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1. An ECG is taken on someone suspected of suffering a myocardial infarction. They show

abnormalities in leads II, III, and aVF.
Which coronary artery is most likely to be implicated?
a) Septal branches only of the LAD
b) Left anterior descending
c) Left coronary artery
d) Right coronary artery
e) Circumflex artery

2. Artificial pace makers are used to correct irregularities in the ……….

a) Heart rate
b) Vena cava
c) Pulmonary vein
d) Aorta
e) Gas exchange

3. The circulatory system is actually a …………………

a) Electrical
b) Double circulatory system
c) Oxygen
d) Single circulatory system
e) Slow system

4. Which of the following may show ST-segment elevation on an ECG?

a) Unstable angina
b) Pritzmetal angina
c) Cardiomyopathy
d) Stable angina

5. What is the most appropriate diagnostic investigation for aortic stenosis?

a) Chest X-ray
b) MRI
c) Echocardiogram
d) Auscultation
e) Exercise tolerance test

6. . Which of the following is not a chest x-ray finding in chronic heart failure?
a) Pleural effusions
b) Kerley B lines
c) Cardiomegaly
d) Alveolar oedema
e) Dilation prominent in lower lobe vessels
7. A 54-year-old woman presents with shortness of breath on exertion, fatigue, and palpitations. On
examination, her jugular venous pressure is elevated, and a pan-systolic, high-pitched “whistling”
murmur is heard. The murmur radiates to the left axilla.
What is the likely cause of the murmur?
a) Mitral regurgitation
b) Mitral stenosis
c) Aortic stenosis
d) Aortic regurgitation
e) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

8. The amount of blood pumped per minute = heart rate X ………….

a) Heart rate
b) Stroke volume
c) Gas exchange
d) CO2
e) O2

9. A 59-year-old male presents in A&E with a crushing chest pain that radiates to the jaw or shoulder
for the past 30 minutes. He also feels short of breath and nauseous. O2 is 96% and you carry out
an ECG and note that there is ST elevation in leads V3, V4.
What part of the heart is likely to be affected by this MI?
a) Superior
b) Anterior
c) Inferior
d) Left lateral
e) Right lateral

10. The natural heart rate is controlled by a group of cells located in ……….
a) Right atrium
b) Atria
c) Arteries
d) Valves
e) Right ventricle

11. Artificial pace makers are used to correct irregularities in the ……..
a) Vena cava
b) Aorta
c) Heart rate
d) Blood pressure
e) MI
12. Which surgery was once the norm form for most internal procedures?
1) open surgery
2) online surgery
3) robot surgery
4) none of the above
13. What was the main problem of the surgeries done in the past?
1) long recovery time was needed
2) infections may occur
3) complications were more
4) All of the above
14- Which one is the benefit of sharing videos during a procedure?
1) Reducing the surgery prices
2) doing the procedure faster
3) consultations with other specialists
4) No more wrong option I can create
15- which tissues , robots help surgeons avoid during the procedures?
1) fat tissues
2) connective tissues
3) nervous tissues
4) epithelial tissue
16- surgical robots make procedures ...
1) accurate
2) easier
3) less stressing
4) all of the above
17- Which one of the following is not a factor affecting the treatment chosen for diagnosed brain cancer?
2)Type of tumour

18. All of the statements are true regarding brain cancer treatment, except...
1)Brain tumours can be treated with a combination of treatments.
2)Brine tumours cannot be removed completely.
3)Post-operative radiotherapy improves local control and survival.
4)The aim of treatment could be to slow the growth of the tumour.

19. Which of the following is considered the slowest growing stage of brain cancer?
1)grade 1&2
2)grade 3
3)grades 3&2
4)grades 4

20. What role does a GP(General Practitioner) have as a health professional in the brain cancer treatment
1)Looks after your general health and works with your specialists to coordinate treatment.
2)Assist with treatment and provide information and support throughout your treatment.
3)Diagnoses and treats diseases of the brain and nervous system.
4)Uses surgery to treat brain diseases and injuries.
21. Regarding brain tumours, cure is likely in...
1)All sorts of brain tumours.
2)Benign tumours that can be completely removed.
3)Secondary brain tumours.
4)Primary brain tumours.

22. What is fibrosis?

1) A hepatic infection
2) Shrinkage of the liver
3) A liver scar tissue
4) A hepatic Edema

23. Where is the liver located in the body?

1) on the left side, just below the heart
2) on the right side, it goes through the abdominal cavity
3) just in the middle of the rib cage
4) on the left side, just upper the heart

24.What are hepatocytes?

1) the main liver cells
2) Enzymes produced by the liver
3) Synthesized carbohydrates and lipids.
4) all answers are incorrect

25. What is cirrhosis?

1) A type of liver cancer
2) Liver damage whereby normal liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue caused by long term damage.
3) A significant increase of liver volume
4) Shrinkage of the liver

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