a higher probability that contami-
nants, such as insoluble particles, enter the body, which can irritate and inflame tissue and veins,
causing infections in the skin, muscle (granuloma, abscess.) Insoluble particles can also cause micro-
circulation capillaries to become blocked, which can clog up the heart or lungs. Granulomas in the
lungs caused by inflammation, which can lead to scar tissue (fibrosis). Conglomerate masses lead to
restrictive lung disease and pulmonary hypertension. These particles can reach other organs, caus-
ing tissue damage or function restriction. Bacteria and fungi can also be introduced without micron
filtering, causing local or systemic infections.

These inactive ingredients are essential to proper absorption when the pills are taken orally. With-
out these binders, many medications would not make it to the stomach for optimum or proper
absorption, as they would be dissolved in the mouth or throat. These binders keep the medication
in tact until it reaches the stomach. The stomach is violent and acidic environment, and many of
these binders are made to be broken down by stomach acid, but not before it begins to churn in this
highly acidic environment. Can you imagine what these ingredients may do if they are in your blood
stream, but strong enough to withstand the harsh stomach acids? Micron filtering will eliminate
these harmful byproducts from entering your blood stream.
How Much Difference Does a Micron
Filter Make, Anyway?
Just take a look at the image below to see how much more effective a micron fil-
ter is. A “rollie” is a cotton filter, so the second images are after the solution is put
through both a cotton filter and a .22 micron filter.
Bioavailability and Half-Life
Understanding bioavailability is important when considering alternative Routes of Administration, ROA, with prescription
pills. Because injecting pharmaceutical pills has so many dangers, it really is not worth the risk with pills that have a high oral bio-
availability. Also, some prescription pills have a very low oral bioavailability, so injecting them, which have 100% bioavailability, can
be more than the user imagined, and the overdose risk is greatly increased.

What is bioavailability, anyway?

In pharmacology, bioavailability is a subcategory of absorption. It refers to the percentage of the administered dose
of a drug that reaches systemic circulation. In layman’s terms, it is the percentage of the pure drug that reaches the
bloodstream to get you high. Most drugs have different bioavailability with different Routes of Administration, due to incom-
plete absorption and first-pass metabolism. A fraction of the drug is lost during the absorption process, generally related to the
liver and the gut wall. After a drug is swallowed, it is absorbed by the digestive system and enters the liver before it will enter the
bloodstream. Because the liver metabolizes many drugs, some of the drug can be metabolized before ever entering the circulatory
system. The first pass through the liver can greatly reduce the bioavailability of many drugs.
There is a lot of conflicting data regarding bioavailability, so this list is an average of the most common figures. Bio-
availability of IV Route of Administration is 100%, as it is injected directly into the bloodstream and therefor
doesn’t go through any absorption or metabolic process. It is also important to note that sometimes part of the active
ingredient is lost in the preparation process. This does not change the bioavailability, but it would change the effects of the buzz, as
you are not actually consuming much of the chemical than you might think. Always be cautious when first injecting a new
batch of anything. Less is more. You can always add to your dose, but once you have taken too much, you can-
not take it back.
Some drugs have a low oral bioavailability, and therefore the user is not always prepared for the effects of its full bio-
availability with IV administration. With these drugs, the intranasal ROA and the rectal ROA are usually significantly higher than
the oral ROA, so snorting or booty bumping these drugs are good alternative to IV’ing them. If you are going to IV these drugs,
please be cautious of your dose. Remember, less is more! And you can always add more, but once you have taken too
much, you cannot take it away.
Other drugs have a relatively similar bioavailability for all Routes of Administration. These drugs are generally are just
not worth the risks to IV. These drugs do not always produce the “rush” that the IV user is looking for, and there is not a significant
difference in the affects by any ROA. Hydrocodone, methadone, and Oxycodone fall into this category. Now, when I first read this
about Oxycodone, I initially thought of the warm rush that comes with injecting Oxycodone, and had to look a second longer into
this. The reason that the IV or nasal administration of Oxycontin gives the user the intense rush is not due to bioavailability, but is
due to the fact that the preparation breaks the time release, and you are getting the whole extended release in one shot.
Half-life is the amount of time that it takes to metabolize half of the drug you took. This tells us some-
thing about the duration of the high, as well as how long they may stay in your system.You will also see some drugs that have a per-
centage for Protein Binding. Depending on the drug’s affinity for the plasma protein, a specific percentage of the drug will bind
to this protein in the blood. Only the unbound portion of the drug can exhibit its psychoactive effects, because the bound portion
cannot also bind to the receptor to create those effects. For example, if a drug is 70% Protein Bound, then only 30% of that drug
can bind to the targeted receptor. (Drugs target various receptors in the brain, such as the mu-opioid receptor, the dopamine
receptor, the serotonin receptor (5-HT), or the two cannabinoid receptors in our brain.)
Bioavailability and Half-Life of Common
Prescription Drugs
Methadone: Oral 84%. Elimination half-life:24-36 hours,
Ketobemiodone: Oral 34% +/-10%; Rectal 44% +/- 9%. Elimination half-life: 2.25- 2.45 hours
Meperidine: Rectal 55%, IM 80-85% Elimination half-life 3.0 h
Buprenorphine: Oral 22%; Sublingual 30%; Sublingual with Alcohol to Potentiate 70%; Nasal 50%; IM 90-100%.
Elimination half-life: 12-44 hours
Hydromorphone: Oral-30-35%; Intranasal 52.4%; Rectal 33%
Dihydrocodeine: Oral 20%. Elimination halflife 4 hours
Heroin: Oral 35%; Smoked 52%; IM 85%
Fentanyl: Transdermal 92%; Sublingual and Buccal 50%; Intranasal 70%. Protein binding 80-85% Elimination half-
life 3-12 hours
Sufentanil: Intranasal 78%,
Remifentanil: Protein binding 70%. Elimination half-life 1-20 minutes
Alfentanil: 92% Protein binding. Elimination half-life is 1.5-2 hours
Morphine: Oral 30%; Rectal 30%; Intranasal 15-20%, Chitosan(a linear polysaccharide that helps absorb drugs bet-
ter) has been shown to increase nasal bioavailability of morphine from around 10-20% to over 60%, SC-60%, protein
binding 30-40%, half-life is 2-3 hours
Oxycodone: Oral 60-87%; intranasal- 55-70%
Hydrocodone: Oral bioavailability is not really known but it is around oxycodone bioavailability; Orally 70% of it is
usually absorbed, half-life is 4-8 hours
Oxymorphone: Intranasal 43%; Orals 10-20%; Rectal 10%
BUTORPHANOL : Oral 5-17%
Tramadol: Oral 68-72%; Rectal 77%: Eliminatio half-life 5-7 hours
Codeine: Oral 90%; Rectal 90%
Diphenoxylate: Protein binding 74-95%. Elimination half-life 12-14 hours
Pethidine(meperidine): Oral 50-60%. Protein Binding 65-75%, Half Life 3-5 hours
Normeperidine Is about half as potent as meperidine, but it has twice the CNS stimulation effects.
Pentazocine: Oral 20%. Half-life 2 to 3 hours

Opiate Antagonists
Naloxone: Oral 2-4%. Elimination half-life 1-1.5 hours
Naltrexone Oral 5-40%. Protein binding 21%, Half life-4 hours (naltrexone),
and 13 hours (6-β-naltrexol) (metabolite)
Bioavailability and Half-Life of Commonly Injected
Prescription Drugs
Alprazolam: Oral 80-90%. half-life 9-20 hours
Bromazepam: Oral 84% half life 10-20 hours
Cinolazepam: Oral 90-100%, Half-life 9 hours
Clobazam: Oral 90%. Elimination half-life 18-hour half-life
Clorazepate: Oral 91%. Elimination half-life 36-100 hours
Chlordiazepoxide: Oral 100%; IM 90-95%. Elimination half-lives of its metabolites range from 14—100 hours
Clonazepam: Oral 90%; IM 93%
Diazepam: Oral 85-100%. Protein binding: 94% to 99%
Estazolam: Oral 93%. Elimination half-life 10-24 hours
Lorazepam: Oral 85-90%; Intranasal 78%
Midazolam: Oral 36-40%; Intranasal 55%, IM 90%
Flurazepam: Oral 83%. Elimination half-life is 40-250 hours
Temazepam: Oral 96%. Elimination half-life is 8-20 hours
Quazepam: Oral 29-35% Half-life 39 hours

Other GABA Acting Drugs/ Analogs

Gabapentin (Neurontin): Oral: lower doses absorb better at 60% for .9g daily dosing; 27% for 4.8g daily dose. Food
increases absorption by 14%. Protein binding 3%. Elimination Half-life 5-7 hours
Pregablin (Lyrica): Bioavailability 90%. Elimination Half-life 5–6.5 hours
Vigabatrin: Oral 80-90%. Elimination half-life 5-8 hours in young adults, 12-13 hours in the elderly.
Buspirone:Oral 5%. Elimination half-life 2-3h

Methylphenidate: Oral 11–52%; Rectal is significantly higher, however an exact figure is not currently known. Elimination
half-life 2–4 hours
Cocaine hcl: Oral 30%; Intranasal 40-60%. Elimination half-life .8-4 hours (depending on MOA)
Methamphetamine: Oral 62.7%; Intranasal 79%; Smoked 90.3%; 62.7%
Amphetamine: Oral 4L/kg; low binding to plasma proteins 20% Elimination half-life 10–13 hours
Ephedrine: Oral 85%. Elimination half-life 3–6 hours
Dextroamphetamine: Oral 75%. Elimination half-life 10-28 hours
Bupropion (Wellbutrin): Oral 5-30%. Elimination half-life is 20 hours
Bioavailability and Half-Life of Commonly Injected
Prescription Drugs
Alprazolam: Oral 80-90%. half-life 9-20 hours
Bromazepam: Oral 84% half life 10-20 hours
Cinolazepam: Oral 90-100%, Half-life 9 hours
Clobazam: Oral 90%. Elimination half-life 18-hour half-life
Clorazepate: Oral 91%. Elimination half-life 36-100 hours
Chlordiazepoxide: Oral 100%; IM 90-95%. Elimination half-lives of its metabolites range from 14—100 hours
Clonazepam: Oral 90%; IM 93%
Diazepam: Oral 85-100%. Protein binding: 94% to 99%
Estazolam: Oral 93%. Elimination half-life 10-24 hours
Lorazepam: Oral 85-90%; Intranasal 78%
Midazolam: Oral 36-40%; Intranasal 55%, IM 90%
Flurazepam: Oral 83%. Elimination half-life is 40-250 hours
Temazepam: Oral 96%. Elimination half-life is 8-20 hours
Quazepam: Oral 29-35% Half-life 39 hours

Other GABA Acting Drugs/ Analogs

Gabapentin (Neurontin): Oral: lower doses absorb better at 60% for .9g daily dosing; 27% for 4.8g daily dose. Food
increases absorption by 14%. Protein binding 3%. Elimination Half-life 5-7 hours
Pregablin (Lyrica): Bioavailability 90%. Elimination Half-life 5–6.5 hours
Vigabatrin: Oral 80-90%. Elimination half-life 5-8 hours in young adults, 12-13 hours in the elderly.
Buspirone:Oral 5%. Elimination half-life 2-3h

Methylphenidate: Oral 11–52%; Rectal is significantly higher, however an exact figure is not currently known. Elimination
half-life 2–4 hours
Cocaine hcl: Oral 30%; Intranasal 40-60%. Elimination half-life .8-4 hours (depending on MOA)
Methamphetamine: Oral 62.7%; Intranasal 79%; Smoked 90.3%; 62.7%
Amphetamine: Oral 4L/kg; low binding to plasma proteins 20% Elimination half-life 10–13 hours
Ephedrine: Oral 85%. Elimination half-life 3–6 hours
Dextroamphetamine: Oral 75%. Elimination half-life 10-28 hours
Bupropion (Wellbutrin): Oral 5-30%. Elimination half-life is 20 hours
Bioavailability and Half-Life of Commonly Injected
Prescription Drugs
PCP: Oral 65%; Smoked 50%
Ketamine’s: Oral 20±7%; IM 93%; Intranasal 25-50%; IV dose 96% and oral dose 20±7%. Ketamine is rapidly
distributed into brain and other highly perfused tissues, and is 12% bound in plasma. The plasma half-life is 2.3 ± 0.5
MDMA: Elimination half-life of the “S” isomer has a shorter half-life (about 4 hours), whereas the “R” isomer has a
much greater half-life. (About 14hours)
Tianeptine: Oral 89 +/- 11%. Elimination half-life 2.5 hours
Trazodone: Oral 89 to 95%.
Muscle Relaxants
Carisoprodol(soma): Oral 65%. 60% protein binding. Elimination half-life 8 hours
Meprobromate: Oral 60% protein binding. Elimination half-life is 10 hours
Baclofen: Protein binding 30%. Elimination half-life 1.5 hours
Dantrolene: Oral 70%
Sleep Aids
Zolpidem: Oral 67%. 92% is bound in plasma
Zaleplon: Oral 30%. Elimination half-life is 1.1 hours
Diphenhydramine: Oral 86%. Protein binding 98 to 99%. Elimination half-life 1-4 hours
Eszopiclone (Lunesta): Protein binding 52-59%. Elimination half-life 6 hours
Zopiclone: Oral 52-59%. Bound to plasma protein. Elimination half-life 6 hours, and 9 hours for over 65

Hexobarbital: Oral 25%. Protein binding
Methohexital: Rectal 17%. Elimination half-life is 5.6 hours
Phenobarbital: Oral 95%. Protein binding 20-45%. Elimination half-life is 53 to 118 hours
Primidone: Oral 90%. Protein binding 70%. Elimination half-life of Primidone 5-15 hours, active metabolite (Pheno-
barbital) Elimination half-life- 100 hours
Methods and Recipes:
Crushing Into Powder
These days, prescription pill injection is tricky because so many of the pills out there are abuse-deterrent. These
mechanisms generally make the pill very hard to crush and they also “gel” when water is added. Of course, there are
ways to get around these mechanisms, but it is often a lengthy and sometimes complicated process. Often times, the
process involves additives that are dangerous if injected. What follows is a compilation of recipes and methods for
injecting various pills. Some of these recipes have worked for some people, and others claim they fail. These recipes
have been compiled from personal contacts, as well as Internet sites like Bluelight and Drugs Forum.
The first challenge with some pills is to get the pill into powder form. Before beginning, you want to re-
move any coating that may be on the outside of the pill. DO NOT put the pill in your mouth to remove the coating
if you plan to inject it. Your mouth can contain bacteria that could really harm you if injected. Be careful with ap-
plying much water because you do not want the pill to begin to gel. Using a slightly damp paper towel works really
With pills that are easily crushed, you can place it between two spoons, smashing the contents into a pow-
der, or you could cover the pill with a piece of paper and crush it with the backend of a lighter before using the edge
of the lighter to rub over the pill until it is a very fine powder. Unfortunately, many pills today are nearly impossible
to crush this way because of their abuse deterrent properties. Crushing some pills requires using some sort of filing
device, so you can file the pill rather than crush it. A Dremel tool is a great option, if you have access to one. Most
will use a PedEgg, or some other fine filing device. A hose clamp is another really great option that can be purchased
at a hardware store for a dollar or two. Just straighten out the hose clamp and use it as a file.
Methods and Recipes:
Extracting the Active Ingredients

The next step is to extract the active ingredient, and because many of these abuse-deterrent pills
gel in water, this can be challenging. One way of breaking the gel is cooking the powder. The
powder can be laid onto a Pyrex baking dish, flattening it out as much as you can, and baking it at
a low temperature until the powder turns a brown color. You can also achieve this by microwav-
ing it. You must keep a close eye on it in the microwave because it can burn quickly and ruin the
pill. Another way to break the gel is by adding some other ingredient, such as alcohol or citric
acid. Please note than injecting alcohol is dangerous, and you will need to burn the alcohol off
before injection. Not all pills are the same, and their properties can even vary from maker to

The following recipes have been taken from various sources, from Internet forums to personal
contacts. Some claim these recipes work, and others have not had good results. There are so
many variables when it comes to preparing a pill for injection, that it is hard to say that any one
method is foolproof. Please remember that the lengthy process that can be involved also creates
more of an opportunity for the drug to be exposed to bacteria or other contaminants, so try and
maintain as clean of a workspace as possible and use sterile equipment when possible.
Methods and Recipes:
Using Isopropyl Alcohol to Extract Opana ER
You must use 91% Isopropyl Alcohol to break the gel in Opana ER. Anything less has too much water and
will not work.
This recipe is specific for a 30mg Opana ER, so you will adjust accordingly.
1)Grind the pill to powder.
2)Put the powder into a metal cooker.
3)Add 1 cc of 91% Isopropyl Alcohol
4)Swirl the contents. Let sit for 20 minutes, stirring every minute or so.
5)Using a draw needle, draw up the contents in the cooker.
6)Put cotton into a 3mL syringe, packing with the plunger. This is used for the first filtration.
7)Back load the contents from the cooker into the 3mL with the cotton, and push this through the
cotton and back into a metal cooker.
8)Now, you must cook off the alcohol. Remember that Isopropyl Alcohol is VERY flammable.
Be very careful if you use an open flame for this. Place the cooker on the eye of the stove
at the lowest possible setting.You can use a candle, but only with caution.
9)Allow the solution to cook until ALL of the alcohol is burned off. You will be left with a film coating
at the bottom of the cooker.
10)Remove the cooker from the heat, and scrape the film coating off the cooker, and cut into small
pieces, while remaining in the cooker.
11)Add 1 cc of sterile water and stir vigorously for 5 minutes. You may have to add more water until
the film is dissolved.
12)Using a draw needle, pull the solution into a 3mL syringe.
13)Replace the draw needle with a wheel filter. Be careful here, and tilt the syringe back so there is air
near the top of the syringe, because you do not want to lose any of the solution when you switch
to your wheel filter. Some people will backload the solution into a separate 3mL with the wheel
filter already attached.
14)Push the contents through the wheel filter into a 3mL syringe with a new needle for injection.
Remember!! Oxymorphone (Opana) is 10 times stronger when injected compared to oral
ROA. It is 3-4 times stronger when snorted. Less is more! You can always take more, but
once you have done too much, you cannot take it away.
Methods and Recipes:
Microwave Oxy Recipe
Prepare the Pills
1) Grind the pills into a fine powder.
2) Spread powder out on ceramic plate. (not too thin)
3) Microwave 4-6 minutes. WATCH IT THE WHOLE TIME!! It can burn easily.
Remember, cooking times vary in different microwaves.
4) As soon as the powder begins to turn brown, turn off the microwave. Almost all of the powder
will be golden brown. (some white flakes are ok)
5) Place in the freezer 5-7 minutes. Carefully remove from freezer and place on counter.
6) Scrape up the powder, chop finely. You could snort or plug it now, but you need more work
to IV.

Prepare the Injection

1) Put the powder and sterile water into a cooker.
2) Stir.
3) Lightly run a flame under the cooker to heat the solution almost to a boil. (Another method
would be to shake vigorously in a 10mL syringe until the solution is ready. This takes a lot of
shaking, but won’t alter the properties of any binders.
4) Stir while cooling.
5) The water will turn brown and the pill material will become gooey. You can add more water,
if needed.
6) It must be completely cooled before micron filtering.
7) Put a cotton into the cooker, and draw up, then re-filter the solution, and back load into your
injecting syringe.
8) Inject.
Methods and Recipes:
Citric Acid and MS Contin
Morphine can be broken down with citric acid, in some forms.
1) Crush the pill.
2) Add a generous portion of citric acid powder.
3) Using sterile water, heart it slightly in the microwave, for about 45 seconds.
4) Pour warm water into either a 3mL or 10mL syringe.
5) Add powder.
6) Shake vigourously until the pill is dissolved. It may not completely dissolve, but what
is left is a thin layer of wax, although it may look like a chunk of the pill at this stage.
7) Put a small pinch of cotton in another 3mL syringe with a wheel filter attached.
8) Push the contents through the cotton and the wheel filter into another 3mL syringe
with a fresh needle attached for injection.
9) Inject.

Note:This method requires a lot of water to get it to dissolve. The solution will also look
gelatinous before it is pushed through the filtration system, but it will go through and the
gelatinous material will stay in the cotton.
Alternative to Injecting
Prescription Pills

Because injecting pills in dangerous, there are other options. One option
is to use your pills rectally. Booty bumping often has a higher bioavailability than
snorting or orally taking these pills. By breaking the time release, you will get
all of the medication and once with this route, and the rectal tissue often has a
higher absorption rate than other ROAs.

Another really fascinating gem that I came across is that Coca-Cola will
break the abuse deterrent and time released properties of OxyContin. If you
fill a shot glass with Coca-Cola, drop your pill in, and let it sit overnight, the pill
will be dissolved in the Coca-Cola, without the time release. Take the shot of
Coca-Cola orally, and many people feel the full effects of the OxyContin. DO
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
It is the inactive ingredients in prescription pills that can be most dangerous when injecting them. A list of
all the inactive ingredients in common pills follows, along with some vital information about many of these harmful
inactive ingredients. First, you will find the pill you plan to inject, make a note of all the inactive ingredients in that
pill, and then look to the end of the list for the water solubility and particle size of those inactive ingredients. The pores
of a cotton filter will filter out particles that are 50 micrograms and larger, while the wheel filter that is generally used
for pill injection will filter out particles that are .22 micrograms and larger. Injecting particles that are water soluble
and smaller than .22 micrograms will be injected into the bloodstream. The wheel filter will filter out MOST inactive
ingredients in the pill. This list is vital when you are only using a cotton filter.

Adderall (Instant Release tablets)

Inactive Ingredients: lactitol, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, and
other ingredients. (I suspect “and other ingredients” to refer to various coloring agents, but I cannot be sure).
Adderall (Extended Release capsules)
Inactive Ingredients: gelatin, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, methacrylic acid, copolymer, apadry beige, sugar
spheres, talc and triethyl citrate.
Ambien (zolpidem tartrate tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose,
polyethylene glycol, sodium starch glycolate, and titanium dioxide.
The 5mg tablet also contains FD&C Red #40, iron oxide colorant, and polysorbate 80.
Atarax (hydroxyzine hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: anhydrous lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, FD&C Yellow #6,
bypromellose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, polyethylene glycol, polysorbate 80
and titanium dioxide.
Ativan (lorazepam tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, polacriline
Benadryl (diphenhydramine hcl capsules)
Inactive Ingredients: candelilla wax, colloidal silicone dioxide, crospovidone, hypromellose, microcrystalline
cellulose, polyethylene glycol, providone, pregelatinized starch, starch, stearic acid, titanium dioxide, and talc.
Benadryl (diphenhydramine hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: carnuba wax, crospovidone, D&C red #27 aluminum lake, dibasic calcium phosphate
dihydrate, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, polyethylene glycol, polysorbate 80,
regelatinized starch, stearic acid, titanium dioxide.
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
Catapres (clonidine hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, dibasic calcium phosphate, FD&C Yellow,
#6, gelatin, glycerin, lactose, and magnesium stearate.
The 0.1 mg tablet also contains FD&C Blue #1 and FD&C Red #3.
Concerta (extended release methylphenidate hcl)
Inactive Ingredients: butylated hydroxytoluene, carnauba wax, cellulose acetate, hypromellose, lactose,
phosphoric acid, poloxamer, polyethylene glycol, polyethylene oxides, povidone, propylene glycol,
sodium chloride, stearic acid, succinic acid, synthetic iron oxides, titanium dioxide, and triacetin.
Inactive Ingredients: anhydrous lactose, hydrogenated vegetable oil, magnesium stearate, powdered
cellulose, pregelatinized starch, silicon dioxide
Dalmane (flurazepam hcl capsules)
Inactive Ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, pow
dered cellulose and sodium lauryl sulfate.
The empty gelatin capsule contains FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Red #3, gelatin and titanium dioxide.
Demerol (meperidine hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: calcium sulfate, dibasic calcium phosphate, starch, stearic acid, talc.
Demerol (meperidine hcl oral solution)
Inactive Ingredients: benzoic acid, banana flavor, liquid glucose, purified water, saccharin sodium.
Desoxyn (methamphetamine hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: corn starch, lactose, sodium paraminobenzoate, stearic acid and talc.
Dexedrine IR (dextroamphetamine hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: calcium sulfate, FD&C Yellow #5, FD&C Yellow #6, gelatin, lactose, mineral oil,
starch, stearic acid, sucrose, talc, and trace amounts of other inactive ingredients.
Dexedrine XR (dextroamphetamine hcl capsules)
Inactive Ingredients: cetyl alcohol, D&C Yellow #10, dibutyl sebacate, ethylcellulose, FD&C Blue #1,
FD&C Blue #1 aluminum lake, FD&C Red #40, FD&C Yellow #6, gelatin, hypromellose, propylene
glycol, povidone, silicon dioxide, sodium lauryl sulfate, sugar spheres, and trace amounts of other inac
tive ingredients.
Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: acacia, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, sucrose.
The 5mg and 10mg tablets also contain FD&C Yellow #5 (tartrazine).
The 10mg tablet also contains sodium starch glycolate.
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
Diconal (dipipanone and cyclizine tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: lactose, starches, FD&C Red #3, gelatin, magnesium stearate.
Dilaudid (hydromorphone hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: lactose anhydrous, and magnesium stearate. It also may contain traces of sodium
Dilaudid (Generic Manufacturer: Lannett)
Inactive Ingredients: anhydrous lactose, lactose monohydrate, and magnesium stearate.
Dilaudid (Generic Manufacturer: Mallinckrodt (AKA “4u Doctor”, “Blenheim Pharmacal”, and
“Physicians Total Care”))
Inactive Ingredients: Lactose monohydate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid.
Dilaudid (Generic Manufacturer: Roxane Labs)
Inactive ingredients: Anhydrous Lactose and Magnesium Stearate
Dilaudid (Generic Manufacturer: Rhodes Pharma)
2mg - D&C Red No. 30, D&C Yellow No. 10, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Sodium Metabisulfite
4mg - D&C Yellow No. 10, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Sodium Metabisulfite
8mg - Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Sodium Metabisulfite
Dilaudid (Generic Manufacturer: Ethex)
2mg – Colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose hydrous, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium
starch glycolate, FD&C Blue No. 1 aluminum lake
4mg – Colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose hydrous, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium
starch glycolate, FD&C Blue No. 1 aluminum lake, FD&C Red No. 40 aluminum lake, FD&C Yellow No.
6 aluminum lake.
8mg - Colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose hydrous, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium
starch glycolate.
Dilaudid (Generic Manufacturer: Purdue (aka “Quality Care Products”, “Physicians Total Care”)
2mg - D&C Red No. 30, D&C Yellow No. 10, Anhydrous lactose, Magnesium stearate, Sodium Metabi
4mg - D&C Yellow No. 10, Anhydrous lactose, Magnesium stearate, Sodium Metabisulfite
8mg - Anhydrous lactose, Magnesium stearate, Sodium Metabisulfite
Dormonoct (loprazolam mesilate tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: colloidal silica, corn starch, cellulose, povidone, magnesium stearate, lactose.
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
Duragesic (fentanyl transdermal patches)
Inactive Ingredients: alcohol, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer membrane, hydroxyethyl cellulose, polyester
film backing, silicone adhesive.
Fentora (fentanyl buccal tablet)
Inactive Ingredients: mannitol, sodium starch glycolate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, citric acid, and
magnesium stearate.
Focalin IR (dextro-methylphenidate hcl)
Inactive Ingredients: pregelatinized starch, lactose monohydrate, sodium starch glycolate, microcrystalline
cellulose, magnesium stearate, and FD&C Blue #1 #5516 aluminum lake (2.5 mg tablets), D&C Yellow Lake
#10 (5 mg tablets); the 10 mg tablet contains no dye.
Focalin XR (dextro-methylphenidate hcl)
Inactive Ingredients: ammonio methacrylate dopolymer, gelatin, ink Tan SW-8010, methacrylic acid copoly
mer, polyethylene glycol, sugar spheres, talc, titanium dioxide, and triethyl citrate.
The 5mg and 15mg tablets also contain FD&C Blue #2.
The 10mg and 15mg tablets also contain: FDA/E172 yellow iron oxide
Klonopin (clonazepam tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, purified
water, and corn starch.
The 0.5mg tablets also contains:Yellow D&C #10 Aluminum Lake.
The 1mg tablets also contain:Yellow D&C #10 Aluminum Lake, as well as FD&C Blue #1 Aluminum Lake.
Methadose (methadone hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate USP, microcrystalline cellulose NF, magnesium stearate NF,
colloidal silicon dioxide NF, pregelatinized starch NF, and stearic acid NF.
Methadose (methadone hcl concentrated oral solution)
Inactive Ingredients: artificial cherry flavor, citric acid anhydrous USP, FD&C Red #40, D&C Red #33, meth
ylparaben NF, polaxamer 407 NF, propylene glycol USP, propylparaben NF, purified water USP, sodium citrate
dihydrate USP, sucrose NF.
Methylin (methylphenidate hcl chewable tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: aspartame NF, maltose, microcrystalline cellulose NF, guar gum NF, grape flavor, prege
latinized starch NF, and stearic acid NF.
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
MS-Contin (morphine sulfate controlled release tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: cetostearyl alcohol, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, poly
ethylene glycol, talc and titanium dioxide.
The 15mg tablets also contains FD&C Blue #2, lactose and polysorbate 80.
The 30mg tablets also contains D&C Red #7, FD&C Blue #1, lactose and polysorbate 80.
The 60mg tablets also contains D&C Red #30, D&C Yellow #10, hydroxypropyl cellulose, and lactose.
The 100mg tablets also contains black iron oxide.
The 200mg tablets also contains D&C Yellow #10, FD&C Blue #1, and hydroxypropyl cellulose.
MSIR (morphine sulfate instant release tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: croscarmellose sodium, lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, and
Opana (oxymorphone hcl instant release tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, and pregelatinized starch.
The 5 mg tablets contain FD&C blue #2 aluminum lake.
The 10 mg tablets contain D&C red #30 aluminum lake.
Opana ER (oxymorphone hcl extended release tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: hypromellose, iron oxide black, methylparaben, propylene glycol, silicified microcrys
talline cellulose, sodium stearyl fumarate, TIMERx® -N, titanium dioxide, and triacetin.
The 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg tablets also contain macrogol, and polysorbate 80.
The 5 mg tablets also contain iron oxide red.
The 10 mg tablets also contain FD&C yellow #6.
The 20 mg tablets also contain FD&C blue #1, FD&C yellow #6, and D&C yellow #10.
The 40 mg tablets contain FD&C yellow #6, D&C yellow #10, and lactose monohydrate.
OxyContin (old formulation)
Inactive Ingredients: ammonio methacrylate copolymer, hypromellose, lactose, magnesium stearate, poly
ethylene glycol 400, povidone, sodium hydroxide, sorbic acid, stearyl alcohol, talc, titanium dioxide, and
The 10 mg tablets also contain hydroxypropyl cellulose.
The 20 mg tablets also contain polysorbate 80 and red iron oxide.
The 40 mg tablets also contain polysorbate 80 and yellow iron oxide.
The 80 mg tablets also contain FD&C blue #2, hydroxypropyl cellulose, and yellow iron oxide.
The 160 mg tablets also contain FD&C blue #2 and polysorbate 80.
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
Palladone (hydromorphone extended release capsules)
Pellet Inactive Ingredients: ammonio methacrylate copolymer type B, ethylcellulose, and stearyl alcohol.
Capsule Inactive Ingredients: FD&C blue #2 (24 mg strength capsule only), gelatin, red iron oxide (12 mg
and 16 mg strength capsules only), synthetic black iron oxide, and titanium dioxide.
OxyFast (oxycodone hydrochloride oral concentrate solution)
Inactive Ingredients: Citric Acid, D&C Yellow #10, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Saccharine,
and dry natural rubber.
Percocet (oxycodone hcl/acetaminophen tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, microcrystalline cel
lulose, povidone, pregelatinized cornstarch, and stearic acid.
The 2.5mg/325mg tablets also contains FD&C Red #40 Aluminum Lake.
The 5mg/325mg tablets also contains FD&C Blue #1 Aluminum Lake.
The 7.5mg/325mg and 7.5mg/500mg tablets also contain FD&C Yellow #6 Aluminum Lake.
The 10mg/325mg and 10mg/650mg tablets also contain D&C Yellow #10 Aluminum Lake.
Phenergan (promethazine hcl)
Inactive Ingredients: lactose, magnesium stearate, and methylcellulose.
The 12.5mg tablets also contain FD&C Yellow #6 and saccharin sodium.
The 25mg tablets also contain saccharin sodium.
The 50mg tablets also contain FD&C Red #40.
Physeptone (methadone hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: gelatin, glycerol, lactose, maize starch and magnesium stearate.
Ritalin (methylphenidate hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: D&C Yellow #10 (5-mg and 20-mg tablets), FD&C Green #3 (10-mg tablets), lactose,
magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycol, starch (5-mg and 10-mg tablets), sucrose, talc, and tragacanth
(20-mg tablets).
Ritalin-SR (methylphenidate hcl extended release tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: Cellulose compounds, cetostearyl alcohol, lactose, magnesium stearate, mineral oil,
povidone, titanium dioxide, and zein.
Rohypnol (flunitrazepam tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, povidone, sodium carboxymethyl starch,
magnesium stearate, ethylcellulose, talc, titanium dioxide, iron oxide yellow, glycerol triacetate, anhydrous
lactose, indigo.
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
Roxanol (morphine sulfate concentrated oral solution)
Inactive ingredients: ascorbic acid, citric acid, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Red #40, flavors, glycyrrhizin, pro
pylene glycol, purified water, saccharin sodium, sodium benzoate, sodium gluconate, sodium phosphate
dibasic, and sorbitol solution.
Roxicodone (oxycodone hcl tablets)
5 mg Roxicodone Inactive Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose and stearic acid.
15 mg and 30 mg Inactive Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose; sodium starch glycolate; corn starch;
lactose; stearic acid; D&C Yellow #10 (15 mg tablet); and FD&C Blue #2 (15 mg and 30 mg tablets).
Seroquel (quetiapine fumarate tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: povidone, dibasic dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium
starch glycolate, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, polyethylene glycol, and titanium
The 25mg tablets contain red and yellow ferric oxide.
The 100mg and 400mg tablets contain yellow ferric oxide.
Sleepinal (diphenhydramine hcl capsules)
Inactive Ingredients: FD&C blue #1, gelatin, lactose, magnesium stearate, talc.
Stablon (tianeptine sodium tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: Mannitol, corn starch, magnesium stearate, ethyl cellulose, glycerol oleate, polyvidone,
sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, silica, talc, titanium dioxide, bicarbonate of soda, wax, sucrose, polysorb
Suboxone (buprenorphine hcl/naloxone hcl dihydrate sublingual tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: lactose, mannitol, cornstarch, povidone K30, citric acid, sodium citrate, FD&C Yellow
#6 color, magnesium stearate, and the tablets also contain Acesulfame K sweetener and a lemon / lime
Suboxone (buprenorphine hcl/naloxone hcl dihydrate sublingual film)
Inactive Ingredients: polyethylene oxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, maltitol, acesulfame potassium,
lime flavor, citric acid, sodium citrate, FD&C yellow #6, and white ink.
Subutex (buprenorphine hcl tablets)
Each tablet also contains lactose, mannitol, cornstarch, povidone K30, citric acid, sodium citrate and magne-
sium stearate.
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
7.5 mg Capsules:Inactive Ingredients: FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Red #3, gelatin, lactose, magnesium
stearate, red iron oxide, titanium dioxide. May also include: n-butyl alcohol, iron oxide red, shellac, shellac glaze, SD-
35A alcohol.
15 mg Capsules: Inactive Ingredients: FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Red #3, gelatin, lactose, magnesium stea
rate, red iron oxide, titanium dioxide.
May also include: n-butyl alcohol, FD&C Blue #1 / Brilliant Blue FCF Aluminum Lake, iron oxide red,
isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycol, shellac, shellac glaze, SD-35A alcohol, SD-45 alcohol.
22.5 mg Capsules: Inactive Ingredients: FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Red #3, gelatin, lactose, magnesium stearate, red iron
oxide, titanium dioxide.
May also include: n-butyl alcohol, FD&C Blue #1 / Brilliant Blue FCF Aluminum Lake, iron oxide red,
isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycol, shellac, shellac glaze, SD-35A alcohol, SD-45 alcohol.
30 mg Capsules: Inactive Ingredients: FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Red #3, gelatin, lactose, magnesium stearate, red iron
oxide, titanium dioxide.
May also include: n-butyl alcohol, FD&C Blue #1 / Brilliant Blue FCF Aluminum Lake, iron oxide red,
isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycol, shellac, shellac glaze, SD-35A alcohol, SD-45 alcohol.
Valium (diazepam tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: anhydrous lactose, corn starch, pregelatinized starch and calcium stearate with the
following dyes: 5mg tablets contain FD&C Yellow #6 and D&C Yellow #10; 10mg tablets contain FD&C
Blue #1. Valium 2-mg tablets contain no dye.
Wellbutrin (bupropion hcl tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: FD&C Yellow #6 Lake, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hypromellose, microcrystalline cel
lulose, polyethylene glycol, talc, and titanium dioxide.
The 75mg tablets also contain D&C Yellow #10 Lake.
The 100mg tablets also contain FD&C Red #40 Lake.
Xanax (alprazolam instant release tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, docusate sodium, lactose, magnesium stearate,
microcrystalline cellulose, and sodium benzoate.
The 0.5mg tablets also contain FD&C yellow #6 aluminum lake.
The 1mg tablets also contain FD&C blue #2 aluminum lake.
The 2mg tablets also contain D&C yellow #10 aluminum lake.
Xanax XR (alprazolam extended release tablets)
Inactive Ingredients: lactose, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, and hypromellose.
The 1mg and 3mg tablets also contain D&C yellow #10.
The 2mg and 3mg tablets also contain FD&C blue #2.
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
Solubilty in Water and Particle Size
Acesulfame potassium sweetener
solubility in water - 270mg/mL = 270g/L
Calcium carbonate
solubility in water - 0.00015 mol/L (25°C)
Corn starch
solubility in water - insoluble, but soluble when heated, particle size - 0.1 to 0.8 um
Crospovidone (polyvinylpolypyrrolidone)
solubility in water - insoluble, particle size - 10 - 100 um
Dibutyl sebacate
solubility in water - = 0.04 mg/mL = 0.04 g/L
Dicalcium phosphate
solubility in water - 0.2mg/mL = 0.02 g/100 mL
Docusate sodium
solubility in water - sparingly soluble
solubility in water - soluble.
Hydroxyethyl cellulose
solubility in water - soluble
Hydroxypropyl cellulose
solubility in water - soluble
Hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose)
solubility in water - soluble
solubility in water - 21.6 g/100 mL = 216 mg/mL, particle size - >40 um
Magnesium stearate
solubility in water - negligible/insoluble, particle size - >50 um
solubility in water - 2 g/mL at 37° C, particle size - <10 um
Microcrystalline cellulose
solubility in water - insoluble, particle size - 5 to 35 um
Polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400) (PEG is also known as polyethylene oxide - PEO)
solubility in water - soluble
Inactive Ingredients A-Z
Solubility in Water and Particle Size
Povidone (polyvinylpyrrolidone)
solubility in water - soluble, particle size - 74 to 297 um
* <5% of Povidone K30 has a particle size > 297 um, and <20% of Povidone K30 has a particle size of
< 74 um
Povidone K30 %age...
< 50 um - 27%
50-100 um - 22%
> 250 um - 44%
solubility in water - 3.5mg/mL = 1g/290mL
Silicon dioxide
solubility in water - 0.12 mg/mL = 0.012 g/100 mL
Sodium hydroxide
solubility in water - 1.11g/mL = 1110g/L,
Stearyl alcohol
solubility in water - insoluble
solubility in water - 2g/mL = 2000g/L
solubility in water - insoluble, particle size - <5 um
Titanium dioxide
solubility in water - insoluble, particle size - 0.05 um - 40 um
solubility in water - soluble
solubility in water - 70mg/mL = 7 g/100 ml at 25°C
solubility in water - insoluble
Starch becomes soluble in water when heated.The granules swell and burst, the semi-crys-
talline structure is lost and the smaller amylose molecules start leaching out of the granule,
forming a network that holds water and increasing the mixture’s viscosity.This process is
called starch gelatinization.

Pill injection is risky business. There is no “safe” way to inject, but

we can make it safer, armed with a little extra knowledge. Also,
prescription pills vary from maker to maker, and the formulations
can change over the years, so all of these recipes may not work on
every pill. They are only intended to be a guideline, or a place to

I would like to thank Bluelight and Drugs Forum, for providing

such a vast amount of information about this taboo topic. I would
also like to thank Jon Zibbell, at the CDC, for his work with pill in-
jection and HCV, which became the inspiration for this project.

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