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Universities and

Sustainable Development
Towards the Global Goals
Universities The unique
promote contribution
sustainable of universities

Development Goals

Universities provide cutting-edge unique place in the common effort to

Sustainable development is crucial to the future research, high quality education, and achieve the SDGs.
of Europe and the entire planet. The framework of ground-breaking innovation (Goal
4 and 9). Strong universities are an A number of universities have incorpo-
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ensures important part of civil society (Goal 16) rated the SDGs into their institutional
social cohesion, economic prosperity and protection and they are excellent promotors of strategies, both in management and
global and local partnerships (Goal 17). in teaching and research. Sustainable
of the environment. Through their contributions to these campus management has become
four goals, universities facilitate the important to many universities and is
Education, research and innovation are essential in achievement of all the other goals. often considered part of the institu-
tion’s societal responsibility. Sustain-
sustainable development, making universities key Notably, universities support students able management can include energy
contributors to achieving the goals. in developing the rigorous scientific saving measures, resource efficiency
mindset and spirit of curiosity and and waste reduction, as well as the
entrepreneurship needed to produce sharing of services, infrastructure
the solutions required for sustainable and facilities with other universities
The Sustainable Development Goals development agenda aimed at ending development. University researchers, or external partners. A key element
provide a common international poverty, protecting the planet and teachers and students work in part- in all sustainability strategies is the
framework for concrete action. ensuring prosperity by 2030. The nership with citizens and the private “whole-institution approach”, meaning
Adopted in 2015 by 193 countries, the European Union has committed to and the public sector, co-creating all parts of the university community,
17 goals have 169 targets and are part work towards these goals both within knowledge that can produce solutions. including external stakeholders, are
of the United Nations sustainable Europe and with its partners abroad. It is the combination of these core involved in the efforts.
missions that gives universities a
How universities facilitate social, ENVIRONMENT Universities conduct fundamental research
that is crucial to understanding how nature

environmental and economic and the earth’s ecosystems function. They

gather people from various disciplines,

development with different approaches and talents to

find innovative solutions to the world’s
The SDGs can be grouped into three broad areas:
well-being, the environment and the economy. Research produces evidence that is indis-
pensable in identifying developments in
Universities play a central role in all three. climate change and global warming, as
well as their impact.
Research is also crucial in understanding
the interactions of various SDGs, iden-
tifying trade-offs and mutual reinforce-
ments and developing a balanced approach
in pursuing them. Interdisciplinarity is a
key factor in this process.
Access to quality education is crucial data reveals that higher education
for sustainable development and a graduates are less likely to suffer from
pre-requisite for the achievement depression, which is an important International Science
of the other goals. Higher education factor for health and well-being.
facilitates social mobility, empowers
ECONOMY Sustainable development is only possible
people through critical thinking and University hospitals play a key role in if we radically change the way we produce
provides them with the skills needed the public healthcare system. They and consume. Innovative solutions must
in a rapidly changing labour market. train new generations of medical be developed in a collaborative effort.
professionals, provide care to millions Universities work with companies, other
Higher education contributes in of patients and conduct research that education providers and local stakeholders
various ways to making people more helps find innovative solutions to cure in this regard, often supporting business
resilient and able to face various or even prevent disease. Digitalisation, automation and globalisation creation through start-ups. This makes
challenges. Recent OECD statistics are changing labour markets in a rapid and higher education a key facilitator in open
confirm that people with a higher Universities are closely connected to radical way. The demand for highly skilled innovation. Universities also provide the
education degree are less likely to be their regions, playing a crucial role in people is increasing, making re-training and international links and pipelines needed to
unemployed and earn on average 54% the education, innovation, culture and up-skilling ever more important. Today in nourish local innovation ecosystems and
more than those who only completed civic life of their local communities. Europe, about 40% of young people have achieve sustainable growth.
upper secondary education. A univer- They are also major employers, making a higher education degree and this is likely
sity education, thus, better protects considerable economic contributions to increase, as will the role of universities in
against poverty. Furthermore, the to their regions. providing lifelong learning.
Universities as strong How EUA
institutions supports
Strong institutions accountable to society are a universities
key component of sustainable development.

Strong autonomous universities are students cross borders to gain EUA is the representative organisa- EUA is part of the SDG multi-­
important partners of governments, knowledge about new cultures and tion of more than 800 universities stakeholder platform set up by
companies and civil society in working bring understanding about their own and national rectors’ conferences in the European Commission in 2017.
towards common goals. These part- countries to their hosts. Researchers 47 European countries. EUA plays a Together with representatives from
nerships and collaborations are crucial cooperate around the globe, building crucial role in the Bologna Process and business and industry, as well as civil
in the promotion and implementa- networks and developing the know­ in influencing EU policies on higher society, EUA advises the European
tion of the SDGs, both in Europe and how needed to sustain innovation education, research and innovation. Commission on the implementation
internationally. worldwide. Thanks to its interaction with a range of the SDGs through EU policy and
of other European and international funding programmes.
Universities facilitate people-to-people organisations, EUA ensures that the
contact and are important actors in independent voice of European univer-
soft diplomacy. Thousands of mobile sities is heard, wherever decisions are
being taken that will impact on their

More information:

European University Association (EUA)

Avenue de l’Yser 24 Rue du Rhône 114

1040 Brussels Case postale 3174
Belgium 1211 Geneva 3, Switzerland
+32 2 230 55 44 +41 22 552 02 96 ·

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